
Johanna D. Moore

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59EEPei-yun Hsueh, Johanna D. Moore: Improving meeting summarization by focusing on user needs: a task-oriented evaluation. IUI 2009: 17-26
58 Myroslava Dzikovska, Gwendolyn E. Campbell, Charles B. Callaway, Natalie B. Steinhauser, Elaine Farrow, Johanna D. Moore, Leslie A. Butler, Colin Matheson: Diagnosing Natural Language Answers to Support Adaptive Tutoring. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 403-408
57EEPei-yun Hsueh, Johanna D. Moore: Combining Multiple Knowledge Sources for Dialogue Segmentation in Multimedia Archives. ACL 2007
56EEDavid Reitter, Johanna D. Moore: Predicting Success in Dialogue. ACL 2007
55EEJiang Hu, Andi Winterboer, Clifford Nass, Johanna D. Moore, Rebecca Illowsky: Context & usability testing: user-modeled information presentation in easy and difficult driving conditions. CHI 2007: 1343-1346
54EEPei-yun Hsueh, Johanna D. Moore: What Decisions Have You Made?: Automatic Decision Detection in Meeting Conversations. HLT-NAACL 2007: 25-32
53EEMyroslava Dzikovska, Charles B. Callaway, Elaine Farrow, Manuel Marques-Pita, Colin Matheson, Johanna D. Moore: Adaptive Tutorial Dialogue Systems Using Deep NLP Techniques. HLT-NAACL (Demonstrations) 2007: 5-6
52EEGabriel Murray, Pei-yun Hsueh, Simon Tucker, Jonathan Kilgour, Jean Carletta, Johanna D. Moore, Steve Renals: Automatic Segmentation and Summarization of Meeting Speech. HLT-NAACL (Demonstrations) 2007: 9-10
51EEPei-yun Hsueh, Johanna D. Moore: Automatic Decision Detection in Meeting Speech. MLMI 2007: 168-179
50EEAndi Winterboer, Johanna D. Moore: Evaluating information presentation strategies for spoken recommendations. RecSys 2007: 157-160
49EEHarry Halpin, Johanna D. Moore: Event Extraction in a Plot Advice Agent. ACL 2006
48EEPei-yun Hsueh, Johanna D. Moore, Steve Renals: Automatic Segmentation of Multiparty Dialogue. EACL 2006
47EEVera Demberg, Johanna D. Moore: Information Presentation in Spoken Dialogue Systems. EACL 2006
46EEDavid Reitter, Frank Keller, Johanna D. Moore: Computational Modelling of Structural Priming in Dialogue. HLT-NAACL 2006
45EEDave Toney, Johanna D. Moore, Oliver Lemon: Evolving optimal inspectable strategies for spoken dialogue systems. HLT-NAACL 2006
44EEGabriel Murray, Steve Renals, Jean Carletta, Johanna D. Moore: Incorporating Speaker and Discourse Features into Speech Summarization. HLT-NAACL 2006
43EEWeiqun Xu, Jean Carletta, Johanna D. Moore: Syntactic Chunking Across Different Corpora. MLMI 2006: 166-177
42EEGiuseppe Carenini, Johanna D. Moore: Generating and evaluating evaluative arguments. Artif. Intell. 170(11): 925-952 (2006)
41EEVerena Rieser, Johanna D. Moore: Implications for Generating Clarification Requests in Task-Oriented Dialogues. ACL 2005
40 Johanna D. Moore, Mary Ellen Foster, Oliver Lemon, Michael White: Generating Tailored, Comparative Descriptions in Spoken Dialogue. FLAIRS Conference 2004
39 Johanna D. Moore, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Sebastian Varges, Claus Zinn: Generating Tutorial Feedback with Affect. FLAIRS Conference 2004
38EEHarry Halpin, Johanna D. Moore, Judy Robertson: Towards automated story analysis using participatory design. SRMC 2004: 75-83
37EEMarilyn A. Walker, Steve Whittaker, Amanda Stent, Preetam Maloor, Johanna D. Moore, Michael Johnston, Gunaranjan Vasireddy: Generation and evaluation of user tailored responses in multimodal dialogue. Cognitive Science 28(5): 811-840 (2004)
36EENancy L. Green, Giuseppe Carenini, Stephan M. Kerpedjiev, Joe Mattis, Johanna D. Moore, Steven F. Roth: AutoBrief: an experimental system for the automatic generation of briefings in integrated text and information graphics. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 61(1): 32-70 (2004)
35EEMark G. Core, Johanna D. Moore, Claus Zinn: The Role of Initiative in Tutorial Dialogue. EACL 2003: 67-74
34EEClaus Zinn, Johanna D. Moore, Mark G. Core: A 3-Tier Planning Architecture for Managing Tutorial Dialogue. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 574-584
33 Giuseppe Carenini, Johanna D. Moore: An Empirical Study of the Influence of User Tailoring on Evaluative Argument Effectiveness. IJCAI 2001: 1307-1314
32EEGiuseppe Carenini, Johanna D. Moore: An Empirical Study of the Influence of Argument Conciseness on Argument Effectiveness. ACL 2000
31EEBarbara Di Eugenio, Pamela W. Jordan, Richmond H. Thomason, Johanna D. Moore: The agreement process: an empirical investigation of human-human computer-mediated collaborative dialogs. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 53(6): 1017-1076 (2000)
30 Barbara Di Eugenio, Johanna D. Moore, Pamela W. Jordan, Richmond H. Thomason: An Empirical Investigation of Proposals in Collaborative Dialogues. COLING-ACL 1998: 325-329
29EEStephan M. Kerpedjiev, Giuseppe Carenini, Nancy L. Green, Johanna D. Moore, Steven F. Roth: Saying It in Graphics: From Intentions to Visualizations. INFOVIS 1998: 97-101
28 Bruce G. Buchanan, Giuseppe Carenini, Vibhu O. Mittal, Johanna D. Moore: Designing computer-based frameworks that facilitate doctor-patient collaboration. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 12(2): 169-191 (1998)
27EEBarbara Di Eugenio, Pamela W. Jordan, Johanna D. Moore, Richmond H. Thomason: An Empirical Investigation of Proposals in Collaborative Dialogues CoRR cmp-lg/9806019: (1998)
26EEErik T. Mueller, Johanna D. Moore, Gerald J. Popek: A nested transaction mechanism for LOCUS CoRR cs.OS/9812011: (1998)
25 Vibhu O. Mittal, Johanna D. Moore, Giuseppe Carenini, Steven F. Roth: Describing Complex Charts in Natural Language: A Caption Generation System. Computational Linguistics 24(3): 431-467 (1998)
24 Barbara Di Eugenio, Johanna D. Moore, Massimo Paolucci: Learning Features that Predict Cue Usage. ACL 1997: 80-87
23EEStephan M. Kerpedjiev, Giuseppe Carenini, Steven F. Roth, Johanna D. Moore: Integrating Planning and Task-Based Design for Multimedia Presentation. IUI 1997: 145-152
22EEBarbara Di Eugenio, Johanna D. Moore, Massimo Paolucci: Learning Features that Predict Cue Usage CoRR cmp-lg/9710006: (1997)
21 Marilyn A. Walker, Johanna D. Moore: Empirical Studies in Discourse - Introduction. Computational Linguistics 23(1): 1-12 (1997)
20 Vibhu O. Mittal, Johanna D. Moore: Detecting Knowledge Base Inconsistencies Using Automated Generation of Text and Examples. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 483-488
19 Megan Moser, Johanna D. Moore: Toward a Synthesis of Two Accounts of Discourse Structure. Computational Linguistics 22(3): 409-419 (1996)
18 Johanna D. Moore, Vibhu O. Mittal: Dynamically Generated Follow-up Questions. IEEE Computer 29(7): 75-86 (1996)
17 Megan Moser, Johanna D. Moore: Investigating Cue Selection and Placement in Tutorial Discourse. ACL 1995: 130-135
16 Vibhu O. Mittal, Johanna D. Moore: Dynamic Generation of Follow Up Question Menus: Facilitating Interactive Natural Language Dialogues. CHI 1995: 90-97
15 Vibhu O. Mittal, Steven F. Roth, Johanna D. Moore, Joe Mattis, Giuseppe Carenini: Generating Explanatory Captions for Information Graphics. IJCAI 1995: 1276-1283
14 Bruce G. Buchanan, Johanna D. Moore, D. E. Forsythe, Giuseppe Carenini, S. Ohlsson, Gordon Banks: An intelligent interactive system for delivering individualized information to patients. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 7(2): 117-154 (1995)
13 R. Michael Young, Martha E. Pollack, Johanna D. Moore: Decomposition and Causality in Partial-order Planning. AIPS 1994: 188-194
12EEBenoît Lemaire, Johanna D. Moore: An improved interface for tutorial dialogues: browsing a visual dialogue history. CHI 1994: 16-22
11EEBenoît Lemaire, Johanna D. Moore: An improved interface for tutorial dialogues: browsing a visual dialogue history. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 200
10EEGiuseppe Carenini, Johanna D. Moore: Generating explanations in context. IUI 1993: 175-182
9 Johanna D. Moore, Cécile Paris: Planning Text for Advisory Dialogues: Capturing Intentional and Rhetorical Information. Computational Linguistics 19(4): 651-694 (1993)
8 Johanna D. Moore, Cécile Paris: Exploiting User Feedback to Compensate for the Unreliability of User Models. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 2(4): 287-330 (1992)
7EEWilliam R. Swartout, Cécile Paris, Johanna D. Moore: Explanations in Knowledge Systems: Design for Explainable Expert Systems. IEEE Expert 6(3): 58-64 (1991)
6 Johanna D. Moore, William R. Swartout: Pointing: A Way Toward Explanation Dialogue. AAAI 1990: 457-464
5 Johanna D. Moore, Cécile Paris: Planning Text for Advisory Dialogues. ACL 1989: 203-211
4 Johanna D. Moore, William R. Swartout: A Reactive Approach to Explanation. IJCAI 1989: 1504-1510
3 Robert Neches, William R. Swartout, Johanna D. Moore: Explainable (and Maintainable) Expert Systems. IJCAI 1985: 382-389
2 Robert Neches, William R. Swartout, Johanna D. Moore: Enhanced Maintenance and Explanation of Expert Systems Through Explicit Models of Their Development. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(11): 1337-1351 (1985)
1 Erik T. Mueller, Johanna D. Moore, Gerald J. Popek: A Nested Transaction Mechanism for LOCUS. SOSP 1983: 71-89

Coauthor Index

1Gordon Banks [14]
2Bruce G. Buchanan [14] [28]
3Leslie A. Butler [58]
4Charles B. Callaway [53] [58]
5Gwendolyn E. Campbell [58]
6Giuseppe Carenini [10] [14] [15] [23] [25] [28] [29] [32] [33] [36] [42]
7Jean Carletta [43] [44] [52]
8Mark G. Core [34] [35]
9Vera Demberg [47]
10Myroslava Dzikovska [53] [58]
11Barbara Di Eugenio [22] [24] [27] [30] [31]
12Elaine Farrow [53] [58]
13D. E. Forsythe [14]
14Mary Ellen Foster [40]
15Nancy L. Green [29] [36]
16Harry Halpin [38] [49]
17Pei-yun Hsueh [48] [51] [52] [54] [57] [59]
18Jiang Hu [55]
19Rebecca Illowsky [55]
20Michael Johnston [37]
21Pamela W. Jordan [27] [30] [31]
22Frank Keller [46]
23Stephan M. Kerpedjiev [23] [29] [36]
24Jonathan Kilgour [52]
25Benoît Lemaire [11] [12]
26Oliver Lemon [40] [45]
27Preetam Maloor [37]
28Manuel Marques-Pita [53]
29Colin Matheson [53] [58]
30Joe Mattis [15] [36]
31Vibhu O. Mittal [15] [16] [18] [20] [25] [28]
32Megan Moser [17] [19]
33Erik T. Mueller [1] [26]
34Gabriel Murray [44] [52]
35Clifford Nass [55]
36Robert Neches [2] [3]
37S. Ohlsson [14]
38Massimo Paolucci [22] [24]
39Cécile Paris [5] [7] [8] [9]
40Martha E. Pollack [13]
41Gerald J. Popek [1] [26]
42Kaska Porayska-Pomsta [39]
43David Reitter [46] [56]
44Steve Renals [44] [48] [52]
45Verena Rieser [41]
46Judy Robertson [38]
47Steven F. Roth [15] [23] [25] [29] [36]
48Natalie B. Steinhauser [58]
49Amanda Stent [37]
50William R. Swartout [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
51Richmond H. Thomason [27] [30] [31]
52Dave Toney [45]
53Simon Tucker [52]
54Sebastian Varges [39]
55Gunaranjan Vasireddy [37]
56Marilyn A. Walker [21] [37]
57Michael White [40]
58Steve Whittaker [37]
59Andi Winterboer [50] [55]
60Weiqun Xu [43]
61R. Michael Young [13]
62Claus Zinn [34] [35] [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)