
Richard Power

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18EECatalina Hallett, Donia Scott, Richard Power: Composing Questions through Conceptual Authoring. Computational Linguistics 33(1): 105-133 (2007)
17EEMarina Santini, Richard Power, Roger Evans: Implementing a Characterization of Genre for Automatic Genre Identification of Web Pages. ACL 2006
16 Paul Piwek, Richard Power: CROCODIAL: Crosslingual Computer-mediated Dialogue. Computer Supported Acitivity Coordination 2006: 75-84
15EELing Yin, Richard Power: Adapting the Naive Bayes Classifier to Rank Procedural Texts. ECIR 2006: 179-190
14EERodger Kibble, Richard Power: Optimizing Referential Coherence in Text Generation. Computational Linguistics 30(4): 401-416 (2004)
13EERichard Power, Donia Scott, Nadjet Bouayad-Agha: Generating Texts with Style. CICLing 2003: 444-452
12EERoger Evans, Richard Power: WYSIWYM - building user interfaces with natural language feedback. EACL 2003: 203-206
11 Richard Power, Donia Scott, Nadjet Bouayad-Agha: Document Structure. Computational Linguistics 29(2): 211-260 (2003)
10EELynne J. Cahill, John Carroll, Roger Evans, Daniel S. Paiva, Richard Power, Donia Scott, Kees van Deemter: From RAGS to RICHES: Exploiting the Potential of a Flexible Generation Architecture. ACL 2001: 98-105
9EEKees van Deemter, Richard Power: Authoring Multimedia Documents using WYSIWYM Editing. COLING 2000: 222-228
8EERichard Power: Planning texts by constraint satisfaction. COLING 2000: 642-648
7 Fawzi Daud, Michael Mateas, Phoebe Sengers, Susan Brennan, Alain Giboin, David R. Traum, Vinay Chaudri, Richard Fikes, Donia Scott, Richard Power, David Jensen: Reports on the AAAI Fall Symposia (November 1999 and November 1998). AI Magazine 21(2): 85-88 (2000)
6EERichard Power: Generating referring expressions with a unification grammar. EACL 1999: 9-14
5 Kees van Deemter, Richard Power: Inclusion of Picture Sequences in Generated Documents. EPIA 1999: 99-112
4 Richard Power, Donia Scott: Multilingual Authoring Using Feedback Texts. COLING-ACL 1998: 1053-1059
3EEDonia Scott, Richard Power: Generating Textual Diagrams and Diagrammatic Texts. Cooperative Multimodal Communication 1998: 13-29
2 Richard Power, Donia Scott, Roger Evans: What You See Is What You Meant: direct knowledge editing with natural language feedback. ECAI 1998: 677-681
1 Cécile Paris, Keith Vander Linden, Markus Fischer, Anthony Hartley, Lyn Pemberton, Richard Power, Donia Scott: A Support Tool for Writing Multilingual Instructions. IJCAI 1995: 1398-1404

Coauthor Index

1Nadjet Bouayad-Agha [11] [13]
2Susan Brennan [7]
3Lynne J. Cahill [10]
4John A. Carroll (John Carroll) [10]
5Vinay Chaudri [7]
6Fawzi Daud [7]
7Kees van Deemter [5] [9] [10]
8Roger Evans [2] [10] [12] [17]
9Richard Fikes [7]
10Markus Fischer [1]
11Alain Giboin [7]
12Catalina Hallett [18]
13Anthony Hartley [1]
14David Jensen [7]
15Rodger Kibble [14]
16Keith Vander Linden [1]
17Michael Mateas [7]
18Daniel S. Paiva [10]
19Cécile Paris [1]
20Lyn Pemberton [1]
21Paul Piwek [16]
22Marina Santini [17]
23Donia Scott [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [10] [11] [13] [18]
24Phoebe Sengers [7]
25David R. Traum [7]
26Ling Yin [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)