
Thomas Rist

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76 Themis Panayiotopoulos, Jonathan Gratch, Ruth Aylett, Daniel Ballin, Patrick Olivier, Thomas Rist: Intelligent Virtual Agents, 5th International Working Conference, IVA 2005, Kos, Greece, September 12-14, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
75EEPatrick Gebhard, Martin Klesen, Thomas Rist: Coloring Multi-character Conversations through the Expression of Emotions. ADS 2004: 128-141
74EEThomas Rist, Stephan Baldes, Patrick Brandmeier: Aligning information browsing and exploration methods with a spatial navigation aid for mobile city visitors. AVI 2004: 226-230
73EEAnton Nijholt, Thomas Rist, Kees Tuinenbreijer: Lost in ambient intelligence? CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1725-1726
72EEJonathan Gratch, Arjan Egges, Anton Eliëns, Katherine Isbister, Stacy Marsella, Ana Paiva, Thomas Rist, Paul J. W. ten Hagen: 04121 Working Group 2 -- Design criteria, techniques and case studies for creating and evaluating interactive experiences for virtual humans. Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents 2004
71EEElisabeth André, Klaus Dorfmüller-Ulhaas, Thomas Rist: Embodied Conversational Characters: Wandering between the Digital and the Physical World (Digitale Weltenwanderer: Synthetische Charaktere zwischen Realität und Virtualität). it - Information Technology 46(6): 332-340 (2004)
70 Thomas Rist, Ruth Aylett, Daniel Ballin, Jeff Rickel: Intelligent Agents, 4th International Workshop, IVA 2003, Kloster Irsee, Germany, September 15-17, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
69EEPatrick Gebhard, Michael Kipp, Martin Klesen, Thomas Rist: Authoring scenes for adaptive, interactive performances. AAMAS 2003: 725-732
68EEThomas Rist, Markus Schmitt, Catherine Pelachaud, Massimo Bilvi: Towards a Simulation of Conversations with Expressive Embodied Speakers and Listeners. CASA 2003: 5-10
67EEThomas Rist, Elisabeth André, Stephan Baldes: A flexible platform for building applications with life-like characters. IUI 2003: 158-165
66EEThomas Rist, Elisabeth André, Stephan Baldes: Building applications with life-like characters: the MIAU platform. IUI 2003: 328
65EEMarkus Schmitt, Thomas Rist: Avatar Arena: Virtual Group-Dynamics in Multi-character Negotiation Scenarios. IVA 2003: 358
64EEPatrick Gebhard, Michael Kipp, Martin Klesen, Thomas Rist: Adding the Emotional Dimension to Scripting Character Dialogues. IVA 2003: 48-56
63 Alexander Kröner, Thomas Rist: Grafische Feinjustierung von Layoutconstraints für Multimedia-Webportale. SimVis 2003: 151-162
62EEThomas Rist, Elisabeth André: Building Smart Embodied Virtual Characters. Smart Graphics 2003: 123-130
61EEThomas Rist: From Virtual Presenters to Interactive Role Plays with Multiple Conversational Characters. KI 17(4): 18- (2003)
60EEColin Matheson, Catherine Pelachaud, Fiorella de Rosis, Thomas Rist: MagiCster: Believable Agents and Dialogue. KI 17(4): 24- (2003)
59EEMartin Klesen, Michael Kipp, Patrick Gebhard, Thomas Rist: Staging exhibitions: methods and tools for modelling narrative structure to produce interactive performances with virtual actors. Virtual Reality 7(1): 17-29 (2003)
58EEThomas Rist: Intellimedia Systems: Research and Applications at the Intersection of Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. PRICAI 2002: 9-18
57EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist: From adaptive hypertext to personalized web companions. Commun. ACM 45(5): 43-46 (2002)
56EEThomas Rist, Patrick Brandmeier: Customizing Graphics for Tiny Displays of Mobile Devices. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(4): 260-268 (2002)
55 Thomas Rist: Towards services that enable ubiquitous access to virtual communication spaces. HCI 2001: 105-109
54 Thomas Rist, Stuart Booth: Adaptation of information delivery to support task-level continuity. HCI 2001: 421-425
53EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Stephan Baldes: From Simulated Dialogues to Interactive Performances. Multi-Agent-Systems and Applications 2001: 107-118
52 Thomas Rist, Patrick Brandmeier: Visualisierungstechniken für mobile Geräte mit kleinen Bildschirmen. SimVis 2001: 151-162
51 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Controlling the Behavior of Animated Presentation Agents in the Interface: Scripting versus Instructing. AI Magazine 22(4): 53-66 (2001)
50EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Presenting through performing: on the use of multiple lifelike characters in knowledge-based presentation systems. Knowl.-Based Syst. 14(1-2): 3-13 (2001)
49 Thomas Rist, Patrick Brandmeier, Gerd Herzog, Elisabeth André: Getting the Mobile Users in: Three Systems that Support Collaboration in an Environment with Heterogeneous Communication Devices. Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000: 250-254
48 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Adding Life-Like Synthetic Characters to the Web. CIA 2000: 1-13
47EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Presenting through performing: on the use of multiple lifelike characters in knowledge-based presentation systems. IUI 2000: 1-8
46 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Simulierte Konversationen zwischen animierten Agenten als eine neue Variante zur rechnergestützten Informationspräsentation. SimVis 2000: 119-132
45 Elisabeth André, Kim Binsted, Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii, Sean Luke, Gerd Herzog, Thomas Rist: Three RoboCup Simulation League Commentator Systems. AI Magazine 21(1): 57-66 (2000)
44 Thomas Rist: Using Mobile Communication Devices to Access Virtual Meeting Spaces. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 4(2/3): (2000)
43 Thomas Rist, Matthias Hüther: Adaptive Generation of Graphical Information Presentations in a Heterogeneous Telecooperation Environment. HCI (1) 1999: 331-335
42 Elisabeth André, Martin Klesen, Patrick Gebhard, Steve Allen, Thomas Rist: Integrating Models of Personality and Emotions into Lifelike Characters. IWAI 1999: 150-165
41 Thomas Rist, Matthias Hüther: Generierung und Dynchronisation graphischer Informationspräsentationen in heterogenen Telekooperationsumgebungen. SimVis 1999: 85-96
40EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Jochen Müller: Employing AI Methods to Control the Behavior of Animated Interface Agents. Applied Artificial Intelligence 13(4-5): 415-448 (1999)
39EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Jochen Müller: Integrating Reactive and Scripted Behaviors in a Life-Like Presentation Agent. Agents 1998: 261-268
38 Gerd Herzog, Elisabeth André, Stephan Baldes, Thomas Rist: Combining Alternatives in the Multimedia presentation of Decision Support Information for Real-Time Control. Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems 1998
37EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Jochen Müller: Guiding the User Through Dynamically Generated Hypermedia Presentations with a Life-like Character. IUI 1998: 21-28
36EEDirk Voelz, Elisabeth André, Gerd Herzog, Thomas Rist: Rocco: A RoboCup Soccer Commentator System. RoboCup 1998: 50-60
35 Thomas Rist: Graphik und Intelligenz: Kernmerkmale küftiger Benutzungsschnittstellen. SimVis 1998: 18-18
34 Gerd Herzog, Elisabeth André, Stephan Baldes, Thomas Rist: Zur multimedialen Präsentation von Handlungsalternativen in Verkehrsmanagement- und Verkehrssimulationssystemen. SimVis 1998: 235-248
33EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Jochen Müller: WebPersona: a lifelike presentation agent for the World-Wide Web. Knowl.-Based Syst. 11(1): 25-36 (1998)
32 Elisabeth André, Jochen Müller, Thomas Rist: Computer-Generated Presentation Scripts for Life-Like Interface Agents. HCI (2) 1997: 643-646
31EEThomas Rist, Elisabeth André, Jochen Müller: Adding Animated Presentation Agents to the Interface. IUI 1997: 79-86
30 Elisabeth André, Gerd Herzog, Thomas Rist: Generating Multimedia Presentations for RoboCup Soccer Games. RoboCup 1997: 200-215
29 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Coping with Temporal Constraints in Multimedia Presentation Planning. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 142-147
28EEElisabeth André, Jochen Müller, Thomas Rist: The PPP persona: a multipurpose animated presentation agent. AVI 1996: 245-247
27 Giorgio P. Faconti, Monica Bordegoni, Klaus Kansy, Panos E. Trahanias, Thomas Rist, Michael Wilson: Formal Framework and Necessary Properties of the Fusion of Input Modes in User Interfaces. Interacting with Computers 8(2): 134-161 (1996)
26 Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Winfried Graf, Karin Harbusch, Jochen Heinsohn, Anne Kilger, Bernhard Nebel, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich, Thomas Rist, Wolfgang Wahlster, Andreas Butz, Anthony Jameson: WIP: From Multimedia to Intellimedia. IJCAI 1995: 2053-2054
25 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Generating Coherent Presentations Employing Textual and Visual Material. Artif. Intell. Rev. 9(2-3): 147-165 (1995)
24 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Research in Multimedia Systems at DFKI. Artif. Intell. Rev. 9(2-3): 81-84 (1995)
23EEThomas Rist, Antonio Krüger, Georg Schneider, Detlev Zimmermann: AWI: A Workbench for Semi-Automated Illustration Design. Advanced Visual Interfaces 1994: 59-68
22EEElisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Referring To World Objects With Text And Pictures. COLING 1994: 530-534
21 Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André: Designing Coherent Multimedia Presentations. HCI (2) 1993: 434-439
20 Bonnie L. Webber, Barbara J. Grosz, Shigeoki Hirai, Thomas Rist, Donia Scott: Instructions: Language and Behavior. IJCAI 1993: 1684-1689
19 Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich, Thomas Rist: Plan-Based Integration of Natural Language and Graphics Generation. Artif. Intell. 63(1-2): 387-427 (1993)
18 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Von Textgeneratoren zu Intermedia-Präsentationssystemen. KI 7(2): 40-48 (1993)
17 Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André: Incorporating Graphics Design and Realization into the Multimodal Presentation System WIP. Advanced Visual Interfaces 1992: 193-207
16 Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André: From Presentation Tasks to Pictures: Towards a Computational Approach to Graphics Design. ECAI 1992: 764-768
15 Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Som Bandyopadhyay, Winfried Graf, Thomas Rist: Knowledge-Based Generation of Illustrated Documents. ÖGAI 1991: 1-15
14 Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Winfried Graf, Thomas Rist, Anne Schauder, Wolfgang Wahlster: WIP: The Automatic Synthesis of Multimodal Presentations. AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces 1991: 75-93
13 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: The Design of Illustrated Documents as a Planning Task. AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces 1991: 94-116
12 Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Winfried Graf, Thomas Rist: Knowledge-Based Media Coordination in Intelligent User Interfaces. AI*IA 1991: 2-16
11EEWolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Winfried Graf, Thomas Rist: Designing Illustrated Texts: How Language Production Is Influenced By Graphics Generation. EACL 1991: 8-14
10 Elisabeth André, Winfried Graf, Alfred Kobsa, Thomas Rist: AAAI'91 Workshop Inteligent Multimedia Interfaces. KI 5(4): 29-31 (1991)
9 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Towards a Plan-Based Synthesis of Illustrated Documents. ECAI 1990: 25-30
8 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist: Ein planbasierter Ansatz zur Synthese illustrierter Dokumente. Graphik und KI 1990: 35-47
7 Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André: Wissensbasierte Perspektivenwahl für die automatische Erzeugung von 3D-Objektdarstellungen. Graphik und KI 1990: 48-57
6 Gerd Herzog, Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André: Sprache und Raum: Natürlichsprachlicher Zugang zu visuellen Daten. Repräsentation und Verarbeitung räumlichen Wissens 1990: 207-220
5 Gerd Herzog, C.-K. Sung, Elisabeth André, Wilfried Enkelmann, Hans-Hellmut Nagel, Thomas Rist, Wolfgang Wahlster, Georg Zimmermann: Incremental Natural Language Description of Dynamic Imagery. Wissensbasierte Systeme 1989: 153-162
4 Elisabeth André, Gerd Herzog, Thomas Rist: On the Simultaneous Interpretation of Real World Image Sequences and their Natural Language Description: The System Soccer. ECAI 1988: 449-454
3 Thomas Rist, Gerd Herzog, Elisabeth André: Ereignismodellierung zur inkrementellen High-Level Bildfolgenanalyse. ÖGAI 1987: 1-11
2 Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Gerd Herzog: Generierung natürlichsprachlicher Äußerungen zur simultanen Beschreibung von zeitveränderlichen Szenen. GWAI 1987: 330-338
1 Elisabeth André, Guido Bosch, Gerd Herzog, Thomas Rist: Coping with the Intrinsic and Deictic Uses of Spatial Prepositions. AIMSA 1986: 375-382

Coauthor Index

1Steve Allen [42]
2Elisabeth André [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [24] [25] [26] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [42] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [53] [57] [62] [66] [67] [71]
3Ruth Aylett [70] [76]
4Stephan Baldes [34] [38] [53] [66] [67] [74]
5Daniel Ballin [70] [76]
6Som Bandyopadhyay [15]
7Massimo Bilvi [68]
8Kim Binsted [45]
9Stuart Booth [54]
10Monica Bordegoni [27]
11Guido Bosch [1]
12Patrick Brandmeier [49] [52] [56] [74]
13Andreas Butz [26]
14Klaus Dorfmüller-Ulhaas [71]
15Arjan Egges [72]
16Anton Eliëns [72]
17Wilfried Enkelmann [5]
18Giorgio P. Faconti (Giorgio Faconti) [27]
19Wolfgang Finkler [14] [19] [26]
20Patrick Gebhard [42] [59] [64] [69] [75]
21Winfried Graf [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [26]
22Jonathan Gratch [72] [76]
23Barbara J. Grosz [20]
24Paul J. W. ten Hagen [72]
25Karin Harbusch [26]
26Jochen Heinsohn [26]
27Gerd Herzog [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [30] [34] [36] [38] [45] [49]
28Shigeoki Hirai [20]
29Matthias Hüther [41] [43]
30Katherine Isbister [72]
31Anthony Jameson [26]
32Klaus Kansy [27]
33Anne Kilger [26]
34Michael Kipp [59] [64] [69]
35Martin Klesen [42] [59] [64] [69] [75]
36Alfred Kobsa [10]
37Alexander Kröner [63]
38Antonio Krüger [23]
39Sean Luke [45]
40Stacy Marsella [72]
41Colin Matheson [60]
42Jochen Müller [28] [31] [32] [33] [37] [39] [40]
43Hans-Hellmut Nagel [5]
44Bernhard Nebel [26]
45Anton Nijholt [73]
46Patrick Olivier [76]
47Ana Paiva [72]
48Themis Panayiotopoulos [76]
49Catherine Pelachaud [60] [68]
50Hans-Jürgen Profitlich [19] [26]
51Jeff Rickel [70]
52Fiorella de Rosis [60]
53Anne Schauder [14]
54Markus Schmitt [65] [68]
55Georg Schneider [23]
56Donia Scott [20]
57C.-K. Sung [5]
58Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii [45]
59Panos E. Trahanias [27]
60Kees Tuinenbreijer [73]
61Dirk Voelz [36]
62Wolfgang Wahlster [5] [11] [12] [14] [15] [19] [26]
63Bonnie L. Webber [20]
64Michael Wilson [27]
65Detlev Zimmermann [23]
66Georg Zimmermann [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)