
Pattie Maes

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77EEAmit Zoran, Marco Coppiardi, Paula Aguilera, Pattie Maes: Physical heart in a virtual body. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3523-3524
76EEMarcelo Coelho, Lyndl Hall, Joanna Berzowska, Pattie Maes: Pulp-based computing: a framework for building computers out of paper. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3527-3528
75EEPranav Mistry, Pattie Maes, Liyan Chang: WUW - wear Ur world: a wearable gestural interface. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4111-4116
74EEMarcelo Coelho, Ivan Poupyrev, Sajid Sadi, Roel Vertegaal, Joanna Berzowska, Leah Buechley, Pattie Maes, Neri Oxman: Programming reality: from transitive materials to organic user interfaces. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4759-4762
73EEMarcelo Coelho, Pattie Maes: Shutters: a permeable surface for environmental control and communication. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 13-18
72EEAlyssa Wright, Pattie Maes, Hiroshi Ishii: Social resonance: balancing reputation with tangible design. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3387-3392
71EEMarcelo Coelho, Hiroshi Ishii, Pattie Maes: Surflex: a programmable surface for the design of tangible interfaces. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3429-3434
70EEPranav Mistry, Pattie Maes: Intelligent sticky notes that can be searched, located and can send reminders and messages. IUI 2008: 425-426
69EEAmit Zoran, Pattie Maes: The reAcoustic eGuitar. SIGGRAPH Posters 2008: 40
68EEMarcelo Coelho, Pattie Maes: Sprout I/O: a texturally rich interface. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008: 221-222
67EEEnrico Costanza, Samuel A. Inverso, Rebecca Allen, Pattie Maes: Intimate interfaces in action: assessing the usability and subtlety of emg-based motionless gestures. CHI 2007: 819-828
66EEPattie Maes: A talk by Pattie Maes. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 727-728
65EEDavid Merrill, Pattie Maes: Augmenting Looking, Pointing and Reaching Gestures to Enhance the Searching and Browsing of Physical Objects. Pervasive 2007: 1-18
64EEDavid Merrill, Jeevan J. Kalanithi, Pattie Maes: Siftables: towards sensor network user interfaces. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007: 75-78
63EESajid Sadi, Pattie Maes: Meta-Modelling, Visual Languages, Graph Transformation, Operational Semantics. VL/HCC 2007: 171-174
62EEEnrico Costanza, Samuel A. Inverso, Elan Pavlov, Rebecca Allen, Pattie Maes: eye-q: eyeglass peripheral display for subtle intimate notifications. Mobile HCI 2006: 211-218
61EEHugo Liu, Pattie Maes, Glorianna Davenport: Unraveling the Taste Fabric of Social Networks. Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst. 2(1): 42-71 (2006)
60EEHugo Liu, Pattie Maes: Rendering Aesthetic Impressions of Text in Color Space. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 15(4): 515-550 (2006)
59 Hugo Liu, Pattie Maes: The Aesthetiscope: Visualizing Aesthetic Readings of Text in Color Space. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 74-79
58EEAssaf Feldman, Emmanuel Munguia Tapia, Sajid Sadi, Pattie Maes, Chris Schmandt: ReachMedia: On-the-move interaction with everyday objects. ISWC 2005: 52-59
57EEPattie Maes: Attentive objects: enriching people's natural interaction with everyday objects. Interactions 12(4): 45-48 (2005)
56EEHugo Liu, Pattie Maes: What would they think?: a computational model of attitudes. IUI 2004: 38-45
55EEGaurav Tewari, Jim Youll, Pattie Maes: Personalized location-based brokering using an agent-based intermediary architecture. Decision Support Systems 34(2): 127-137 (2003)
54EEJoan Morris DiMicco, Pattie Maes, Amy R. Greenwald: Learning Curve: A Simulation-Based Approach to Dynamic Pricing. Electronic Commerce Research 3(3-4): 245-276 (2003)
53EEJoan Morris DiMicco, Amy R. Greenwald, Pattie Maes: Dynamic pricing strategies under a finite time horizon. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2001: 95-104
52EEGiorgos Zacharia, Theodoros Evgeniou, Alexandros Moukas, Petros Boufounos, Pattie Maes: Economics of Dynamic Pricing in a Reputation Brokered Agent Mediated Marketplace. E-Commerce Agents 2001: 25-38
51EEGaurav Tewari, Pattie Maes: A Generalized Platform for the Specification, Valuation, and Brokering of Heterogeneous Resources in Electronic Markets. E-Commerce Agents 2001: 7-24
50 Gaurav Tewari, Aleksandr Berkovich, Vladislav Gabovich, Shuehan Liang, Anand Ramakrishnan, Pattie Maes: Sustaining Individual Incentives while Maximizing Aggregate Social Welfare: A Mediated Brokering Technique for Trading Agents in Next-Generation Electronic Markets. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 247-253
49 Giorgos Zacharia, Theodoros Evgeniou, Alexandros Moukas, Petros Boufounos, Pattie Maes: Economics of Dynamic Pricing in a Reputation Brokered Agent Mediated Marketplace. Electronic Commerce Research 1(1/2): 85-100 (2001)
48EEJoan Morris, Peter Ree, Pattie Maes: Sardine: dynamic seller strategies in an auction marketplace. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 128-134
47EEGaurav Tewari, Pattie Maes: Design and implementation of an agent-based intermediary infrastructure for electronic markets. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 86-94
46EEGiorgos Zacharia, Alexandros Moukas, Petros Boufounos, Pattie Maes: Dynamic Pricing in a Reputation Brokered Agent Mediated Knowledge Marketplace. HICSS 2000
45 Giorgos Zacharia, Pattie Maes: Trust Management through Reputation Mechanisms. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(9): 881-907 (2000)
44EEGiorgos Zacharia, Alexandros Moukas, Pattie Maes: Collaborative reputation mechanisms for electronic marketplaces. Decision Support Systems 29(4): 371-388 (2000)
43EEBradley J. Rhodes, Pattie Maes: Just-in-time information retrieval agents. IBM Systems Journal 39(3&4): 685- (2000)
42EENelson Minar, Matthew Gray, Oliver Roup, Raffi Krikorian, Pattie Maes: Hive: Distributed Agents for Networking Things. ASA/MA 1999: 118-129
41EEAlan Wexelblat, Pattie Maes: Footprints: History-Rich Tools for Information Foraging. CHI 1999: 270-277
40EEGiorgos Zacharia, Alexandros Moukas, Pattie Maes: Collaborative Reputation Mechanisms in Electronic Marketplaces. HICSS 1999
39EENeil W. Van Dyke, Henry Lieberman, Pattie Maes: Butterfly: A Conversation-Finding Agent for Internet Relay Chat. IUI 1999: 39-41
38EEPattie Maes, Robert H. Guttman, Alexandros Moukas: Agents That Buy and Sell. Commun. ACM 42(3): 81-91 (1999)
37EERobert H. Guttman, Pattie Maes: Agent-Mediated Integrative Negotiation for Retail Electronic Commerce. AMET 1998: 70-90
36EEHyacinth S. Nwana, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Tuomas Sandholm, Carles Sierra, Pattie Maes, Robert H. Guttman: Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce: Issues, Challenges and Some Viewpoints. Agents 1998: 189-196
35EERobert H. Guttman, Pattie Maes: Cooperative vs. Competitive Multi-Agent Negotiations in Retail Electronic Commerce. CIA 1998: 135-147
34EEAlexandros Moukas, Konstantinos Chandrinos, Pattie Maes: Trafficopter: A Distributed Collection System for Traffic Information. CIA 1998: 33-43
33 Alexandros Moukas, Pattie Maes: Amalthaea: An Evolving Multi-Agent Information Filtering and Discovery System for the WWW. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 1(1): 59-88 (1998)
32EERobert H. Guttman, Alexandros Moukas, Pattie Maes: Agents as Mediators in Electronic Commerce. Electronic Markets 8(1): (1998)
31 Anthony Chavez, Alexandros Moukas, Pattie Maes: Challenger: A Multi-agent System for Distributed Resource Allocation. Agents 1997: 323-331
30 Juan D. Velásquez, Pattie Maes: Cathexis: A Computational Model of Emotions. Agents 1997: 518-519
29EEJim Miller, Pattie Maes, Ben Shneiderman: Intelligent Software Agents vs. User-Controlled Direct Manipulation: A Debate (Panel). CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 105-106
28EEPattie Maes: Intelligent Software. IUI 1997: 41-43
27 Alan Wexelblat, Pattie Maes: Footprints: History-Rich Web Browsing. RIAO 1997: 75-85
26 Anthony Chavez, Daniel Dreilinger, Robert H. Guttman, Pattie Maes: A Real-Life Experiment in Creating an Agent Marketplace. Software Agents and Soft Computing 1997: 160-179
25 Pattie Maes: On Software Agents: Humanizing the Global Computer (Interview). IEEE Internet Computing 1(4): 10-19 (1997)
24EEBen Shneiderman, Pattie Maes: Direct manipulation vs. interface agents. Interactions 4(6): 42-61 (1997)
23 Pattie Maes, Trevor Darrell, Bruce Blumberg, Alex Pentland: The ALIVE System: Wireless, Full-Body Interaction with Autonomous Agents. Multimedia Syst. 5(2): 105-112 (1997)
22EEPattie Maes: Intelligent Software: Easing the Burdens that Computers Put on People. IEEE Expert 11(6): 62-63 (1996)
21EEPattie Maes, Trevor Darrell, Bruce Blumberg, Alex Pentland: The ALIVE system: full-body interaction with autonomous agents. CA 1995: 11-18
20 Upendra Shardanand, Pattie Maes: Social Information Filtering: Algorithms for Automating "Word of Mouth". CHI 1995: 210-217
19EEDoug Riecken, Pattie Maes, Ben Shneiderman, David Canfield Smith: Dealing with complexity: uniting agents and direct manipulation (panel session. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 191-192
18 Pattie Maes, Bruce Blumberg, Trevor Darrell, Alex Pentland, Alan Wexelblat: Modeling Interactive Agents in ALIVE. IJCAI 1995: 2073-2074
17EETheresa-Marie Rhyne, Eric Gidney, Tomasz Imielinski, Pattie Maes, Ronald J. Vetter: Integrating interactive graphics techniques with future technologies (panel session). SIGGRAPH 1995: 484-485
16 Pattie Maes: Artificial Life Meets Entertainment: Lifelike Autonomous Agents. Commun. ACM 38(11): 108-114 (1995)
15 Pattie Maes, Trevor Darrell, Bruce Blumberg, Alex Pentland: ALIVE: Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment. AAAI 1994: 1506
14 Yezdi Lashkari, Max Metral, Pattie Maes: Collaborative Interface Agents. AAAI 1994: 444-449
13 Pattie Maes: Modeling Adaptive Autonomous Agents. Artificial Life 1(1-2): 135-162 (1994)
12 Michael Patrick Johnson, Pattie Maes, Trevor Darrell: Evolving Visual Routines. Artificial Life 1(4): 373-389 (1994)
11 Pattie Maes: Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overload. Commun. ACM 37(7): 30-40 (1994)
10 Pattie Maes, Robyn Kozierok: Learning Interface Agents. AAAI 1993: 459-465
9EERobyn Kozierok, Pattie Maes: A learning interface agent for scheduling meetings. IUI 1993: 81-88
8 Pattie Maes: The Agent Network Architecture (ANA). SIGART Bulletin 2(4): 115-120 (1991)
7 Pattie Maes, Rodney A. Brooks: Learning to Coordinate Behaviors. AAAI 1990: 796-802
6 Pattie Maes: A Spreading Activation Network for Action Selection. IAS 1989: 875-885
5 Pattie Maes: The Dynamics of Action Selection. IJCAI 1989: 991-997
4 Pattie Maes: Computational Reflection. GWAI 1987: 251-265
3 Pattie Maes: Concepts and Experiments in Computational Reflection. OOPSLA 1987: 147-155
2 Pattie Maes: Introspection in Knowledge Representation. ECAI 1986: 249-262
1 Pattie Maes: Goals in Knowledge-Based Office Systems. GWAI 1984: 20-29

Coauthor Index

1Paula Aguilera [77]
2Rebecca Allen [62] [67]
3Aleksandr Berkovich [50]
4Joanna Berzowska [74] [76]
5Bruce Blumberg [15] [18] [21] [23]
6Petros Boufounos [46] [49] [52]
7Rodney A. Brooks [7]
8Leah Buechley [74]
9Konstantinos Chandrinos [34]
10Liyan Chang [75]
11Anthony Chavez [26] [31]
12Marcelo Coelho [68] [71] [73] [74] [76]
13Marco Coppiardi [77]
14Enrico Costanza [62] [67]
15Trevor Darrell [12] [15] [18] [21] [23]
16Glorianna Davenport [61]
17Joan Morris DiMicco (Joan Morris) [48] [53] [54]
18Daniel Dreilinger [26]
19Neil W. Van Dyke [39]
20Theodoros Evgeniou [49] [52]
21Assaf Feldman [58]
22Vladislav Gabovich [50]
23Eric Gidney [17]
24Matthew Gray [42]
25Amy R. Greenwald [53] [54]
26Robert H. Guttman [26] [32] [35] [36] [37] [38]
27Lyndl Hall [76]
28Tomasz Imielinski [17]
29Samuel A. Inverso [62] [67]
30Hiroshi Ishii [71] [72]
31Michael Patrick Johnson [12]
32Jeevan J. Kalanithi [64]
33Robyn Kozierok [9] [10]
34Raffi Krikorian [42]
35Yezdi Lashkari [14]
36Shuehan Liang [50]
37Henry Lieberman [39]
38Hugo Liu [56] [59] [60] [61]
39David Merrill [64] [65]
40Max Metral [14]
41Jim Miller [29]
42Nelson Minar [42]
43Pranav Mistry [70] [75]
44Alexandros Moukas [31] [32] [33] [34] [38] [40] [44] [46] [49] [52]
45Hyacinth S. Nwana [36]
46Neri Oxman [74]
47Elan Pavlov [62]
48Alex Pentland (Sandy Pentland) [15] [18] [21] [23]
49Ivan Poupyrev [74]
50Anand Ramakrishnan [50]
51Peter Ree [48]
52Bradley J. Rhodes [43]
53Theresa-Marie Rhyne [17]
54Doug Riecken [19]
55Jeffrey S. Rosenschein [36]
56Oliver Roup [42]
57Sajid Sadi [58] [63] [74]
58Tuomas Sandholm [36]
59Chris Schmandt [58]
60Upendra Shardanand [20]
61Ben Shneiderman [19] [24] [29]
62Carles Sierra [36]
63David Canfield Smith [19]
64Emmanuel Munguia Tapia [58]
65Gaurav Tewari [47] [50] [51] [55]
66Juan D. Velásquez [30]
67Roel Vertegaal [74]
68Ronald J. Vetter [17]
69Alan Wexelblat [18] [27] [41]
70Alyssa Wright [72]
71Jim Youll [55]
72Giorgos Zacharia [40] [44] [45] [46] [49] [52]
73Amit Zoran [69] [77]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)