2008 | ||
107 | Luc De Raedt, Thomas G. Dietterich, Lise Getoor, Kristian Kersting, Stephen Muggleton: Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - A Further Synthesis, 15.04. - 20.04.2007 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2008 | |
106 | Luc De Raedt, Paolo Frasconi, Kristian Kersting, Stephen Muggleton: Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming - Theory and Applications Springer 2008 | |
105 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, José Carlos Almeida Santos, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad: TopLog: ILP Using a Logic Program Declarative Bias. ICLP 2008: 687-692 |
104 | EE | Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Stephen Muggleton: A Note on Refinement Operators for IE-Based ILP Systems. ILP 2008: 297-314 |
103 | EE | Jianzhong Chen, Lawrence A. Kelley, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Protein Fold Discovery Using Stochastic Logic Programs. Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming 2008: 244-262 |
102 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Jianzhong Chen: A Behavioral Comparison of Some Probabilistic Logic Models. Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming 2008: 305-324 |
101 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: Developing Robust Synthetic Biology Designs Using a Microfluidic Robot Scientist. SBIA 2008: 4 |
100 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: From ILP to PILP. SBIA 2008: 7 |
99 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Ramón P. Otero, Simon Colton: Guest editorial: special issue on Inductive Logic Programming. Machine Learning 70(2-3): 119-120 (2008) |
98 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad: QG/GA: a stochastic search for Progol. Machine Learning 70(2-3): 121-133 (2008) |
97 | EE | Thomas G. Dietterich, Pedro Domingos, Lise Getoor, Stephen Muggleton, Prasad Tadepalli: Structured machine learning: the next ten years. Machine Learning 73(1): 3-23 (2008) |
96 | EE | Jianzhong Chen, Stephen Muggleton, José Carlos Almeida Santos: Learning probabilistic logic models from probabilistic examples. Machine Learning 73(1): 55-85 (2008) |
2007 | ||
95 | Stephen Muggleton, Ramón P. Otero, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad: Inductive Logic Programming, 16th International Conference, ILP 2006, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 24-27, 2006, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007 | |
94 | EE | Jianzhong Chen, Stephen Muggleton, Jose Santos: Learning Probabilistic Logic Models from Probabilistic Examples (Extended Abstract). ILP 2007: 22-23 |
93 | EE | Jianzhong Chen, Stephen Muggleton, Jose Santos: Abductive Stochastic Logic Programs for Metabolic Network Inhibition Learning. MLG 2007 |
92 | EE | Luc De Raedt, Thomas G. Dietterich, Lise Getoor, Kristian Kersting, Stephen Muggleton: 07161 Abstracts Collection -- Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - A Further Synthesis. Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - A Further Synthesis 2007 |
2006 | ||
91 | Luc De Raedt, Thomas G. Dietterich, Lise Getoor, Stephen Muggleton: Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - Towards a Synthesis, 30. January - 4. February 2005 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 | |
90 | Stephen Muggleton: Towards Chemical Universal Turing Machines. AAAI 2006 | |
89 | EE | Jianzhong Chen, Lawrence A. Kelley, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Multi-class Prediction Using Stochastic Logic Programs. ILP 2006: 109-124 |
88 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Niels Pahlavi: The Complexity of Translating BLPs to RMMs. ILP 2006: 351-365 |
87 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad: QG/GA: A Stochastic Search for Progol. ILP 2006: 37-39 |
86 | EE | Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Raphael Chaleil, Antonis C. Kakas, Stephen Muggleton: Application of abductive ILP to learning metabolic network inhibition from temporal data. Machine Learning 64(1-3): 209-230 (2006) |
85 | EE | Simon Colton, Stephen Muggleton: Mathematical applications of inductive logic programming. Machine Learning 64(1-3): 25-64 (2006) |
2005 | ||
84 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Huma Lodhi, Ata Amini, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Support Vector Inductive Logic Programming. Discovery Science 2005: 163-175 |
83 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: Machine Learning for Systems Biology. ILP 2005: 416-423 |
82 | EE | Hiroaki Watanabe, Stephen Muggleton: Learning Stochastic Logical Automaton. JSAI Workshops 2005: 201-211 |
81 | EE | Huma Lodhi, Stephen Muggleton: Computing Confidence Measures in Stochastic Logic Programs. MICAI 2005: 890-899 |
80 | EE | Luc De Raedt, Thomas G. Dietterich, Lise Getoor, Stephen Muggleton: 05051 Abstracts Collection - Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - Towards a Synthesis. Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning 2005 |
79 | EE | Luc De Raedt, Thomas G. Dietterich, Lise Getoor, Stephen Muggleton: 05051 Executive Summary - Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - Towards a Synthesis. Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning 2005 |
2004 | ||
78 | EE | Huma Lodhi, Stephen Muggleton: Modelling Metabolic Pathways Using Stochastic Logic Programs-Based Ensemble Methods. CMSB 2004: 119-133 |
77 | EE | Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Antonis C. Kakas, Stephen Muggleton, Florencio Pazos: Modelling Inhibition in Metabolic Pathways Through Abduction and Induction. ILP 2004: 305-322 |
2003 | ||
76 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Hiroaki Watanabe: Induction of Enzyme Classes from Biological Databases. ILP 2003: 269-280 |
75 | EE | Simon Colton, Stephen Muggleton: ILP for Mathematical Discovery. ILP 2003: 93-111 |
74 | Jung-Wook Bang, Alexandros Pappas, Duncan Fyfe Gillies, Stephen Muggleton: Interpretation of Hidden Node Methodology in Automated Classification of Neural Cell Morphology. METMBS 2003: 527-532 | |
2002 | ||
73 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: Learning Structure and Parameters of Stochastic Logic Programs. ILP 2002: 198-206 |
72 | EE | Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Stephen Muggleton: A Genetic Algorithms Approach to ILP. ILP 2002: 285-300 |
71 | EE | Marcel Turcotte, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Generating Protein Three-dimensional Fold Signatures using Inductive Logic Programming. Computers & Chemistry 26(1): 57-64 (2002) |
2001 | ||
70 | EE | Christopher H. Bryant, Stephen Muggleton, Stephen G. Oliver, Douglas B. Kell, Philip G. K. Reiser, Ross D. King: Combining Inductive Logic Programming, Active Learning and Robotics to Discover the Function of Genes. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 5(B): 1-36 (2001) |
69 | EE | Philip G. K. Reiser, Ross D. King, Douglas B. Kell, Stephen Muggleton, Christopher H. Bryant, Stephen G. Oliver: Developing a Logical Model of Yeast Metabolism. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 5(B): 223-244 (2001) |
68 | EE | A. P. Cootes, Stephen Muggleton, R. B. Greaves, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Automatic determination of protein fold signatures from structural superpositions. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 5(B): 245-274 (2001) |
67 | Stephen Muggleton, Christopher H. Bryant, Ashwin Srinivasan, Alex Whittaker, Simon Topp, Christopher J. Rawlings: Are Grammatical Representations Useful for Learning from Biological Sequence Data? - A Case Study. Journal of Computational Biology 8(5): 493-521 (2001) | |
66 | Marcel Turcotte, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg: The Effect of Relational Background Knowledge on Learning of Protein Three-Dimensional Fold Signatures. Machine Learning 43(1/2): 81-95 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
65 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Christopher H. Bryant, Ashwin Srinivasan: Measuring Performance when Positives Are Rare: Relative Advantage versus Predictive Accuracy - A Biological Case Study. ECML 2000: 300-312 |
64 | Stephen Muggleton, Christopher H. Bryant, Ashwin Srinivasan: Learning Chomsky-like Grammars for Biological Sequence Families. ICML 2000: 631-638 | |
63 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Christopher H. Bryant: Theory Completion Using Inverse Entailment. ILP 2000: 130-146 |
62 | EE | Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Stephen Muggleton: Searching the Subsumption Lattice by a Genetic Algorithm. ILP 2000: 243-252 |
61 | EE | Marcel Turcotte, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Use of Inductive Logic Programming to Learn Principles of Protein Structure. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 4(B): 119-124 (2000) |
60 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: Learning Stochastic Logic Programs. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 4(B): 141-153 (2000) |
1999 | ||
59 | Koichi Furukawa, Donald Michie, Stephen Muggleton: Machine Intelligence 15, Intelligent Agents [St. Catherine's College, Oxford, July 1995] Oxford University Press 1999 | |
58 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Michael Bain: Analogical Prediction. ILP 1999: 234-244 |
57 | EE | Rupert Parson, Khalid Khan, Stephen Muggleton: Theory Recovery. ILP 1999: 257-267 |
56 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: Inductive Logic Programming: Issues, Results and the Challenge of Learning Language in Logic. Artif. Intell. 114(1-2): 283-296 (1999) |
55 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: Scientific Knowledge Discovery Using Inductive Logic Programming. Commun. ACM 42(11): 42-46 (1999) |
54 | Stephen Muggleton, David Page: Guest Editors' Introduction: Inductive Logic Programming. J. Log. Program. 40(2-3): 125-126 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
53 | EE | Stephen Muggleton, Ashwin Srinivasan, Ross D. King, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Biochemical Knowledge Discovery Using Inductive Logic Programming. Discovery Science 1998: 326-341 |
52 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: Knowledge Discovery in Biological and Chemical Domains. Discovery Science 1998: 58-59 |
51 | Stephen Muggleton: Inductive Logic Programming: Issues, Results and the LLL Challenge (abstract). ECAI 1998: 697 | |
50 | Khalid Khan, Stephen Muggleton, Rupert Parson: Repeat Learning Using Predicate Invention. ILP 1998: 165-174 | |
49 | Stephen Muggleton: Completing Inverse Entailment. ILP 1998: 245-249 | |
48 | Saso Dzeroski, Nico Jacobs, Martín Molina, Carlos Moure, Stephen Muggleton, Wim Van Laer: Detecting Traffic Problems with ILP. ILP 1998: 281-290 | |
47 | Sam Roberts, Wim Van Laer, Nico Jacobs, Stephen Muggleton, Jeremy Broughton: A Comparison of ILP and Propositional Systems on Propositional Traffic Data. ILP 1998: 291-299 | |
46 | Marcel Turcotte, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Application of Inductive Logic Programming to Discover Rules Governing the Three-Dimensional Topology of Protein Structure. ILP 1998: 53-64 | |
45 | Stephen Muggleton: Advances in ILP Theory and Implementations (Abstract). ILP 1998: 9 | |
44 | Paul W. Finn, Stephen Muggleton, David Page, Ashwin Srinivasan: Pharmacophore Discovery Using the Inductive Logic Programming System PROGOL. Machine Learning 30(2-3): 241-270 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
43 | Stephen Muggleton: Inductive Logic Programming, 6th International Workshop, ILP-96, Stockholm, Sweden, August 26-28, 1996, Selected Papers Springer 1997 | |
42 | Ashwin Srinivasan, Ross D. King, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg: The Predictive Toxicology Evaluation Challenge. IJCAI (1) 1997: 4-9 | |
41 | Stephen Moyle, Stephen Muggleton: Learning Programs in the Event Calculus. ILP 1997: 205-212 | |
40 | Ashwin Srinivasan, Ross D. King, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg: Carcinogenesis Predictions Using ILP. ILP 1997: 273-287 | |
39 | Stephen Muggleton, Donald Michie: Machine Intelligibility and the Duality Principle. Software Agents and Soft Computing 1997: 276-292 | |
38 | Stephen Muggleton, David Page: Guest Editors' Introduction. Machine Learning 26(2-3): 97-98 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
37 | Stephen Muggleton, David Page, Ashwin Srinivasan: An Initial Experiment into Stereochemistry-Based Drug Design Using Inductive Logic Programming. Inductive Logic Programming Workshop 1996: 25-40 | |
36 | Stephen Muggleton: Learning from Positive Data. Inductive Logic Programming Workshop 1996: 358-376 | |
35 | EE | Ashwin Srinivasan, Stephen Muggleton, Michael J. E. Sternberg, Ross D. King: Theories for Mutagenicity: A Study in First-Order and Feature-Based Induction. Artif. Intell. 85(1-2): 277-299 (1996) |
1995 | ||
34 | Koichi Furukawa, Donald Michie, Stephen Muggleton: Machine Intelligence 14, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Machine Intelligence Workshop, held at Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan, November 1993 Oxford University Press 1995 | |
33 | Stephen Muggleton: Inductive Logic Programming: Inverse Resolution and Beyond. IJCAI (1) 1995: 997 | |
32 | Rupert Parson, Stephen Muggleton: An Experiment with Browsers that Learn. Machine Intelligence 15 1995: 176-184 | |
31 | Stephen Muggleton, David Page: A Learnability Model for Universal Representations and Its Application to Top-down Induction of Decision Trees. Machine Intelligence 15 1995: 248-267 | |
30 | Michael J. E. Sternberg, Ross D. King, Ashwin Srinivasan, Stephen Muggleton: Drug Design by Machine Learning. Machine Intelligence 15 1995: 328-338 | |
29 | Ivan Bratko, Stephen Muggleton: Applications of Inductive Logic Programming. Commun. ACM 38(11): 65-70 (1995) | |
28 | Stephen Muggleton, Fumio Mizoguchi, Koichi Furukawa: Special Issue on Inductive Logic Programming. New Generation Comput. 13(3&4): 243-244 (1995) | |
27 | Stephen Muggleton: Inverse Entailment and Progol. New Generation Comput. 13(3&4): 245-286 (1995) | |
1994 | ||
26 | EE | Stephen Muggleton: Bayesian Inductive Logic Programming. COLT 1994: 3-11 |
25 | Stephen Muggleton: Bayesian Inductive Logic Programming. ICML 1994: 371-379 | |
24 | Michael J. E. Sternberg, R. A. Lewis, Ross D. King, Stephen Muggleton: Machine Learning and biomolecular modelling. Machine Intelligence 13 1994: 193-212 | |
23 | Michael Bain, Stephen Muggleton: Learning optimal chess strategies. Machine Intelligence 13 1994: 291-309 | |
22 | Stephen Muggleton: Logic and Learning: Turing's legacy. Machine Intelligence 13 1994: 37-56 | |
21 | Ashwin Srinivasan, Stephen Muggleton, Michael Bain: The Justification of Logical Theories based on Data Compression. Machine Intelligence 13 1994: 87-121 | |
20 | Stephen Muggleton, Luc De Raedt: Inductive Logic Programming: Theory and Methods. J. Log. Program. 19/20: 629-679 (1994) | |
19 | Stephen Muggleton: Inductive Logic Programming: Derivations, Successes and Shortcomings. SIGART Bulletin 5(1): 5-11 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
18 | Stephen Muggleton: Optimal Layered Learning: A PAC Approach to Incremental Sampling. ALT 1993: 37-44 | |
17 | Stephen Muggleton: Inductive Logic Programming: Derivations, Successes and Shortcomings. ECML 1993: 21-37 | |
16 | Saso Dzeroski, Stephen Muggleton, Stuart J. Russell: Learnability of Constrained Logic Programs. ECML 1993: 342-347 | |
15 | Stephen Muggleton: Inverting Entailment and Progol. Machine Intelligence 14 1993: 135-190 | |
1992 | ||
14 | EE | Saso Dzeroski, Stephen Muggleton, Stuart J. Russell: PAC-Learnability of Determinate Logic Programs. COLT 1992: 128-135 |
13 | Stephen Muggleton: Developments in Inductive Logic Programming, Panel Position Paper. FGCS 1992: 1071-1073 | |
12 | Cao Feng, Stephen Muggleton: Towards Inductive Generalization in Higher Order Logic. ML 1992: 154-162 | |
11 | Stephen Muggleton, Ashwin Srinivasan, Michael Bain: Compression, Significance, and Accuracy. ML 1992: 338-347 | |
1991 | ||
10 | Pavel Brazdil, Stephen Muggleton: Learning to Relate Terms in a Multiple Agent Environment. EWSL 1991: 424-439 | |
9 | Ivan Bratko, Stephen Muggleton, Alen Varsek: Learning Qualitative Models of Dynamic Systems. ML 1991: 385-388 | |
8 | Stephen Muggleton: Inductive Logic Programming. New Generation Comput. 8(4): 295- (1991) | |
1990 | ||
7 | Stephen Muggleton, Cao Feng: Efficient Induction of Logic Programs. ALT 1990: 368-381 | |
6 | Stephen Muggleton: Inductive Logic Programming. ALT 1990: 42-62 | |
1989 | ||
5 | Stephen Muggleton, Michael Bain, Jean Hayes Michie, Donald Michie: An Experimental Comparison of Human and Machine Learning Formalisms. ML 1989: 113-118 | |
1988 | ||
4 | Stephen Muggleton: A Strategy for Constructing New Predicates in First-Order Logic. EWSL 1988: 123-130 | |
3 | Stephen Muggleton, Wray L. Buntine: Machine Invention of First Order Predicates by Inverting Resolution. ML 1988: 339-352 | |
1987 | ||
2 | Stephen Muggleton: Structuring Knowledge by Asking Questions. EWSL 1987: 218-229 | |
1 | Stephen Muggleton: Duce, An Oracle-based Approach to Constructive Induction. IJCAI 1987: 287-292 |