2005 |
85 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Rudolf Müller,
Tuomas Sandholm:
Computing and Markets, 3.-7. January 2005
IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005 |
84 | EE | Amir Ronen,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Nearly optimal multi attribute auctions.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2005: 279-285 |
83 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Rudolf Müller,
Tuomas Sandholm:
05011 Abstracts Collection - Computing and Markets.
Computing and Markets 2005 |
82 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Rudolf Müller,
Tuomas Sandholm:
05011 Executive Summary - Computing and Markets.
Computing and Markets 2005 |
2004 |
81 | EE | Meir Bing,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Paul Milgrom:
Presentation and structure of substitutes valuations.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2004: 238-239 |
2003 |
80 | EE | Pedrito Maynard-Zhang,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Representing and Aggregating Conflicting Beliefs.
J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 19: 155-203 (2003) |
2002 |
79 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Nonmonotonic Logics and Semantics
CoRR cs.AI/0202018: (2002) |
78 | EE | Sarit Kraus,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Menachem Magidor:
Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Preferential Models and Cumulative Logics
CoRR cs.AI/0202021: (2002) |
77 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Menachem Magidor:
What does a conditional knowledge base entail?
CoRR cs.AI/0202022: (2002) |
76 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
A note on Darwiche and Pearl
CoRR cs.AI/0202024: (2002) |
75 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Menachem Magidor,
Karl Schlechta:
Distance Semantics for Belief Revision
CoRR cs.AI/0202025: (2002) |
74 | EE | Shai Berger,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Karl Schlechta:
Preferred History Semantics for Iterated Updates
CoRR cs.AI/0202026: (2002) |
73 | EE | Michael Freund,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Nonmonotonic inference operations
CoRR cs.AI/0202031: (2002) |
72 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
The logical meaning of Expansion
CoRR cs.AI/0202033: (2002) |
71 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Another perspective on Default Reasoning
CoRR cs.AI/0203002: (2002) |
70 | EE | Yuri Kaluzhny,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Deductive Nonmonotonic Inference Operations: Antitonic Representations
CoRR cs.AI/0203003: (2002) |
69 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Stereotypical Reasoning: Logical Properties
CoRR cs.AI/0203004: (2002) |
68 | EE | Pedrito Maynard-Reid II,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Representing and Aggregating Conflicting Beliefs
CoRR cs.AI/0203013: (2002) |
67 | EE | Claudia V. Goldman,
Dan Gang,
Jeffrey S. Rosenschein,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
NetNeg: A Connectionist-Agent Integrated System for Representing Musical Knowledge
CoRR cs.AI/0203021: (2002) |
66 | EE | Michael Freund,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Belief Revision and Rational Inference
CoRR cs.AI/0204032: (2002) |
65 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Connectives in Quantum and other Cumulative Logics
CoRR cs.AI/0205079: (2002) |
64 | EE | Benny Lehmann,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Noam Nisan:
Combinatorial Auctions with Decreasing Marginal Utilities
CoRR cs.GT/0202015: (2002) |
63 | EE | Rica Gonen,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Linear Programming helps solving large multi-unit combinatorial auctions
CoRR cs.GT/0202016: (2002) |
62 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Liadan O'Callaghan,
Yoav Shoham:
Truth Revelation in Approximately Efficient Combinatorial Auctions
CoRR cs.GT/0202017: (2002) |
61 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Expected Qualitative Utility Maximization
CoRR cs.GT/0202023: (2002) |
60 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Classes of service under perfect competition and technological change: a model for the dynamics of the Internet?
CoRR cs.GT/0202028: (2002) |
59 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Nonstandard numbers for qualitative decision making
CoRR cs.GT/0202029: (2002) |
58 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Generalized Qualitative Probability: Savage revisited
CoRR cs.GT/0202030: (2002) |
57 | EE | Rica Gonen,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Optimal Solutions for Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions: Branch and Bound Heuristics
CoRR cs.GT/0202032: (2002) |
56 | EE | Elie Bienenstock,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Covariance Plasticity and Regulated Criticality
CoRR cs.NE/0202034: (2002) |
55 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Liadan O'Callaghan,
Yoav Shoham:
Truth revelation in approximately efficient combinatorial auctions.
J. ACM 49(5): 577-602 (2002) |
2001 |
54 | EE | Benny Lehmann,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Noam Nisan:
Combinatorial auctions with decreasing marginal utilities.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2001: 18-28 |
53 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Classes of service under perfect competition and technological change: A model for the dynamics of the internet?
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2001: 191-193 |
52 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Nonmonotonic Logics and Semantics.
J. Log. Comput. 11(2): 229-256 (2001) |
51 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Menachem Magidor,
Karl Schlechta:
Distance Semantics for Belief Revision.
J. Symb. Log. 66(1): 295-317 (2001) |
2000 |
50 | EE | Rica Gonen,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Optimal solutions for multi-unit combinatorial auctions: branch and bound heuristics.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 13-20 |
49 | | Pedrito Maynard-Reid II,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Representing and Aggregating Conflicting Beliefs.
KR 2000: 153-164 |
1999 |
48 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Liadan O'Callaghan,
Yoav Shoham:
Truth revelation in approximately efficient combinatorial auctions.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 1999: 96-102 |
47 | | Claudia V. Goldman,
Dan Gang,
Jeffrey S. Rosenschein,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
NetNeg: A Connectionist-Agent Integrated System for Representing Musical Knowledge.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 25(1-2): 69-90 (1999) |
46 | EE | Shai Berger,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Karl Schlechta:
Preferred History Semantics for Iterated Updates.
J. Log. Comput. 9(6): 817-833 (1999) |
1998 |
45 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Nonstandard Numbers for Qualitative Decision Making.
TARK 1998: 161-174 |
44 | | Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Introducing the Mathematical Category of Artificial Perceptions.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 23(3-4): 267-298 (1998) |
43 | EE | Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
From Environments to Representations - A Mathematical Theory of Artificial Perceptions.
Artif. Intell. 102(2): 187-247 (1998) |
42 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Stereotypical Reasoning: Logical Properties.
Logic Journal of the IGPL 6(1): 49-58 (1998) |
1996 |
41 | | Karl Schlechta,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Menachem Magidor:
Distance Semantics for Belief Revision.
TARK 1996: 137-145 |
40 | EE | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Generalized Qualitative Probability: Savage revisited.
UAI 1996: 381-388 |
39 | | Michael Freund,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
On Negation Rationality.
J. Log. Comput. 6(2): 263-269 (1996) |
1995 |
38 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Belief Revision, Revised.
IJCAI 1995: 1534-1540 |
37 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Ranked Structures in Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Belief Revision: Abstract.
MFCS 1995: 93 |
36 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Another Perspective on Default Reasoning.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 15(1): 61-82 (1995) |
35 | | Sarit Kraus,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Designing and Building a Negotiating Automated Agent.
Computational Intelligence 11: 132-171 (1995) |
34 | | Yuri Kaluzhny,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Deductive Nonmonotonic Inference Operations: Antitonic Representations.
J. Log. Comput. 5(1): 111-122 (1995) |
1994 |
33 | | Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Categorical Tools for Artificial Perception.
ECAI 1994: 757-761 |
32 | | Michael Freund,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Nonmonotonic reasoning: from finitary relations to infinitary inference operations.
Studia Logica 53(2): 161-202 (1994) |
1993 |
31 | EE | Michael Freund,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Nonmonotonic inference operations.
Logic Journal of the IGPL 1(1): 23-68 (1993) |
1992 |
30 | | Michael Freund,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Paul Morris:
Rationality, Transitivity, and Contraposition.
Artif. Intell. 52(2): 191-203 (1992) |
29 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Menachem Magidor:
What does a Conditional Knowledge Base Entail?
Artif. Intell. 55(1): 1-60 (1992) |
1991 |
28 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Plausibility Logic.
CSL 1991: 227-241 |
1990 |
27 | | Michael Freund,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Deductive Inference Operations.
JELIA 1990: 227-233 |
26 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Menachem Magidor:
Preferential Logics: the Predicate Calculus Case.
TARK 1990: 57-72 |
25 | | Sarit Kraus,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Menachem Magidor:
Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Preferential Models and Cumulative Logics.
Artif. Intell. 44(1-2): 167-207 (1990) |
1989 |
24 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
What Does a Conditional Knowledge Base Entail?
KR 1989: 212-222 |
1988 |
23 | | Sarit Kraus,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Knowledge, Belief and Time.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 58: 155-174 (1988) |
1986 |
22 | | Sarit Kraus,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Knowledge, Belief and Time.
ICALP 1986: 186-195 |
1984 |
21 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Knowledge, Common Knowledge and related puzzles (Extended Summary).
PODC 1984: 62-67 |
20 | | Nissim Francez,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Amir Pnueli:
A Linear-History Semantics for Languages for Distributed Programming.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 32: 25-46 (1984) |
19 | | Shimon Cohen,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Amir Pnueli:
Symmetric and Economical Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Distributed System.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 34: 215-225 (1984) |
1983 |
18 | | Sarit Kraus,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Decision Procedures for Time and Chance (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1983: 202-209 |
17 | | Shimon Cohen,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Amir Pnueli:
Symmetric and Economical Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Distributed System (Extended Abstract).
ICALP 1983: 128-136 |
16 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Saharon Shelah:
Reasoning with Time and Chance (Extended Abstract).
ICALP 1983: 445-457 |
1982 |
15 | | Shimon Cohen,
Daniel J. Lehmann:
Dynamic Systems and Their Distributed Termination.
PODC 1982: 29-33 |
14 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Saharon Shelah:
Reasoning with Time and Chance
Information and Control 53(3): 165-198 (1982) |
13 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
On Primality Tests.
SIAM J. Comput. 11(2): 374-375 (1982) |
12 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Ana Pasztor:
Epis need not be Dense.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 17: 151-161 (1982) |
1981 |
11 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Amir Pnueli,
Jonathan Stavi:
Impartiality, Justice and Fairness: The Ethics of Concurrent Termination.
ICALP 1981: 264-277 |
10 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Michael O. Rabin:
On the Advantages of Free Choice: A Symmetric and Fully Distributed Solution to the Dining Philosophers Problem.
POPL 1981: 133-138 |
9 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Michael B. Smyth:
Algebraic Specification of Data Types: A Synthetic Approach.
Mathematical Systems Theory 14: 97-139 (1981) |
1980 |
8 | | Nissim Francez,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Amir Pnueli:
A Linear History Semantics for Distributed Languages (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1980: 143-151 |
7 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
On the Algebra of Order.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 21(1): 1-23 (1980) |
1979 |
6 | | Nissim Francez,
C. A. R. Hoare,
Daniel J. Lehmann,
Willem P. de Roever:
Semantics of Nondeterminism, Concurrency, and Communication.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 19(3): 290-308 (1979) |
1978 |
5 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
On the Algebra of Order (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1978: 214-220 |
1977 |
4 | | Daniel J. Lehmann,
Michael B. Smyth:
Data Types (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1977: 7-12 |
3 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Algebraic Structures for Transitive Closure.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 4(1): 59-76 (1977) |
2 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
A Note on Schnorr's Separatedness.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 4(2): 235 (1977) |
1976 |
1 | | Daniel J. Lehmann:
Categories for Fixpoint-Semantics
FOCS 1976: 122-126 |