
Nicholas Asher

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19EENicholas Asher, Farah Benamara, Yvette Yannick Mathieu: Categorizing Opinion in Discourse. ECAI 2008: 835-836
18EENicholas Asher: A Type Driven Theory of Predication with Complex Types. Fundam. Inform. 84(2): 151-183 (2008)
17EEJinung Kim, Nicholas Asher: Modals and Anaphors in Korean. JSAI Workshops 2005: 134-140
16 Nicholas Asher: Dynamic Discourse Semantics for Embedded Speech Acts. JSAI Workshops 2005: 157-166
15 Nicholas Asher, Daniel Bonevac: Prima Facie Obligation. Studia Logica 57(1): 19-45 (1996)
14 Nicholas Asher, Laure Vieu: Toward a Geometry of Common Sense: A Semantics and a Complete Axiomatization of Mereotopology. IJCAI (1) 1995: 846-852
13 Nicholas Asher, Alex Lascarides: Intentions and Indormation in Discourse. ACL 1994: 34-41
12 Nicholas Asher: Reasoning About Action and Time with Epistemic Conditionals. ISMIS 1994: 458-467
11 Nicholas Asher, Jérôme Lang: When Nonmonotonicity Comes from Distances. KI 1994: 308-318
10EEAlex Lascarides, Nicholas Asher: A Semantics and Pragmatics for the Pluperfect. EACL 1993: 250-259
9 Alex Lascarides, Nicholas Asher, Jon Oberlander: Interferring Discourse Relations in Context. ACL 1992: 1-8
8 Alex Lascarides, Nicholas Asher: Discourse Relations and Defeasible Knowledge. ACL 1991: 55-62
7 Nicholas Asher, Michael Morreau: Commonsense Entailment: A Modal Tneory of Non-monotonic Reasoning. IJCAI 1991: 387-392
6 Nicholas Asher, Michael Morreau: Commonsense Entailment: A Modal Theory of Nonmonotonic Reasoning. JELIA 1990: 1-30
5 Nicholas Asher: Intentional Paradoxes and an Inductive Theory of Propositional Quantification. TARK 1990: 11-28
4 Nicholas Asher: Discourse representation theory and belief dynamics. The Logic of Theory Change 1989: 282-321
3 Nicholas Asher: Reasoning about Belief and Knowledge with Self-Reference and Time. TARK 1988: 61-81
2 Hajime Wada, Nicholas Asher: BUILDRS: An Implementation of DR Theory and LFG. COLING 1986: 540-545
1 Nicholas Asher, Johan A. W. Kamp: The Knower's Paradox and Representational Theories of Attitudes. TARK 1986: 131-147

Coauthor Index

1Farah Benamara [19]
2Daniel Bonevac [15]
3Johan A. W. Kamp [1]
4Jinung Kim [17]
5Jérôme Lang [11]
6Alex Lascarides [8] [9] [10] [13]
7Yvette Yannick Mathieu [19]
8Michael Morreau [6] [7]
9Jon Oberlander [9]
10Laure Vieu [14]
11Hajime Wada [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)