
Kenneth DeJong

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12EEKenneth DeJong: Evolutionary computation: a unified approach. GECCO (Companion) 2007: 3158-3171
11EEKenneth DeJong: Parameter Setting in EAs: a 30 Year Perspective. Parameter Setting in Evolutionary Algorithms 2007: 1-18
10EEDonald Sofge, Alan C. Schultz, Kenneth DeJong: Evolutionary Computational Approaches to Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem Using a Neighborhood Attractor Schema. EvoWorkshops 2002: 153-162
9 Kenneth DeJong: Learning in Agent-Oriented Worlds (Abstract). ECML 1998: 3
8 Haleh Vafaie, Kenneth DeJong: Feature Space Transformation Using Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(2): 57-65 (1998)
7 Kenneth DeJong: On Evolving Intelligence . ISMIS 1996: 149-157
6 Jerzy W. Bala, Kenneth DeJong, Jeffrey Huang, Haleh Vafaie, Harry Wechsler: Using Learning to Facilitate the Evolution of Features for Recognizing Visual Concepts. Evolutionary Computation 4(3): 297-311 (1996)
5 Jerzy W. Bala, Jeffrey Huang, Haleh Vafaie, Kenneth DeJong, Harry Wechsler: Hybrid Learning Using Genetic Algorithms and Decision Trees for Pattern Classification. IJCAI (1) 1995: 719-724
4 Haleh Vafaie, Kenneth DeJong: Robust Feature Selection Algorithms. ICTAI 1993: 356-363
3EEBenjamin W. Wah, Thomas S. Huang, Aravind K. Joshi, Dan I. Moldovan, Yiannis Aloimonos, Ruzena Bajcsy, Dana H. Ballard, Doug DeGroot, Kenneth DeJong, Charles R. Dyer, Scott E. Fahlman, Ralph Grishman, Lynette Hirschman, Richard E. Korf, Stephen E. Levinson, Daniel P. Miranker, N. H. Morgan, Sergei Nirenburg, Tomaso Poggio, Edward M. Riseman, Craig Stanfil, Salvatore J. Stolfo, Steven L. Tanimoto, Charles C. Weems: Report on Workshop on High Performance Computing and Communications for Grand Challenge Applications: Computer Vision, Speech and Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(1): 138-154 (1993)
2 Jerzy W. Bala, Kenneth DeJong, Peter Pachowicz: Using Genetic Algorithms to Improve the Performance of Classification Rules Produced by Symolic Inductive Methods. ISMIS 1991: 286-295
1 Kenneth DeJong: Learning with Genetic Algorithms: An Overview. Machine Learning 3: 121-138 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Yiannis Aloimonos [3]
2Ruzena Bajcsy [3]
3Jerzy W. Bala [2] [5] [6]
4Dana H. Ballard [3]
5Doug DeGroot [3]
6Charles R. Dyer [3]
7Scott E. Fahlman [3]
8Ralph Grishman [3]
9Lynette Hirschman [3]
10Jeffrey Huang [5] [6]
11Thomas S. Huang [3]
12Aravind K. Joshi [3]
13Richard E. Korf [3]
14Stephen E. Levinson [3]
15Daniel P. Miranker (Dan Miranker) [3]
16Dan I. Moldovan [3]
17N. H. Morgan [3]
18Sergei Nirenburg [3]
19Peter W. Pachowicz (Peter Pachowicz) [2]
20Tomaso Poggio [3]
21Edward M. Riseman [3]
22Alan C. Schultz [10]
23Donald Sofge [10]
24Craig Stanfil [3]
25Salvatore J. Stolfo [3]
26Steven L. Tanimoto [3]
27Haleh Vafaie [4] [5] [6] [8]
28Benjamin W. Wah [3]
29Harry Wechsler [5] [6]
30Charles C. Weems [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)