
Alan Bundy

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139EEAlan Bundy: Automating Signature Evolution in Logical Theories. AISC/MKM/Calculemus 2008: 333-338
138EEAlan Bundy, Michael Chan: Towards Ontology Evolution in Physics. WoLLIC 2008: 98-110
137EEPredrag Janicic, Alan Bundy: Automatic Synthesis of Decision Procedures: A Case Study of Ground and Linear Arithmetic. Calculemus/MKM 2007: 80-93
136EEAlan Bundy: Cooperating Reasoning Processes: More than Just the Sum of Their Parts. IJCAI 2007: 2-11
135EEAlan Bundy: AI Bridges and Dreams. AI Soc. 21(4): 659-668 (2007)
134EEFiona McNeill, Alan Bundy: Dynamic, Automatic, First-Order Ontology repair by Diagnosis of Failed Plan Execution. Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst. 3(3): 1-35 (2007)
133 Alan Bundy, Fiona McNeill, Chris Walton: On Repairing Reasoning Reversals via Representational Refinements. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 3-12
132EEMoa Johansson, Alan Bundy, Lucas Dixon: Best-First Rippling. Reasoning, Action and Interaction in AI Theories and Systems 2006: 83-100
131EERoy L. McCasland, Alan Bundy: MATHsAiD: A Mathematical Theorem Discovery Tool. SYNASC 2006: 17-22
130EEAlan Bundy: A Very Mathematical Dilemma. Comput. J. 49(4): 480-486 (2006)
129EERoy L. McCasland, Alan Bundy, Patrick F. Smith: Ascertaining Mathematical Theorems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 151(1): 21-38 (2006)
128EEAlan Bundy, Lucas Dixon, Jeremy Gow, Jacques D. Fleuriot: Constructing Induction Rules for Deductive Synthesis Proofs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 153(1): 3-21 (2006)
127EEAlan Bundy, Fiona McNeill: Representation as a Fluent: An AI Challenge for the Next Half Century. IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(3): 85-87 (2006)
126EEGraham Steel, Alan Bundy: Attacking Group Protocols by Refuting Incorrect Inductive Conjectures. J. Autom. Reasoning 36(1-2): 149-176 (2006)
125EEAlex Blewitt, Alan Bundy, Ian Stark: Automatic verification of design patterns in Java. ASE 2005: 224-232
124EEBin Yang, Alan Bundy, Alan Smaill, Lucas Dixon: Deductive synthesis of workflows for e-Science. CCGRID 2005: 168-175
123EEMateja Jamnik, Alan Bundy: Psychological Validity of Schematic Proofs. Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning 2005: 321-341
122EEGraham Steel, Alan Bundy: Attacking Group Multicast Key Management Protocols Using Coral. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 125(1): 125-144 (2005)
121EEAlan Bundy: Planning and Patching Proof. AISC 2004: 26-37
120EEDaniel Winterstein, Alan Bundy, Mateja Jamnik: On Differences between the Real and Physical Plane. Diagrams 2004: 29-31
119EEDaniel Winterstein, Alan Bundy, Corin A. Gurr, Mateja Jamnik: An Experimental Comparison of Diagrammatic and Algebraic Logics. Diagrams 2004: 432-434
118EEGraham Steel, Alan Bundy, Monika Maidl: Attacking a Protocol for Group Key Agreement by Refuting Incorrect Inductive Conjectures. IJCAR 2004: 137-151
117EEDaniel Winterstein, Alan Bundy, Corin A. Gurr: Dr.Doodle: A Diagrammatic Theorem Prover. IJCAR 2004: 331-335
116EEAlan Bundy: Desert Island Column. Autom. Softw. Eng. 11(1): 91-92 (2004)
115EEAlan Bundy: A Critique of Proof Planning. Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond 2002: 160-177
114EEDaniel Winterstein, Alan Bundy, Corin A. Gurr, Mateja Jamnik: Using Animation in Diagrammatic Theorem Proving. Diagrams 2002: 46-60
113EELouise A. Dennis, Alan Bundy: A Comparison of Two Proof Critics: Power vs. Robustness. TPHOLs 2002: 182-197
112EEJon Whittle, Alan Bundy, Richard J. Boulton: Proofs-as-Programs as a Framework for the Design of an Analogy-Based ML Editor. Formal Asp. Comput. 13(3-5): 403-421 (2002)
111 Predrag Janicic, Alan Bundy: A General Setting for Flexibly Combining and Augmenting Decision Procedures. J. Autom. Reasoning 28(3): 257-305 (2002)
110EEAlex Blewitt, Alan Bundy, Ian Stark: Automatic Verification of Java Design Patterns. ASE 2001: 324-327
109 Alan Bundy: The Automation of Proof by Mathematical Induction. Handbook of Automated Reasoning 2001: 845-911
108EESteven Willmott, Julian Richardson, Alan Bundy, John Levine: Applying adversarial planning techniques to Go. Theor. Comput. Sci. 252(1-2): 45-82 (2001)
107 Ian Frank, David A. Basin, Alan Bundy: Combining Knowledge and Search to Solve Single-Suit Bridge. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 195-200
106 Simon Colton, Alan Bundy, Toby Walsh: Automatic Invention of Integer Sequences. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 558-563
105EEDaniel Winterstein, Alan Bundy, Mateja Jamnik: A Proposal for Automating Diagrammatic Reasoning in Continuous Domains. Diagrams 2000: 286-299
104 Simon Colton, Alan Bundy, Toby Walsh: Automatic Identification of Mathematical Concepts. ICML 2000: 183-190
103 Raul Monroy, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: Searching for a Solution to Program Verification=Equation Solving in CCS. MICAI 2000: 1-12
102 Louise A. Dennis, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: Making a productive use of failure to generate witnesses for coinduction from divergent proof attempts. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 29(1-4): 99-138 (2000)
101 Raul Monroy, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: Planning Proofs of Equations in CCS. Autom. Softw. Eng. 7(3): 263-304 (2000)
100EESimon Colton, Alan Bundy, Toby Walsh: On the notion of interestingness in automated mathematical discovery. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 53(3): 351-375 (2000)
99EEJon Whittle, Alan Bundy, Richard J. Boulton, Helen Lowe: An ML Editor Based on Proofs-As-Programs. ASE 1999: 166-173
98EEPredrag Janicic, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: A Framework for the Flexible Integration of a Class of Decision Procedures into Theorem Provers. CADE 1999: 127-141
97EEDieter Hutter, Alan Bundy: The Design of the CADE-16 Inductive Theorem Prover Contest. CADE 1999: 374-377
96EEJon Whittle, Alan Bundy, Richard J. Boulton, Helen Lowe: System Description: CyNTHIA. CADE 1999: 388-392
95 Simon Colton, Alan Bundy, Toby Walsh: Automatic Concept Formation in Pure Mathematics. IJCAI 1999: 786-793
94 Alan Bundy, Julian Richardson: Proofs About Lists Using Ellipsis. LPAR 1999: 1-12
93 Jeremy Gow, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: Extensions to the Estimation Calculus. LPAR 1999: 258-272
92EEAlan Bundy: A Survey of Automated Deduction. Artificial Intelligence Today 1999: 153-174
91 Peter Madden, Alan Bundy, Alan Smaill: Recursive Program Optimization Through Inductive Synthesis Proof Transformation. J. Autom. Reasoning 22(1): 65-115 (1999)
90 Andrew Ireland, Alan Bundy: Automatic Verification of Functions with Accumulating Parameters. J. Funct. Program. 9(2): 225-245 (1999)
89 Mateja Jamnik, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: On Automating Diagrammatic Proofs of Arithmetic Arguments. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8(3): 297-321 (1999)
88EERaul Monroy, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: Planning Equational Verification in CCS. ASE 1998: 43-52
87EEKonrad Slind, Michael J. C. Gordon, Richard J. Boulton, Alan Bundy: System Description: An Interface Between CLAM and HOL. CADE 1998: 134-138
86EESteven Willmott, Julian Richardson, Alan Bundy, John Levine: An Adversarial Planning Approach to Go. Computers and Games 1998: 93-112
85 Raul Monroy, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: Observant: An Annotated Term-Rewriting System for Deciding Observation Congruence. ECAI 1998: 393-397
84EEAlan Bundy: A Science of Reasoning (Extended Abstract). TABLEAUX 1998: 10-17
83 Richard J. Boulton, Konrad Slind, Alan Bundy, Michael J. C. Gordon: An Interface between Clam and HOL. TPHOLs 1998: 87-104
82EEHelen Lowe, Michal Pechoucek, Alan Bundy: Proof planning for maintainable configuration systems. AI EDAM 12(4): 345-356 (1998)
81 Alessandro Armando, Jason Gallagher, Alan Smaill, Alan Bundy: Automating the Synthesis of Decision Procedures in a Constructive Metatheory. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 22(3-4): 259-279 (1998)
80 Weiru Liu, David McBryan, Alan Bundy: The Method of Assigning Incidences. Appl. Intell. 9(2): 139-161 (1998)
79 Jane Hesketh, David Stuart Robertson, Norbert E. Fuchs, Alan Bundy: Lightweight Formalisation in Support of Requirements Engineering. Autom. Softw. Eng. 5(2): 183-210 (1998)
78 Helen Lowe, Alan Bundy, Duncan McLean: The Use of Proof Planning for Co-operative Theorem Proving. J. Symb. Comput. 25(2): 239-261 (1998)
77 Louise A. Dennis, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: Using A Generalisation Critic to Find Bisimulations for Coinductive Proofs. CADE 1997: 276-290
76 Mateja Jamnik, Alan Bundy, Ian Green: Automation of Diagrammatic Reasoning. IJCAI (1) 1997: 528-533
75 Jon Whittle, Alan Bundy, Helen Lowe: An Editor for Helping Novices to Learn Standard ML. PLILP 1997: 389-405
74 Alan Bundy, Fausto Giunchiglia, Adolfo Villafiorita, Toby Walsh: Abstract Proof Checking: An Example Motivated by an Incompleteness Theorem. J. Autom. Reasoning 19(3): 319-346 (1997)
73 Alan Bundy, Fausto Giunchiglia, Roberto Sebastiani, Toby Walsh: Computing Abstraction Hierarchies by Numerical Simulation. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 523-529
72 Alan Bundy: Proof Planning. AIPS 1996: 261-267
71 Andrew Ireland, Alan Bundy: Extensions to a Generalization Critic for Inductive Proof. CADE 1996: 47-61
70 Francisco J. Cantu, Alan Bundy, Alan Smaill, David A. Basin: Experiments in Automating Hardware Verification Using Inductive Proof Planning. FMCAD 1996: 94-108
69EEAlan Bundy, Fausto Giunchiglia, Roberto Sebastiani, Toby Walsh: Calculating Criticalities. Artif. Intell. 88(1-2): 39-67 (1996)
68EEWeiru Liu, Alan Bundy: Constructing probabilistic ATMSs using extended incidence calculus. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 15(2): 145-182 (1996)
67 Ina Kraan, David A. Basin, Alan Bundy: Middle-Out Reasoning for Synthesis and Induction. J. Autom. Reasoning 16(1-2): 113-145 (1996)
66 Alan Bundy, Vincent Lombart: Relational Rippling: A General Approach. IJCAI 1995: 175-181
65EER. G. McLean, Alan Bundy, Weiru Liu: Assignment methods for incidence calculus. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 12(1): 21-41 (1995)
64 Alan Bundy: Automated Deduction - CADE-12, 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Nancy, France, June 26 - July 1, 1994, Proceedings Springer 1994
63 Tetsuya Yoshida, Alan Bundy, Ian Green, Toby Walsh, David A. Basin: Coloured Rippling: An Extension of a Theorem Proving Heuristic. ECAI 1994: 85-89
62 Raul Monroy, Alan Bundy, Andrew Ireland: Proof Plans for the Correction of False Conjectures. LPAR 1994: 54-68
61 Alan Bundy, Hector MacQueen: The New Software Copyright Law. Comput. J. 37(2): 79-82 (1994)
60EEWeiru Liu, Alan Bundy: A comprehensive comparison between generalized incidence calculus and the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 40(6): 1009-1032 (1994)
59 Weiru Liu, Alan Bundy, David Stuart Robertson: Recovering Incedence Functions. ECSQARU 1993: 241-248
58 Weiru Liu, Alan Bundy, David Stuart Robertson: On the Relations between Incidence Calculus and ATMS. ECSQARU 1993: 249-256
57 Ina Kraan, David A. Basin, Alan Bundy: Middle-Out Reasoning for Logic Program Synthesis. ICLP 1993: 441-455
56 David A. Basin, Alan Bundy, Ina Kraan, Seán Matthews: A Framework for Program Development Based on Schematic Proof. IWSSD 1993: 162-171
55 Peter Madden, Jane Hesketh, Ian Green, Alan Bundy: A General Technique for Automatically Generating Efficient Programs Through the Use of Proof Planning (Abstract). LOPSTR 1993: 64-66
54 Alistair Manning, Andrew Ireland, Alan Bundy: Incresing the Versatility of Heuristic Based Theorem Provers. LPAR 1993: 194-204
53 Alan Bundy, Andrew Stevens, Frank van Harmelen, Andrew Ireland, Alan Smaill: Rippling: A Heuristic for Guiding Inductive Proofs. Artif. Intell. 62(2): 185-253 (1993)
52 Jane Hesketh, Alan Bundy, Alan Smaill: Using Middle-Out Reasoning to Control the Synthesis of Tail-Recursive Programs. CADE 1992: 310-324
51 Toby Walsh, Alex Nunes, Alan Bundy: The Use of Proof Plans to Sum Series. CADE 1992: 325-339
50 Ian Frank, David A. Basin, Alan Bundy: An Adaptation of Proof-Planning to Declarer Play in Bridge. ECAI 1992: 72-76
49 Ina Kraan, David A. Basin, Alan Bundy: Logic Program Synthesis via Proof Planning. LOPSTR 1992: 1-14
48 Alan Bundy: Tutorial Notes: Reasoning about Logic Programs. Logic Programming Summer School 1992: 252-277
47 Alan Bundy: Die Geschichte der Mechanisierung der Logik in der KI (Interview). KI 6(3): 99-101 (1992)
46 Alan Bundy: The Use of Proof Plans for Normalization. Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Woody Bledsoe 1991: 149-166
45 Alan Bundy: A Science of Reasoning. Computational Logic - Essays in Honor of Alan Robinson 1991: 178-198
44 Geraint A. Wiggins, Alan Bundy, Ina Kraan, Jane Hesketh: Synthesis and Transfomation of Logic Programs from Constructive, Inductive Proof. LOPSTR 1991: 27-45
43 Alan Bundy, Frank van Harmelen, Jane Hesketh, Alan Smaill: Experiments with Proof Plans for Induction. J. Autom. Reasoning 7(3): 303-324 (1991)
42 Paul Brna, Alan Bundy, Helen Pain: A framework for the Principled Debugging of Prolog Programs: How to Debug Non-Terminating Programs. ALPUK 1990: 22-55
41 Alan Bundy, Frank van Harmelen, Alan Smaill, Andrew Ireland: Extensions to the Rippling-Out Tactic for Guiding Inductive Proofs. CADE 1990: 132-146
40 Alan Bundy: A Science of Reasoning: Extended Abstract. CADE 1990: 633-640
39 Alan Bundy, Frank van Harmelen, Christian Horn, Alan Smaill: The Oyster-Clam System. CADE 1990: 647-648
38 Alan Bundy: The Use of Proof Plans in Formal Methods. DISCO 1990: 151-153
37 Alan Bundy, Frank van Harmelen, Jane Hesketh, Alan Smaill, Andrew Stevens: A Rational Reconstruction and Extension of Recursion Analysis. IJCAI 1989: 359-365
36 Alan Bundy: IJCAI Policy Statement: IJCAI Policy on Multiple Publication of Papers. AI Magazine 10(1): 73-75 (1989)
35 David Stuart Robertson, Alan Bundy, Michael Uschold, Robert Muetzelfeldt: The ECO Program Construction System: Ways of Increasing its Representational Power and Their Effects on the User Interface. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 31(1): 1-26 (1989)
34 Leon Sterling, Alan Bundy, Lawrence Byrd, Richard A. O'Keefe, Bernard Silver: Solving Symbolic Equations with PRESS. J. Symb. Comput. 7(1): 71-84 (1989)
33 Alan Bundy: The Use of Explicit Plans to Guide Inductive Proofs. CADE 1988: 111-120
32 Alan Bundy: A Broader Interpretation of Logic in Logic Programming. ICLP/SLP 1988: 1624-1648
31 Alan Bundy: IJCAI Policy on Multiple Publication of Papers. AI Commun. 1(4): 3-5 (1988)
30 Frank van Harmelen, Alan Bundy: Explanation-Based Generalisation = Partial Evaluation. Artif. Intell. 36(3): 401-412 (1988)
29 Alan Bundy: Probability, truth, and logic: reply to Cheeseman. Computational Intelligence 4: 69-70 (1988)
28 Alan Bundy, Leon Sterling: Meta-Level Inference: Two Applications. J. Autom. Reasoning 4(1): 15-27 (1988)
27 Alan Bundy: AI Bridges and Dreams. AI Soc. 1(1): 62-71 (1987)
26 Alan Bundy: Correctness Criteria of Some Algorithms for Uncertain Reasoning Using Incidence Calculus. J. Autom. Reasoning 2(2): 109-126 (1986)
25 Alan Bundy: Discovery and Reasoning in Mathematics. IJCAI 1985: 1221-1230
24 Alan Bundy, Richard Clutterbuck: Raising the Standards of AI Products. IJCAI 1985: 1289-1294
23 Alan Bundy, Bernard Silver, Dave Plummer: An Analytical Comparison of Some Rule-Learning Programs. Artif. Intell. 27(2): 137-181 (1985)
22 Alan Bundy: Incidence Calculus: A Mechanism for Probabilistic Reasoning. J. Autom. Reasoning 1(3): 263-283 (1985)
21 Michael Uschold, Nigel Harding, Robert Muetzelfeldt, Alan Bundy: An Intelligent Front End for Ecological Modelling. ECAI 1984: 13-22
20 Alan Bundy: Incidence Calculus: A Mechanism for Probabilistic Reasoning. FGCS 1984: 166-174
19 Mary Angela Papalaskaris, Alan Bundy: Topics for Circumscription. NMR 1984: 355-362
18 Alan Bundy: How to Get the Most Out of IJCAI-83. AI Magazine 4(1): 35-36 (1983)
17 Alan Bundy: The Nature of AI: A Reply to Schank. AI Magazine 4(4): 29-31 (1983)
16 Leon Sterling, Alan Bundy: Meta-Level Inference and Program Verification. CADE 1982: 144-150
15 Alan Bundy, Bernard Silver: A Critical Survey of Rule Learning Programs. ECAI 1982: 151-157
14 Alan Bundy, Lawrence Byrd, Chris Mellish: Special Purpose, but Domain Independent, Inference Mechanisms. ECAI 1982: 67-74
13 Leon Sterling, Alan Bundy, Lawrence Byrd, Richard A. O'Keefe, Bernard Silver: Solving Symbolic Equations with PRESS. EUROCAM 1982: 109-116
12 Alan Borning, Alan Bundy: Using Matching in Algebraic Equation Solving. IJCAI 1981: 466-471
11 Alan Bundy, Bernard Silver: Homogenization: Preparing Equations for Change of Unknown. IJCAI 1981: 551-553
10 Alan Bundy: What Is the Well-Dressed AI Educator Wearing Now? AI Magazine 3(1): 13-14 (1981)
9 Alan Bundy, Bob Welham: Using Meta-Level Inference for Selective Application of Multiple Rewrite Rule Sets in Algebraic Manipulation. Artif. Intell. 16(2): 189-212 (1981)
8 Alan Bundy, Bob Welham: Using Meta-Level Inference for Selective Application of Multiple Rewrite Rules in Algebraic Manipulation. CADE 1980: 24-38
7 Alan Bundy, George F. Luger, Chris Mellish, Martha Stone Palmer: Knowledge about Knowledge: Making Decisions in Mechanics Probleme Solving. AISB/GI (ECAI) 1978: 71-81
6 Alan Bundy: Will it Reach the Top? Prediction in the Mechanics World. Artif. Intell. 10(2): 129-146 (1978)
5 Alan Bundy: Can Domain Specific Knowledge Be Generalized? IJCAI 1977: 496
4 George F. Luger, Alan Bundy: Representing Semantic Information In Pulley Problems. IJCAI 1977: 500
3 Alan Bundy, George F. Luger, M. Stone, R. Welham: MECHNO, Year one. AISB (ECAI) 1976: 94-103
2 Alan Bundy: Analysing Mathematical Proofs (Or Reading Between the Lines). IJCAI 1975: 22-28
1 Alan Bundy: Doing Arithmetic with Diagrams. IJCAI 1973: 130-138

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Armando [81]
2David A. Basin [49] [50] [56] [57] [63] [67] [70] [107]
3Alex Blewitt [110] [125]
4Alan Borning [12]
5Richard J. Boulton [83] [87] [96] [99] [112]
6Paul Brna [42]
7Lawrence Byrd [13] [14] [34]
8Michael Chan [138]
9Richard Clutterbuck [24]
10Simon Colton [95] [100] [104] [106]
11Louise A. Dennis [77] [102] [113]
12Lucas Dixon [124] [128] [132]
13Jacques D. Fleuriot [128]
14Ian Frank [50] [107]
15Norbert E. Fuchs [79]
16Jason Gallagher [81]
17Fausto Giunchiglia [69] [73] [74]
18Michael J. C. Gordon [83] [87]
19Jeremy Gow [93] [128]
20Ian Green [55] [63] [76] [77] [85] [88] [89] [93] [98] [101] [102] [103]
21Corin A. Gurr [114] [117] [119]
22Nigel Harding [21]
23Frank van Harmelen [30] [37] [39] [41] [43] [53]
24Jane Hesketh [37] [43] [44] [52] [55] [79]
25Christian Horn [39]
26Dieter Hutter [97]
27Andrew Ireland [41] [53] [54] [62] [71] [90]
28Mateja Jamnik [76] [89] [105] [114] [119] [120] [123]
29Predrag Janicic [98] [111] [137]
30Moa Johansson [132]
31Ina Kraan [44] [49] [56] [57] [67]
32John Levine [86] [108]
33Weiru Liu [58] [59] [60] [65] [68] [80]
34Vincent Lombart [66]
35Helen Lowe [75] [78] [82] [96] [99]
36George F. Luger [3] [4] [7]
37Hector MacQueen [61]
38Peter Madden [55] [91]
39Monika Maidl [118]
40Alistair Manning [54]
41Seán Matthews [56]
42David McBryan [80]
43Roy L. McCasland [129] [131]
44Duncan McLean [78]
45R. G. McLean [65]
46Fiona McNeill [127] [133] [134]
47Chris Mellish [7] [14]
48Raul Monroy [62] [85] [88] [101] [103]
49Robert Muetzelfeldt [21] [35]
50Alex Nunes [51]
51Richard A. O'Keefe [13] [34]
52Francisco J. Cantú Ortiz (Francisco J. Cantu) [70]
53Helen Pain [42]
54Martha Palmer (Martha Stone Palmer) [7]
55Mary Angela Papalaskaris [19]
56Michal Pechoucek [82]
57Dave Plummer [23]
58Julian Richardson [86] [94] [108]
59David Stuart Robertson [35] [58] [59] [79]
60Roberto Sebastiani [69] [73]
61Bernard Silver [11] [13] [15] [23] [34]
62Konrad Slind [83] [87]
63Alan Smaill [37] [39] [41] [43] [52] [53] [70] [81] [91] [124]
64Patrick F. Smith [129]
65Ian Stark [110] [125]
66Graham Steel [118] [122] [126]
67Leon Sterling [13] [16] [28] [34]
68Andrew Stevens [37] [53]
69M. Stone [3]
70Michael Uschold [21] [35]
71Adolfo Villafiorita [74]
72Toby Walsh [51] [63] [69] [73] [74] [95] [100] [104] [106]
73Chris Walton [133]
74Bob Welham [8] [9]
75R. Welham [3]
76Jon Whittle (Jonathan Whittle) [75] [96] [99] [112]
77Geraint A. Wiggins [44]
78Steven Willmott [86] [108]
79Daniel Winterstein [105] [114] [117] [119] [120]
80Bin Yang [124]
81Tetsuya Yoshida [63]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)