8. IJCAI 1983:
West Germany
Alan Bundy (Ed.):
Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Karlsruhe,
August 1983. William Kaufmann,
Automatic Programming
Keynote Address
Theorem Proving / Automatic Programming
Automatic Programming 1
Automatic Programming 2
Expert Systems / Automatic Programming / Knowledge Representation
Cognitive Modelling
Cognitive Modelling 2
Cognitive Modelling 1
Cognitive Modelling 3
Expert Systems
Keynote Address
Expert Systems 1:
Commercial Applications
Expert Systems 2:
Plausible Inference
Expert Systems 4:
Expert Systems 3:
Expert Systems 5
Expert Systems 6:
Plausible Reasoning
Expert Systems 7:
Languages and Structures,
Especially for Time Dependent Reasoning
Expert Systems 8:
Expert Systems / Automatic Programming / Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation 4:
Exotic Logics
Knowledge Representation 5:
Time and Space
Knowledge Representation / Logic Programming / Learning and Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge Representation 1:
Frames and Semantic Networks
Knowledge Representation 2:
Non-Monotonic Logic and Timespace
Knowledge Representation 3:
Knowledge and Belief
Knowledge Representation 6
Expert Systems / Automatic Programming / Knowledge Representation
Learning and Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge Representation / Logic Programming / Learning and Knowledge Acquisition
- Fritz Wysotzki:
Representation and Induction of Infinite Concepts and Recursive Action Sequences.
409-414 BibTeX
Learning and Knowledge Acquisition 1
Learning and Knowledge Acquisition 2
Learning and Knowledge Acquisition 3
Learning and Knowledge Acquisition 4
Logic Programming
Keynote Address
Logic Programming 2:
Knowledge Representation / Logic Programming / Learning and Knowledge Acquisition
Logic Programming 1
Logic Programming 3
Natural Language
Natural Language 1:
Keynote Addresses
Natural Language 8
Natural Language 2:
Generation - Theoretical,
Including Semantics
Natural Language 3:
Generation - Theoretical,
Including Semantics
Natural Language 4:
Speech Related Areas
Natural Language 5:
Interfaces and Applications
Natural Language 6:
Interfaces and Applications
Natural Language 7:
Grammar Implementation and Morphology
Natural Language 9:
Grammar Implementation and Morphology
Natural Language 10:
Planning and Search
Planning and Search 3
Planning and Search 1
Planning and Search 2
Robotics 2:
Motion Planning and Tracking
Robotics / Vision:
Robot Programming
- Boalin Yin:
A Framework for Handling Vision Data in an Object Level Robot Language-RAPT.
814-820 BibTeX
Robotics 1
Robotics 3:
Mobile Robots and Programming
Systems Support
Theorem Proving
Theorem Proving 3:
Keynote Address
- Larry Wos:
Automated Reasoning: Real Uses and Potential Uses.
867-876 BibTeX
Theorem Proving 2
Theorem Proving / Automatic Programming
Theorem Proving 1
Theorem Proving 3
Vision 1:
Motion and Correspondence
Vision 3:
Surfaces and Shape
Vision 4:
Object Models and Recognition
Robotics / Vision:
Robot Programming
Vision 2:
Perceptual Organization
Vision 5:
Motion Perception
Vision 6:
Shape from Stereo,
Shading and Contour
Vision 7:
Integration of Information
Vision 8:
Object Modelling,
Detection and Recognition
Vision 9:
Systems and Applications
- Robert C. Bolles, Patrice Horaud, Marsja Jo Hannah:
3DPO: A Three-Dimensional Part Orientation System.
1116-1120 BibTeX
- Augustin Lux, Viviane Souvignier:
PVV: A Goal-Oriented System for Industrial Vision.
1121-1124 BibTeX
- Masahiko Yachida, T. Ichinose, Saburo Tsuji:
Model-Guided Monitoring of a Building Environment by a Mobile Robot.
1125-1127 BibTeX
- Gabor T. Herman, L. Axel, Ruzena Bajcsy, H. Kundel, R. LeVeen, Jayaram K. Udupa, G. Wolf:
Model Driven Visualization of Coronary Arteries.
1128-1131 BibTeX
- Fumiaki Tomita:
A Learning Vision System for 2D Object Recognition.
1132-1135 BibTeX
- Bir Bhanu:
Recognition of Occluded Objects.
1136-1138 BibTeX
Computers and Thought Lecture
Distinguished Service Award
Invited Talks
- Robert A. Kowalski, Hervé Gallaire, Toshio Yokoi, Robert B. K. Dewar:
Panel on the Fifth Generation Project.
1192-1194 BibTeX
- Nils J. Nilsson, Sandra B. Cook, Alan C. Kay, Faye Duchin, Margaret A. Boden, Dennis Chamot:
Artificial Intelligence: Its Impact on Human Occupations and Distribution of Income.
1195-1198 BibTeX
- Raymond Reiter, Hervé Gallaire, Jonathan J. King, John Mylopoulos, Bonnie L. Webber:
A Panel on AI and Databases.
1199 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:23:25 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)