
Paul D. Scott

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23EEGui Gui, Paul D. Scott: New Coupling and Cohesion Metrics for Evaluation of Software Component Reusability. ICYCS 2008: 1181-1186
22EEGui Gui, Paul D. Scott: Ranking reusability of software components using coupling metrics. Journal of Systems and Software 80(9): 1450-1459 (2007)
21EEGui Gui, Paul D. Scott: Coupling and cohesion measures for evaluation of component reusability. MSR 2006: 18-21
20EEGui Gui, Paul D. Scott: Vector Space Based on Hierarchical Weighting: A Component Ranking Approach to Component Retrieval. APPT 2005: 184-193
19EEK. M. Ho, Paul D. Scott: Reducing decision tree fragmentation through attribute value grouping: A comparative study. Intell. Data Anal. 4(3-4): 255-274 (2000)
18EEPaul D. Scott, Elwood Wilkins: Evaluating data mining procedures: techniques for generating artificial data sets. Information & Software Technology 41(9): 579-587 (1999)
17 K. M. Ho, Paul D. Scott: An Efficient Global Discretization Method. PAKDD 1998: 383-384
16 K. M. Ho, Paul D. Scott: Overcoming Fragmentation in Decision Trees Through Attribute Value Grouping. PKDD 1998: 337-344
15EEPaul D. Scott, R. J. Williams, K. M. Ho: Forming Categories in Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining. IDA 1997: 235-246
14 K. M. Ho, Paul D. Scott: Zeta: A Global Method for Discretization of Continuous Variables. KDD 1997: 191-194
13 Paul D. Scott, A. P. M. Coxon, M. H. Hobbs, R. J. Williams: SNOUT: An Intelligent Assistant for Exploratory Data Anaylsis. PKDD 1997: 189-199
12 Shaul Markovitch, Paul D. Scott: Information Filtering: Selection Mechanisms in Learning Systems. Machine Learning 10: 113-151 (1993)
11 Paul D. Scott, Shaul Markovitch: Experience Selection and Problem Choice in an Exploratory Learning System. Machine Learning 12: 49-67 (1993)
10 Paul D. Scott, K. H. Sage: Why Generalize? Hybrid Representations and Instance-Based Learning. ECAI 1992: 484-486
9 Paul D. Scott, Shaul Markovitch: Learning Novel Domains Through Curiosity and Conjecture. IJCAI 1989: 669-674
8 Shaul Markovitch, Paul D. Scott: Utilization Filtering: A Method for Reducing the Inherent Harmfulness of Deductively Learned Knowledge. IJCAI 1989: 738-743
7 Paul D. Scott, Shaul Markovitch: Uncertainty Based Selection of Learning Experiences. ML 1989: 358-361
6 Shaul Markovitch, Paul D. Scott: Information Filters and Their Implementation in the SYLLOG System. ML 1989: 404-407
5 Shaul Markovitch, Paul D. Scott: Automatic Ordering of Subgoals - A Machine Learning Approach. NACLP 1989: 224-240
4 Shaul Markovitch, Paul D. Scott: The Role of Forgetting in Learning. ML 1988: 459-465
3 Valerie L. Shalin, Edward J. Wisniewski, Keith R. Levi, Paul D. Scott: A Formal Analysis of Machine Learning Systems for Knowledge Acquisition. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(4): 429-446 (1988)
2 Paul D. Scott: Learning: The Construction of A Posteriori Knowledge Structures. AAAI 1983: 359-363
1 Paul D. Scott, Robert C. Vogt: Knowledge Oriented Learning. IJCAI 1983: 432-435

Coauthor Index

1A. P. M. Coxon [13]
2Gui Gui [20] [21] [22] [23]
3K. M. Ho [14] [15] [16] [17] [19]
4M. H. Hobbs [13]
5Keith R. Levi [3]
6Shaul Markovitch [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
7K. H. Sage [10]
8Valerie L. Shalin [3]
9Robert C. Vogt [1]
10Elwood Wilkins [18]
11R. J. Williams [13] [15]
12Edward J. Wisniewski [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)