
Uday S. Reddy

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41EEBrian Dunphy, Uday S. Reddy: Parametric Limits. LICS 2004: 242-251
40EEUday S. Reddy, Hongseok Yang: Correctness of data representations involving heap data structures. Sci. Comput. Program. 50(1-3): 129-160 (2004)
39EEUday S. Reddy, Hongseok Yang: Correctness of Data Representations Involving Heap Data Structures. ESOP 2003: 223-237
38 Josh Berdine, Peter W. O'Hearn, Uday S. Reddy, Hayo Thielecke: Linear Continuation-Passing. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 15(2-3): 181-208 (2002)
37EEUday S. Reddy: Objects and Classes in Algol-Like Languages. Inf. Comput. 172(1): 63-97 (2002)
36EEHongseok Yang, Uday S. Reddy: On the Semantics of Refinement Calculi. FoSSaCS 2000: 359-374
35EEPeter W. O'Hearn, Uday S. Reddy: Objects, Interference, and the Yoneda Embedding. Theor. Comput. Sci. 228(1-2): 253-282 (1999)
34 Andrew A. Chien, Uday S. Reddy, John Plevyak, Julian Dolby: ICC++-AC++ Dialect for High Performance Parallel Computing. ISOTAS 1996: 76-95
33 Uday S. Reddy: Imperative Functional Programming. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(2): 312-314 (1996)
32 François Bronsard, Uday S. Reddy, Robert W. Hasker: Induction Using Term Orders. J. Autom. Reasoning 16(1-2): 3-37 (1996)
31 Uday S. Reddy: Global State Considered Unnecessary: An Introduction to Object-Based Semantics. Lisp and Symbolic Computation 9(1): 7-76 (1996)
30 Howard Huang, Uday S. Reddy: Type Reconstruction for SCI. Functional Programming 1995: 6
29 Uday S. Reddy: Bridging the gap between logic and functional programming (Panel Abstract). ILPS 1995: 627-628
28EEPeter W. O'Hearn, Uday S. Reddy: Objects, interference and the Yoneda embedding. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 1: (1995)
27 François Bronsard, Uday S. Reddy, Robert W. Hasker: Induction using Term Orderings. CADE 1994: 102-117
26 Uday S. Reddy: Higher-order Aspects of Logic Programming. ICLP 1994: 402-418
25 Uday S. Reddy: Passivity and Independence LICS 1994: 342-352
24 Uday S. Reddy: Higher-order Aspects of Logic Programming. ELP 1993: 301-321
23 Uday S. Reddy, Samuel N. Kamin: On the Power of Abstract Interpretation. Comput. Lang. 19(2): 79-89 (1993)
22 Nachum Dershowitz, Uday S. Reddy: Deductive and Inductive Synthesis of Equational Programs. J. Symb. Comput. 15(5/6): 467-494 (1993)
21 François Bronsard, Uday S. Reddy: Reduction Techniques for First-Order Reasoning. CTRS 1992: 242-256
20 Uday S. Reddy: A Typed Foundation for Directional Logic Programming. ELP 1992: 282-318
19EEUday S. Reddy, Samuel N. Kamin: On the power of abstract interpretation. ICCL 1992: 24-33
18 François Bronsard, T. K. Lakshman, Uday S. Reddy: A Framework of Directionality for Proving Termination of Logic Programs. JICSLP 1992: 321-335
17 Vipin Swarup, Uday S. Reddy: A Logical View of Assignments. Constructivity in Computer Science 1991: 131-149
16 Vipin Swarup, Uday S. Reddy, Evan Ireland: Assignments for Applicative Languages. FPCA 1991: 192-214
15 T. L. Lakshman, Uday S. Reddy: Typed Prolog: A Semantic Reconstruction of the Mycroft-O'Keefe Type System. ISLP 1991: 202-217
14 François Bronsard, Uday S. Reddy: Axiomatization of a Functional Logic Language. ALP 1990: 101-116
13 Uday S. Reddy: Term Rewriting Induction. CADE 1990: 162-177
12 Uday S. Reddy: Types for Logic Programs. NACLP 1990: 836-840
11 Changwoo Pyo, Uday S. Reddy: Inference of Polymorphic Types for Logic Programs. NACLP 1989: 1115-1132
10 Uday S. Reddy: Rewriting Techniques for Program Synthesis. RTA 1989: 388-403
9EEUday S. Reddy: Objects as Closures: Abstract Semantics of Object-Oriented Languages. LISP and Functional Programming 1988: 289-297
8 Uday S. Reddy: Transformational Derivation of Programs Using the Focus System. Software Development Environments (SDE) 1988: 163-172
7 Uday S. Reddy: Functional logic languages, Part I. Graph Reduction 1986: 401-425
6 Uday S. Reddy: On the Relationship Between Logic and Functional Languages. Logic Programming: Functions, Relations, and Equations 1986: 3-36
5 Prateek Mishra, Uday S. Reddy: Declaration-Free Type Checking. POPL 1985: 7-21
4 Uday S. Reddy: Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional Languages. SLP 1985: 138-151
3 Uday S. Reddy: Transformation of Logic Programs into Functional Programs. SLP 1984: 187-196
2 Uday S. Reddy, Bharat Jayaraman: Theory of Linear Equations Applied to Program Transformation. IJCAI 1983: 10-16
1EEUday S. Reddy: Programming with sequences. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1982: 189-198

Coauthor Index

1Josh Berdine [38]
2François Bronsard [14] [18] [21] [27] [32]
3Andrew A. Chien [34]
4Nachum Dershowitz [22]
5Julian Dolby [34]
6Brian Dunphy [41]
7Robert W. Hasker [27] [32]
8Howard Huang [30]
9Evan Ireland [16]
10Bharat Jayaraman [2]
11Samuel N. Kamin (Sam Kamin) [19] [23]
12T. K. Lakshman [18]
13T. L. Lakshman [15]
14Prateek Mishra [5]
15Peter W. O'Hearn [28] [35] [38]
16John Plevyak [34]
17Changwoo Pyo [11]
18Vipin Swarup [16] [17]
19Hayo Thielecke [38]
20Hongseok Yang [36] [39] [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)