
Perry L. Miller

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28EEChiquito J. Crasto, Luis N. Marenco, Nian Liu, Thomas M. Morse, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Peter C. Lai, Gautam Bahl, Peter Masiar, Hugo Y. K. Lam, Ernest Lim, Huajin Chen, Prakash M. Nadkarni, Michele Migliore, Perry L. Miller, Gordon M. Shepherd: SenseLab: new developments in disseminating neuroscience information. Briefings in Bioinformatics 8(3): 150-162 (2007)
27EEMark Gerstein, Dov Greenbaum, Kei Cheung, Perry L. Miller: An interdepartmental Ph.D. program in computational biology and bioinformatics: The Yale perspective. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(1): 73-79 (2007)
26EEValentin Dinu, Hongyu Zhao, Perry L. Miller: Integrating domain knowledge with statistical and data mining methods for high-density genomic SNP disease association analysis. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(6): 750-760 (2007)
25 Kei-Hoi Cheung, Janet Hager, Deyun Pan, Ranjana Srivastava, Shrikant Mane, Yuli Li, Perry L. Miller, Kenneth R. Williams: KARMA: a web server application for comparing and annotating heterogeneous microarray platforms. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 441-444 (2004)
24 H. Rajeevan, Michael V. Osier, Kei-Hoi Cheung, H. Deng, L. Druskin, R. Heinzen, Judith R. Kidd, S. Stein, Andrew J. Pakstis, Nick P. Tosches, C.-C. Yeh, Perry L. Miller, Kenneth K. Kidd: ALFRED: the ALelle FREquency Database. Update. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 270-271 (2003)
23EEKei-Hoi Cheung, Janet Hager, Kenneth Nelson, Kevin White, Yuli Li, Michael Snyder, Kenneth R. Williams, Perry L. Miller: A dynamic approach to mapping coordinates between microplates and microarrays. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 35(5-6): 306-312 (2002)
22 Chiquito J. Crasto, Luis N. Marenco, Perry L. Miller, Gordon M. Shepherd: Olfactory Receptor Database: a metadata-driven automated population from sources of gene and protein sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 30(1): 354-360 (2002)
21 Anuj Kumar, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Nick P. Tosches, Peter Masiar, Yang Liu, Perry L. Miller, Michael Snyder: The TRIPLES database: a community resource for yeast molecular biology. Nucleic Acids Research 30(1): 73-75 (2002)
20 Kei-Hoi Cheung, Yang Liu, Anuj Kumar, Michael Snyder, Mark Gerstein, Perry L. Miller: An XML Application For Genomic Data Interoperation. BIBE 2001: 97-103
19EEPerry L. Miller, Sandra J. Frawley, Frederick G. Sayward: Exploring the Utility of Demographic Data and Vaccination History Data in the Deduplication of Immunization Registry Patient Records. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 34(1): 37-50 (2001)
18EEPerry L. Miller, Sandra J. Frawley, Frederick G. Sayward: Maintaining and Incrementally Revalidating a Computer-Based Clinical Guideline: A Case Study. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 34(2): 99-111 (2001)
17 Michael V. Osier, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Judith R. Kidd, Andrew J. Pakstis, Perry L. Miller, Kenneth K. Kidd: ALFRED: an allele frequency database for diverse populations and DNA polymorphisms - an update. Nucleic Acids Research 29(1): 317-319 (2001)
16 Emmanouil Skoufos, Luis N. Marenco, Prakash M. Nadkarni, Perry L. Miller, Gordon M. Shepherd: Olfactory Receptor Database: a sensory chemoreceptor resource. Nucleic Acids Research 28(1): 341-343 (2000)
15 Kei-Hoi Cheung, Michael V. Osier, Judith R. Kidd, Andrew J. Pakstis, Perry L. Miller, Kenneth K. Kidd: ALFRED: an allele frequency database for diverse populations and DNA polymorphisms. Nucleic Acids Research 28(1): 361-363 (2000)
14 Anuj Kumar, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Petra Ross-MacDonald, Paulo S. R. Coelho, Perry L. Miller, Michael Snyder: TRIPLES: a database of gene function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Research 28(1): 81-84 (2000)
13 Emmanouil Skoufos, Matthew D. Healy, Michael S. Singer, Prakash M. Nadkarni, Perry L. Miller, Gordon M. Shepherd: Olfactory Receptor Database: a database of the largest eukaryotic gene family. Nucleic Acids Research 27(1): 343-345 (1999)
12 S. Panzer, L. Cooley, Perry L. Miller: Using explicitly represented biological relationships for database navigation and searching via the World-Wide Web. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 13(3): 281-290 (1997)
11 Prakash M. Nadkarni, Kei-Hoi Cheung, C. Castiglione, Perry L. Miller, Kenneth K. Kidd: DNA Workbench: A Database Package to Manage Regional Physical Mapping. Journal of Computational Biology 3(2): 319-330 (1996)
10 L. W. Wright, J. B. Lichter, John Reinitz, M. A. Shifman, Kenneth K. Kidd, Perry L. Miller: Computer-assisted restriction mapping: an integrated approach to handling experimental uncertainty. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 10(4): 435-442 (1994)
9 Perry L. Miller, Prakash M. Nadkarni, P. A. Bercovitz: Harnessing networked workstations as a powerful parallel computer: a general paradigm illustrated using three programs for genetic linkage analysis. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 8(2): 141-147 (1992)
8 Perry L. Miller, Prakash M. Nadkarni, William R. Pearson: Comparing machine-independent versus machine-specific parallelization of a software platform for biological sequence comparison. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 8(2): 167-175 (1992)
7 Perry L. Miller, Prakash M. Nadkarni, N. M. Carriero: Parallel computation and FASTA: confronting the problem of parallel database search for a fast sequence comparison algorithm. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 7(1): 71-78 (1991)
6 Sheldon S. Ball, Vei H. Mah, Perry L. Miller: SENEX: a computer-based representation of cellular signal transduction processes in the central nervous system. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 7(2): 175-187 (1991)
5 Michael Factor, David Gelernter, Craig E. Kolb, Perry L. Miller, Dean F. Sittig: Real-Time Data Fusion in the Intensive Care Unit. IEEE Computer 24(11): 45-54 (1991)
4 Glenn D. Rennels, Edward H. Shortliffe, Frank E. Stockdale, Perry L. Miller: A Computational Model of Reasoning from the Clinical Literature. AI Magazine 10(1): 49-57 (1989)
3 Perry L. Miller, Glenn D. Rennels: Prose Generation from Expert Systems: An Applied Computational Linguistics Approach. AI Magazine 9(3): 37-44 (1988)
2 Perry L. Miller: Readings in Medical Artificial Intelligence: The First Decade (Book Review). AI Magazine 6(4): 105 (1986)
1 Perry L. Miller: Medical Plan-Analysis: The Attending System. IJCAI 1983: 239-241

Coauthor Index

1Gautam Bahl [28]
2Sheldon S. Ball [6]
3P. A. Bercovitz [9]
4N. M. Carriero [7]
5C. Castiglione [11]
6Huajin Chen [28]
7Kei Cheung [27]
8Kei-Hoi Cheung [11] [14] [15] [17] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [28]
9Paulo S. R. Coelho [14]
10L. Cooley [12]
11Chiquito J. Crasto [22] [28]
12H. Deng [24]
13Valentin Dinu [26]
14L. Druskin [24]
15Michael Factor [5]
16Sandra J. Frawley [18] [19]
17David Gelernter [5]
18Mark Gerstein [20] [27]
19Dov Greenbaum [27]
20Janet Hager [23] [25]
21Matthew D. Healy [13]
22R. Heinzen [24]
23Judith R. Kidd [15] [17] [24]
24Kenneth K. Kidd [10] [11] [15] [17] [24]
25Craig E. Kolb [5]
26Anuj Kumar [14] [20] [21]
27Peter C. Lai [28]
28Hugo Y. K. Lam [28]
29Yuli Li [23] [25]
30J. B. Lichter [10]
31Ernest Lim [28]
32Nian Liu [28]
33Yang Liu [20] [21]
34Vei H. Mah [6]
35Shrikant Mane [25]
36Luis N. Marenco [16] [22] [28]
37Peter Masiar [21] [28]
38Michele Migliore [28]
39Thomas M. Morse [28]
40Prakash M. Nadkarni [7] [8] [9] [11] [13] [16] [28]
41Kenneth Nelson [23]
42Michael V. Osier [15] [17] [24]
43Andrew J. Pakstis [15] [17] [24]
44Deyun Pan [25]
45S. Panzer [12]
46William R. Pearson [8]
47H. Rajeevan [24]
48John Reinitz [10]
49Glenn D. Rennels [3] [4]
50Petra Ross-MacDonald [14]
51Frederick G. Sayward [18] [19]
52Gordon M. Shepherd [13] [16] [22] [28]
53M. A. Shifman [10]
54Edward H. Shortliffe [4]
55Michael S. Singer [13]
56Dean F. Sittig [5]
57Emmanouil Skoufos [13] [16]
58Michael Snyder [14] [20] [21] [23]
59Ranjana Srivastava [25]
60S. Stein [24]
61Frank E. Stockdale [4]
62Nick P. Tosches [21] [24]
63Kevin White [23]
64Kenneth R. Williams [23] [25]
65L. W. Wright [10]
66C.-C. Yeh [24]
67Hongyu Zhao [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)