
Kazuko Takahashi

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13EEShou Kumokawa, Kazuko Takahashi: Drawing a Figure in a Two-Dimensional Plane for a Qualitative Representation. COSIT 2007: 337-353
12EEKazuko Takahashi, Hiroya Takamura, Manabu Okumura: Estimation of Class Membership Probabilities in the Document Classification. PAKDD 2007: 284-295
11EEKazuko Takahashi, Takao Sumitomo: The Qualitative Treatment of Spatial Data. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 16(4): 661-682 (2007)
10EETakao Sumitomo, Kazuko Takahashi: A Qualitative Treatment of Spatial Data. ICTAI 2005: 539-548
9EEKazuko Takahashi, Hiroya Takamura, Manabu Okumura: Automatic Occupation Coding with Combination of Machine Learning and Hand-Crafted Rules. PAKDD 2005: 269-279
8 Kazuko Takahashi: Reasoning on Spatial Constraints over Regions. FLAIRS Conference 2004
7EEKazuko Takahashi: Reasoning about Propagation of Properties over Regions. J. UCS 9(9): 1030-1045 (2003)
6EEKazuko Takahashi, Toshiyuki Takezawa: An interaction mechanism of multimodal dialogue systems. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(11): 70-79 (2002)
5EEKazuko Takahashi, Hiroshi Fujita: A verification method for systolic arrays using induction-based theorem provers. AI in Engineering 13(1): 43-53 (1999)
4 Akikazu Takeuchi, Kazuko Takahashi: An Operational Semantics of ANDOR-II, A Parallel Logic Programming Language with AND- and OR- Parallelism. Concurrency: Theory, Language, And Architecture 1989: 173-209
3 Kazuko Takahashi, Tadashi Kanamori: On Parallel Programming Methodology in GHC. LP 1986: 92-103
2EEAkira Fusaoka, Kazuko Takahashi: On a mechanical reasoning about causal relations. AI in Engineering 1(1): 15-22 (1986)
1 Akira Fusaoka, Hirohisa Seki, Kazuko Takahashi: A Description and Reasoning of Plant Controllers in Temporal Logic. IJCAI 1983: 405-408

Coauthor Index

1Hiroshi Fujita [5]
2Akira Fusaoka [1] [2]
3Tadashi Kanamori [3]
4Shou Kumokawa [13]
5Manabu Okumura [9] [12]
6Hirohisa Seki [1]
7Takao Sumitomo [10] [11]
8Hiroya Takamura [9] [12]
9Akikazu Takeuchi [4]
10Toshiyuki Takezawa [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)