
Jan M. Zytkow

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58EEEinoshin Suzuki, Jan M. Zytkow: Unified algorithm for undirected discovery of exception rules. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 20(7): 673-691 (2005)
57 Alicja Wieczorkowska, Jan M. Zytkow: Discovering Dependencies in Sound Descriptors. IIS 2003: 431-438
56 Alicja Wieczorkowska, Jan M. Zytkow: Analysis of Feature Dependencies in Sound Description. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 20(3): 285-302 (2003)
55 Jan M. Zytkow, Daniel Arredondo: Mining the Preference Relations and Preference Graphs. Intelligent Information Systems 2001: 121-131
54 Djamel A. Zighed, Henryk Jan Komorowski, Jan M. Zytkow: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 4th European Conference, PKDD 2000, Lyon, France, September 13-16, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
53EEJan M. Zytkow: Automated Discovery: A Fusion of Multidisciplinary Principles. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 443-448
52EEJan M. Zytkow, Zbigniew W. Ras: Foundations and Discovery of Operational Definitions. ISMIS 2000: 582-590
51 Andrzej Ossowski, Jan M. Zytkow: Geometrical Approach to a Coherent Set of Operational Definitions. Intelligent Information Systems 2000: 109-117
50EEEinoshin Suzuki, Jan M. Zytkow: Unified Algorithm for Undirected Discovery of Execption Rules. PKDD 2000: 169-180
49 Zbigniew W. Ras, Jan M. Zytkow: Mining for Attribute Definitions in a Distributed Two-Layered DB System. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 14(2-3): 115-130 (2000)
48 Jan M. Zytkow, Jan Rauch: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Third European Conference, PKDD '99, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-18, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
47EEJan M. Zytkow: The Melting Pot of Automated Discovery: Principles for a New Science. Discovery Science 1999: 1-12
46 Jan Cwik, Jacek Koronacki, Jan M. Zytkow: On Discovering Functional Relationships When Observations Are Noisy: 2D Case. ISMIS 1999: 547-555
45EEZbigniew W. Ras, Jan M. Zytkow: Discovery of Equations and the Shared Operational Semantics in Distributed Autonomous Databases. PAKDD 1999: 453-463
44 F. A. El-Mouadib, Jacek Koronacki, Jan M. Zytkow: Taxonomy Formation by Approximate Equivalence Relations, Revisited. PKDD 1999: 71-79
43 Jan M. Zytkow: Knowledge-Driven Discovery of Operational Definitions. RSFDGrC 1999: 395-404
42 Jan M. Zytkow, Mohamed Quafafou: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Second European Symposium, PKDD '98, Nantes, France, September 23-26, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
41 Arun P. Sanjeev, Jan M. Zytkow: Modeling the Business Process by Mining Multiple Databases. PKDD 1998: 432-440
40EEJan M. Zytkow, Arun P. Sanjeev: Business Process Understanding: Mining Many Datasets. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 1998: 239-246
39 Henryk Jan Komorowski, Jan M. Zytkow: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, First European Symposium, PKDD '97, Trondheim, Norway, June 24-27, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
38 Kuang-Ming Huang, Jan M. Zytkow: Discovering Empirical Equations from Robot-Collected Data. ISMIS 1997: 287-297
37 Jan M. Zytkow: Knowledge = Concepts: A Harmful Equation. KDD 1997: 104-109
36 Willi Klösgen, Jan M. Zytkow: techniques and Applications of KDD (Abstract). PKDD 1997: 394
35 Jan M. Zytkow, Robert Zembowicz: Contigency Tables as the Foundation for Concepts, Concept Hierarchies and Rules: The 49er System Approach. Fundam. Inform. 30(3/4): 383-399 (1997)
34 Jan M. Zytkow, Paul J. Fischer: Incremental Discovery of Hidden Structure: Applications in Theory of Elementary Particles. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 750-756
33 Jan M. Zytkow, Robert Zembowicz: Search for Patterns at Each Scale in Massive Data. ISMIS 1996: 139-148
32 Jan M. Zytkow, Robert Zembowicz: Automated Pattern Mining with a Scale Dimension. KDD 1996: 158-163
31 Robert Zembowicz, Jan M. Zytkow: From Contingency Tables to Various Forms of Knowledge in Databases. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1996: 329-349
30 Willi Klösgen, Jan M. Zytkow: Knowledge Discovery in Database Terminology. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1996: 573-592
29 Jan M. Zytkow: Automated Discovery of Empirical Laws. Fundam. Inform. 27(2/3): 299-318 (1996)
28 Arun P. Sanjeev, Jan M. Zytkow: Discovering Enrollment Knowledge in University Databases. KDD 1995: 246-251
27 Molly Troxel, Kim Swarm, Jan M. Zytkow: Concept Hierarchies: A Restricted Form of Knowledge Derived From Regularities. ISMIS 1994: 437-447
26 Molly Troxel, Kim Swarm, Robert Zembowicz, Jan M. Zytkow: From Law-Like Knowledge to Concept Hierarchies in Data. KDD Workshop 1994: 193-204
25 Willi Klösgen, Jan M. Zytkow: Machine Discovery Terminology. KDD Workshop 1994: 463-
24 Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez, Jan M. Zytkow, Herbert A. Simon: Scientific Model-Building as Search in Matrix Spaces. AAAI 1993: 472-478
23 Rajiv Bagai, Vasant Shanbhogue, Jan M. Zytkow, Shang-Ching Chou: Discovery of Geometry Theorems: Avoiding Isomorphic Situation Descriptions. ICCI 1993: 354-358
22 Rajiv Bagai, Vasant Shanbhogue, Jan M. Zytkow, Shang-Ching Chou: Automatic Theorem Generation in Plane Geometry. ISMIS 1993: 415-424
21 Robert Zembowicz, Jan M. Zytkow: Recognition of Functional Dependencies in Data. ISMIS 1993: 632-641
20 Jan M. Zytkow: Automated Discovery of Empirical Laws in a Science Laboratory. RSKD 1993: 119-129
19 Jan M. Zytkow, Robert Zembowicz: Database Exploration in Search of Regularities. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 2(1): 39-81 (1993)
18 Jan M. Zytkow: Introduction: Cognitive Autonomy in Machine Discovery. Machine Learning 12: 7-16 (1993)
17 Robert Zembowicz, Jan M. Zytkow: Discovery of Equations: Experimental Evaluation of Convergence. AAAI 1992: 70-75
16 Jan M. Zytkow, Jieming Zhu, Robert Zembowicz: Operational Definition Refinement: A Discovery Process. AAAI 1992: 76-81
15 Ashvin Radiya, Jan M. Zytkow: A Framework for Discovering Discrete Event Models. ML 1992: 373-378
14 Jan M. Zytkow, Jieming Zhu, Robert Zembowicz: The First Phase of Real-World Discovery: Determining Repeatability and Error of Experiments. ML 1992: 480-485
13 Jan M. Zytkow, Jieming Zhu: Panel: Application of Empirical Discovery in Knowledge Acquisition. EWSL 1991: 101-117
12 Robert Zembowicz, Jan M. Zytkow: Automated Discovery of Empirical Equations from Data. ISMIS 1991: 429-440
11 Jan M. Zytkow, Paul J. Fischer: Constructing Models of Hidden Structure. ISMIS 1991: 441-449
10 Jan M. Zytkow, J. Baker: Interactive Mining of Regularities in Databases. Knowledge Discovery in Databases 1991: 31-54
9 Jan M. Zytkow: Integration of Knowledge and Method in Real-world Discovery. SIGART Bulletin 2(4): 179-184 (1991)
8 Jan M. Zytkow, Jieming Zhu, Abul Hussam: Automated Discovery in a Chemistry Laboratory. AAAI 1990: 889-894
7 Jan M. Zytkow: Autonomous Control that Reasons about its own Actions. IAS 1989: 864-874
6 Pat Langley, Jan M. Zytkow: Data-Driven Approaches to Empirical Discovery. Artif. Intell. 40(1-3): 283-312 (1989)
5 Andrzej Jankowski, Jan M. Zytkow: A Methdology for Multisearch Systems. ISMIS 1988: 343-352
4 Michael D. Erickson, Jan M. Zytkow: Utilizing Experience for Improving the Tactical Manager. ML 1988: 444-450
3 Jan M. Zytkow, Michael D. Erickson: Tactical Manager in a Simulated Environment. ISMIS 1987: 139-147
2 Jan M. Zytkow, Herbert A. Simon: A Theory of Historical Discovery: The Construction of Componential Models. Machine Learning 1(1): 107-136 (1986)
1 Pat Langley, Jan M. Zytkow, Gary L. Bradshaw, Herbert A. Simon: Three Facets of Scientific Discovery. IJCAI 1983: 465-468

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Arredondo [55]
2Rajiv Bagai [22] [23]
3J. Baker [10]
4Gary L. Bradshaw [1]
5Shang-Ching Chou [22] [23]
6Jan Cwik [46]
7F. A. El-Mouadib [44]
8Michael D. Erickson [3] [4]
9Paul J. Fischer [11] [34]
10Kuang-Ming Huang [38]
11Abul Hussam [8]
12Andrzej Jankowski [5]
13Willi Klösgen [25] [30] [36]
14Henryk Jan Komorowski [39] [54]
15Jacek Koronacki [44] [46]
16Pat Langley [1] [6]
17Andrzej Ossowski [51]
18Mohamed Quafafou [42]
19Ashvin Radiya [15]
20Zbigniew W. Ras [45] [49] [52]
21Jan Rauch [48]
22Arun P. Sanjeev [28] [40] [41]
23Vasant Shanbhogue [22] [23]
24Herbert A. Simon [1] [2] [24]
25Einoshin Suzuki [50] [58]
26Kim Swarm [26] [27]
27Molly Troxel [26] [27]
28Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez [24]
29Alicja Wieczorkowska [56] [57]
30Robert Zembowicz [12] [14] [16] [17] [19] [21] [26] [31] [32] [33] [35]
31Jieming Zhu [8] [13] [14] [16]
32Djamel A. Zighed (Djamel Abdelkader Zighed) [54]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)