2009 |
477 | EE | Huan Wang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Jianzhuang Liu,
Xiaoou Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Correspondence Propagation with Weak Priors.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(1): 140-150 (2009) |
476 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Huan Wang,
Yun Fu,
Jun Yan,
Xiaoou Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Synchronized Submanifold Embedding for Person-Independent Pose Estimation and Beyond.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(1): 202-210 (2009) |
475 | EE | Jianchao Yang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang:
Ubiquitously Supervised Subspace Learning.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(2): 241-249 (2009) |
474 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Huan Wang,
Jilin Tu,
Xiaoou Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Mode-kn Factor Analysis for Image Ensembles.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(3): 670-676 (2009) |
2008 |
473 | EE | Liangliang Cao,
Jiebo Luo,
Thomas S. Huang:
Annotating photo collections by label propagation according to multiple similarity cues.
ACM Multimedia 2008: 121-130 |
472 | EE | Xi Zhou,
Xiaodan Zhuang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Shih-Fu Chang,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
SIFT-Bag kernel for video event analysis.
ACM Multimedia 2008: 229-238 |
471 | EE | Zhu Li,
Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Shuicheng Yan:
Real-time human action recognition by luminance field trajectory analysis.
ACM Multimedia 2008: 671-676 |
470 | EE | Liangliang Cao,
Mert Dikmen,
Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Gender recognition from body.
ACM Multimedia 2008: 725-728 |
469 | | Atulya Velivelli,
Thomas S. Huang:
Gaussian Process Based Dual Latent Function Approach to Ordinal Regression.
Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2008: 159-169 |
468 | EE | Yun Fu,
Liangliang Cao,
Guodong Guo,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multiple feature fusion by subspace learning.
CIVR 2008: 127-134 |
467 | EE | Aidong Zhang,
Shih-Fu Chang,
Arif Ghafoor,
Thomas S. Huang,
Ramesh Jain,
Rainer Lienhart:
Future directions in multimedia retrieval: : impact of new technology.
CIVR 2008: 663-664 |
466 | EE | Xun Xu,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Loopy Belief Propagation approach for robust background estimation.
CVPR 2008 |
465 | EE | Liangliang Cao,
Jiebo Luo,
Henry S. Kautz,
Thomas S. Huang:
Annotating collections of photos using hierarchical event and scene models.
CVPR 2008 |
464 | EE | Huazhong Ning,
Wei Xu,
Yihong Gong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Discriminative learning of visual words for 3D human pose estimation.
CVPR 2008 |
463 | EE | Yadong Mu,
Shuicheng Yan,
Yi Liu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Bingfeng Zhou:
Discriminative local binary patterns for human detection in personal album.
CVPR 2008 |
462 | EE | Jianchao Yang,
John Wright,
Thomas S. Huang,
Yi Ma:
Image super-resolution as sparse representation of raw image patches.
CVPR 2008 |
461 | EE | Huan Wang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang,
Jianzhuang Liu,
Xiaoou Tang:
Misalignment-robust face recognition.
CVPR 2008 |
460 | EE | Jianchao Yang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Yun Fu,
Xuelong Li,
Thomas S. Huang:
Non-negative graph embedding.
CVPR 2008 |
459 | EE | Yue Zhou,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang:
Pair-activity classification by bi-trajectories analysis.
CVPR 2008 |
458 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Xi Zhou,
Ming Liu,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Regression from patch-kernel.
CVPR 2008 |
457 | EE | Huazhong Ning,
Wei Xu,
Yihong Gong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Latent Pose Estimator for Continuous Action Recognition.
ECCV (2) 2008: 419-433 |
456 | EE | Hao Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
3D facial expression recognition based on properties of line segments connecting facial feature points.
FG 2008: 1-6 |
455 | EE | Yuxiao Hu,
Zhihong Zeng,
Lijun Yin,
Xiaozhou Wei,
Xi Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multi-view facial expression recognition.
FG 2008: 1-6 |
454 | EE | Jianchao Yang,
Hao Tang,
Yi Ma,
Thomas S. Huang:
Face hallucination VIA sparse coding.
ICIP 2008: 1264-1267 |
453 | EE | Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Correlation Embedding Analysis.
ICIP 2008: 1696-1699 |
452 | EE | Huazhong Ning,
Yuxiao Hu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Efficient initialization of Mixtures of Experts for human pose estimation.
ICIP 2008: 2164-2167 |
451 | EE | Hao Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
MPEG4 performance-driven avatar via robust facial motion tracking.
ICIP 2008: 249-252 |
450 | EE | Yue Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
'Bag of segments' for motion trajectory analysis.
ICIP 2008: 757-760 |
449 | EE | Hao Tang,
Yuxiao Hu,
Yun Fu,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Real-time conversion from a single 2D face image to a 3D text-driven emotive audio-visual avatar.
ICME 2008: 1205-1208 |
448 | EE | Yuxiao Hu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Subspace learning for human head pose estimation.
ICME 2008: 1585-1588 |
447 | EE | Atulya Velivelli,
Thomas S. Huang:
Automatic Video Annotation Using Multimodal Dirichlet Process Mixture Model.
ICNSC 2008: 1366-1371 |
446 | EE | Hao Tang,
Zhixiong Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Comparison of Algorithms for Speaker Identification under Adverse Far-Field Recording Conditions with Extremely Short Utterances.
ICNSC 2008: 796-801 |
445 | EE | Xi Zhou,
Xiaodan Zhuang,
Hao Tang,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
A novel Gaussianized vector representation for natural scene categorization.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
444 | EE | Yuxiao Hu,
Zhihong Zeng,
Lijun Yin,
Xiaozhou Wei,
Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang:
A study of non-frontal-view facial expressions recognition.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
443 | EE | Hao Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Boosting Gaussian mixture models via discriminant analysis.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
442 | EE | Mithun Das Gupta,
Thomas S. Huang:
Bregman distance to L1 regularized logistic regression.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
441 | EE | Xu Zhao,
Huazhong Ning,
Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Discriminative estimation of 3D human pose using Gaussian processes.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
440 | EE | Xiaodan Zhuang,
Xi Zhou,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Face age estimation using patch-based hidden Markov model supervectors.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
439 | EE | Guodong Guo,
Yun Fu,
Charles R. Dyer,
Thomas S. Huang:
Head pose estimation: Classification or regression?
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
438 | EE | Mert Dikmen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Robust estimation of foreground in surveillance videos by sparse error estimation.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
437 | EE | Huazhong Ning,
Wei Xu,
Yue Zhou,
Yihong Gong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Temporal difference learning to detect unsafe system states.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
436 | EE | Thomas S. Huang:
What are the 7 millennium problems in multimedia information retrieval?
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008: 1 |
435 | EE | Yue Zhou,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang:
Categorizing bi-object video activities using bag of segments and causality features.
VNBA 2008: 55-60 |
434 | EE | Mandar Rahurkar,
Dan Roth,
Thomas S. Huang:
Which "Apple" are you talking about ?
WWW 2008: 1197-1198 |
433 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Qi Tian,
Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Similarity Matching in Computer Vision and Multimedia.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 110(3): 309-311 (2008) |
432 | EE | Yun Fu,
Zhu Li,
Thomas S. Huang,
Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Locally adaptive subspace and similarity metric learning for visual data clustering and retrieval.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 110(3): 390-402 (2008) |
431 | EE | Dong Xu,
Shuicheng Yan,
Lei Zhang,
Stephen Lin,
Hong-Jiang Zhang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Reconstruction and Recognition of Tensor-Based Objects With Concurrent Subspaces Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(1): 36-47 (2008) |
430 | EE | Yun Fu,
Zhu Li,
Junsong Yuan,
Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Locality Versus Globality: Query-Driven Localized Linear Models for Facial Image Computing.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(12): 1741-1752 (2008) |
429 | EE | Dong Xu,
Shuicheng Yan,
Stephen Lin,
Thomas S. Huang:
Convergent 2-D Subspace Learning With Null Space Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(12): 1753-1759 (2008) |
428 | EE | Yun Fu,
Renxiang Li,
Thomas S. Huang,
Mike Danielsen:
Real-Time Multimodal Human-Avatar Interaction.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(4): 467-477 (2008) |
427 | EE | Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image Classification Using Correlation Tensor Analysis.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(2): 226-234 (2008) |
426 | EE | Guodong Guo,
Yun Fu,
Charles R. Dyer,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image-Based Human Age Estimation by Manifold Learning and Locally Adjusted Robust Regression.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(7): 1178-1188 (2008) |
425 | EE | Yun Fu,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang:
Classification and Feature Extraction by Simplexization.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 3(1): 91-100 (2008) |
424 | EE | Yadong Mu,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang,
Bingfeng Zhou:
Contextual motion field-based distance for video analysis.
The Visual Computer 24(7-9): 595-603 (2008) |
2007 |
423 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Anton Nijholt,
Maja Pantic,
Alex Pentland:
Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing, ICMI 2006 and IJCAI 2007 International Workshops, Banff, Canada, November 3, 2006, Hyderabad, India, January 6, 2007, Revised Seleced and Invited Papers
Springer 2007 |
422 | | Nicu Sebe,
Yuncai Liu,
Yueting Zhuang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multimedia Content Analysis and Mining, International Workshop, MCAM 2007, Weihai, China, June 30 - July 1, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
421 | | Michael S. Lew,
Nicu Sebe,
Thomas S. Huang,
Erwin M. Bakker:
Human-Computer Interaction, IEEE International Workshop, HCI 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 20, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
420 | EE | Xun Xu,
Thomas S. Huang:
SODA-Boosting and Its Application to Gender Recognition.
AMFG 2007: 193-204 |
419 | EE | Maja Pantic,
Alex Pentland,
Anton Nijholt,
Thomas S. Huang:
Human Computing and Machine Understanding of Human Behavior: A Survey.
Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing 2007: 47-71 |
418 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Yuxiao Hu,
Glenn I. Roisman,
Zhen Wen,
Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Audio-Visual Spontaneous Emotion Recognition.
Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing 2007: 72-90 |
417 | EE | Ming Liu,
Yanxiang Chen,
Xi Zhou,
Xiaodan Zhuang,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multichannel and Multimodality Person Identification.
CLEAR 2007: 248-255 |
416 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
ZhenQiu Zhang,
Yun Fu,
Yuxiao Hu,
Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Learning a Person-Independent Representation for Precise 3D Pose Estimation.
CLEAR 2007: 297-306 |
415 | EE | Xi Zhou,
Xiaodan Zhuang,
Ming Liu,
Hao Tang,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
HMM-Based Acoustic Event Detection with AdaBoost Feature Selection.
CLEAR 2007: 345-353 |
414 | EE | Jehanzeb Abbas,
Charlie K. Dagli,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Multimodality Framework for Creating Speaker/Non-Speaker Profile Databases for Real-World Video.
CVPR 2007 |
413 | EE | Stephen M. Chu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Audio-Visual Speech Fusion Using Coupled Hidden Markov Models.
CVPR 2007 |
412 | EE | Yun Fu,
Ming Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Conformal Embedding Analysis with Local Graph Modeling on the Unit Hypersphere.
CVPR 2007 |
411 | EE | ShyamSundar Rajaram,
Charlie K. Dagli,
Nemanja Petrovic,
Thomas S. Huang:
Diverse Active Ranking for Multimedia Search.
CVPR 2007 |
410 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Dong Xu,
Stephen Lin,
Thomas S. Huang,
Shih-Fu Chang:
Element Rearrangement for Tensor-Based Subspace Learning.
CVPR 2007 |
409 | EE | Deng Cai,
Xiaofei He,
Yuxiao Hu,
Jiawei Han,
Thomas S. Huang:
Learning a Spatially Smooth Subspace for Face Recognition.
CVPR 2007 |
408 | EE | Zhigang Zhu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multimodal Surveillance: an Introduction.
CVPR 2007 |
407 | EE | Huan Wang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Dong Xu,
Xiaoou Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Trace Ratio vs. Ratio Trace for Dimensionality Reduction.
CVPR 2007 |
406 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Huan Wang,
Xiaoou Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Learning Auto-Structured Regressor from Uncertain Nonnegative Labels.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
405 | EE | Terrence Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Optimizing Image Registration by Mutually Exclusive Scale Components.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
404 | EE | Michael S. Lew,
Erwin M. Bakker,
Nicu Sebe,
Thomas S. Huang:
Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction: A Survey.
ICCV-HCI 2007: 1-5 |
403 | EE | Yun Fu,
Junsong Yuan,
Zhu Li,
Thomas S. Huang,
Ying Wu:
Query-Driven Locally Adaptive Fisher Faces and Expert-Model for Face Recognition.
ICIP (1) 2007: 141-144 |
402 | EE | Junsong Yuan,
Zhu Li,
Yun Fu,
Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Common Spatial Pattern Discovery by Efficient Candidate Pruning.
ICIP (1) 2007: 165-168 |
401 | EE | Yun Fu,
Zhu Li,
Xi Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Laplacian Affinity Propagation for Semi-Supervised Object Classification.
ICIP (1) 2007: 189-192 |
400 | EE | Yun Fu,
Xi Zhou,
Ming Liu,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Lipreading by Locality Discriminant Graph.
ICIP (3) 2007: 325-328 |
399 | EE | Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Locating Nosetips and Estimating Head Pose in Images by Tensorposes.
ICIP (4) 2007: 513-516 |
398 | EE | Huazhong Ning,
Yuxiao Hu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Searching Human Behaviors using Spatial-Temporalwords.
ICIP (6) 2007: 337-340 |
397 | EE | Yue Zhou,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang:
Detecting Anomaly in Videos from Trajectory Similarity Analysis.
ICME 2007: 1087-1090 |
396 | EE | Yun Fu,
Ye Xu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Estimating Human Age by Manifold Analysis of Face Pictures and Regression on Aging Features.
ICME 2007: 1383-1386 |
395 | EE | Yue Zhou,
Wei Xu,
Huazhong Ning,
Yihong Gong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Detecting Unsafe Driving Patterns using Discriminative Learning.
ICME 2007: 1431-1434 |
394 | EE | Charlie K. Dagli,
Sharad V. Rao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multi-Modal Person-Profiles from Broadcast News Video.
ICME 2007: 1559-1562 |
393 | EE | Zhu Li,
Yun Fu,
Junsong Yuan,
Thomas S. Huang,
Ying Wu:
Query Driven Localized Linear Discriminant Models for Head Pose Estimation.
ICME 2007: 1810-1813 |
392 | EE | Xi Zhou,
Yun Fu,
Ming Liu,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Robust Analysis and Weighting on MFCC Components for Speech Recognition and Speaker Identification.
ICME 2007: 188-191 |
391 | EE | Ming Liu,
Zhengyou Zhang,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Exploring Discriminative Learning for Text-Independent Speaker Recognition.
ICME 2007: 56-59 |
390 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Huan Wang,
Thomas S. Huang,
Qiong Yang,
Xiaoou Tang:
Ranking with Uncertain Labels.
ICME 2007: 96-99 |
389 | EE | Yun Fu,
Renxiang Li,
Thomas S. Huang,
Mike Danielsen:
Real-Time Humanoid Avatar for Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction.
ICME 2007: 991-994 |
388 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Maja Pantic,
Glenn I. Roisman,
Thomas S. Huang:
A survey of affect recognition methods: audio, visual and spontaneous expressions.
ICMI 2007: 126-133 |
387 | EE | Huan Wang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang,
Jianzhuang Liu,
Xiaoou Tang:
Transductive regression piloted by inter-manifold relations.
ICML 2007: 967-974 |
386 | EE | Huan Wang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang,
Xiaoou Tang:
A Convengent Solution to Tensor Subspace Learning.
IJCAI 2007: 629-634 |
385 | EE | Yijuan Lu,
Qi Tian,
Thomas S. Huang:
Interactive Boosting for Image Classification.
MCAM 2007: 315-324 |
384 | EE | Yuxiao Hu,
ZhenQiu Zhang,
Xun Xu,
Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Building Large Scale 3D Face Database for Face Analysis.
MCAM 2007: 343-350 |
383 | EE | Yijuan Lu,
Qi Tian,
Thomas S. Huang:
Interactive Boosting for Image Classification.
MCS 2007: 180-189 |
382 | EE | Huazhong Ning,
Wei Xu,
Yun Chi,
Yihong Gong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Incremental Spectral Clustering With Application to Monitoring of Evolving Blog Communities.
SDM 2007 |
381 | EE | Tony X. Han,
Ming Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Drifting-proof Framework for Tracking and Online Appearance Learning.
WACV 2007: 10 |
380 | EE | Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
hMouse: Head Tracking Driven Virtual Computer Mouse.
WACV 2007: 30 |
379 | EE | Mathias Kölsch,
Vladimir Pavlovic,
Branislav Kisacanin,
Thomas S. Huang:
Special issue on vision for human-computer interaction.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 108(1-2): 1-3 (2007) |
378 | EE | Jilin Tu,
Hai Tao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Face as mouse through visual face tracking.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 108(1-2): 35-40 (2007) |
377 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Huan Wang,
Jianzhuang Liu,
Xiaoou Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Ranking with uncertain labels and its applications.
Frontiers of Computer Science in China 1(4): 407-412 (2007) |
376 | EE | Alejandro Jaimes,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Nicu Sebe,
Thomas S. Huang:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Human-Centered Computing--Toward a Human Revolution.
IEEE Computer 40(5): 30-34 (2007) |
375 | EE | Jie Yu,
Qi Tian,
Ting Rui,
Thomas S. Huang:
Integrating Discriminant and Descriptive Information for Dimension Reduction and Classification.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 17(3): 372-377 (2007) |
374 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Jianzhuang Liu,
Xiaoou Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Formulating Face Verification With Semidefinite Programming.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(11): 2802-2810 (2007) |
373 | EE | Shuicheng Yan,
Jianzhuang Liu,
Xiaoou Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Parameter-Free Framework for General Supervised Subspace Learning.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2(1): 69-76 (2007) |
372 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Jilin Tu,
Ming Liu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Brian Pianfetti,
Dan Roth,
Stephen E. Levinson:
Audio-Visual Affect Recognition.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(2): 424-428 (2007) |
371 | EE | Anelia Grigorova,
Francesco G. B. De Natale,
Charlie K. Dagli,
Thomas S. Huang:
Content-Based Image Retrieval by Feature Adaptation and Relevance Feedback.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(6): 1183-1192 (2007) |
370 | EE | Michael S. Lew,
Nicu Sebe,
Thomas S. Huang:
The age of human computer interaction.
Image Vision Comput. 25(12): 1833-1835 (2007) |
369 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Michael S. Lew,
Yafei Sun,
Ira Cohen,
Theo Gevers,
Thomas S. Huang:
Authentic facial expression analysis.
Image Vision Comput. 25(12): 1856-1863 (2007) |
368 | EE | Minglei Tong,
Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
3D human model and joint parameter estimation from monocular image.
Pattern Recognition Letters 28(7): 797-805 (2007) |
367 | EE | ZhenQiu Zhang,
Gerasimos Potamianos,
Andrew W. Senior,
Thomas S. Huang:
Joint face and head tracking inside multi-camera smart rooms.
Signal, Image and Video Processing 1(2): 163-178 (2007) |
2006 |
366 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Nicu Sebe,
Michael S. Lew,
Vladimir Pavlovic,
Mathias Kölsch,
Aphrodite Galata,
Branislav Kisacanin:
Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, ECCV 2006 Workshop on HCI, Graz, Austria, May 13, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
365 | EE | Jilin Tu,
Hai Tao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Online Updating Appearance Generative Mixture Model for Meanshift Tracking.
ACCV (1) 2006: 694-703 |
364 | EE | Huan Wang,
Shuicheng Yan,
Thomas S. Huang,
Xiaoou Tang:
Maximum unfolded embedding: formulation, solution, and application for image clustering.
ACM Multimedia 2006: 45-48 |
363 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Yuxiao Hu,
Ming Liu,
Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Training combination strategy of multi-stream fused hidden Markov model for audio-visual affect recognition.
ACM Multimedia 2006: 65-68 |
362 | EE | Charlie K. Dagli,
ShyamSundar Rajaram,
Thomas S. Huang:
Leveraging Active Learning for Relevance Feedback Using an Information Theoretic Diversity Measure.
CIVR 2006: 123-132 |
361 | EE | Ming Liu,
Hao Tang,
Huazhong Ning,
Thomas S. Huang:
Person Identification Based on Multichannel and Multimodality Fusion.
CLEAR 2006: 241-248 |
360 | EE | Jilin Tu,
Yun Fu,
Yuxiao Hu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Evaluation of Head Pose Estimation for Studio Data.
CLEAR 2006: 281-290 |
359 | EE | ZhenQiu Zhang,
Yuxiao Hu,
Ming Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Head Pose Estimation in Seminar Room Using Multi View Face Detectors.
CLEAR 2006: 299-304 |
358 | EE | Tony X. Han,
Huazhong Ning,
Thomas S. Huang:
Efficient Nonparametric Belief Propagation with Application to Articulated Body Tracking.
CVPR (1) 2006: 214-221 |
357 | EE | Terrence Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Scale-Driven Iterative Optimization for Brain Extraction and Registration.
CVPR (2) 2006: 2467-2474 |
356 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Yun Fu,
Glenn I. Roisman,
Zhen Wen,
Yuxiao Hu,
Thomas S. Huang:
One-Class Classification for Spontaneous Facial Expression Analysis.
FG 2006: 281-286 |
355 | EE | Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Graph Embedded Analysis for Head Pose Estimation.
FG 2006: 3-8 |
354 | EE | ZhenQiu Zhang,
Gerasimos Potamianos,
Ming Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Robust Multi-View Multi-Camera Face Detection inside Smart Rooms Using Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Programming.
FG 2006: 407-412 |
353 | EE | Huazhong Ning,
Tony X. Han,
Yuxiao Hu,
ZhenQiu Zhang,
Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Realtime Shrug Detector.
FG 2006: 505-510 |
352 | EE | ZhenQiu Zhang,
Yuxiao Hu,
Tianli Yu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Minimum Variance Estimation of 3D Face Shape from Multi-view.
FG 2006: 547-552 |
351 | EE | Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Hai Tao:
Accurate Head Pose Tracking in Low Resolution Video.
FG 2006: 573-578 |
350 | EE | Atulya Velivelli,
Thomas S. Huang:
Dirichlet Aspect Weighting: A Generalized EM Algorithm for Integrating External Data Fields with Semantically Structured Queries by Using Gradient Projection Method.
ICDM 2006: 633-644 |
349 | EE | Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Yingen Xiong,
R. Travis Rose,
Francis K. H. Quek:
Calibrating Head Pose Estimation in Videos for Meeting Room Event Analysis.
ICIP 2006: 3193-3196 |
348 | EE | Xun Xu,
Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang:
Recognizing Faces in Recorded Meetings via MRC-Boosting.
ICME 2006: 1633-1636 |
347 | EE | Huazhong Ning,
Wei Xu,
Yihong Gong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Improving Speaker Diarization by Cross EM Refinement.
ICME 2006: 1901-1904 |
346 | EE | ZhenQiu Zhang,
Gerasimos Potamianos,
Stephen M. Chu,
Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Person Tracking in Smart Rooms using Dynamic Programming and Adaptive Subspace Learning.
ICME 2006: 2061-2064 |
345 | EE | Ming S. Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Video Based Person Authentication via Audio/Visual Association.
ICME 2006: 553-556 |
344 | EE | Hao Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Improved Graphical Model for Audiovisual Object Tracking.
ICME 2006: 997-1000 |
343 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Yuxiao Hu,
Yun Fu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Glenn I. Roisman,
Zhen Wen:
Audio-visual emotion recognition in adult attachment interview.
ICMI 2006: 139-145 |
342 | EE | Maja Pantic,
Alex Pentland,
Anton Nijholt,
Thomas S. Huang:
Human computing and machine understanding of human behavior: a survey.
ICMI 2006: 239-248 |
341 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Ira Cohen,
Theo Gevers,
Thomas S. Huang:
Emotion Recognition Based on Joint Visual and Audio Cues.
ICPR (1) 2006: 1136-1139 |
340 | EE | Akash Kushal,
Mandar Rahurkar,
Fei-Fei Li,
Jean Ponce,
Thomas S. Huang:
Audio-Visual Speaker Localization Using Graphical Models.
ICPR (1) 2006: 291-294 |
339 | EE | Yue Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Weighted Bayesian Network for Visual Tracking.
ICPR (1) 2006: 523-526 |
338 | EE | Ming Liu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Zhengyou Zhang:
Robust Local Scoring Function for Text-Independent Speaker Verification.
ICPR (2) 2006: 1146-1149 |
337 | EE | Terrence Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Boundary correction for total variation regularized L^1 function with applications to image decomposition and segmentation.
ICPR (2) 2006: 316-319 |
336 | EE | Charlie K. Dagli,
ShyamSundar Rajaram,
Thomas S. Huang:
Utilizing Information Theoretic Diversity for SVM Active Learn.
ICPR (2) 2006: 506-511 |
335 | EE | Mithun Das Gupta,
ShyamSundar Rajaram,
Nemanja Petrovic,
Thomas S. Huang:
Classifiers for Motion.
ICPR (2) 2006: 593-596 |
334 | EE | Jilin Tu,
Aleksandar Ivanovic,
Xun Xu,
Fei-Fei Li,
Thomas S. Huang:
Variational Shift Invariant Probabilistic PCA for Face Recognition.
ICPR (3) 2006: 548-551 |
333 | EE | Weihong Li,
Ming Liu,
Zhigang Zhu,
Thomas S. Huang:
LDV Remote Voice Acquisition and Enhancement.
ICPR (4) 2006: 262-265 |
332 | EE | Ming Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Bayesian Predictive Method for Automatic Speech Segmentation.
ICPR (4) 2006: 290-293 |
331 | EE | Dennis Lin,
Jilin Tu,
ShyamSundar Rajaram,
ZhenQiu Zhang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Da Vinci's Mona Lisa.
MLMI 2006: 123-128 |
330 | EE | Xiaoyun Zhang,
Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Motion Analysis of Articulated Objects from Monocular Images.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(4): 625-636 (2006) |
329 | EE | Terrence Chen,
Wotao Yin,
Xiang Sean Zhou,
Dorin Comaniciu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Total Variation Models for Variable Lighting Face Recognition.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(9): 1519-1524 (2006) |
328 | EE | Yunqiang Chen,
Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multicue HMM-UKF for Real-Time Contour Tracking.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(9): 1525-1529 (2006) |
327 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Yun Fu,
Glenn I. Roisman,
Zhen Wen,
Yuxiao Hu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Spontaneous Emotional Facial Expression Detection.
Journal of Multimedia 1(5): 1-8 (2006) |
2005 |
326 | | Nicu Sebe,
Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, ICCV 2005 Workshop on HCI, Beijing, China, October 21, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
325 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Jilin Tu,
Ming Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multi-stream Confidence Analysis for Audio-Visual Affect Recognition.
ACII 2005: 964-971 |
324 | EE | Maja Pantic,
Nicu Sebe,
Jeffrey F. Cohn,
Thomas S. Huang:
Affective multimodal human-computer interaction.
ACM Multimedia 2005: 669-676 |
323 | EE | Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Hai Tao:
Face as Mouse Through Visual Face Tracking.
CRV 2005: 339-346 |
322 | EE | Terrence Chen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Wotao Yin,
Xiang Sean Zhou:
A New Coarse-to-Fine Framework for 3D Brain MR Image Registration.
CVBIA 2005: 114-124 |
321 | EE | Mithun Das Gupta,
ShyamSundar Rajaram,
Nemanja Petrovic,
Thomas S. Huang:
Restoration and Recognition in a Loop.
CVPR (1) 2005: 638-644 |
320 | EE | Terrence Chen,
Wotao Yin,
Xiang Sean Zhou,
Dorin Comaniciu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Illumination Normalization for Face Recognition and Uneven Background Correction Using Total Variation Based Image Models.
CVPR (2) 2005: 532-539 |
319 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Jilin Tu,
Brian Pianfetti,
Ming Liu,
Tong Zhang,
ZhenQiu Zhang,
Thomas S. Huang,
Stephen E. Levinson:
Audio-Visual Affect Recognition through Multi-Stream Fused HMM for HCI.
CVPR (2) 2005: 967-972 |
318 | EE | Hanning Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Okapi-Chamfer Matching for Articulated Object Recognition.
ICCV 2005: 1026-1033 |
317 | EE | Xun Xu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Face Recognition with MRC-Boosting.
ICCV 2005: 1770-1777 |
316 | EE | Tony X. Han,
Visvanathan Ramesh,
Ying Zhu,
Thomas S. Huang:
On Optimizing Template Matching via Performance Characterization.
ICCV 2005: 182-189 |
315 | EE | Tony X. Han,
Thomas S. Huang:
Articulated Body Tracking Using Dynamic Belief Propagation.
ICCV-HCI 2005: 26-35 |
314 | EE | Minglei Tong,
Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Recover Human Pose from Monocular Image Under Weak Perspective Projection.
ICCV-HCI 2005: 36-46 |
313 | EE | ZhenQiu Zhang,
Gerasimos Potamianos,
Andrew W. Senior,
Stephen M. Chu,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Joint System for Person Tracking and Face Detection.
ICCV-HCI 2005: 47-59 |
312 | EE | Amit Sethi,
Mandar Rahurkar,
Thomas S. Huang:
Variable module graphs: a framework for inference and learning in modular vision systems.
ICIP (2) 2005: 1326-1329 |
311 | EE | Zhen Wen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Enhanced 3D geometric-model-based face tracking in low resolution with appearance model.
ICIP (2) 2005: 350-353 |
310 | EE | Mithun Das Gupta,
ShyamSundar Rajaram,
Nemanja Petrovic,
Thomas S. Huang:
Non-parametric image super-resolution using multiple images.
ICIP (2) 2005: 89-92 |
309 | EE | Charlie K. Dagli,
ShyamSundar Rajaram,
Thomas S. Huang:
Combining Diversity-Based Active Learning with Discriminant Analysis in Image Retrieval.
ICITA (1) 2005: 173-178 |
308 | EE | Ziyou Xiong,
Regunathan Radhakrishnan,
Ajay Divakaran,
Thomas S. Huang:
Highlights extraction from sports video based on an audio-visual marker detection framework.
ICME 2005: 29-32 |
307 | EE | ZhenQiu Zhang,
Xun Xu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Indicisive classifier.
ICME 2005: 570-573 |
306 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
ZhenQiu Zhang,
Brian Pianfetti,
Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Audio-visual affect recognition in activation-evaluation space.
ICME 2005: 828-831 |
305 | EE | Lei Chen,
R. Rose,
Ying Qiao,
Irene Kimbara,
Fey Parrill,
Haleema Welji,
Tony X. Han,
Jilin Tu,
Zhongqiang Huang,
Mary P. Harper,
Francis K. H. Quek,
Yingen Xiong,
David McNeill,
Ronald Tuttle,
Thomas S. Huang:
VACE Multimodal Meeting Corpus.
MLMI 2005: 40-51 |
304 | EE | Qi Tian,
Jie Yu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Boosting Multiple Classifiers Constructed by Hybrid Discriminant Analysis.
Multiple Classifier Systems 2005: 42-52 |
303 | | Terrence Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Region Based Hidden Markov Random Field Model for Brain MR Image Segmentation.
WEC (2) 2005: 233-236 |
302 | | Zhen Wen,
Pengyu Hong,
Jilin Tu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Learning 3D Face Animation Model.
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (III) 2005: 1807-1814 |
301 | EE | Ying Wu,
John Lin,
Thomas S. Huang:
Analyzing and Capturing Articulated Hand Motion in Image Sequences.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(12): 1910-1922 (2005) |
300 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Ira Cohen,
Fabio Gagliardi Cozman,
Theo Gevers,
Thomas S. Huang:
Learning probabilistic classifiers for human-computer interaction applications.
Multimedia Syst. 10(6): 484-498 (2005) |
299 | EE | Nemanja Petrovic,
Nebojsa Jojic,
Thomas S. Huang:
Adaptive Video Fast Forward.
Multimedia Tools Appl. 26(3): 327-344 (2005) |
298 | EE | Jiebo Luo,
Thomas S. Huang,
John R. Smith,
HongJiang Zhang:
Special Issue on Image Understanding for Digital Photographs.
Pattern Recognition 38(6): 781-785 (2005) |
297 | EE | Qi Tian,
Ying Wu,
Jie Yu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Self-supervised learning based on discriminative nonlinear features for image classification.
Pattern Recognition 38(6): 903-917 (2005) |
2004 |
296 | | Nicu Sebe,
Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, ECCV 2004 Workshop on HCI, Prague, Czech Republic, May 16, 2004, Proceedings
Springer 2004 |
295 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Ashutosh Garg,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Discussion of Nonlinear Variants of Biased Discriminants for Interactive Image Retrieval.
CIVR 2004: 353-364 |
294 | EE | Jilin Tu,
ZhenQiu Zhang,
Zhihong Zeng,
Thomas S. Huang:
Face Localization via Hierarchical CONDENSATION with Fisher Boosting Feature Selection.
CVPR (2) 2004: 719-724 |
293 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
The State-of-the-Art in Human-Computer Interaction.
ECCV Workshop on HCI 2004: 1-6 |
292 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Michael S. Lew,
Ira Cohen,
Yafei Sun,
Theo Gevers,
Thomas S. Huang:
Authentic Facial Expression Analysis.
FGR 2004: 517-522 |
291 | EE | John Y. Lin,
Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
3D Model-Based Hand Tracking Using Stochastic Direct Search Method.
FGR 2004: 693-698 |
290 | EE | Xun Xu,
Changshui Zhang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Active Morphable Model: An Efficient Method for Face Analysis.
FGR 2004: 837-842 |
289 | EE | Qi Tian,
Qing Xue,
Jie Yu,
Nicu Sebe,
Thomas S. Huang:
Toward an improved error metric.
ICIP 2004: 2199-2202 |
288 | | Tony X. Han,
Steven Kay,
Thomas S. Huang:
Optimal segmentation of signals and its application to image denoising and boundary feature extraction.
ICIP 2004: 2693-2696 |
287 | | Hanning Zhou,
Zhengyou Zhang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Visual echo cancellation in a projector-camera-whiteboard system.
ICIP 2004: 2885-2888 |
286 | EE | Aleksandar Ivanovic,
Thomas S. Huang:
A probabilistic framework for segmentation and tracking of multiple non rigid objects for video surveillance.
ICIP 2004: 353-356 |
285 | | Atulya Velivelli,
ChengXiang Zhai,
Thomas S. Huang:
Audio segment retrieval using a short duration example query.
ICME 2004: 1603-1606 |
284 | | Zhen Wen,
Zicheng Liu,
Michael F. Cohen,
Jin Li,
Ke Colin Zheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
Low bit-rate video streaming for face-to-face teleconference.
ICME 2004: 1631-1634 |
283 | | Ziyou Xiong,
Regunathan Radhakrishnan,
Ajay Divakaran,
Thomas S. Huang:
Effective and efficient sports highlights extraction using the minimum description length criterion in selecting GMM structures.
ICME 2004: 1947-1950 |
282 | | ZhenQiu Zhang,
Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang,
Cem Paya:
Breaking the clock face HIP.
ICME 2004: 2167-2170 |
281 | | Qi Tian,
Jie Yu,
Ting Rui,
Thomas S. Huang:
Parameterized discriminant analysis for image classification.
ICME 2004: 5-8 |
280 | EE | Zhihong Zeng,
Jilin Tu,
Ming Liu,
Tong Zhang,
Nicholas Rizzolo,
ZhenQiu Zhang,
Thomas S. Huang,
Dan Roth,
Stephen E. Levinson:
Bimodal HCI-related affect recognition.
ICMI 2004: 137-143 |
279 | EE | Charlie K. Dagli,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Framework for Grid-Based Image Retrieval.
ICPR (2) 2004: 1021-1024 |
278 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Ira Cohen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Theo Gevers:
Skin Detection: A Bayesian Network Approach.
ICPR (2) 2004: 903-906 |
277 | EE | Yingge Wang,
Qiang Cheng,
Jie Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
MV-MAP: Multiresolution Video Visualization and Summarization on MAPs.
ICPR (3) 2004: 886-889 |
276 | EE | John Lin,
Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Articulate Hand Motion Capturing Based on a Monte Carlo Nelder-Mead Simplex Tracker.
ICPR (4) 2004: 975-978 |
275 | | Qi Tian,
Jie Yu,
Qing Xue,
Nicu Sebe,
Thomas S. Huang:
Robust Error Metric Analysis for Noise Estimation in Image Indexing.
MDDE 2004 |
274 | EE | Ira Cohen,
Nicu Sebe,
Yafei Sun,
Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Towards authentic emotion recognition.
SMC (1) 2004: 623-628 |
273 | EE | Tanveer Fathima Syeda-Mahmood,
Ismail Haritaoglu,
Thomas S. Huang:
CVIU special issue on event detection in video.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 96(2): 97-99 (2004) |
272 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Spatial pattern discovery by learning a probabilistic parametric model from multiple attributed relational graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 139(1-3): 113-135 (2004) |
271 | EE | Ira Cohen,
Fabio Gagliardi Cozman,
Nicu Sebe,
Marcelo Cesar Cirelo,
Thomas S. Huang:
Semisupervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory, Algorithms, and Their Application to Human-Computer Interaction.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(12): 1553-1567 (2004) |
270 | EE | Baback Moghaddam,
Qi Tian,
Neal Lesh,
Chia Shen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Visualization and User-Modeling for Browsing Personal Photo Libraries.
International Journal of Computer Vision 56(1-2): 109-130 (2004) |
269 | EE | Arnold W. M. Smeulders,
Thomas S. Huang,
Theo Gevers:
Guest Editorial.
International Journal of Computer Vision 56(1-2): 5-6 (2004) |
268 | EE | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating Multiple Cues Based on Co-Inference Learning.
International Journal of Computer Vision 58(1): 55-71 (2004) |
267 | EE | Ruoyu Roy Wang,
Thomas S. Huang:
A framework of joint object tracking and event detection.
Pattern Anal. Appl. 7(4): 343-355 (2004) |
266 | EE | Xiaoyun Zhang,
Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Articulated joint estimation from motion using two monocular images.
Pattern Recognition Letters 25(10): 1097-1106 (2004) |
265 | EE | Qiang Cheng,
Yingge Wang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Performance analysis and error exponents of asymmetric watermarking systems.
Signal Processing 84(8): 1429-1445 (2004) |
2003 |
264 | | Erwin M. Bakker,
Thomas S. Huang,
Michael S. Lew,
Nicu Sebe,
Xiang Sean Zhou:
Image and Video Retrieval, Second International Conference, CIVR 2003, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, July 24-25, 2003, Proceedings
Springer 2003 |
263 | EE | Terrence Chen,
Mei Han,
Wei Hua,
Yihong Gong,
Thomas S. Huang:
A New Tracking Technique: Object Tracking and Identification from Motion.
CAIP 2003: 157-164 |
262 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Michael S. Lew,
Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang,
Erwin M. Bakker:
The State of the Art in Image and Video Retrieval.
CIVR 2003: 1-8 |
261 | EE | Ira Cohen,
Nicu Sebe,
Yafei Sun,
Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Evaluation of Expression Recognition Techniques.
CIVR 2003: 184-195 |
260 | EE | Atulya Velivelli,
Chong-Wah Ngo,
Thomas S. Huang:
Detection of Documentary Scene Changes by Audio-Visual Fusion.
CIVR 2003: 227-237 |
259 | EE | Ira Cohen,
Nicu Sebe,
Fabio Gagliardi Cozman,
Marcelo Cesar Cirelo,
Thomas S. Huang:
Learning Bayesian Network Classifiers for Facial Expression Recognition using both Labeled and Unlabeled Data.
CVPR (1) 2003: 595-604 |
258 | EE | Zhen Wen,
Zicheng Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Face Relighting with Radiance Environment Maps.
CVPR (2) 2003: 158-165 |
257 | EE | Thomas S. Huang:
Visual Human Face Tracking and its Application to Lip-Reading and Emotion Recognition.
DICTA 2003: 17-18 |
256 | EE | ShyamSundar Rajaram,
Ashutosh Garg,
Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Classification Approach towards Banking and Sorting Problems.
ECML 2003: 301-312 |
255 | EE | Hanning Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Recovering Articulated Motion with a Hierarchical Factorization Method.
Gesture Workshop 2003: 140-151 |
254 | EE | Hanning Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Tracking Articulated Hand Motion with Eigen Dynamics Analysis.
ICCV 2003: 1102-1109 |
253 | EE | Zhen Wen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Capturing Subtle Facial Motions in 3D Face Tracking.
ICCV 2003: 1343-1350 |
252 | | Munehiro Nakazato,
Charlie K. Dagli,
Thomas S. Huang:
Evaluating group-based relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval.
ICIP (2) 2003: 599-602 |
251 | | Nebojsa Jojic,
Nemanja Petrovic,
Thomas S. Huang:
Scene generative models for adaptive video fast forward.
ICIP (2) 2003: 619-622 |
250 | | Qiang Cheng,
Yingge Wang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Maximizing efficacy for efficient watermarking systems.
ICIP (2) 2003: 747-750 |
249 | EE | Ira Cohen,
Nicu Sebe,
Fabio Gagliardi Cozman,
Thomas S. Huang:
Semi-supervised learning for facial expression recognition.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2003: 17-22 |
248 | | Xiaoyun Zhang,
Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Articulated Joint Estimation from Motion Using Two Monocular Images.
VMV 2003: 63-70 |
247 | EE | Ira Cohen,
Nicu Sebe,
Ashutosh Garg,
Lawrence S. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Facial expression recognition from video sequences: temporal and static modeling.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 91(1-2): 160-187 (2003) |
246 | EE | James M. Rehg,
Vladimir Pavlovic,
Thomas S. Huang,
William T. Freeman:
Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Graphical Models in Computer Vision.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(7): 785-786 (2003) |
245 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Qi Tian,
Etienne Loupias,
Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Evaluation of salient point techniques.
Image Vision Comput. 21(13-14): 1087-1095 (2003) |
244 | EE | Munehiro Nakazato,
Ljubomir Manola,
Thomas S. Huang:
ImageGrouper: a group-oriented user interface for content-based image retrieval and digital image arrangement.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 14(4): 363-386 (2003) |
243 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Relevance feedback in image retrieval: A comprehensive review.
Multimedia Syst. 8(6): 536-544 (2003) |
242 | EE | Yuncai Liu,
Xiaoyun Zhang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Estimation of 3D structure and motion from image corners.
Pattern Recognition 36(6): 1269-1277 (2003) |
241 | EE | Xue-wen Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Facial expression recognition: A clustering-based approach.
Pattern Recognition Letters 24(9-10): 1295-1302 (2003) |
2002 |
240 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Zhen Wen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Heung-Yeung Shum:
Real-Time Speech-Driven 3D Face Animation.
3DPVT 2002: 713-716 |
239 | EE | Xiaoyun Zhang,
Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Motion Estimation of Articulated Objects from Perspective Views.
AMDO 2002: 165-176 |
238 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Qi Tian,
Etienne Loupias,
Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Evaluation of Salient Point Techniques.
CIVR 2002: 367-377 |
237 | EE | Qi Tian,
Baback Moghaddam,
Thomas S. Huang:
Visualization, Estimation and User-Modeling for Interactive Browsing of Image Libraries.
CIVR 2002: 7-16 |
236 | EE | Yunqiang Chen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Yong Rui:
Mode-based Multi-Hypothesis Head Tracking Using Parametric Contours.
FGR 2002: 119-124 |
235 | EE | Yu Huang,
Thomas S. Huang,
Heinrich Niemann:
Two-Handed Gesture Tracking Incorporating Template Warping with Static Segmentation.
FGR 2002: 275-280 |
234 | EE | Ruoyu Roy Wang,
Thomas S. Huang,
Jialin Zhong:
Generative and Discriminative Face Modelling for Detection.
FGR 2002: 281-286 |
233 | | Zhen Wen,
Zicheng Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Model-based face image coding using spherical harmonics.
ICIP (1) 2002: 185-188 |
232 | | Ziyou Xiong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Wavelet-based texture features can be extracted efficiently from compressed-domain for JPEG2000 coded images.
ICIP (1) 2002: 481-484 |
231 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Thomas S. Huang:
Discovering recurrent events in video using unsupervised methods.
ICIP (2) 2002: 13-16 |
230 | | Yu Huang,
Thomas S. Huang,
Heinrich Niemann:
Segmentation-based object tracking using image warping and Kalman filtering.
ICIP (3) 2002: 601-604 |
229 | | Yunqiang Chen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Yong Rui:
Parametric contour tracking using unscented Kalman filter.
ICIP (3) 2002: 613-616 |
228 | | Yu Huang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Facial tracking with head pose estimation in stereo vision.
ICIP (3) 2002: 833-836 |
227 | EE | Ziyou Xiong,
Yunqiang Chen,
Roy Wang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Improved Information Maximization based Face and Facial Feature Detection from Real-time Video and Application in a Multi-Modal Person Identification System.
ICMI 2002: 511-516 |
226 | EE | Nicu Sebe,
Michael S. Lew,
Ira Cohen,
Ashutosh Garg,
Thomas S. Huang:
Emotion Recognition Using a Cauchy Naive Bayes Classifier.
ICPR (1) 2002: 17- |
225 | EE | Yu Huang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Model-Based Human Body Tracking.
ICPR (1) 2002: 552-555 |
224 | EE | Yu Huang,
Thomas S. Huang,
Heinrich Niemann:
A Region-Based Method for Model-Free Object Tracking.
ICPR (1) 2002: 592-595 |
223 | EE | Ashutosh Garg,
Vladimir Pavlovic,
Thomas S. Huang:
Bayesian Networks as Ensemble of Classifiers.
ICPR (2) 2002: 779-784 |
222 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multimodal Temporal Pattern Mining.
ICPR (3) 2002: 465-472 |
221 | EE | Ashutosh Garg,
Shivani Agarwal,
Thomas S. Huang:
Fusion of Global and Local Information for Object Detection.
ICPR (3) 2002: 723- |
220 | EE | Ziyou Xiong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Boosting Speech/Non-speech Classification Using Averaged Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients Features.
IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002: 573-580 |
219 | EE | William H. Sanders,
Constantine D. Polychronopoulos,
Thomas S. Huang,
Tod Courtney,
David Daly,
Daniel D. Deavours,
Salem Derisavi:
Overview: An Integrated Framework for Performance Engineering and Resource-Aware Compilation.
IPDPS 2002 |
218 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Xiang Sean Zhou:
Relevance Feedback in Content-Based Image Retrieval: Some Recent Advances.
JCIS 2002: 15-18 |
217 | EE | Xiaoyun Zhang,
Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Determining 3D Structure and Motion of Man-Made Objects from Image Corners.
SSIAI 2002: 26-30 |
216 | EE | Ziyou Xiong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Subband-Based, Memory-Efficient JPEG2000 Images Indexing in Compressed-Domain.
SSIAI 2002: 290-294 |
215 | EE | Ziyou Xiong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Block-Based, Memory-Efficient JPEG2000 Images Indexing in Compressed-Domain.
SSIAI 2002: 92-95 |
214 | | Qiang Cheng,
Ruoyu Roy Wang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Framework for digital video watermarking with dual watermarks.
VCIP 2002: 513-520 |
213 | EE | Munehiro Nakazato,
Lubomir Manola,
Thomas S. Huang:
ImageGrouper: Search, Annotate and Organize Images by Groups.
VISUAL 2002: 129-142 |
212 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Unifying Keywords and Visual Contents in Image Retrieval.
IEEE MultiMedia 9(2): 23-33 (2002) |
211 | EE | Nevenka Dimitrova,
HongJiang Zhang,
Behzad Shahraray,
M. Ibrahim Sezan,
Thomas S. Huang,
Avideh Zakhor:
Applications of Video-Content Analysis and Retrieval.
IEEE MultiMedia 9(3): 42-55 (2002) |
210 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Igor Kozintsev,
Thomas S. Huang:
Factor graph framework for semantic video indexing.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 12(1): 40-52 (2002) |
209 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval: some recent advances.
Inf. Sci. 148(1-4): 129-137 (2002) |
208 | | Hai Tao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Visual Estimation and Compression of Facial Motion Parameters-Elements of a 3D Model-Based Video Coding System.
International Journal of Computer Vision 50(2): 111-125 (2002) |
2001 |
207 | | Reinhard Klette,
Thomas S. Huang,
Georgy L. Gimel'farb:
Multi-Image Analysis, 10th International Workshop on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, March 12-17, 2000, Revised Papers
Springer 2001 |
206 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Comparing discriminating transformations and SVM for learning during multimedia retrieval.
ACM Multimedia 2001: 137-146 |
205 | EE | Qiang Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
An image watermarking technique using pyramid transform.
ACM Multimedia 2001: 319-328 |
204 | EE | Milind R. Naphade,
Roy Wang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Supporting audiovisual query using dynamic programming.
ACM Multimedia 2001: 411-420 |
203 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Zhen Wen,
Thomas S. Huang:
An integrated framework for face modeling, facial motion analysis and synthesis.
ACM Multimedia 2001: 495-498 |
202 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Small Sample Learning during Multimedia Retrieval using BiasMap.
CVPR (1) 2001: 11-17 |
201 | EE | Yunqiang Chen,
Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang:
JPDAF Based HMM or Real-Time Contour Tracking.
CVPR (1) 2001: 543-550 |
200 | EE | Nemanja Petrovic,
Ira Cohen,
Brendan J. Frey,
Ralf Koetter,
Thomas S. Huang:
Enforcing Integrability for Surface Reconstruction Algorithms Using Belief Propagation in Graphical Models.
CVPR (1) 2001: 743-748 |
199 | EE | Ying Wu,
Zhengyou Zhang,
Thomas S. Huang,
John Y. Lin:
Multibody Grouping via Orthogonal Subspace Decomposition.
CVPR (2) 2001: 252-257 |
198 | | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Co-inference Approach to Robust Visual Tracking.
ICCV 2001: 26-33 |
197 | | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Kentaro Toyama:
Self-Supervised Learning for Object Recognition based on Kernel Discriminant-EM Algorithm.
ICCV 2001: 275-280 |
196 | | Ying Wu,
John Y. Lin,
Thomas S. Huang:
Capturing Natural Hand Articulation.
ICCV 2001: 426-432 |
195 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Baback Moghaddam,
Thomas S. Huang:
ICA-based probabilistic local appearance models.
ICIP (1) 2001: 161-164 |
194 | EE | Yunqiang Chen,
Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
One-class SVM for learning in image retrieval.
ICIP (1) 2001: 34-37 |
193 | EE | Yunqiang Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Hierarchical MRF model for model-based multi-object tracking.
ICIP (1) 2001: 385-388 |
192 | EE | Ruoyu Roy Wang,
Yunqiang Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Basis pursuit for tracking.
ICIP (1) 2001: 401-404 |
191 | EE | Yunqiang Chen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Yong Rui:
Optimal radial contour tracking by dynamic programming.
ICIP (1) 2001: 626-629 |
190 | EE | Qiang Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
Optimum detection of robust perceptual-model-based image-adaptive watermarks.
ICIP (2) 2001: 490-493 |
189 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image retrieval with relevance feedback: from heuristic weight adjustment to optimal learning methods.
ICIP (3) 2001: 2-5 |
188 | EE | Milind R. Naphade,
Thomas S. Huang:
Recognizing high-level audio-visual concepts using context.
ICIP (3) 2001: 46-49 |
187 | EE | Munehiro Nakazato,
Thomas S. Huang:
3d Mars: Immersive Virtual Reality for Content-Based Image Retrieval.
ICME 2001 |
186 | EE | Milind R. Naphade,
Roy Wang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Classifying Motion Picture Soundtrack For Video Indexing.
ICME 2001 |
185 | EE | Qiang Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang,
Hao Pan:
Combined Audio And Videowatermarking Using Mel-Frequency Cepstra.
ICME 2001 |
184 | EE | Milind R. Naphade,
Ashutosh Garg,
Thomas S. Huang:
Duration Dependent Input Output Markov Models For Audio-Visual Event Detection.
ICME 2001 |
183 | EE | Qiang Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
Optimum Detection of Multiplicative Watermarks using Locally Optimum Decision Rule.
ICME 2001 |
182 | EE | Zhen Wen,
Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Real Time Speech Driven Facial Animation Using Formant Analysis.
ICME 2001 |
181 | EE | Baback Moghaddam,
Qi Tian,
Thomas S. Huang:
Spatial Visualization For Content-Based Image Retrieval.
ICME 2001 |
180 | EE | Qiong Liu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Ying Wu,
Stephen E. Levinson:
Spoken Language Acquisition Via Human-Robot Interaction.
ICME 2001 |
179 | EE | Milind R. Naphade,
Thomas S. Huang:
Detecting Semantic Concepts Using Context and Audiovisual Features.
IEEE Workshop on Detection and Recognition of Events in Video 2001: 92-98 |
178 | EE | Qi Tian,
Baback Moghaddam,
Thomas S. Huang:
Display Optimization for Image Browsing.
MDIC 2001: 167-178 |
177 | EE | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Towards Self-Exploring Discriminating Features.
MLDM 2001: 263-277 |
176 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Spatial pattern discovering by learning the isomorphic subgraph from multiple attributed relation graphs.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 46: (2001) |
175 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Thomas S. Huang:
A probabilistic framework for semantic video indexing, filtering, and retrieval.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 3(1): 141-151 (2001) |
174 | | Pengyu Hong,
Zhen Wen,
Thomas S. Huang:
iFACE: A 3D Synthetic Talking Face.
Int. J. Image Graphics 1(1): 19-26 (2001) |
173 | EE | Alfred M. Bruckstein,
Robert J. Holt,
Thomas S. Huang,
Arun N. Netravali:
Trifocal tensors for weak perspective and paraperspective projections.
Pattern Recognition 34(2): 395-404 (2001) |
172 | EE | Hao Pan,
Zhi-Pei Liang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Estimation of the joint probability of multisensory signals.
Pattern Recognition Letters 22(13): 1431-1437 (2001) |
171 | | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Edge-based structural features for content-based image retrieval.
Pattern Recognition Letters 22(5): 457-468 (2001) |
2000 |
170 | | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Self-Supervised Learning for Visual Tracking and Recognition of Human Hand.
AAAI/IAAI 2000: 243-248 |
169 | EE | Roy Wang,
Qiang Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
Identify Regions of Interest(ROI) for video watermark embedment with Principle Component Analysis.
ACM Multimedia 2000: 459-461 |
168 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang,
Roy Wang:
Learning Patterns from Images by Combining Soft Decisions and Hard Decisions.
CVPR 2000: 1078- |
167 | EE | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Color Tracking by Transductive Learning.
CVPR 2000: 1133-1138 |
166 | EE | Ying Wu,
Qi Tian,
Thomas S. Huang:
Discriminant-EM Algorithm with Application to Image Retrieval.
CVPR 2000: 1222-1227 |
165 | EE | Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang:
Optimizing Learning in Image Retrieval.
CVPR 2000: 1236- |
164 | EE | Nebojsa Jojic,
Nemanja Petrovic,
Thomas S. Huang,
Brendan J. Frey:
Transformed Hidden Markov Models: Estimating Mixture Models of Images and Inferring Spatial Transformations in Video Sequence.
CVPR 2000: 2026-2033 |
163 | EE | Vladimir Pavlovic,
James M. Rehg,
Ashutosh Garg,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multimodal Speaker Detection Using Error Feedback Dynamic Bayesian Networks.
CVPR 2000: 2034- |
162 | EE | Michael S. Lew,
Nicu Sebe,
Thomas S. Huang:
Improving Visual Matching.
CVPR 2000: 2058-2065 |
161 | EE | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
View-Independent Recognition of Hand Postures.
CVPR 2000: 2088-2094 |
160 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang,
Matthew Turk:
Gesture Modeling and Recognition Using Finite State Machines.
FG 2000: 410-415 |
159 | EE | Nebojsa Jojic,
Thomas S. Huang,
Barry Brumitt,
Brian Meyers,
Steve Harris:
Detection and Estimation of Pointing Gestures in Dense Disparity Maps.
FG 2000: 468-475 |
158 | | Qiang Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
A DCT-Domain Blind Watermarking System Using Optimum Detection on Laplacian Model.
ICIP 2000 |
157 | | Qi Tian,
Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Combine User Defined Region-of-Interest and Spatial Layout for Image Retrieval.
ICIP 2000 |
156 | | Hao Pan,
Zhi-Pei Liang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Fusing Audio and Visual Features of Speech.
ICIP 2000 |
155 | | Pengyu Hong,
Qi Tian,
Thomas S. Huang:
Incorporate Support Vector Machines to Content-Based Image Retrieval with Relevant Feedback.
ICIP 2000 |
154 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Thomas S. Huang:
Inferring Semantic Concepts for Video Indexing and Retrieval.
ICIP 2000 |
153 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Thomas S. Huang:
Multimedia Understanding: Challenges in the New Millennium.
ICIP 2000 |
152 | EE | Ying Wu,
Qi Tian,
Thomas S. Huang:
Integrating Unlabeled Images for Image Retrieval Based on Relevance Feedback.
ICPR 2000: 1021-1024 |
151 | EE | Roy Wang,
Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Memory-Based Moving Object Extraction for Video Indexing.
ICPR 2000: 1811-1814 |
150 | EE | Milind R. Naphade,
Lawrence S. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Brendan J. Frey:
Learning Sparse Multiple Cause Models.
ICPR 2000: 2642-2647 |
149 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Learning to Extract Temporal Signal Patterns from Temporal Signal Sequence.
ICPR 2000: 2648-2651 |
148 | EE | Milind R. Naphade,
Thomas S. Huang:
Semantic Video Indexing Using a Probabilistic Framework.
ICPR 2000: 3083-3088 |
147 | EE | Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang,
Matthew Turk:
Constructing Finite State Machines for Fast Gesture Recognition.
ICPR 2000: 3695-3698 |
146 | EE | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image Representation and Retrieval Using Structural Features.
ICPR 2000: 5039-5042 |
145 | EE | Ira Cohen,
Ashutosh Garg,
Thomas S. Huang:
Vision-Based Overhead View Person Recognition.
ICPR 2000: 5119-5124 |
144 | | Qi Tian,
Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Incorporate Discriminant Analysis with EM Algorithm in Image Retrieval.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 299-302 |
143 | | Trausti T. Kristjansson,
Brendan J. Frey,
Thomas S. Huang:
Event-Coupled Hidden Markov Models.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 385-388 |
142 | | Qiang Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
Blind Digital Watermarking for Images and Videos and Performance Analysis.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 389-392 |
141 | | Lawrence S. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Emotional Expressions in Audiovisual Human Computer Interaction.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 423-426 |
140 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Probabilistic Framework for Semantic Indexing and Retrieval in Video.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 475-478 |
139 | | You Zhang,
Stephen E. Levinson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Speaker Independent Audio-Visual Speech Recognition.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 1073-1076 |
138 | | Hao Pan,
Zhi-Pei Liang,
Thomas S. Huang:
A New Approach to Integrate Audio and Visual Features of Speech.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 1093-1096 |
137 | | Qi Tian,
Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Update Relevant Image Weights for Content-Based Image Retrieval using Support Vector Machines.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 1199-1202 |
136 | EE | Yunqiang Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Motion Segmentation and Tracking by Embedding Global Model Within a Contextual Relaxation Scheme.
MVA 2000: 455-458 |
135 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Igor Kozintsev,
Thomas S. Huang:
Probabilistic Semantic Video Indexing.
NIPS 2000: 967-973 |
134 | EE | John Y. Lin,
Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Modeling the Constraints of Human Hand Motion.
Workshop on Human Motion 2000: 121-126 |
133 | EE | Rajeev Sharma,
Michael Zeller,
Vladimir Pavlovic,
Thomas S. Huang,
Zion Lo,
Stephen M. Chu,
Yunxin Zhao,
James C. Phillips,
Klaus Schulten:
Speech/Gesture Interface to a Visual-Computing Environment.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(2): 29-37 (2000) |
132 | EE | B. S. Manjunath,
Thomas S. Huang,
A. Murat Tekalp,
HongJiang Zhang:
Guest editorial introduction to the special issue on image and video processing for digital libraries.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(1): 1-2 (2000) |
131 | | Alfred M. Bruckstein,
Robert J. Holt,
Thomas S. Huang,
Arun N. Netravali:
New Devices for 3D Pose Estimation: Mantis Eyes, Agam Paintings, Sundials, and Other Space Fiducials.
International Journal of Computer Vision 39(2): 131-139 (2000) |
1999 |
130 | EE | Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang:
A novel relevance feedback technique in image retrieval.
ACM Multimedia (2) 1999: 67-70 |
129 | EE | Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Optimal Multi-Scale Matching.
CVPR 1999: 1088-1093 |
128 | EE | Antonio Colmenarez,
Brendan J. Frey,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Probabilistic Framework for Embedded Face and Facial Expression Recognition.
CVPR 1999: 1592-1597 |
127 | EE | Hai Tao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Explanation-Based Facial Motion Tracking Using a Piecewise Bézier Volume Deformation Model.
CVPR 1999: 1611-1617 |
126 | EE | Hao Pan,
Zhi-Pei Liang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Exploiting the Dependencies in Information Fusion.
CVPR 1999: 2407-2412 |
125 | EE | Vladimir Pavlovic,
Brendan J. Frey,
Thomas S. Huang:
Time-Series Classification Using Mixed-State Dynamic Bayesian Networks.
CVPR 1999: 2609- |
124 | EE | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Vision-Based Gesture Recognition: A Review.
Gesture Workshop 1999: 103-115 |
123 | EE | Nebojsa Jojic,
Matthew Turk,
Thomas S. Huang:
Tracking Self-Occluding Articulated Objects in Dense Disparity Maps.
ICCV 1999: 123-130 |
122 | EE | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Capturing Articulated Human Hand Motion: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach.
ICCV 1999: 606-611 |
121 | EE | Alfred M. Bruckstein,
Robert J. Holt,
Thomas S. Huang,
Arun N. Netravali:
Optimum Fiducials under Weak Perspective Projection.
ICCV 1999: 67-72 |
120 | | Antonio Colmenarez,
Brendan J. Frey,
Thomas S. Huang:
Embedded Face and Facial Expression Recognition.
ICIP (1) 1999: 633-637 |
119 | | Pengyu Hong,
Thomas S. Huang:
Natural Mouse; A Novel Human Computer Interface.
ICIP (1) 1999: 653-656 |
118 | | Antonio Colmenarez,
Brendan J. Frey,
Thomas S. Huang:
Detection and Tracking of Faces and Facial Features.
ICIP (1) 1999: 657-661 |
117 | | Xiang Sean Zhou,
Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang:
Water-Filling: A Novel Way for Image Structural Feature Extraction.
ICIP (2) 1999: 570-574 |
116 | | Ying Wu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Human Hand Modeling, Analysis, and Animation in the Context of HCI.
ICIP (3) 1999: 6-10 |
115 | | Roy Wang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Fast Camera Motion Analysis in Mpeg Domain.
ICIP (3) 1999: 691-694 |
114 | | Qiong Liu,
Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang,
Stephen E. Levinson:
Video Sequence Learning and Recognition Via Dynamic Som.
ICIP (4) 1999: 93-97 |
113 | EE | Trausti T. Kristjansson,
Thomas S. Huang,
P. Ramesh,
B. H. Juang:
A Unified Structure-Based Framework for Indexing and Gisting of Meetings.
ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 572-577 |
112 | EE | Yong Rui,
Xiang Sean Zhou,
Thomas S. Huang:
Efficient Access to Video Content in a Unified Framework.
ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 735-740 |
111 | EE | Vladimir Pavlovic,
Brendan J. Frey,
Thomas S. Huang:
Variational Learning in Mixed-State Dynamic Graphical Models.
UAI 1999: 522-530 |
110 | EE | Alfred M. Bruckstein,
Robert J. Holt,
Thomas S. Huang,
Arun N. Netravali:
Optimum Fiducials Under Weak Perspective Projection.
International Journal of Computer Vision 35(3): 223-244 (1999) |
109 | EE | Yong Rui,
Michael Ortega,
Thomas S. Huang,
Sharad Mehrotra:
Information Retrieval Beyond the Text Document.
Library Trends 48(2): (1999) |
108 | EE | Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang,
Sharad Mehrotra:
Constructing Table-of-Content for Videos.
Multimedia Syst. 7(5): 359-368 (1999) |
1998 |
107 | | Nebojsa Jojic,
Jin Gu,
Helen C. Shen,
Thomas S. Huang:
3-D Reconstruction of Multipart Self-Occluding Objects.
ACCV (2) 1998: 455-462 |
106 | | Nebojsa Jojic,
Thomas S. Huang:
On Analysis of Cloth Drape Range Data.
ACCV (2) 1998: 463-470 |
105 | EE | Hai Tao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Bézier Volume Deformation Model for Facial Animation and Video Tracking.
CAPTECH 1998: 242-253 |
104 | EE | Brendan J. Frey,
Antonio Colmenarez,
Thomas S. Huang:
Mixtures of Local Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition.
CVPR 1998: 32-37 |
103 | EE | Nebojsa Jojic,
Jin Gu,
Ivan Mak,
Helen C. Shen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Computer Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Dressed Humans.
CVPR 1998: 528-534 |
102 | EE | Hai Tao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Connected Vibrations: A Modal Analysis Approach for Non-Rigid Motion Tracking.
CVPR 1998: 735-740 |
101 | | Hai Tao,
Ricardo Lopez,
Thomas S. Huang:
Tracking Facial Features Using Probabilistic Network.
FG 1998: 166-170 |
100 | | Lawrence S. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Tsutomu Miyasato,
Ryohei Nakatsu:
Multimodal Human Emotion/Expression Recognition.
FG 1998: 366-371 |
99 | | Hao Pan,
Zhi-Pei Liang,
Thomas J. Anastasio,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Hybrid NN-Bayesian Architecture for Information Fusion.
ICIP (1) 1998: 368-371 |
98 | | Yueting Zhuang,
Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang,
Sharad Mehrotra:
Adaptive Key Frame Extraction using Unsupervised Clustering.
ICIP (1) 1998: 866-870 |
97 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Rajiv Mehrotra,
A. Müfit Ferman,
Jim Warnick,
Thomas S. Huang,
A. Murat Tekalp:
A High-Performance Shot Boundary Detection Algorithm using Multiple Cues.
ICIP (1) 1998: 884-887 |
96 | | Yi Kang,
Josep Torrellas,
Thomas S. Huang:
Use IRAM for Rasterization.
ICIP (3) 1998: 1010-1013 |
95 | | Hai Tao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Deriving Facial Articulation Models from Image Sequences.
ICIP (3) 1998: 158-162 |
94 | | Milind R. Naphade,
Trausti T. Kristjansson,
Brendan J. Frey,
Thomas S. Huang:
Probabalistic Multimedia Objects (Multijects): A Novel Approach to Video Indexing and Retrieval in Multimedia Systems.
ICIP (3) 1998: 536-540 |
93 | EE | Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang,
Sharad Mehrotra:
Exploring Video Structure Beyond the Shots.
ICMCS 1998: 237-240 |
92 | | Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang,
Sharad Mehrotra:
Relevance Feedback Techniques in Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval.
Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE) 1998: 25-36 |
91 | EE | Michael Ortega,
Yong Rui,
Kaushik Chakrabarti,
Kriengkrai Porkaew,
Sharad Mehrotra,
Thomas S. Huang:
Supporting Ranked Boolean Similarity Queries in MARS.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(6): 905-925 (1998) |
90 | EE | Jialin Zhong,
Thomas S. Huang,
Ronald J. Adrian:
Extracting 3D Vortices in Turbulent Fluid Flow.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(2): 193-199 (1998) |
89 | EE | Sergio D. Servetto,
Yong Rui,
Kannan Ramchandran,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Region-Based Representation of Images in MARS.
VLSI Signal Processing 20(1-2): 137-150 (1998) |
88 | EE | Jörn Ostermann,
Lawrence S. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Animated Talking Head with Personalized 3D Head Model.
VLSI Signal Processing 20(1-2): 97-105 (1998) |
1997 |
87 | EE | Michael Ortega,
Yong Rui,
Kaushik Chakrabarti,
Sharad Mehrotra,
Thomas S. Huang:
Supporting Similarity Queries in MARS.
ACM Multimedia 1997: 403-413 |
86 | EE | Michael Zeller,
James C. Phillips,
A. Dalke,
W. Humphrey,
Klaus Schulten,
Thomas S. Huang,
Vladimir Pavlovic,
Yunxin Zhao,
Zion Lo,
Stephen M. Chu,
Rajeev Sharma:
A Visual Computing Environment for Very Large Scale Biomolecular Modeling.
ASAP 1997: 3- |
85 | EE | Richard J. Qian,
Thomas S. Huang:
Object Detection Using Hierarchical MRF and MAP Estimation.
CVPR 1997: 186-192 |
84 | EE | Antonio Colmenarez,
Thomas S. Huang:
Face Detection With Information-Based Maximum Discrimination.
CVPR 1997: 782-787 |
83 | | Michael S. Lew,
Michel R. V. Chaudron,
Nies Huijsmans,
Alfred C. She,
Thomas S. Huang:
Convergence of Model Based Shape from Shading.
ICIAP (1) 1997: 582-587 |
82 | EE | Vladimir Pavlovic,
G. A. Berry,
Thomas S. Huang:
Integration of Audio/Visual Information for Use in Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction.
ICIP (1) 1997: 121-124 |
81 | EE | Scott P. Oswald,
Kannan Ramchandran,
Thomas S. Huang:
Efficient Terrain Data Representation for 3D Rendering Using the Generalized BFOS Algorithm.
ICIP (1) 1997: 448-451 |
80 | EE | Hai Tao,
Thomas S. Huang:
Color Image Edge Detection Using Cluster Analysis.
ICIP (1) 1997: 834-836 |
79 | EE | Yong Rui,
Thomas S. Huang,
Sharad Mehrotra:
Content-Based Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback in MARS.
ICIP (2) 1997: 815-818 |
78 | EE | Zhi-Pei Liang,
Hao Pan,
R. L. Magin,
Narendra Ahuja,
Thomas S. Huang:
Automated registration of multimodality images by maximization of a region similarity measure.
ICIP (3) 1997: 272-275 |
77 | | Sharad Mehrotra,
Yong Rui,
Michael Ortega,
Thomas S. Huang:
Supporting Content-based Queries over Images in MARS.
ICMCS 1997: 632-633 |
76 | EE | Vladimir Pavlovic,
Rajeev Sharma,
Thomas S. Huang:
Visual Interpretation of Hand Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction: A Review.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(7): 677-695 (1997) |
75 | EE | John (Juyang) Weng,
Narendra Ahuja,
Thomas S. Huang:
Learning Recognition and Segmentation Using the Cresceptron.
International Journal of Computer Vision 25(2): 109-143 (1997) |
74 | EE | Robert J. Holt,
Thomas S. Huang,
Arun N. Netravali,
Richard J. Qian:
Determining articulated motion from perspective views: A decomposition approach.
Pattern Recognition 30(9): 1435-1449 (1997) |
1996 |
73 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Sharad Mehrotra,
Kannan Ramchandran:
Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval System (MARS) Project.
Data Processing Clinic 1996: 0- |
72 | EE | Vladimir Pavlovic,
Rajeev Sharma,
Thomas S. Huang:
Invited Speech: "Gestural Interface to a visual computing Environment for Molecular biologists".
FG 1996: 30-37 |
71 | EE | Antonio Colmenarez,
Thomas S. Huang:
Maximum Likelihood Face Detection.
FG 1996: 307-311 |
70 | EE | Robert J. Holt,
Thomas S. Huang,
Arun N. Netravali:
Algebraic methods for image processing and computer vision.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(6): 976-986 (1996) |
69 | EE | Richard J. Qian,
Thomas S. Huang:
Optimal edge detection in two-dimensional images.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(7): 1215-1220 (1996) |
68 | EE | Jiebo Luo,
Chang Wen Chen,
Kevin J. Parker,
Thomas S. Huang:
Artifact reduction in low bit rate DCT-based image compression.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(9): 1363-1368 (1996) |
67 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Li-an Tang:
3-D Face Modeling and Its Applications.
IJPRAI 10(5): 491-520 (1996) |
1995 |
66 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Ricardo Lopez:
Computer Vision in Next Generation Image and Video Coding.
ACCV 1995: 13-21 |
65 | | Michael S. Lew,
Alfred C. She,
Thomas S. Huang:
Intermediate Views for Face Recognition.
CAIP 1995: 138-145 |
64 | | Ricardo Lopez,
Thomas S. Huang:
Head Pose Computation for Very Low Bit-rate Video Coding.
CAIP 1995: 440-447 |
63 | EE | James J. Kuch,
Thomas S. Huang:
Vision Based Hand Modeling and Tracking for Virtual Teleconferencing and Telecollaboration.
ICCV 1995: 666-671 |
62 | EE | Ricardo Lopez,
Thomas S. Huang:
3D head pose computation from 2D images: templates versus features.
ICIP 1995: 2599-2600 |
61 | EE | Jiebo Luo,
Chang Wen Chen,
Kevin J. Parker,
Thomas S. Huang:
Adaptive quantization with spatial constraints in subband video compression using wavelets.
ICIP 1995: 594-597 |
60 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Li-an Tang:
3D Model-Based Video Coding: Computer Vision Meets Computer Graphics.
ICSC 1995: 1-8 |
59 | EE | Thomas S. Huang,
Alfred M. Bruckstein,
Robert J. Holt,
Arun N. Netravali:
Uniqueness of 3D Pose Under Weak Perspective: A Geometrical Proof.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 17(12): 1220-1221 (1995) |
1994 |
58 | | Li-an Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
An Efficient Hidden-Line Removal Method Based on Z-Buffer Algorithm.
ICIP (1) 1994: 657-660 |
57 | | Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image Compression and Matching.
ICIP (2) 1994: 720-724 |
56 | | Alfred C. She,
Thomas S. Huang:
Segmentation of Road Scenes Using Color and Fractal-Based Texture Classification.
ICIP (3) 1994: 1026-1030 |
55 | | Mohammad Gharavi-Alkhansari,
Thomas S. Huang:
Fractal-Based Techniques for a Generalized Image Coding Method.
ICIP (3) 1994: 122-126 |
54 | | Jiebo Luo,
Chang Wen Chen,
Kevin J. Parker,
Thomas S. Huang:
Three Dimensional Subband Video Analysis and Synthesis with Adaptive Clustering in High Frequency Subbands.
ICIP (3) 1994: 255-259 |
53 | | Chang Wen Chen,
Jiebo Luo,
Kevin J. Parker,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation.
ICIP (3) 1994: 493-497 |
52 | | Li-an Tang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Analysis-Based Facial Expression Synthesis.
ICIP (3) 1994: 98-102 |
51 | EE | James J. Kuch,
Thomas S. Huang:
Virtual Gun, A Vision Based Human Computer Interface Using the Human Hand.
MVA 1994: 196-199 |
50 | EE | Chang Wen Chen,
Thomas S. Huang,
Matthew Arrott:
Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Left Ventricle Shape and Motion by Hierarchical Decomposition.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(4): 342-356 (1994) |
49 | EE | Michael S. Lew,
Thomas S. Huang,
Kam Wong:
Learning and Feature Selection in Stereo Matching.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(9): 869-881 (1994) |
48 | EE | Guangzheng Yang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Human face detection in a complex background.
Pattern Recognition 27(1): 53-63 (1994) |
1993 |
47 | | Guangzheng Yang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Finding Human Faces in a Picture.
CAIP 1993: 766-769 |
46 | EE | Benjamin W. Wah,
Thomas S. Huang,
Aravind K. Joshi,
Dan I. Moldovan,
Yiannis Aloimonos,
Ruzena Bajcsy,
Dana H. Ballard,
Doug DeGroot,
Kenneth DeJong,
Charles R. Dyer,
Scott E. Fahlman,
Ralph Grishman,
Lynette Hirschman,
Richard E. Korf,
Stephen E. Levinson,
Daniel P. Miranker,
N. H. Morgan,
Sergei Nirenburg,
Tomaso Poggio,
Edward M. Riseman,
Craig Stanfil,
Salvatore J. Stolfo,
Steven L. Tanimoto,
Charles C. Weems:
Report on Workshop on High Performance Computing and Communications for Grand Challenge Applications: Computer Vision, Speech and Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(1): 138-154 (1993) |
45 | EE | Thomas S. Huang,
Peter Stucki:
Introduction to the Special Section on 3-D Modeling in Image Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(6): 529-530 (1993) |
44 | EE | Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Vehicle-Type Motion Estimation From Multi-Frame Images.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(8): 802-808 (1993) |
43 | EE | Juyang Weng,
Narendra Ahuja,
Thomas S. Huang:
Optimal Motion and Structure Estimation.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(9): 864-884 (1993) |
1992 |
42 | | Thang C. Nguyen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image Blurring Effects Due to Depth Discontinuities: Blurring that Creates Emergent Image Details.
ECCV 1992: 347-362 |
41 | | Juyang Weng,
Thomas S. Huang,
Narendra Ahuja:
Object Recognition by a Self-Organizing Neural Network which Grows Adaptively.
ICPIA 1992: 32-33 |
40 | EE | Juyang Weng,
Thomas S. Huang,
Narendra Ahuja:
Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences; Closed-Form Solution, Uniqueness, and Optimization.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(3): 318-336 (1992) |
39 | EE | Juyang Weng,
Narendra Ahuja,
Thomas S. Huang:
Matching Two Perspective Views.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(8): 806-825 (1992) |
38 | EE | Thang C. Nguyen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image blurring effects due to depth discontinuities: blurring that creates emergent image details.
Image Vision Comput. 10(10): 689-698 (1992) |
37 | EE | Dmitry B. Goldgof,
Hua Lee,
Thomas S. Huang:
Matching and motion estimation of three-dimensional point and line sets using eigenstructure without correspondences.
Pattern Recognition 25(3): 271-286 (1992) |
36 | EE | Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Three-dimensional motion determination from real scene images using straight line correspondences.
Pattern Recognition 25(6): 617-639 (1992) |
1991 |
35 | EE | Mun K. Leung,
Thomas S. Huang:
An Integrated Approach to 3D Motion Analysis and Object Recognition.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(10): 1075-1084 (1991) |
34 | EE | Homer H. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Using Motion from Orthographic Views to Verify 3-D Point Matches.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(9): 872-878 (1991) |
33 | EE | Xinhua Zhuang,
Yunxin Zhao,
Thomas S. Huang:
A neural net algorithm for multidimensional maximum entropy spectrum estimation.
Neural Networks 4(5): 619-626 (1991) |
32 | EE | Mun K. Leung,
Thomas S. Huang:
Detecting the wheel pattern of a vehicle using stereo images.
Pattern Recognition 24(12): 1139-1151 (1991) |
31 | EE | Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Determining straight line correspondences from intensity images.
Pattern Recognition 24(6): 489-504 (1991) |
1990 |
30 | | Thomas S. Huang:
Computer Vision.
Advances in Computer Graphics 1990: 141-173 |
29 | | Chia-Hoang Lee,
Thomas S. Huang:
Finding point correspondences and determining motion of a rigid object from two weak perspective views.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 51(3): 371 (1990) |
28 | EE | Chia-Hoang Lee,
Thomas S. Huang:
Finding point correspondence and determining motion of a rigid object from two weak perspective views.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 52(3): 309-327 (1990) |
27 | EE | Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang,
Olivier D. Faugeras:
Determination of Camera Location from 2-D to 3-D Line and Point Correspondences.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(1): 28-37 (1990) |
26 | EE | Homer H. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Matching 3-D Line Segments with Applications to Multiple-Object Motion Estimation.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(10): 1002-1008 (1990) |
1989 |
25 | EE | Dmitry B. Goldgof,
Thomas S. Huang,
Hua Lee:
A Curvature-Based Approach to Terrain Recognition.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(11): 1213-1217 (1989) |
24 | EE | Thomas S. Huang,
Olivier D. Faugeras:
Some Properties of the E Matrix in Two-View Motion Estimation.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(12): 1310-1312 (1989) |
23 | EE | Juyang Weng,
Thomas S. Huang,
Narendra Ahuja:
Motion and Structure From Two Perspective Views: Algorithms, Error Analysis, and Error Estimation.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(5): 451-476 (1989) |
22 | EE | Thomas S. Huang,
C. H. Lee:
Motion and Structure from Orthographic Projections.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(5): 536-540 (1989) |
1988 |
21 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Y. S. Shim:
Linear Algorithm for Motion Estimation: How to Handle Degenerate Cases.
Pattern Recognition 1988: 439-447 |
20 | EE | Xinhua Zhuang,
Thomas S. Huang,
Narendra Ahuja,
Robert M. Haralick:
A simplified linear optic flow-motion algorithm.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 42(3): 334-344 (1988) |
19 | EE | Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
Estimation of rigid body motion using straight line correspondences.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 43(1): 37-52 (1988) |
18 | EE | Homer H. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
A survey of construction and manipulation of octrees.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 43(3): 409-431 (1988) |
17 | EE | Yuncai Liu,
Thomas S. Huang:
A linear algorithm for motion estimation using straight line correspondences.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 44(1): 35-57 (1988) |
16 | EE | Steven D. Blostein,
Thomas S. Huang:
Correction to "Error Analysis in Stereo Determination of 3-D Point Positions".
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 10(5): 765 (1988) |
15 | EE | Homer H. Chen,
Thomas S. Huang:
Maximal matching of 3-D points for multiple-object motion estimation.
Pattern Recognition 21(2): 75-90 (1988) |
1987 |
14 | | Thomas S. Huang:
Dynamic Scene Analysis and Motion Estimation.
ASST 1987: 64-72 |
13 | EE | Toshifumi Tsukiyama,
Thomas S. Huang:
Motion stereo for navigation of autonomous vehicles in man-made environments.
Pattern Recognition 20(1): 105-113 (1987) |
1986 |
12 | EE | Alan C. Bovik,
Thomas S. Huang,
David C. Munson:
Nonparametric tests for edge detection in noise.
Pattern Recognition 19(3): 209-219 (1986) |
1984 |
11 | EE | Irwin Scollar,
Bernd Weidner,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image enhancement using the median and the interquartile distance.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 25(2): 236-251 (1984) |
10 | EE | J.-Q. Fang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Solving three-dimensional small-rotation motion equations: Uniqueness, algorithms, and numerical results.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 26(2): 183-206 (1984) |
9 | EE | J. K. Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
Image registration by matching relational structures.
Pattern Recognition 17(1): 149-159 (1984) |
1983 |
8 | | J.-Q. Fang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Estimating 3-0 Movement of a Rigid Object: Experimental Results.
IJCAI 1983: 1035-1037 |
7 | | J.-Q. Fang,
Thomas S. Huang:
Solving three-dimensional small-rotation motion equations: Uniqueness, algorithms, and numerical results.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 22(2): 310 (1983) |
6 | EE | Thomas S. Huang,
R. Y. Tsai,
J. K. Cheng,
L. M. Buckler,
H. A. Johnson:
Toward automatic undersea search using pattern recognition techniques.
Pattern Recognition 16(3): 307-318 (1983) |
1982 |
5 | | J.-Q. Fang,
Thomas S. Huang:
A Corner Finding Algorithm for Image Analysis and Registration.
AAAI 1982: 46-49 |
1981 |
4 | EE | J. K. Cheng,
Thomas S. Huang:
A subgraph isomorphism algorithm using resolution.
Pattern Recognition 13(5): 371-379 (1981) |
1977 |
3 | | Thomas S. Huang,
Irwin Scollar,
Bernd Weidner,
G. Tang:
An installation for interactive transfer of information from oblique aerial photos to maps.
Digital Image Processing 1977: 198-211 |
1971 |
2 | EE | Grant B. Anderson,
Thomas S. Huang:
Frequency-domain image errors.
Pattern Recognition 3(2): 185-192 (1971) |
1970 |
1 | | Thomas S. Huang:
Introduction to the special issue on image enhancement.
Pattern Recognition 2(2): 67-68 (1970) |