
Gopalan Nadathur

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44EEAndrew Gacek, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur: Reasoning in Abella about Structural Operational Semantics Specifications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 228: 85-100 (2009)
43EEAndrew Gacek, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur: Combining Generic Judgments with Recursive Definitions. LICS 2008: 33-44
42EEAndrew Gacek, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur: Combining generic judgments with recursive definitions CoRR abs/0802.0865: (2008)
41EEAndrew Gacek, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur: Reasoning in Abella about Structural Operational Semantics Specifications CoRR abs/0804.3914: (2008)
40EEDavid Baelde, Andrew Gacek, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur, Alwen Tiu: The Bedwyr System for Model Checking over Syntactic Expressions. CADE 2007: 391-397
39EEDavid Baelde, Andrew Gacek, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur, Alwen Tiu: The Bedwyr system for model checking over syntactic expressions CoRR abs/cs/0702116: (2007)
38EEAndrew Gacek, Gopalan Nadathur: A Simplified Suspension Calculus and its Relationship to Other Explicit Substitution Calculi CoRR abs/cs/0702152: (2007)
37EERadha Jagadeesan, Gopalan Nadathur, Vijay A. Saraswat: Testing Concurrent Systems: An Interpretation of Intuitionistic Logic. FSTTCS 2005: 517-528
36EEGopalan Nadathur, Natalie Linnell: Practical Higher-Order Pattern Unification with On-the-Fly Raising. ICLP 2005: 371-386
35EEGopalan Nadathur, Xiaochu Qi: Optimizing the Runtime Processing of Types in Polymorphic Logic Programming Languages. LPAR 2005: 110-124
34EEGopalan Nadathur: A treatment of higher-order features in logic programming. TPLP 5(3): 305-354 (2005)
33EEGopalan Nadathur: A treatment of higher-order features in logic programming CoRR cs.PL/0404020: (2004)
32EEChuck Liang, Gopalan Nadathur, Xiaochu Qi: Choices in Representation and Reduction Strategies for Lambda Terms in Intensional Contexts. J. Autom. Reasoning 33(2): 89-132 (2004)
31EEGopalan Nadathur, Xiaochu Qi: Explicit substitutions in the reduction of lambda terms. PPDP 2003: 195-206
30EEChuck Liang, Gopalan Nadathur: Tradeoffs in the Intensional Representation of Lambda Terms. RTA 2002: 192-206
29EEGopalan Nadathur: The Suspension Notation for Lambda Terms and its Use in Metalanguage Implementations. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 67: (2002)
28EEGopalan Nadathur: The Metalanguage lambda-Prolog and Its Implementation. FLOPS 2001: 1-20
27EEGopalan Nadathur: Correspondences between classical, intuitionistic and uniform provability. Theor. Comput. Sci. 232(1-2): 273-298 (2000)
26 Gopalan Nadathur: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, International Conference PPDP'99, Paris, France, September 29 - October 1, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
25EEGopalan Nadathur, Dustin J. Mitchell: System Description: Teyjus - A Compiler and Abstract Machine Based Implementation of lambda-Prolog. CADE 1999: 287-291
24 Gopalan Nadathur: A Fine-Grained Notation for Lambda Terms and Its Use in Intensional Operations. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 1999(2): (1999)
23 Gopalan Nadathur, Guanshan Tong: Realizing Modularity in lambdaProlog. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 1999(Special Issue 1): (1999)
22EEGopalan Nadathur: Uniform Provability in Classical Logic CoRR cs.LO/9809014: (1998)
21EEGopalan Nadathur: Correspondences between Classical, Intuitionistic and Uniform Provability CoRR cs.LO/9809015: (1998)
20EEGopalan Nadathur, Bharat Jayaraman, Keehang Kwon: Scoping Constructs in Logic Programming: Implementation Problems and their Solution CoRR cs.PL/9809016: (1998)
19 Gopalan Nadathur: Uniform Provability in Classical Logic. J. Log. Comput. 8(2): 209-229 (1998)
18EEGopalan Nadathur, Debra Sue Wilson: A Notation for Lambda Terms: A Generalization of Environments. Theor. Comput. Sci. 198(1-2): 49-98 (1998)
17 Gopalan Nadathur, Donald W. Loveland: Uniform Proofs and Disjunctive Logic Programming (Extended Abstract) LICS 1995: 148-155
16 Gopalan Nadathur, Bharat Jayaraman, Keehang Kwon: Scoping Constructs in Logic Programming: Implementation Problems and their Solutions. J. Log. Program. 25(2): 119-161 (1995)
15 Keehang Kwon, Gopalan Nadathur, Debra Sue Wilson: Implementing Polymorphic Typing in a Logic Programming Language. Comput. Lang. 20(1): 25-42 (1994)
14 Gopalan Nadathur: A Proof Procedure for the Logic of Hereditary Harrop Formulas. J. Autom. Reasoning 11(1): 115-145 (1993)
13 Keehang Kwon, Gopalan Nadathur, Debra Sue Wilson: Implementing a Notion of Modules in the Logic Programming Language Lambda-Prolog. ELP 1992: 359-393
12 Gopalan Nadathur, Frank Pfenning: The Type System of a Higher-Order Logic Programming Language. Types in Logic Programming 1992: 245-283
11 Bharat Jayaraman, Gopalan Nadathur: Implementation Techniques for Scoping Constructs in Logic Programming. ICLP 1991: 871-886
10 Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur, Frank Pfenning, Andre Scedrov: Uniform Proofs as a Foundation for Logic Programming. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 51(1-2): 125-157 (1991)
9EEGopalan Nadathur, Debra Sue Wilson: A Representation of Lambda Terms Suitable for Operations on Their Intensions. LISP and Functional Programming 1990: 341-348
8EEGopalan Nadathur, Dale Miller: Higher-Order Horn Clauses J. ACM 37(4): 777-814 (1990)
7 Gopalan Nadathur, Bharat Jayaraman: Towards a WAM Model for Lambda-Prolog. NACLP 1989: 1180-1198
6 Amy P. Felty, Elsa L. Gunter, John Hannan, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur, Andre Scedrov: Lambda-Prolog: An Extended Logic Programming Language. CADE 1988: 754-755
5 Gopalan Nadathur, Dale Miller: An Overview of Lambda-PROLOG. ICLP/SLP 1988: 810-827
4 Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur, Andre Scedrov: Hereditary Harrop Formulas and Uniform Proof Systems LICS 1987: 98-105
3 Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur: A Logic Programming Approach to Manipulating Formulas and Programs. SLP 1987: 379-388
2 Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur: Higher-Order Logic Programming. ICLP 1986: 448-462
1 Gopalan Nadathur, Aravind K. Joshi: Mutual Beliefs in Conversational Systems: Their Role in Referring Expressions. IJCAI 1983: 603-605

Coauthor Index

1David Baelde [39] [40]
2Amy P. Felty [6]
3Andrew Gacek [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44]
4Elsa L. Gunter [6]
5John Hannan [6]
6Radha Jagadeesan [37]
7Bharat Jayaraman [7] [11] [16] [20]
8Aravind K. Joshi [1]
9Keehang Kwon [13] [15] [16] [20]
10Chuck Liang [30] [32]
11Natalie Linnell [36]
12Donald W. Loveland [17]
13Dale Miller [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [10] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44]
14Dustin J. Mitchell [25]
15Frank Pfenning [10] [12]
16Xiaochu Qi [31] [32] [35]
17Vijay A. Saraswat [37]
18Andre Scedrov [4] [6] [10]
19Alwen Tiu (Alwen Fernanto Tiu) [39] [40]
20Guanshan Tong [23]
21Debra Sue Wilson [9] [13] [15] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)