
Paul E. Utgoff

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36EEPhillip B. Kirlin, Paul E. Utgoff: VOISE: Learning to Segregate Voices in Explicit and Implicit Polyphony. ISMIR 2005: 552-557
35EEMatthew B. Blaschko, Gary Holness, Marwan A. Mattar, Dimitri Lisin, Paul E. Utgoff, Allen R. Hanson, Howard J. Schultz, Edward M. Riseman, Michael E. Sieracki, William M. Balch, Ben Tupper: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton. WACV/MOTION 2005: 79-86
34EEJosh Stoddard, Christopher Raphael, Paul E. Utgoff: Well-Tempered Spelling: A Key Invariant Pitch Spelling Algorithm. ISMIR 2004
33EEMiroslav Kubat, Joao Gama, Paul E. Utgoff: Incremental learning and concept drift: Editor's introduction. Intell. Data Anal. 8(3): 211-212 (2004)
32EEDavid J. Stracuzzi, Paul E. Utgoff: Randomized Variable Elimination. Journal of Machine Learning Research 5: 1331-1362 (2004)
31EEDoina Precup, Paul E. Utgoff: Classification Using Phi-Machines and Constructive Function Approximation. Machine Learning 55(1): 31-52 (2004)
30 David J. Stracuzzi, Paul E. Utgoff: Randomized Variable Elimination. ICML 2002: 594-601
29EEPaul E. Utgoff, David J. Stracuzzi: Many-Layered Learning. Neural Computation 14(10): 2497-2529 (2002)
28EEPaul E. Utgoff, Richard P. Cochran: A Least-Certainty Heuristic for Selective Search. Computers and Games 2000: 1-18
27 Paul E. Utgoff, David J. Stracuzzi: Approximation Via Value Unification. ICML 1999: 425-432
26 Justus H. Piater, Edward M. Riseman, Paul E. Utgoff: Interactively Training Pixel Classifiers. IJPRAI 13(2): 171-193 (1999)
25EEMatthew D. Schmill, Michael T. Rosenstein, Paul R. Cohen, Paul E. Utgoff: Learning What Is Relevant to the Effects of Actions for a Mobile Robot. Agents 1998: 247-253
24 Justus H. Piater, Edward M. Riseman, Paul E. Utgoff: Interactively Training Pixel Classifiers. FLAIRS Conference 1998: 57-61
23 Doina Precup, Paul E. Utgoff: Classification Using Phi-Machines and Constructive Function Approximation. ICML 1998: 439-444
22 J. Eliot B. Moss, Paul E. Utgoff, John Cavazos, Doina Precup, Darko Stefanovic, Carla E. Brodley, David Scheeff: Learning to Schedule Straight-Line Code. NIPS 1997
21 Paul E. Utgoff, Neil C. Berkman, Jeffery A. Clouse: Decision Tree Induction Based on Efficient Tree Restructuring. Machine Learning 29(1): 5-44 (1997)
20 Carla E. Brodley, Paul E. Utgoff: Multivariate Decision Trees. Machine Learning 19(1): 45-77 (1995)
19 Paul E. Utgoff: An Improved Algorithm for Incremental Induction of Decision Trees. ICML 1994: 318-325
18EEBruce A. Draper, Carla E. Brodley, Paul E. Utgoff: Goal-Directed Classification Using Linear Machine Decision Trees. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(9): 888-893 (1994)
17 Tom Fawcett, Paul E. Utgoff: Automatic Feature Generation for Problem Solving Systems. ML 1992: 144-153
16 Jeffery A. Clouse, Paul E. Utgoff: A Teaching Method for Reinforcement Learning. ML 1992: 92-110
15 Paul E. Utgoff, Jeffrey A. Clouse: Two Kinds of Training Information For Evaluation Function Learning. AAAI 1991: 596-600
14 James P. Callan, Paul E. Utgoff: Constructive Induction on Domain Information. AAAI 1991: 614-619
13 James P. Callan, Paul E. Utgoff: A Transformational Approach to Constructive Induction. ML 1991: 122-126
12 Tom Fawcett, Paul E. Utgoff: A Hybrid Method for Feature Generation. ML 1991: 137-141
11 Richard C. Yee, Sharad Saxena, Paul E. Utgoff, Andrew G. Barto: Explaining Temporal Differences to Create Useful Concepts for Evaluating States. AAAI 1990: 882-888
10 Paul E. Utgoff, Carla E. Brodley: An Incremental Method for Finding Multivariate Splits for Decision Trees. ML 1990: 58-65
9 Paul E. Utgoff: Improved Training Via Incremental Learning. ML 1989: 362-365
8 Paul E. Utgoff: Incremental Induction of Decision Trees. Machine Learning 4: 161-186 (1989)
7 Paul E. Utgoff: Perceptron Trees: A Case Study In Hybrid Concept Representations. AAAI 1988: 601-606
6 Paul E. Utgoff: ID5: An Incremental ID3. ML 1988: 107-120
5 Margaret E. Connell, Paul E. Utgoff: Learning to Control a Dynamic Physical System. AAAI 1987: 456-460
4 Margaret E. Connell, Paul E. Utgoff: Learning to control a dynamic physical system. Computational Intelligence 3: 330-337 (1987)
3 Paul E. Utgoff: Adjusting Bias ln Concept Learning. IJCAI 1983: 447-449
2 Paul E. Utgoff, Tom M. Mitchell: Acquisition of Appropriate Bias for Inductive Concept Learning. AAAI 1982: 414-417
1 Tom M. Mitchell, Paul E. Utgoff, Bernard Nudel, Ranan B. Banerji: Learning Problem-Solving Heuristics Through Practice. IJCAI 1981: 127-134

Coauthor Index

1William M. Balch [35]
2Ranan B. Banerji [1]
3Andrew G. Barto [11]
4Neil C. Berkman [21]
5Matthew B. Blaschko [35]
6Carla E. Brodley [10] [18] [20] [22]
7James P. Callan (Jamie Callan) [13] [14]
8John Cavazos [22]
9Jeffery A. Clouse [16] [21]
10Jeffrey A. Clouse [15]
11Richard P. Cochran [28]
12Paul R. Cohen [25]
13Margaret E. Connell [4] [5]
14Bruce A. Draper [18]
15Tom Fawcett [12] [17]
16João Gama (Joao Gama) [33]
17Allen R. Hanson [35]
18Gary Holness [35]
19Phillip B. Kirlin [36]
20Miroslav Kubat [33]
21Dimitri Lisin [35]
22Marwan A. Mattar [35]
23Tom M. Mitchell [1] [2]
24J. Eliot B. Moss [22]
25Bernard Nudel [1]
26Justus H. Piater [24] [26]
27Doina Precup [22] [23] [31]
28Christopher Raphael [34]
29Edward M. Riseman [24] [26] [35]
30Michael T. Rosenstein [25]
31Sharad Saxena [11]
32David Scheeff [22]
33Matthew D. Schmill [25]
34Howard J. Schultz [35]
35Michael E. Sieracki [35]
36Darko Stefanovic [22]
37Josh Stoddard [34]
38David J. Stracuzzi [27] [29] [30] [32]
39Ben Tupper [35]
40Richard C. Yee [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)