
Akira Shimazu

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34EEVinh van Nguyen, Thai Phuong Nguyen, Akira Shimazu, Minh Le Nguyen: A Reordering Model for Phrase-Based Machine Translation. GoTAL 2008: 476-487
33EEMinh Le Nguyen, Akira Shimazu, Xuan Hieu Phan, Thai Phuong Nguyen: Online Structured Learning for Semantic Parsing with Synchronous and lambda-Synchronous Context Free Grammars. ICTAI (2) 2008: 135-142
32EEYusuke Kimura, Makoto Nakamura, Akira Shimazu: Treatment of Legal Sentences Including Itemized and Referential Expressions - Towards Translation into Logical Forms. JSAI 2008: 242-253
31EEVinh van Nguyen, Thai Phuong Nguyen, Akira Shimazu, Minh Le Nguyen: Reordering pPhrase-based machine translation over chunks. RIVF 2008: 114-119
30EEMinh Le Nguyen, Nguyen Thanh Tri, Akira Shimazu: Subtree Mining for Question Classification Problem. IJCAI 2007: 1695-1700
29EEMakoto Nakamura, Shunsuke Nobuoka, Akira Shimazu: Towards Translation of Legal Sentences into Logical Forms. JSAI 2007: 349-362
28EECuong Anh Le, Van-Nam Huynh, Akira Shimazu, Yoshiteru Nakamori: Combining classifiers for word sense disambiguation based on Dempster-Shafer theory and OWA operators. Data Knowl. Eng. 63(2): 381-396 (2007)
27EENguyen Thanh Tri, Akira Shimazu: Automatic Extraction of the Fine Category of Person Named Entities from Text Corpora. IEICE Transactions 90-D(10): 1542-1549 (2007)
26EEThai Phuong Nguyen, Akira Shimazu, Minh Le Nguyen, Vinh van Nguyen: A Syntactic Transformation Model for Statistical Machine Translation. Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 20(2/3): 79-99 (2007)
25EEMinh Le Nguyen, Xuan Hieu Phan, Susumu Horiguchi, Akira Shimazu: A New Sentence Reduction Technique Based on a Decision Tree Model. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 16(1): 129-138 (2007)
24EEMinh Le Nguyen, Akira Shimazu, Xuan Hieu Phan: Semantic Parsing with Structured SVM Ensemble Classification Models. ACL 2006
23EENguyen Thanh Tri, Minh Le Nguyen, Akira Shimazu: Using Semi-supervised Learning for Question Classification. ICCPOL 2006: 31-41
22EECuong Anh Le, Akira Shimazu, Minh Le Nguyen: Investigating Problems of Semi-supervised Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation. ICCPOL 2006: 482-489
21EEThai Phuong Nguyen, Akira Shimazu: A Syntactic Transformation Model for Statistical Machine Translation. ICCPOL 2006: 63-74
20EEAnh-Cuong Le, Van-Nam Huynh, Akira Shimazu, Hieu-Chi Dam: Weighted combination of classifiers for word sense disambiguation based on dempster-shafer theory. RIVF 2006: 133-138
19EENguyen Thanh Tri, Akira Shimazu, Cuong Anh Le, Minh Le Nguyen: Applying RST Relations to Semantic Search. TSD 2006: 189-196
18EEThai Phuong Nguyen, Akira Shimazu: Improving phrase-based statistical machine translation with morphosyntactic transformation. Machine Translation 20(3): 147-166 (2006)
17EEMinh Le Nguyen, Akira Shimazu, Xuan Hieu Phan: A Maximum Entropy Model for Transforming Sentences to Logical Form. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 800-804
16EECuong Anh Le, Van-Nam Huynh, Akira Shimazu: An Evidential Reasoning Approach to Weighted Combination of Classifiers for Word Sense Disambiguation. MLDM 2005: 516-525
15EECuong Anh Le, Van-Nam Huynh, Akira Shimazu: Combining Classifiers with Multi-representation of Context in Word Sense Disambiguation. PAKDD 2005: 262-268
14EECuong Anh Le, Van-Nam Huynh, Hieu-Chi Dam, Akira Shimazu: Combining Classifiers Based on OWA Operators with an Application to Word Sense Disambiguation. RSFDGrC (1) 2005: 512-521
13EEMinh Le Nguyen, Susumu Horiguchi, Akira Shimazu, Tu Bao Ho: Example-based sentence reduction using the hidden markov model. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 3(2): 146-158 (2004)
12EEHideki Uematsu, Akira Shimazu, Manabu Okumura: Generation of 3D CG Animations from Recipe Sentences. NLPRS 2001: 461-466
11 Hiroyuki Murakoshi, Akira Shimazu, Koichiro Ochimizu: Construction of Deliberation Structure in E-Mail Communication. Computational Intelligence 16(4): 570-577 (2000)
10EEMamadou Tadiou Kone, Akira Shimazu, Tatsuo Nakajima: The State of the Art in Agent Communication Languages. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 2(3): 259-284 (2000)
9EEHiroyuki Murakoshi, Akira Shimazu, Koichiro Ochimizu: A Method of Computing Measure for Evaluating Conversational Coherency in E-mail Communication. ICPP Workshops 1999: 66-73
8 Mikio Nakano, Akira Shimazu: Translating a Unification Grammar with Disjunctions into Logical Constraints. COLING-ACL 1998: 934-938
7EEKiyoshi Kogure, Akira Shimazu, Mikio Nakano: Parsing Plans Situation-Dependently in Dialogues. COLING 1996: 1094-1097
6EEKohji Dohsaka, Akira Shimazu: A Computational Model of Incremental Utterance Production in Task-Oriented Dialogues. COLING 1996: 304-309
5EEMikio Nakano, Akira Shimazu, Kiyoshi Kogure: A Grammar And A Parser For Spontaneous Speech. COLING 1994: 1014-1020
4EEAkira Shimazu: Japanese Sentence Analysis as Argumentation. COLING 1990: 259-264
3 Hirosato Nomura, Shozo Naito, Yasuhiro Katagiri, Akira Shimazu: Translation by Understanding: A Machine Translation System Lute. COLING 1986: 621-626
2 Shozo Naito, Akira Shimazu, Hirosato Nomura: Classification of Modality Function and Its Application to Japanese Language Analysis. ACL 1985: 27-34
1 Akira Shimazu, Shozo Naito, Hirosato Nomura: Japanese Language Semantic Analyzer Based on an Extended Case Frame Model. IJCAI 1983: 717-720

Coauthor Index

1Hieu-Chi Dam [14] [20]
2Kohji Dohsaka [6]
3Tu Bao Ho [13]
4Susumu Horiguchi [13] [25]
5Van-Nam Huynh [14] [15] [16] [20] [28]
6Yasuhiro Katagiri [3]
7Yusuke Kimura [32]
8Kiyoshi Kogure [5] [7]
9Mamadou Tadiou Kone [10]
10Anh-Cuong Le [20]
11Cuong Anh Le [14] [15] [16] [19] [22] [28]
12Hiroyuki Murakoshi [9] [11]
13Shozo Naito [1] [2] [3]
14Tatsuo Nakajima [10]
15Yoshiteru Nakamori [28]
16Makoto Nakamura [29] [32]
17Mikio Nakano [5] [7] [8]
18Minh Le Nguyen [13] [17] [19] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [30] [31] [33] [34]
19Thai Phuong Nguyen [18] [21] [26] [31] [33] [34]
20Vinh van Nguyen [26] [31] [34]
21Shunsuke Nobuoka [29]
22Hirosato Nomura [1] [2] [3]
23Koichiro Ochimizu [9] [11]
24Manabu Okumura [12]
25Xuan Hieu Phan [17] [24] [25] [33]
26Nguyen Thanh Tri [19] [23] [27] [30]
27Hideki Uematsu [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)