
Kuniaki Mukai

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5 Shunichi Uchida, Tsutomu Yoshioka, Ryôichi Sugimura, Yuiti Tanaka, Kôiti Hasida, Kuniaki Mukai: The Research and Development of Natural Language Processing Systems in The Intermediate Stage of the FGCS Project. FGCS 1988: 70-84
4 Ryôichi Sugimura, Hideo Miyoshi, Kuniaki Mukai: Constraint Analysis on Japanese Modification. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1987: 93-106
3 Toshio Yokoi, Hideo Miyoshi, Kuniaki Mukai, Yuichi Tanaka: Research Activities on Natural Language Processing of the FGCS Project. FJCC 1986: 987-993
2 Kuniaki Mukai, Hideki Yasukawa: Complex Indeterminates in Prolog and its Application of Discorse Models. New Generation Comput. 3(4): 441-466 (1985)
1 Kuniaki Mukai: A Unification Algorithm for Infinite Trees. IJCAI 1983: 547-549

Coauthor Index

1Kôiti Hasida [5]
2Hideo Miyoshi [3] [4]
3Ryôichi Sugimura [4] [5]
4Yuichi Tanaka [3]
5Yuiti Tanaka [5]
6Shunichi Uchida [5]
7Hideki Yasukawa [2]
8Toshio Yokoi [3]
9Tsutomu Yoshioka [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)