
Peter Friedland

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18 Nort Fowler, Peter Friedland, Alan Meyrowitz, David Hislop, Morton Hirshberg, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar Firschein: Tools with AI in the Government. ICTAI 1994: 345
17 Edward A. Feigenbaum, Peter Friedland, Bruce B. Johnson, H. Penny Nii, Herbert Schorr, Howard E. Shrobe, Robert S. Engelmore: Knowledge-Based Systems Research and Applications in Japan, 1992. AI Magazine 15(2): 29-43 (1994)
16 Edward A. Feigenbaum, Peter Friedland, Bruce B. Johnson, H. Penny Nii, Herbert Schorr, Howard E. Shrobe, Robert S. Engelmore: Knowledge-Based Systems in Japan (Report of the JTEC Panel). Commun. ACM 37(1): 17-19 (1994)
15 Peter Friedland: Artificial Intelligence and Space Exploration. IJCAI 1989: 1676-1678
14 Peter Friedland, Brian P. McCune, Edward H. Shortliffe: Panel: Are AI Systems Ready to Be Trusted in Critical Applications? (Will They Ever Be?). AAAI 1986: 1150
13 Dennis H. Smith, Douglas L. Brutlag, Peter Friedland, Laurence H. Kedes: BIONET: national computer resource for molecular biology. Nucleic Acids Research 14(1): 17-20 (1986)
12 Peter Friedland, Laurence H. Kedes: Discovering the Secrets of DNA. Commun. ACM 28(11): 1164-1186 (1985)
11 Peter Friedland: Special Section on Architectures for Knowledge-Based Systems - Introduction. Commun. ACM 28(9): 902-903 (1985)
10 Peter Friedland, Laurence H. Kedes: Discovering the Secrets of DNA. IEEE Computer 18(11): 49-69 (1985)
9 Peter Friedland, Yumi Iwasaki: The Concept and Implementation of Skeletal Plans. J. Autom. Reasoning 1(2): 161-208 (1985)
8 R. Bach, Yumi Iwasaki, Peter Friedland: Intelligent computational assistance for experiment design. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 11-29 (1984)
7 Thomas P. Kehler, Peter Friedland, Harry E. Pople, René Reboh, Steve Rosenberg: Industrial Strength Knowledge Bases: Issues and Experiences - Knowledge Base Stability, Memory: Unitorm or Structured, Integrity, Knowledge Acquisition and the User Interface, Joint Knowledge Base Development, Intertaces to Databases (Panel). IJCAI 1983: 108-109
6 Yumi Iwasaki, Peter Friedland: SPEX: A Second-Generation Experiment Design System. AAAI 1982: 341-344
5 Douglas L. Brutlag, J. Clayton, Peter Friedland, Laurence H. Kedes: SEQ: a nucleotide sequence analysis and recombination system. Nucleic Acids Research 10(1): 279-294 (1982)
4 R. Bach, Peter Friedland, Douglas L. Brutlag, Laurence H. Kedes: MAXAMIZE. A DNA sequencing strategy advisor. Nucleic Acids Research 10(1): 295-304 (1982)
3 Peter Friedland, Laurence H. Kedes, Douglas L. Brutlag, Yumi Iwasaki, R. Bach: GENESIS, a knowledge-based genetic engineering simulation system for representation of genetic data and experiment planning. Nucleic Acids Research 10(1): 323-340 (1982)
2 Peter Friedland: Acquisition of Procedural Knowledge from Domain Experts. IJCAI 1981: 856-861
1 Nancy Martin, Peter Friedland, Jonathan King, Mark Stefik: Knowledge Base Management for Experiment Planning in Molecular Genetics. IJCAI 1977: 882-887

Coauthor Index

1R. Bach [3] [4] [8]
2Douglas L. Brutlag [3] [4] [5] [13]
3J. Clayton [5]
4Robert S. Engelmore [16] [17]
5Edward A. Feigenbaum [16] [17]
6Oscar Firschein [18]
7Nort Fowler [18]
8Morton Hirshberg [18]
9David Hislop [18]
10Yumi Iwasaki [3] [6] [8] [9]
11Bruce B. Johnson [16] [17]
12Laurence H. Kedes [3] [4] [5] [10] [12] [13]
13Thomas P. Kehler [7]
14Jonathan King [1]
15Nancy Martin [1]
16Brian P. McCune [14]
17Alan Meyrowitz [18]
18H. Penny Nii [16] [17]
19Harry E. Pople [7]
20René Reboh [7]
21Steve Rosenberg [7]
22Herbert Schorr [16] [17]
23Edward H. Shortliffe [14]
24Howard E. Shrobe [16] [17]
25Dennis H. Smith [13]
26Mark Stefik [1]
27Gio Wiederhold [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)