2008 |
36 | EE | Jeremy Jancsary,
Johannes Matiasek,
Harald Trost:
Revealing the Structure of Medical Dictations with Conditional Random Fields.
EMNLP 2008: 1-10 |
2005 |
35 | EE | Harald Trost,
Johannes Matiasek,
Marco Baroni:
The Language Component of the Fasty Text Prediction System.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(8): 743-781 (2005) |
2002 |
34 | EE | Alexandra Klein,
Estela Puig-Waldmüller,
Harald Trost:
Robust Interpretation of User Requests for Text Retrieval in a Multimodal Environment.
COLING 2002 |
33 | EE | Marco Baroni,
Johannes Matiasek,
Harald Trost:
Wordform- and Class-based Prediction of the Components of German Nominal Compounds in an AAC System.
COLING 2002 |
32 | | Marco Baroni,
Johannes Matiasek,
Harald Trost:
Predicting the Components of German Nominal Compounds.
ECAI 2002: 470-474 |
31 | EE | Johannes Matiasek,
Marco Baroni,
Harald Trost:
FASTY - A Multi-lingual Approach to Text Prediction.
ICCHP 2002: 243-250 |
30 | EE | Marco Baroni,
Johannes Matiasek,
Harald Trost:
Unsupervised discovery of morphologically related words based on orthographic and semantic similarity
CoRR cs.CL/0205006: (2002) |
2000 |
29 | | Friedrich Neubarth,
Kai Alter,
Hannes Pirker,
Elisabeth Rieder,
Harald Trost:
The Vienna Prosodic Speech Corpus: Purpose, Content and Encoding.
KONVENS 2000: 191-195 |
1998 |
28 | | Hannes Pirker,
Georg Niklfeld,
Johannes Matiasek,
Harald Trost:
From Information Structure to Intonation: A Phonological Interface for Concept-to-Speech.
COLING-ACL 1998: 1041-1045 |
1996 |
27 | EE | Johannes Matiasek,
Harald Trost:
An HPSG-Based Generator for German An Experiment in the Reusability of Linguistic Resources.
COLING 1996: 752-757 |
26 | | Kai Alter,
Ernst Buchberger,
Johannes Matiasek,
Georg Niklfeld,
Harald Trost:
VIECTOS- The Vienna Concept to Speech System.
KONVENS 1996: 166-170 |
1994 |
25 | EE | Harald Trost,
Johannes Matiasek:
Morphology with a Null-Interface.
COLING 1994: 141-147 |
24 | EE | Harald Trost:
KONVENS 94 in Wien.
LDV Forum 11(2): 57-58 (1994) |
1993 |
23 | EE | Harald Trost:
Coping With Derivation in a Morphological Component.
EACL 1993: 368-376 |
1992 |
22 | EE | Harald Trost,
Wolfgang Heinz,
Johannes Matiasek,
Ernst Buchberger:
Datenbank-DIALOG and the Relevance of Habitability.
ANLP 1992: 241-242 |
21 | | Wolfgang Heinz,
Johannes Matiasek,
Harald Trost,
Ernst Buchberger:
Comparison in NLIs - Habitability and Database Reality.
ECAI 1992: 548-552 |
1991 |
20 | | Harald Trost:
X2MORF: A Morphological Component Based on Augmented Two-Level Morphology.
IJCAI 1991: 1024-1030 |
19 | | Rolf Backofen,
Harald Trost,
Hans Uszkoreit:
Linking Typed Feature Formalisms and Terminological Knowledge Representation Languages in Natural Language Front-Ends.
Wissensbasierte Systeme 1991: 375-383 |
18 | | Harald Trost:
Recognition and Generation of word form for natural language understanding systems: Integrating two-level morphology and feature unification.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 5(4): 411-457 (1991) |
1990 |
17 | EE | Harald Trost:
The application of two-level morphology to non-concatenative German morphology.
COLING 1990: 371-376 |
16 | | Harald Trost,
Ernst Buchberger:
Datenbank-DIALOG: How to Communicate with Your Database in German (and Enjoy It).
Interacting with Computers 2(3): 367-381 (1990) |
1989 |
15 | | Harald Trost:
Begriffsbildung im Bereich Natürlichsprachiger Systeme.
ÖGAI 1989: 261-269 |
14 | | Ernst Buchberger,
Harald Trost:
Datenbank-DIALOG: Kommunikation mit Datenbanken in deutscher Sprache.
KI 3(4): 27-30 (1989) |
1988 |
13 | | Harald Trost:
4. Österreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung, Wiener Workshop Wissensbasierte Sprachverarbeitung, Wien, 29.-31. August 1988, Proceedings
Springer 1988 |
12 | | Harald Trost,
Ernst Buchberger,
Wolfgang Heinz:
On the interaction of syntax and semantics in a syntactically guided caseframe parser.
COLING 1988: 677-682 |
1987 |
11 | | S. Zsolnai,
Harald Trost:
Towards Automatic Semantic Classification for a Natural Language Understanding System.
ÖGAI 1987: 35-48 |
10 | | Harald Trost,
Ernst Buchberger,
Wolfgang Heinz,
Christian Hörtnagl,
Johannes Matiasek:
DATENBANK-DIALOG: A German language interface for relational databases.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 1(2): 181-203 (1987) |
1986 |
9 | | Harald Trost,
Ernst Buchberger:
Towards the Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Data.
COLING 1986: 387-389 |
1985 |
8 | | Harald Trost,
Johannes Retti:
Österreichische Artificial Intelligence-Tagung, Wien, 24.-27. September 1985, Proceedings
Springer 1985 |
7 | | Georg Dorffner,
Harald Trost:
Morphologische Analyse und intelligente Fehlerkorrektur in VIE-LANG.
ÖGAI 1985: 42-55 |
6 | | Harald Trost,
Ernst Buchberger:
Knowledge Acquisition in the System VIE-LANG.
ÖGAI 1985: 98-107 |
1983 |
5 | | Ingeborg Steinacker,
Harald Trost:
Structural Relations - A Case Against Case.
IJCAI 1983: 627-629 |
4 | | Alfred Kobsa,
Harald Trost,
Robert Trappl:
Ist benutzerangepaßtes Dialogverhalten auch ohne Dialogpartnermodell möglich?
Angewandte Informatik 25(9): 383-387 (1983) |
1982 |
3 | EE | Elisabeth Leinfellner,
Ingeborg Steinacker,
Harald Trost:
Reference Resolution And Semantic Coherence.
COLING 1982: 171-175 |
2 | EE | Ingeborg Steinacker,
Harald Trost:
Parsing German.
COLING 1982: 365-370 |
1981 |
1 | | Harald Trost,
Ingeborg Steinacker:
The Role of Roles: Some Aspects of Real World Knowledge Representation.
IJCAI 1981: 237-239 |