
Giovanni Guida

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47EEPietro Baroni, Giovanni Guida, Massimiliano Giacomin: A- and V-Uncertainty: an Exploration about Uncertainty Modeling from a Knowledge Engineering Perspective. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 16(2): 161-194 (2007)
46EEPietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin, Giovanni Guida: Self-stabilizing defeat status computation: dealing with conflict management in multi-agent systems. Artif. Intell. 165(2): 187-259 (2005)
45EEPietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin, Giovanni Guida: SCC-recursiveness: a general schema for argumentation semantics. Artif. Intell. 168(1-2): 162-210 (2005)
44 Pietro Baroni, Giovanni Guida, Marina Zanella: Managing uncertainty in diagnosis of acute coronaric ischemia. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 23(2): 129-147 (2001)
43EEPietro Baroni, Giovanni Guida, Marina Zanella: GART: a tool for experimenting with approximate reasoning models. Expert Syst. Appl. 21(1): 15-30 (2001)
42EEPietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin, Giovanni Guida: Extending abstract argumentation systems theory. Artif. Intell. 120(2): 251-270 (2000)
41 Giovanni Guida, Gianfranco Lamperti: AMMETH: a methodology for requirements analysis of advanced human-system interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 30(3): 298-321 (2000)
40 Giovanni Guida, Gianfranco Lamperti, Marina Zanella: Software Prototyping in Data and Knowledge Engineering Kluwer 1999
39 Pietro Baroni, Giovanni Guida, Silvano Mussi: Enhancing cognitive plausibility of uncertainty calculus: a common-sense-based approach to propagation and aggregation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(4): 394-407 (1998)
38 Pietro Baroni, Daniela Fogli, Giovanni Guida: A Multi-Agent Architecture Based on Active Mental Entities. Informatica (Slovenia) 22(4): (1998)
37EEPietro Baroni, Daniela Fogli, Giovanni Guida, Silvano Mussi: Active mental entities: a new approach to building intelligent autonomous agents. SIGART Bulletin 9(1): 10-19 (1998)
36EEGiovanni Guida, Marina Zanella: Bridging the Gap between Users and Complex Decision Support Systems: the Role of Justification. ICECCS 1997: 229-
35 Giovanni Guida, Marina Zanella: Preventive Diagnosis: Definition and Logical Model. AI*IA 1995: 347-352
34 Pietro Baroni, Giovanni Guida, Silvano Mussi: Modeling Uncertain Relational Knowledge: the AV-Quantified Production Rules Approach. ECSQARU 1995: 18-27
33EEGiovanni Guida, Giancarlo Mauri: Evaluating Performance and Quality of Knowledge-Based Systems: Foundation and Methodology. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(2): 204-224 (1993)
32 Giorgio Brajnik, Luca Chiattro, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso, Elio Toppano: Representation and Use of Teleological Knowledge in the Multi-Modeling Approach. AI*IA 1991: 167-176
31 Ulrico Canzi, Giovanni Guida, Giuseppe Maifredi, Emilio Paolucci, Marina Poggio: CRONOS-III: Requirements for a Knowledge-based Scheduling Tool Covering a Broad Class of Production Environments. Expert Systems in Engineering 1990: 168-175
30 Danilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: A distributed multi-agent architecture for natural language processing. COLING 1988: 812-814
29EEGiorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: IR-NLI II: Applying Man-Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence Concepts to Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1988: 387-399
28EECinzia Costantini, Danilo Fum, Giovanni Guida: Text Understanding With Multiple Knowledge Sources: An Experiment In Distributed Parsing. EACL 1987: 75-79
27EEGiorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: User modeling in intelligent information retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 23(4): 305-320 (1987)
26 Massimo Gallanti, Luca Gilardoni, Giovanni Guida, Alberto Stefanini, Lorenzo Tomada: Integrating Shallow and Deep Knowledge in the Design of an On-Line Process Monitoring System. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 27(5-6): 641-664 (1987)
25 Giovanni Guida, Marco Guida, Sergio Gusmeroli, Marco Somalvico: Design and Experimentation of an Expert System for Programming In-the-Large. AAAI 1986: 1155-
24 Danilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: Tailoring Importance Evaluation to Reader's Goals: A Contribution to Descriptive Text Summerization. COLING 1986: 256-259
23 Massimo Gallanti, Luca Gilardoni, Giovanni Guida, Alberto Stefanini: Exploiting Physical and Design Knowledge in the Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Systems. ECAI 1986: 481-495
22 Giorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: Design and Experimentation of IR-NLI: An Intelligent User Interface to Bibliographic Data Bases. Expert Database Conf. 1986: 151-162
21 Giorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: An Expert Interface for Effective Man-Machine Interaction. Cooperative Interfaces to Information Systems 1986: 259-308
20EEDanilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: A Rule-Based Approach To Evaluating Importance In Descriptive Texts. EACL 1985: 244-250
19 Massimo Gallanti, Giovanni Guida, Luca Spampinato, Alberto Stefanini: Representing Procedural Knowledge in Expert Systems: An Application to Process Control. IJCAI 1985: 345-352
18 Danilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: Evaluating Importance: A Step Towards Text Summarization. IJCAI 1985: 840-844
17 Marco Colombetti, Giovanni Guida: Supporting Control Definition in Programming Languages. Comput. Lang. 9(1): 1-25 (1984)
16 Giovanni Guida, Giancarlo Mauri: A Formal Basis for Performance Evaluation of Natural Language Understanding Systems. Computational Linguistics 10(1): 15-30 (1984)
15EEGiovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: IR-NLI : An Expert Natural Language Interface To Online Data Bases. ANLP 1983: 31-38
14 R. Comino, Roberto Gemello, Giovanni Guida, Claudio Rullent, L. Sisto, Marco Somalvico: Understanding Natural Language Through Parallel Processing of Syntactic and Semantic Knowledge: An Application to Data Base Query. IJCAI 1983: 663-667
13 Marco Colombetti, Giovanni Guida, Marco Somalvico: NLDA: A Natural Language Reasoning System for the Analysis of Data Base Requirements. Methodology and Tools for Data Base Design 1983: 163-180
12EEDanilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: Forward And Backward Reasoning In Automatic Abstracting. COLING 1982: 83-88
11 Giovanni Guida, Marco Somalvico: Multi-Problem-Solving: Knowledge Representation and System Architecture. Inf. Process. Lett. 13(4/5): 204-214 (1981)
10 Stefano Crespi-Reghizzi, Giovanni Guida, Dino Mandrioli: Operator Precedence Grammars and the Noncounting Property. SIAM J. Comput. 10(1): 174-191 (1981)
9EEGiovanni Guida: Goal Oriented Parsing: Improving The Efficiency Of Natural Language Access To Relational Data Bases. COLING 1980: 550-557
8 Giovanni Guida, Marco Somalvico: Interacting in natural language with artificial systems: the DONAU project. Inf. Syst. 5(4): 333-354 (1980)
7 Marco Ferrari, Giovanni Guida: DB: A LISP-Type Data Base System. Inf. Process. Lett. 9(3): 126-134 (1979)
6EEGiovanni Guida, Marco Somalvico: A method for computing heuristics in problem solving. Inf. Sci. 19(3): 251-259 (1979)
5 Giovanni Guida, Marco Somalvico: A Method for Computing Heuristics in Problem-Solving. AISB/GI (ECAI) 1978: 115-121
4EEStefano Crespi-Reghizzi, Giovanni Guida, Dino Mandrioli: Noncounting Context-Free Languages. J. ACM 25(4): 571-580 (1978)
3EEGiovanni Guida, Dino Mandrioli, Marco Somalvico: An integrated model of problem solver. Inf. Sci. 13(1): 11-33 (1977)
2 Giovanni Guida, Marco Somalvico: Semantics in Problem Representation and Search. Inf. Process. Lett. 5(5): 141-145 (1976)
1 Giovanni Guida, Dino Mandrioli, Amedeo Paci, Marco Somalvico: An Integrated Theory of Problems as an Algebraic Base for Complexity Understanding and Automatic Problem Solving. Optimization Techniques 1975: 98-129

Coauthor Index

1Pietro Baroni [34] [37] [38] [39] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47]
2Giorgio Brajnik [21] [22] [27] [29] [32]
3Ulrico Canzi [31]
4Luca Chiattro [32]
5Marco Colombetti [13] [17]
6R. Comino [14]
7Cinzia Costantini [28]
8Stefano Crespi-Reghizzi [4] [10]
9Marco Ferrari [7]
10Daniela Fogli [37] [38]
11Danilo Fum [12] [18] [20] [24] [28] [30]
12Massimo Gallanti [19] [23] [26]
13Roberto Gemello [14]
14Massimiliano Giacomin [42] [45] [46] [47]
15Luca Gilardoni [23] [26]
16Marco Guida [25]
17Sergio Gusmeroli [25]
18Gianfranco Lamperti [40] [41]
19Giuseppe Maifredi [31]
20Dino Mandrioli [1] [3] [4] [10]
21Giancarlo Mauri [16] [33]
22Silvano Mussi [34] [37] [39]
23Amedeo Paci [1]
24Emilio Paolucci [31]
25Marina Poggio [31]
26Claudio Rullent [14]
27L. Sisto [14]
28Marco Somalvico [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [11] [13] [14] [25]
29Luca Spampinato [19]
30Alberto Stefanini [19] [23] [26]
31Carlo Tasso [12] [15] [18] [20] [21] [22] [24] [27] [29] [30] [32]
32Lorenzo Tomada [26]
33Elio Toppano [32]
34Marina Zanella [35] [36] [40] [43] [44]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)