
Göran Hagert

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7 Manny Rayner, Åsa Hugosson, Göran Hagert: Using a logic grammer to learn a lexicon. COLING 1988: 524-529
6 Manny Rayner, Åsa Hugosson, Göran Hagert: Using a Logic Grammar to Learn a Lexicon. SCAI 1988: 149-160
5 Göran Hagert: Whats in a Mental Model? On Conceptual Models in Reasoning with Spatial Descriptions. IJCAI 1985: 274-277
4 Göran Hagert: Modeling Mental Models: Experiments in Cognitive Modeling of Spatial Reasoning. ECAI 1984: 179-188
3 Göran Hagert, Åke Hansson: Logic Modelling of Cognitive Reasoning. IJCAI 1983: 81-83
2 Göran Hagert: On Procedural Learning and its Relation to Memory and Attention. ECAI 1982: 261-266
1 Göran Hagert, Sten-Åke Tärnlund: Deductive Modeling of Human Cognition. IJCAI 1981: 178-183

Coauthor Index

1Åke Hansson [3]
2Åsa Hugosson [6] [7]
3Manny Rayner [6] [7]
4Sten-Åke Tärnlund (Sten-Åke Tarnlund, Sten-Ake Tärnlund) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)