
Jean Sallantin

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29EEChristopher Dartnell, Éric Martin, Jean Sallantin: Learning from Each Other. Discovery Science 2008: 148-159
28EEMathias Paulin, Christian Bessiere, Jean Sallantin: Automatic Design of Robot Behaviors through Constraint Network Acquisition. ICTAI (1) 2008: 275-282
27EEChristopher Dartnell, Éric Martin, Hélène Hagège, Jean Sallantin: Human Discovery and Machine Learning. IJCINI 2(4): 55-69 (2008)
26EEHélène Hagège, Christopher Dartnell, Jean Sallantin: Positivism Against Constructivism: A Network Game to Learn Epistemology. Discovery Science 2007: 91-103
25EEMohammad Afshar, Christopher Dartnell, Dominique Luzeaux, Jean Sallantin, Yannick Tognetti: Aristotle's Square Revisited to Frame Discovery Science. JCP 2(5): 54-66 (2007)
24EEJean Sallantin, Christopher Dartnell, Mohammad Afshar: A Pragmatic Logic of Scientific Discovery. Discovery Science 2006: 231-242
23EEChristopher Dartnell, Jean Sallantin: Assisting Scientific Discovery with an Adaptive Problem Solver. Discovery Science 2005: 99-112
22 Philippe Lemoisson, Stefano A. Cerri, Jean Sallantin: Conversational Interactions among Rational Agents. Towards the Learning Grid 2005: 214-230
21 Germana M. da Nóbrega, Stefano A. Cerri, Jean Sallantin: A Contradiction-driven approach to theory formation: Conceptual issues, pragmatics in human laerning, potentialities. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 9(2): 37-56 (2004)
20EEJean Sallantin, Jacques Divol, Patrice Duroux: Conceptual Framework for Interactive Ontology Building. IEEE ICCI 2003: 179-188
19EEPhilippe Lemoisson, Stefano A. Cerri, S. A. Mahe, Jean Sallantin: Constructive Interactions. LeGE-WG 3 2003
18EEJean Sallantin: La découverte scientifique assistée par des agents rationnels. Technique et Science Informatiques 22(4): 15-30 (2003)
17EEGermana M. da Nóbrega, Stefano A. Cerri, Jean Sallantin: On the Social Rational Mirror: Learning E-commerce in a Web-Served Learning Environment. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 41-50
16 Germana M. da Nóbrega, Stefano A. Cerri, Jean Sallantin: DIAL: Serendipitous DIAlectic Learning. ICALT 2001: 109-110
15EEStefano A. Cerri, Jean Sallantin, Emmanuel Castro, Daniele Maraschi: Steps towards C+C: A Language for Interactions. AIMSA 2000: 34-48
14EEEric Lemoine, David Merceron, Jean Sallantin, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo: Improving the Efficiency of a User-Driven Learning System with Reconfigurable Hardware. Application to DNA Splicing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 1999: 290-301
13 Michel Liquiere, Jean Sallantin: Structural Machine Learning with Galois Lattice and Graphs. ICML 1998: 305-313
12EERichard Nock, Pascal Jappy, Jean Sallantin: Generalized Graph Colorability and Compressibility of Boolean Formulae. ISAAC 1998: 237-246
11 Laurent Maillet-Contoz, Jean Sallantin: An Assistant for a Design Project: Application to the Design of a Mixed Hardware/Software Architecture. EKAW 1997: 359-364
10EEEric Lemoine, Laurent Maillet-Contoz, David Merceron, Jean Sallantin: High speed intelligent machine through programmable hardware: application to genomic systems. KES (2) 1997: 625-632
9 Luc Yriarte, Pascal Deplanques, Jean Sallantin, Philippe Reitz, René Zapata, B. Burg, Francois Arlabosse: An Architecture for Modeling and Validation. Application to Mobile Robotics. ECAI 1996: 699-706
8EEHugues Ripoche, Jean Sallantin: Knowledge discovery in a genetic database: the MINOS system. HICSS (5) 1995: 91-
7 André Le Grand, Jean Sallantin: A Framework to improve Knowledge Acquisition based on Machine Learning. ECAI 1994: 493-497
6 Eric Lemoine, Joël Quinqueton, Jean Sallantin: High Speed Pattern Matching in Genetic Data Base with Reconfigurable Hardware. ISMB 1994: 269-275
5 Jérôme Gracy, Laurent Chiche, Jean Sallantin: A Modular Learning Environment for Protein Modeling. ISMB 1993: 145-153
4 Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, Jean Sallantin: Prediction of Primate Splice Junction Gene Sequences with a Cooperative Knowledge Acquisition System. ISMB 1993: 292-300
3EEStéphane Boucheron, Jean Sallantin: Some Remarks About Space-Complexity of Learning, and Circuit Complexity of Recognizing. COLT 1988: 125-138
2 Stéphane Boucheron, Jean Sallantin: Learnability in the Presence of Noise. EWSL 1988: 25-35
1 Joël Quinqueton, Jean Sallantin: Algorithms for Learning Logical Formulas. IJCAI 1983: 476-478

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad Afshar [24] [25]
2Francois Arlabosse [9]
3Christian Bessiere (Christian Bessière) [28]
4Stéphane Boucheron [2] [3]
5B. Burg [9]
6Emmanuel Castro [15]
7Stefano A. Cerri [15] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22]
8Laurent Chiche [5]
9Christopher Dartnell [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [29]
10Pascal Deplanques [9]
11Jacques Divol [20]
12Patrice Duroux [20]
13Jérôme Gracy [5]
14André Le Grand [7]
15Hélène Hagège [26] [27]
16Pascal Jappy [12]
17Eric Lemoine [6] [10] [14]
18Philippe Lemoisson [19] [22]
19Michel Liquiere [13]
20Dominique Luzeaux [25]
21S. A. Mahe [19]
22Laurent Maillet-Contoz [10] [11]
23Daniele Maraschi [15]
24Éric Martin [27] [29]
25David Merceron [10] [14]
26Engelbert Mephu Nguifo [4] [14]
27Germana M. da Nóbrega [16] [17] [21]
28Richard Nock [12]
29Mathias Paulin [28]
30Joël Quinqueton [1] [6]
31Philippe Reitz [9]
32Hugues Ripoche [8]
33Yannick Tognetti [25]
34Luc Yriarte [9]
35René Zapata [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)