
Martin A. Fischler

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30EEKurt Konolige, Motilal Agrawal, Robert C. Bolles, Cregg Cowan, Martin A. Fischler, Brian P. Gerkey: Outdoor Mapping and Navigation Using Stereo Vision. ISER 2006: 179-190
29EEHrishikesh Aradhye, Martin A. Fischler, Robert C. Bolles, Gregory K. Myers: Headprint - Person Reacquisition Using Visual Features of Hair in Overhead Surveillance Video. AVBPA 2005: 879-890
28EEMartin A. Fischler, Helen C. Wolf: Locating Perceptually Salient Points on Planar Curves. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(2): 113-129 (1994)
27EEYvan G. Leclerc, Martin A. Fischler: An optimization-based approach to the interpretation of single line drawings as 3D wire frames. International Journal of Computer Vision 9(2): 113-136 (1992)
26 Thomas M. Strat, Martin A. Fischler: Natural Object Recognition: A Theoretical Framework and Its Implementation. IJCAI 1991: 1264-1270
25EEThomas M. Strat, Martin A. Fischler: Context-Based Vision: Recognizing Objects Using Information from Both 2D and 3D Imagery. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(10): 1050-1065 (1991)
24EEMartin A. Fischler: An overview of computer vision research at SRI International - Themes and progress. International Journal of Computer Vision 3(1): 7-15 (1989)
23EEMartin A. Fischler, Oscar Firschein: Parallel guessing: A strategy for high-speed computation. Pattern Recognition 20(2): 257-263 (1987)
22 Thomas M. Strat, Martin A. Fischler: One-Eyed Stereo: A General Approach to Modeling 3-D Scene Geometry. IJCAI 1985: 937-943
21 Martin A. Fischler, Oscar Firschein: Computational Vision as a (Non-Monotonic) Reasoning Process. NMR 1984: 82-92
20 Martin A. Fischler, Helen C. Wolf: Machine Perception of Linear Structure. IJCAI 1983: 1010-1013
19 Martin A. Fischler, Robert C. Bolles: Perceptual Organization and the Curve Partitioning Problem. IJCAI 1983: 1014-1018
18 Alex Pentland, Martin A. Fischler: A More Rational View of Logic, Or, Up Against the Wall, Logic Imperialists! AI Magazine 4(4): 15-18 (1983)
17 Martin A. Fischler, Stephen T. Barnard, Robert C. Bolles, Michael R. Lowry, L. Quam, G. Smith, Andrew P. Witkin: Modeling and Using Physical Constraints in Scene Analysis. AAAI 1982: 30-35
16 Stephen T. Barnard, Martin A. Fischler: Computational Stereo. ACM Comput. Surv. 14(4): 553-572 (1982)
15 Thomas D. Garvey, John D. Lowrance, Martin A. Fischler: An Inference Technique for Integrating Knowledge from Disparate Sources. IJCAI 1981: 319-325
14 Robert C. Bolles, Martin A. Fischler: A RANSAC-Based Approach to Model Fitting and Its Application to Finding Cylinders in Range Data. IJCAI 1981: 637-643
13 Oscar Firschein, Martin A. Fischler: Perceptual Problems in Analyzing Industrial Radiographs. IJCAI 1981: 740-745
12 Martin A. Fischler, Robert C. Bolles: Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography. Commun. ACM 24(6): 381-395 (1981)
11 Thomas D. Garvey, Martin A. Fischler: Perceptual Reasoning in a Hostile Environment. AAAI 1980: 253-255
10EEJay M. Tenenbaum, Harry G. Barrow, Robert C. Bolles, Martin A. Fischler, Helen C. Wolf: Map-guided interpretation of remotely-sensed imagery. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1980: 391-408
9EEMartin A. Fischler: Fast algorithms for two maximal distance problems with applications to image analysis. Pattern Recognition 12(1): 35-40 (1980)
8 Oscar Firschein, Martin A. Fischler, L. Stephen Coles, Jay M. Tenenbaum: Forecasting and Assessing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society. IJCAI 1973: 105-120
7 Martin A. Fischler, Oscar Firschein: A Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor Architecture for Real Time Control Applications. ISCA 1973: 151-157
6EEOscar Firschein, Martin A. Fischler: A study in descriptive representation of pictorial data. Pattern Recognition 4(4): 361-366 (1972)
5 Oscar Firschein, Martin A. Fischler: A Study in Descriptive Representation of Pictorial Data. IJCAI 1971: 258-269
4 Martin A. Fischler: Aspects of the Detection of Scene Congruence. IJCAI 1971: 88-100
3 Martin A. Fischler, Meyer Tannenbaum: Synchronizing and Representation Problems for Sequential Machines with Masked Outputs FOCS 1970: 97-103
2EEOscar Firschein, Martin A. Fischler: Describing and abstracting pictorial structures. Pattern Recognition 3(4): 421-434 (1970)
1 Martin A. Fischler: Machine Perception and Description of Pictorial Data. IJCAI 1969: 629-640

Coauthor Index

1Motilal Agrawal [30]
2Hrishikesh Aradhye [29]
3Stephen T. Barnard [16] [17]
4Harry G. Barrow [10]
5Robert C. Bolles [10] [12] [14] [17] [19] [29] [30]
6L. Stephen Coles [8]
7Cregg Cowan [30]
8Oscar Firschein [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [13] [21] [23]
9Thomas D. Garvey [11] [15]
10Brian P. Gerkey [30]
11Kurt Konolige [30]
12Yvan G. Leclerc [27]
13John D. Lowrance [15]
14Michael R. Lowry [17]
15Gregory K. Myers [29]
16Alex Pentland (Sandy Pentland) [18]
17L. Quam [17]
18G. Smith [17]
19Thomas M. Strat [22] [25] [26]
20Meyer Tannenbaum [3]
21Jay M. Tenenbaum [8] [10]
22Andrew P. Witkin [17]
23Helen C. Wolf [10] [20] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)