2001 |
57 | EE | John P. McDermott:
Abuse-Case-Based Assurance Arguments.
ACSAC 2001: 366-376 |
1999 |
56 | EE | John P. McDermott,
Chris Fox:
Using Abuse Case Models for Security Requirements Analysis.
ACSAC 1999: 55- |
1998 |
55 | EE | John P. McDermott:
Position Paper: Prolepsis on the Problem of Trojan-horse Based Integrity Attacks.
Workshop on New Security Paradigms 1998: 48-51 |
1997 |
54 | EE | John P. McDermott,
R. Gelinas,
S. Ornstein:
Doc, Wyatt, and Virgil: Prototyping Storage Jamming Defenses.
ACSAC 1997: 265- |
53 | | John P. McDermott:
Replication Does Survive Information Warfare Attacks.
DBSec 1997: 219-228 |
1996 |
52 | EE | Barbara Katzenberg,
Fred Pickard,
John P. McDermott:
Computer Support for Clinical Practice: Embedding and Evolving Protocols of Care.
CSCW 1996: 364-369 |
51 | EE | John P. McDermott,
David M. Goldschlag:
Towards a model of storage jamming.
CSFW 1996: 176- |
50 | | John P. McDermott,
Ravi Mukkamala:
A Performance Comparison of Five Transaction Processing Algorithms for the SINTRA Replicated-Architecture Database system.
Journal of Computer Security 4(2/3): 189-228 (1996) |
1995 |
49 | | John P. McDermott,
David M. Goldschlag:
Storage Jamming.
DBSec 1995: 365-381 |
1994 |
48 | EE | Barbara Katzenberg,
John P. McDermott:
Meaning-Making in the Creation of Useful Summary Reports.
CSCW 1994: 199-206 |
47 | | Oliver Costich,
John McLean,
John P. McDermott:
Confidentiality in a Replicated Architecture Trusted Database System: A Formal Model.
CSFW 1994: 60-65 |
46 | | John P. McDermott:
The b²/c³ Problem: How Big Buffers Overcome Convert Channel Cynicism in Trusted Database Systems.
DBSec 1994: 111-122 |
45 | | Gregg Yost,
Georg Klinker,
Marc Linster,
David Marques,
John P. McDermott:
The SBF Framework, 1989-1994: From Applications to Workplaces.
EKAW 1994: 318-339 |
44 | | Carl E. Landwehr,
Alan R. Bull,
John P. McDermott,
William S. Choi:
A Taxonomy of Computer Program Security Flaws.
ACM Comput. Surv. 26(3): 211-254 (1994) |
43 | | Tom M. Mitchell,
Rich Caruana,
Dayne Freitag,
John P. McDermott,
David Zabowski:
Experience with a Learning Personal Assistant.
Commun. ACM 37(7): 80-91 (1994) |
42 | EE | Georg Klinker,
Marc Linster,
David Marques,
John P. McDermott,
Gregg Yost:
Exploiting problem descriptions to provide assistance with the Sisyphus task.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 40(2): 293-314 (1994) |
1993 |
41 | | John P. McDermott,
Ravi Mukkamala:
Performance Analysis of Transaction Management Algorithms for the SINTRA Replicated-Architecture Database System.
DBSec 1993: 215-234 |
40 | | John P. McDermott:
R1 ("XCON") at Age 12: Lessons from an Elementary School Achiever.
Artif. Intell. 59(1-2): 241-247 (1993) |
1992 |
39 | | C. Lisa Dent,
Jesus Boticario,
John P. McDermott,
Tom M. Mitchell,
David Zabowski:
A Personal Learning Apprentice.
AAAI 1992: 96-103 |
38 | | John P. McDermott,
Sushil Jajodia:
Orange Locking: Channel-Free Database Concurrency Control Via Locking.
DBSec 1992: 267-284 |
37 | EE | David Marques,
Geoffroy Dallemagne,
Georg Klinker,
John P. McDermott,
David Tung:
Easy Programming: Empowering People to Build Their Own Applications.
IEEE Expert 7(3): 16-29 (1992) |
1991 |
36 | | Geoffroy Dallemagne,
Georg Klinker,
David Marques,
John P. McDermott,
David Tung:
Making Application Programming More Worthwile.
Contemporary Knowledge Engineering and Cognition 1991: 6-22 |
35 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Tom M. Mitchell,
John P. McDermott:
Justification-Based Refinement of Expert Knowledge.
Knowledge Discovery in Databases 1991: 397-410 |
1990 |
34 | | John P. McDermott:
Developing Software is like Talking to Eskimos about Snow.
AAAI 1990: 1130-1133 |
1989 |
33 | | Sandra Marcus,
John P. McDermott:
SALT: A Knowledge Acquisition Language for Propose-and-Revise Systems.
Artif. Intell. 39(1): 1-37 (1989) |
32 | | John P. McDermott:
The World Would Be a Better Place if Non-Programmers Could Program.
Machine Learning 4: 337-338 (1989) |
1988 |
31 | | Sandra Marcus,
Jeffrey Stout,
John P. McDermott:
VT: An Expert Elevator Designer That Uses Knowledge-Based Backtracking.
AI Magazine 9(1): 95-112 (1988) |
30 | | Jeffrey Stout,
Gilbert Caplain,
Sandra Marcus,
John P. McDermott:
Toward Automating Recognition of Differing Problem-Solving Demands.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(5): 599-611 (1988) |
29 | | Georg Klinker,
Serge Genetet,
John P. McDermott:
Knowledge Acquisition for Evaluation Systems.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(6): 715-731 (1988) |
1987 |
28 | | Georg Klinker,
Casey Boyd,
Serge Genetet,
John P. McDermott:
A KNACK for Knowledge Acquisition.
AAAI 1987: 488-493 |
27 | | Larry J. Eshelman,
Damien Ehret,
John P. McDermott,
Ming Tan:
MOLE: A Tenacious Knowledge-Acquisition Tool.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 26(1): 41-54 (1987) |
26 | | Georg Klinker,
Joel Bentolila,
Serge Genetet,
Michael Grimes,
John P. McDermott:
KNACK - Report-Driven Knowledge Acquisition.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 26(1): 65-79 (1987) |
1986 |
25 | | Janice S. Aikins,
Frederick Hayes-Roth,
John P. McDermott,
Herbert Schorr,
Reid G. Smith:
Panel: Directions for Expert Systems.
AAAI 1986: 1150 |
24 | | Robert Neches,
Richard Fikes,
Casimir A. Kulikowski,
John P. McDermott,
Ramesh S. Patil:
Panel: Knowledge Representation Meets Knowledge Acquisition: What Are the Needs and Where Is the Leverage?
AAAI 1986: 1153 |
23 | | Larry J. Eshelman,
John P. McDermott:
MOLE: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool that Uses its Head.
AAAI 1986: 950-955 |
22 | | John P. McDermott:
Making Expert Systems Explicit (Invited Paper).
IFIP Congress 1986: 539-544 |
1985 |
21 | | John P. McDermott:
Where Knowledge Acquisition Tools Fit in the Scheme of Things.
CAIA 1985: 222 |
20 | | A. van de Brug,
Judith Bachant,
John P. McDermott:
Doing R1 with Style.
CAIA 1985: 244-249 |
19 | | Gary S. Kahn,
Steve Nowlan,
John P. McDermott:
MORE: An Intelligent Knowledge Acquisition Tool.
IJCAI 1985: 581-584 |
18 | | Sandra Marcus,
John P. McDermott,
Tianran Wang:
Knowledge Acquisition for Constructive Systems.
IJCAI 1985: 637-639 |
17 | | Mark S. Fox,
John P. McDermott:
The Role of Databases in Knowledge-Based Systems.
On Knowledge Base Management Systems (Islamorada) 1985: 407-430 |
16 | | Drew V. McDermott,
M. Mitchell Waldrop,
B. Chandrasekaran,
John P. McDermott,
Roger C. Schank:
The Dark Ages of AI: A Panel Discussion at AAAI-84.
AI Magazine 6(3): 122-134 (1985) |
1984 |
15 | | John P. McDermott,
Judith Bachant:
R1 Revisited: Four Years in the Trenches.
AI Magazine 5(3): 21-32 (1984) |
1983 |
14 | | Jin Kim,
John P. McDermott:
TALIB: An IC Layout Design Assistant.
AAAI 1983: 197-201 |
13 | | John P. McDermott:
Extracting Knowledge From Expert Systems.
IJCAI 1983: 100-107 |
12 | | Shoichi Masui,
John P. McDermott,
Alan Sobel:
Decision-Making in Time-Critical Situations.
IJCAI 1983: 233-235 |
11 | EE | John P. McDermott:
The Knowledge Engineering Process.
IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 6(4): 30-37 (1983) |
1982 |
10 | | John P. McDermott:
R1: A Rule-Based Configurer of Computer Systems.
Artif. Intell. 19(1): 39-88 (1982) |
1981 |
9 | | John P. McDermott,
Barbara Steele:
Extending a Knowledge-Based System to Deal with Ad Hoc Constraints.
IJCAI 1981: 824-828 |
1980 |
8 | | John P. McDermott:
RI: an Expert in the Computer Systems Domain.
AAAI 1980: 269-271 |
7 | | John P. McDermott:
R1: The Formative Years.
AI Magazine 2(2): 21-29 (1980) |
6 | | John P. McDermott:
Nils J. Nilsson, Principles of Artificial lntelligence.
Artif. Intell. 15(1-2): 127-131 (1980) |
1978 |
5 | | Frederick Hayes-Roth,
John P. McDermott:
An Interference Matching Technique for Inducing Abstractions.
Commun. ACM 21(5): 401-410 (1978) |
1977 |
4 | | Michael D. Rychener,
Charles Forgy,
Pat Langley,
John P. McDermott,
Allen Newell,
K. Ramakrishna:
Problems in Building an Instructable Production System.
IJCAI 1977: 337 |
3 | | Frederick Hayes-Roth,
John P. McDermott:
Knowledge Acquisition from Structural Descriptions.
IJCAI 1977: 356-362 |
2 | | Douglas B. Lenat,
John P. McDermott:
Less Than General Production System Architectures.
IJCAI 1977: 928-932 |
1 | | Charles Forgy,
John P. McDermott:
OPS, A Domain-Independent Production System Language.
IJCAI 1977: 933-939 |