
Paul S. Jacobs

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40EEPaul S. Jacobs: Word Sense Acquisition For Multilingual Text Interpretation. COLING 1994: 665-671
39EEPaul S. Jacobs: Session 5: Natural Language, Discourse. HLT 1994
38EEPaul S. Jacobs: The TIPSTER/SHOGUN Project. HLT 1994
37 Paul S. Jacobs: Text-Based Systems and Information Management: Artificial Intelligence Confronts Matters of Scale. ICTAI 1994: 235-236
36 Peter Norvig, Paul S. Jacobs: Text-Based Intelligent Systems. Artif. Intell. 66(1): 181-188 (1994)
35EETerry Patten, Paul S. Jacobs: Guest Editor's Introduction: Natural-Language Processing. IEEE Expert 9(1): 35- (1994)
34EEPaul S. Jacobs, George B. Krupka, Lisa F. Rau, Michael L. Mauldin, Teruko Mitamura, Tsuyoshi Kitani, Ira Sider, Lois Childs: GE-CMU: description of the SHOGUN system used for MUC-5. MUC 1993: 109-120
33EEPaul S. Jacobs: Information extraction for the future. MUC 1993: 343
32EEPaul S. Jacobs: GE in TREC-2: Results of a Boolean Approximation Method for Routing and Retrieval. TREC 1993: 191-200
31 Paul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau: Innovations in Text Interpretation. Artif. Intell. 63(1-2): 143-191 (1993)
30EEPaul S. Jacobs: Using Statistical Methods to Improve Knowledge-Based News Categorization. IEEE Expert 8(2): 13-23 (1993)
29 Paul S. Jacobs: Parsing Run Amok: Relation-Driven Control for Text Analysis. AAAI 1992: 315-321
28EEPaul S. Jacobs: Joining Statistics with NLP for Text Categorization. ANLP 1992: 178-185
27EEGeorge B. Krupka, Paul S. Jacobs, Michael L. Mauldin, Todd Kaufmann, Ira Sider: Tipster shogun system (joint GE-CMU): MUC-4 test results and analysis. MUC 1992: 100-103
26EEGeorge B. Krupka, Paul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau, Lois Childs, Ira Sider: GE NLToolset: description of the system as used for MUC-4. MUC 1992: 177-185
25EEPaul S. Jacobs, George B. Krupka, Lisa F. Rau, Todd Kaufmann, Michael L. Mauldin: GE-CMU: description of the TIPSTER/SHOGUN system as used for MUC-4. MUC 1992: 186-188
24EELisa F. Rau, George B. Krupka, Paul S. Jacobs, Ira Sider, Lois Childs: GE NLToolset: MUC-4 test results and analysis. MUC 1992: 94-99
23EEPaul S. Jacobs, George B. Krupka, Lisa F. Rau: A Boolean Approximation Method for Query Construction and Topic Assignment in TREC. TREC 1992: 297-308
22EEPaul S. Jacobs, George R. Krupka, Lisa F. Rau: Lexico-Semantic Pattern Matching as a Companion to Parsing in Text Understanding. HLT 1991
21EEGeorge R. Krupka, Paul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau, Lucja Iwanska: GE: description of the NLTooLSET system as used for MUC-3. MUC 1991: 144-149
20EEGeorge R. Krupka, Lucja Iwanska, Paul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau: GE NLTooLSET: MUC-3 test results and analysis. MUC 1991: 60-68
19EELisa F. Rau, Paul S. Jacobs: Creating Segmented Databases from Free Text for Text Retrieval. SIGIR 1991: 337-346
18EEPaul S. Jacobs: To Parse or Not to Parse: Relation-Driven Text Skimming. COLING 1990: 194-198
17EEUri Zernik, Paul S. Jacobs: Tagging for Learning: Collecting Thematic Relations from Corpus. COLING 1990: 34-39
16EEPaul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau: The GE NLToolset: A Software Foundation for Intelligent Text Processing. COLING 1990: 373-375
15 Paul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau: SCISOR: Extracting Information from On-Line News. Commun. ACM 33(11): 88-97 (1990)
14EELisa F. Rau, Paul S. Jacobs, Uri Zernik: Information extraction and text summarization using linguistic knowledge acquisition. Inf. Process. Manage. 25(4): 419-428 (1989)
13 Paul S. Jacobs, Uri Zernik: Acquiring Lexical Knowledge from Text: A Case Study. AAAI 1988: 739-744
12EELisa F. Rau, Paul S. Jacobs: Integrating Top-Down And Bottom-Up Strategies In A Text Processing System. ANLP 1988: 129-135
11 Paul S. Jacobs: Achieving bidirectionality. COLING 1988: 267-269
10 Paul S. Jacobs: Concretion: assumption-based understanding. COLING 1988: 270-274
9EEPaul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau: Natural Language Techniques for Intelligent Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1988: 85-99
8 Paul S. Jacobs: A Knowledge Framework for Natural Language Analysis. IJCAI 1987: 675-678
7 Paul S. Jacobs: Knowledge-Intensive Natural Language Generation. Artif. Intell. 33(3): 325-378 (1987)
6 Paul S. Jacobs: Knowledge Structures for Natural Language Generation. COLING 1986: 554-559
5 Paul S. Jacobs: The KING Natural Language Generator. ECAI 1986: 427-436
4 Paul S. Jacobs: Language Analysis in Not-So-Limited Domains. FJCC 1986: 247-252
3 Paul S. Jacobs: PHRED: A Generator for Natural Language Interfaces. Computational Linguistics 11(4): 219-242 (1985)
2 Paul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau: Ace: Associating Language with Meaning. ECAI 1984: 295-304
1 Paul S. Jacobs: Generation in a Natural Language Interface. IJCAI 1983: 610-612

Coauthor Index

1Lois Childs [24] [26] [34]
2Lucja Iwanska [20] [21]
3Todd Kaufmann [25] [27]
4Tsuyoshi Kitani [34]
5George B. Krupka [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [34]
6George R. Krupka [20] [21] [22]
7Michael L. Mauldin [25] [27] [34]
8Teruko Mitamura [34]
9Peter Norvig [36]
10Terry Patten [35]
11Lisa F. Rau [2] [9] [12] [14] [15] [16] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [31] [34]
12Ira Sider [24] [26] [27] [34]
13Uri Zernik [13] [14] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)