
Robert Wilensky

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43EEJonathan Traupman, Robert Wilensky: Robust Reputations for Peer-to-Peer Marketplaces. iTrust 2006: 382-396
42EERobert Kahn, Robert Wilensky: A framework for distributed digital object services. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 6(2): 115-123 (2006)
41EEJonathan Traupman, Robert Wilensky: Collaborative Quality Filtering: Establishing Consensus or Recovering Ground Truth? WebKDD 2004: 73-86
40EEThomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky: Two diet plans for fat PDF. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2003: 175-184
39EEByungHoon Kang, Robert Wilensky, John Kubiatowicz: The Hash History Approach for Reconciling Mutual Inconsistency. ICDCS 2003: 670-677
38EERobert Wilensky: Re-Inventing Scholarly Information Dissemination and Use. JBIDI 2002
37EEThomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky: The multivalent browser: a platform for new ideas. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2001: 58-67
36EEByungHoon Kang, Robert Wilensky: Toward a model of self-administering data. JCDL 2001: 322-330
35EEJeff Anderson-Lee, Robert Wilensky: TilePic: a file format for tiled hierarchical data. JCDL 2001: 343-344
34EETracy Riggs, Robert Wilensky: An algorithm for automated rating of reviewers. JCDL 2001: 381-387
33EEThomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky: Robust Hyperlinks: Cheap, Everywhere, Now. DDEP/PODDP 2000: 28-43
32 Robert Wilensky, David N. Chin, Marc Luria, James H. Martin, James Mayfield, Dekai Wu: The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project. Artif. Intell. Rev. 14(1-2): 43-88 (2000)
31 Stephen J. Hegner, Paul McKevitt, Peter Norvig, Robert Wilensky: Editorial Intelligent Help Systems for UNIX: Planning and Knowledge Representation. Artif. Intell. Rev. 14(3): 149-152 (2000)
30 Stephen J. Hegner, Paul McKevitt, Peter Norvig, Robert Wilensky: Editorial Intelligent Help Systems for UNIX: Natural Language Dialogue. Artif. Intell. Rev. 14(4-5): 277-281 (2000)
29EEThomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky: Multivalent Documents. Commun. ACM 43(6): 82-90 (2000)
28EEThomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky: Robust intra-document locations. Computer Networks 33(1-6): 105-118 (2000)
27 Robert Wilensky: Digital library resources as a basis for collaborative work. JASIS 51(3): 228-245 (2000)
26 Robert Wilensky, Katsumi Tanaka, Yoshinori Hara: 1999 ACM Digital Library Workshop on Organizing Web Space (WOWS), August 14, 1999, at Radisson Hotel, Berkeley, CA, USA (in conjunction with ACM DL'99) WOWS 1999
25EEYoshinori Hara, Katsumi Tanaka, Robert Wilensky: Workshop on Organizing Web Space: An Integration of Content Search with Structure Analysis. ACM DL 1999: 264
24EERobert Wilensky: The UC Berkeley Digital Library Project: Re-thinking Scholarly Information Dissemination and Use (Abstract). ECDL 1999: 2
23 Thomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky: Multivalent Annotations. ECDL 1997: 287-303
22EEThomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky: Toward Active, Extensible, Networked Documents: Multivalent Architecture and Applications. Digital Libraries 1996: 100-108
21EEThomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky: Multivalent Documents: Inducing Structure and Behaviors in Online Digital Documents. HICSS (5) 1996: 144-152
20 Robert Wilensky: Toward Work-Centered Digital Information Services. IEEE Computer 29(5): 37-44 (1996)
19 Robert Wilensky: UC Berkeley's Digital Library Project. Commun. ACM 38(4): 60 (1995)
18EERobert Wilensky: Language Processing and Commonsense Reasoning. HLT 1991
17 Robert Wilensky: The Ontology and Representation of Situations. KR 1991: 558-569
16EEPeter Norvig, Robert Wilensky: A Critical Evaluation of Commensurable Abduction Models for Semantic Interpretation. COLING 1990: 225-230
15EERobert Wilensky: Extending the Lexicon by Exploiting Subregularities. COLING 1990: 407-412
14 Robert Wilensky, David N. Chin, Marc Luria, James H. Martin, James Mayfield, Dekai Wu: The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project. Computational Linguistics 14(3): 35-84 (1988)
13 Robert Wilensky: Ther Berkley UNIX Consultant Project. Wissensbasierte Systeme 1987: 286-296
12 Thomas Kaczmarek, Robert Neches, John Seely Brown, Phil Hayes, Thomas W. Malone, Dic Waters, Robert Wilensky, Mike Williams: Panel: Where Should the Intelligence in Intelligent Interfaces be Placed? AAAI 1986: 1151
11 Robert Wilensky: Talking to UNIX in English: An Overview of an On-Line UNIX Consultant. AI Magazine 5(1): 29-39 (1984)
10 Robert Wilensky, Yigal Arens, David N. Chin: Talking to UNIX in English: An Overview of UC. Commun. ACM 27(6): 574-593 (1984)
9 Robert Wilensky: Memory and Inference. IJCAI 1983: 402-404
8 Robert Wilensky: Talking to UNIX in English: An Overview of UC. AAAI 1982: 103-106
7EERobert Wilensky: PHRAN And PHRED: Analysis And Production Using A Common Knowledge Base. COLING 1982: 296-298
6 Robert Wilensky: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Language Processing: A Progress Report. IJCAI 1981: 25-30
5 Michael Deering, Joseph Faletti, Robert Wilensky: PEARL - A Package for Efficient Access to Representations in LISP. IJCAI 1981: 930-932
4 Robert Wilensky: Meta-Planning. AAAI 1980: 334-336
3EERobert Wilensky, Yigal Arens: Phran - A Knowledge-Base Natural Language Understander. ACL 1980
2 Robert Wilensky: Understanding Goal-Based Stories Garland Publishing, New York 1978
1 Robert Wilensky: PAM - A Program That Infers Intentions. IJCAI 1977: 15

Coauthor Index

1Jeff Anderson-Lee [35]
2Yigal Arens [3] [10]
3John Seely Brown [12]
4David N. Chin [10] [14] [32]
5Michael Deering [5]
6Joseph Faletti [5]
7Yoshinori Hara [25] [26]
8Phil Hayes [12]
9Stephen J. Hegner [30] [31]
10Thomas Kaczmarek [12]
11Robert Kahn [42]
12ByungHoon Kang [36] [39]
13John Kubiatowicz [39]
14Marc Luria [14] [32]
15Thomas W. Malone [12]
16James H. Martin [14] [32]
17James Mayfield [14] [32]
18Paul McKevitt [30] [31]
19Robert Neches [12]
20Peter Norvig [16] [30] [31]
21Thomas A. Phelps [21] [22] [23] [28] [29] [33] [37] [40]
22Tracy Riggs [34]
23Katsumi Tanaka [25] [26]
24Jonathan Traupman [41] [43]
25Dic Waters [12]
26Mike Williams [12]
27Dekai Wu [14] [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)