
Martin Nilsson

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19EESvante Ekelin, Martin Nilsson, Erik Hartikainen, Andreas Johnsson, Jan-Erik Mangs, Bob Melander, Mats Björkman: Real-Time Measurement of End-to-End Available Bandwidth using Kalman Filtering. NOMS 2006: 73-84
18EEMartin Nilsson, Steen Rasmussen: Cellular Automata for Simulating Molecular Self-Assembly. DMCS 2003: 31-42
17 Steen Rasmussen, Liaohai Chen, Martin Nilsson, Shigeaki Abe: Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter. Artificial Life 9(3): 269-316 (2003)
16 Martin Nilsson: Heavy-Duty Connectors for Self-Reconfiguring Robots. ICRA 2002: 4071-4076
15 Martin Nilsson: Hierarchical Clustering Using Non-Greedy Principal Direction Divisive Partitioning. Inf. Retr. 5(4): 311-321 (2002)
14EELaura Marie Feeney, Martin Nilsson: Investigating the Energy Consumption of a Wireless Network Interface in an Ad Hoc Networking Environment. INFOCOM 2001: 1548-1557
13 Steen Rasmussen, Nils A. Baas, Bernd Mayer, Martin Nilsson, Michael W. Olesen: Ansatz for Dynamical Hierarchies. Artificial Life 7(4): 329-353 (2001)
12 Steen Rasmussen, Nils A. Baas, Bernd Mayer, Martin Nilsson: Defense of the Ansatz for Dynamical Hierarchies. Artificial Life 7(4): 367-373 (2001)
11EECristopher Moore, Martin Nilsson: Parallel Quantum Computation and Quantum Codes. SIAM J. Comput. 31(3): 799-815 (2001)
10 Martin Nilsson: Tactile Sensing with Minimal Wiring Complexity. ICRA 1999: 293-298
9 Martin Nilsson: Why Snake Robots Need Torsion-Free Joints and How to Design Them. ICRA 1998: 412-417
8 Martin Nilsson, Hidehiko Tanaka: Massively Parallel Implementation of Flat GHC on the Connection Machine. FGCS 1988: 1031-1040
7 Martin Nilsson, Hidehiko Tanaka: A Flat GHC Implementation for Supercomputers. ICLP/SLP 1988: 1337-1350
6 Martin Nilsson, Hidehiko Tanaka: The Art of Building a Parallel Logic Programming System or From Zero to Full GHC in Ten Pages. LP 1987: 95-104
5 Martin Nilsson, Hidehiko Tanaka: Cyclic Tree Traversal. ICLP 1986: 593-599
4 Martin Nilsson, Hidehiko Tanaka: FLENG Prolog - The Language which turns Supercomputers into Parallel Prolog Machines. LP 1986: 170-179
3 Martin Nilsson: Prolog as a Tool for Optimizing Prolog Unifiers. ICLP 1984: 13-21
2 Martin Nilsson: The World's Shortest Prolog Interpreter? Implementations of Prolog 1984: 87-92
1 Martin Nilsson: A Logical Model of Knowledge. IJCAI 1983: 374-376

Coauthor Index

1Shigeaki Abe [17]
2Nils A. Baas [12] [13]
3Mats Björkman [19]
4Liaohai Chen [17]
5Svante Ekelin [19]
6Laura Marie Feeney [14]
7Erik Hartikainen [19]
8Andreas Johnsson [19]
9Jan-Erik Mangs [19]
10Bernd Mayer [12] [13]
11Bob Melander [19]
12Cristopher Moore [11]
13Michael W. Olesen [13]
14Steen Rasmussen [12] [13] [17] [18]
15Hidehiko Tanaka [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)