
David B. Sher

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12EEDavid B. Sher: A visual proof for an average case of list searching. SIGCSE Bulletin 40(2): 74-78 (2008)
11EEDavid B. Sher: Motivating data structures with caching internet stock data. ITiCSE 2006: 344
10EEDavid B. Sher: A simple implementation of a queue with a circularly linked list. ITiCSE 2004: 274
9 David B. Sher: Developing Courseware for Mathematics and Computer Science in JavaScript. WebNet 1998
8EEXin He, David B. Sher: on Determining Non-isotopic Configurations of Points on a Circle. Discrete Applied Mathematics 59(1): 33-50 (1995)
7EEDavid B. Sher, Chris Y. Cheung: Constructing noise-reducing operators from training images. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(4): 357-363 (1994)
6 Venu Govindaraju, Sargur N. Srihari, David B. Sher: A Computational Model for Face Location Based on Cognitive Principles. AAAI 1992: 350-355
5EEDavid B. Sher: A computational normative theory of scientific evidence. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 6(4): 505-524 (1992)
4EEDavid B. Sher: Minimizing the cost of errors with a Markov random field. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(2): 85-89 (1991)
3EEDavid B. Sher, Jonathan J. Hull: Quantifying the unimportance of prior probabilities in a computer vision problem. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(6): 379-383 (1990)
2 Venu Govindaraju, Stephen W. K. Lam, Debashish Niyogi, David B. Sher, Rohini K. Srihari, Sargur N. Srihari, Dacheng Wang: Newspaper Image Understanding. KBCS 1989: 375-384
1 Christopher M. Brown, Matthew B. Curtiss, David B. Sher: Advanced Hough Transform Implementations. IJCAI 1983: 1081-1085

Coauthor Index

1Christopher M. Brown [1]
2Chris Y. Cheung [7]
3Matthew B. Curtiss [1]
4Venu Govindaraju (Venugopal Govindaraju) [2] [6]
5Xin He [8]
6Jonathan J. Hull [3]
7Stephen W. K. Lam [2]
8Debashish Niyogi [2]
9Rohini K. Srihari [2]
10Sargur N. Srihari [2] [6]
11Dacheng Wang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)