
Michael Kass

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24EEMichael Kass, John Anderson: Animating oscillatory motion with overlap: wiggly splines. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(3): (2008)
23EEPaul E. Black, Michael Kass: Software security assurance tools, techniques and metrics (SSATTM). ASE 2005: 461
22EEDavid Baraff, Andrew P. Witkin, Michael Kass: Untangling cloth. ACM Trans. Graph. 22(3): 862-870 (2003)
21EETony DeRose, Michael Kass, Tien Truong: Subdivision Surfaces in Character Animation. SIGGRAPH 1998: 85-94
20EEDavid E. Breen, Jeffrey W. Eischen, Michael Kass, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Maurizio Vecchione: Can we get there from here? Current challenges in cloth design, modeling and animation (panel). SIGGRAPH 1997: 437-439
19EENed Greene, Michael Kass: Error-bounded antialiased rendering of complex environments. SIGGRAPH 1994: 59-66
18EENed Greene, Michael Kass, Gavin S. P. Miller: Hierarchical Z-buffer visibility. SIGGRAPH 1993: 231-238
17EEMark A. Halstead, Michael Kass, Tony DeRose: Efficient, fair interpolation using Catmull-Clark surfaces. SIGGRAPH 1993: 35-44
16EEMichael Kass: CONDOR: constraint-based dataflow. SIGGRAPH 1992: 321-330
15EEAndrew P. Witkin, Michael Kass: Reaction-diffusion textures. SIGGRAPH 1991: 299-308
14EEMichael Kass: Height-field fluids for computer graphics. Winter Simulation Conference 1991: 1194-1198
13EEMichael Kass, Gavin S. P. Miller: Rapid, stable fluid dynamics for computer graphics. SIGGRAPH 1990: 49-57
12EEAndrew P. Witkin, Michael Kass: Spacetime constraints. SIGGRAPH 1988: 159-168
11 Demetri Terzopoulos, Andrew P. Witkin, Michael Kass: Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering 3D Shape and Nonrigid Motion. Artif. Intell. 36(1): 91-123 (1988)
10EEDemetri Terzopoulos, Andrew P. Witkin, Michael Kass: Symmetry-seeking models and 3D object reconstruction. International Journal of Computer Vision 1(3): 211-221 (1988)
9EEMichael Kass, Andrew P. Witkin, Demetri Terzopoulos: Snakes: Active contour models. International Journal of Computer Vision 1(4): 321-331 (1988)
8EEMichael Kass: Linear image features in stereopsis. International Journal of Computer Vision 1(4): 357-368 (1988)
7 Demetri Terzopoulos, Andrew P. Witkin, Michael Kass: Energy Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering Shape and Non-Rigid Motion. AAAI 1987: 755-760
6EEMichael Kass, Andrew P. Witkin: Analyzing oriented patterns. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 37(3): 362-385 (1987)
5EEAndrew P. Witkin, Demetri Terzopoulos, Michael Kass: Signal matching through scale space. International Journal of Computer Vision 1(2): 133-144 (1987)
4 Michael Kass: Linear Image Features in Stereopsis. AAAI 1986: 707-713
3 Andrew P. Witkin, Demetri Terzopoulos, Michael Kass: Signal Matching Through Scale Space. AAAI 1986: 714-719
2 Michael Kass, Andrew P. Witkin: Analyzing Oriented Patterns. IJCAI 1985: 944-952
1 Michael Kass: A Computational Framework for the Visual Correspondence Problem. IJCAI 1983: 1043-1045

Coauthor Index

1John Anderson [24]
2David Baraff [22]
3Paul E. Black [23]
4David E. Breen [20]
5Tony DeRose [17] [21]
6Jeffrey W. Eischen [20]
7Ned Greene [18] [19]
8Mark A. Halstead [17]
9Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann [20]
10Gavin S. P. Miller [13] [18]
11Demetri Terzopoulos [3] [5] [7] [9] [10] [11]
12Tien Truong [21]
13Maurizio Vecchione [20]
14Andrew P. Witkin [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)