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Seffi Naor
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2009 | ||
154 | EE | Robert Krauthgamer, Joseph Naor, Roy Schwartz: Partitioning graphs into balanced components. SODA 2009: 942-949 |
153 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Sudipto Guha, Yoav Katz, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber, Hadas Shachnai: Throughput maximization of real-time scheduling with batching. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 5(2): (2009) |
2008 | ||
152 | EE | Niv Buchbinder, Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Non-cooperative Cost Sharing Games Via Subsidies. SAGT 2008: 337-349 |
151 | EE | Moses Charikar, Howard J. Karloff, Claire Mathieu, Joseph Naor, Michael E. Saks: Online multicast with egalitarian cost sharing. SPAA 2008: 70-76 |
150 | EE | Rajsekar Manokaran, Joseph Naor, Prasad Raghavendra, Roy Schwartz: Sdp gaps and ugc hardness for multiway cut, 0-extension, and metric labeling. STOC 2008: 11-20 |
149 | EE | Nikhil Bansal, Niv Buchbinder, Joseph Naor: Randomized competitive algorithms for generalized caching. STOC 2008: 235-244 |
148 | EE | Joseph Naor, Danny Raz, Gabriel Scalosub: Homogeneous Interference Game in Wireless Networks. WINE 2008: 514-521 |
147 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Anupam Gupta, Joseph Naor, Amitabh Sinha: On the approximability of some network design problems. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(2): (2008) |
146 | EE | Irith Ben-Arroyo Hartman, Seffi Naor, Michal Penn, Uriel G. Rothblum: The Third Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and Algorithms. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(4): 407-408 (2008) |
145 | EE | Irith Ben-Arroyo Hartman, Seffi Naor, Michal Penn, Uriel G. Rothblum: Editorial. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(4): 410-411 (2008) |
144 | EE | Randeep Bhatia, Nicole Immorlica, Tracy Kimbrel, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Traffic Engineering of Management Flows by Link Augmentations on Confluent Trees. Theory Comput. Syst. 42(1): 2-26 (2008) |
2007 | ||
143 | EE | Niv Buchbinder, Kamal Jain, Joseph Naor: Online Primal-Dual Algorithms for Maximizing Ad-Auctions Revenue. ESA 2007: 253-264 |
142 | EE | Nikhil Bansal, Niv Buchbinder, Anupam Gupta, Joseph Naor: An O (log2 k )-Competitive Algorithm for Metric Bipartite Matching. ESA 2007: 522-533 |
141 | EE | Nikhil Bansal, Niv Buchbinder, Joseph Naor: A Primal-Dual Randomized Algorithm for Weighted Paging. FOCS 2007: 507-517 |
140 | EE | David Amzallag, Joseph Naor, Danny Raz: Algorithmic Aspects of Access Networks Design in B3G/4G Cellular Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 991-999 |
139 | EE | Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Maximum-lifetime routing: system optimization & game-theoretic perspectives. MobiHoc 2007: 160-169 |
138 | EE | Roee Engelberg, Joseph Naor: Equilibria in online games. SODA 2007: 149-158 |
137 | EE | Lap Chi Lau, Joseph Naor, Mohammad R. Salavatipour, Mohit Singh: Survivable network design with degree or order constraints. STOC 2007: 651-660 |
136 | EE | Randeep Bhatia, Julia Chuzhoy, Ari Freund, Joseph Naor: Algorithmic aspects of bandwidth trading. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(1): (2007) |
135 | EE | Joseph Naor, Hadas Shachnai, Tami Tamir: Real-Time Scheduling with a Budget. Algorithmica 47(3): 343-364 (2007) |
134 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Julia Chuzhoy, Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Non-Cooperative Multicast and Facility Location Games. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(6): 1193-1206 (2007) |
133 | EE | Roee Engelberg, Jochen Könemann, Stefano Leonardi, Joseph Naor: Cut problems in graphs with a budget constraint. J. Discrete Algorithms 5(2): 262-279 (2007) |
132 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Joseph Naor: The Hardness of Metric Labeling. SIAM J. Comput. 36(5): 1376-1386 (2007) |
2006 | ||
131 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Julia Chuzhoy, Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Non-cooperative multicast and facility location games. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2006: 72-81 |
130 | EE | Niv Buchbinder, Joseph Naor: Improved Bounds for Online Routing and Packing Via a Primal-Dual Approach. FOCS 2006: 293-304 |
129 | EE | Roee Engelberg, Jochen Könemann, Stefano Leonardi, Joseph Naor: Cut Problems in Graphs with a Budget Constraint. LATIN 2006: 435-446 |
128 | EE | Niv Buchbinder, Joseph Naor: Fair online load balancing. SPAA 2006: 291-298 |
127 | EE | David Amzallag, Joseph Naor, Danny Raz: Coping with Interference: From Maximum Coverage to Planning Cellular Networks. WAOA 2006: 29-42 |
126 | EE | Noga Alon, Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Niv Buchbinder, Joseph Naor: A general approach to online network optimization problems. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2(4): 640-660 (2006) |
125 | EE | Yigal Bejerano, Mark A. Smith, Joseph Naor, Nicole Immorlica: Efficient location area planning for personal communication systems. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 14(2): 438-450 (2006) |
124 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Joseph Naor: New hardness results for congestion minimization and machine scheduling. J. ACM 53(5): 707-721 (2006) |
123 | EE | Yigal Bejerano, Joseph Naor, Alexander Sprintson: Efficient algorithms for shared backup allocation in networks with partial information. J. Comb. Optim. 12(1-2): 17-34 (2006) |
122 | EE | Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Magnús M. Halldórsson, Joseph Naor, Hadas Shachnai, Irina Shapira: Scheduling Split Intervals. SIAM J. Comput. 36(1): 1-15 (2006) |
121 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Joseph Naor: Covering Problems with Hard Capacities. SIAM J. Comput. 36(2): 498-515 (2006) |
120 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Sudipto Guha, Joseph Naor: The Steiner k-Cut Problem. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(1): 261-271 (2006) |
2005 | ||
119 | EE | Niv Buchbinder, Joseph Naor: Online Primal-Dual Algorithms for Covering and Packing Problems. ESA 2005: 689-701 |
118 | EE | Yigal Bejerano, Joseph Naor, Alexander Sprintson: Efficient Algorithms for Shared Backup Allocation in Networks with Partial Information. ESA 2005: 702-713 |
117 | EE | Joseph Naor: From Balanced Graph Partitioning to Balanced Metric Labeling. ESA 2005: 9 |
116 | EE | Joseph Naor, Adi Rosén, Gabriel Scalosub: Online time-constrained scheduling in linear networks. INFOCOM 2005: 855-865 |
115 | EE | Nikhil Bansal, Moses Charikar, Sanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor: Approximating the average response time in broadcast scheduling. SODA 2005: 215-221 |
114 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Anupam Gupta, Joseph Naor, Amitabh Sinha: On the approximability of some network design problems. SODA 2005: 943-951 |
113 | EE | Randeep Bhatia, Nicole Immorlica, Tracy Kimbrel, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Seffi Naor, Baruch Schieber: Traffic engineering of management flows by link augmentations on confluent trees. SPAA 2005: 289-298 |
112 | EE | Joseph Naor, Roy Schwartz: Balanced metric labeling. STOC 2005: 582-591 |
111 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Joseph Naor, Danny Raz: Building Edge-Failure Resilient Networks. Algorithmica 43(1-2): 17-41 (2005) |
110 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Sudipto Guha, Eran Halperin, Sanjeev Khanna, Guy Kortsarz, Robert Krauthgamer, Joseph Naor: Asymmetric k-center is log* n-hard to approximate. J. ACM 52(4): 538-551 (2005) |
2004 | ||
109 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Joseph Naor: The Hardness of Metric Labeling. FOCS 2004: 108-114 |
108 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Sudipto Guha, Sanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor: Machine Minimization for Scheduling Jobs with Interval Constraints. FOCS 2004: 81-90 |
107 | EE | Noga Alon, Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Niv Buchbinder, Joseph Naor: A general approach to online network optimization problems. SODA 2004: 577-586 |
106 | EE | Joseph Naor, Roy Schwartz: The directed circular arrangement problem. SODA 2004: 86-95 |
105 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Sudipto Guha, Eran Halperin, Sanjeev Khanna, Guy Kortsarz, Joseph Naor: Asymmetric k-center is log* n-hard to approximate. STOC 2004: 21-27 |
104 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Joseph Naor: New hardness results for congestion minimization and machine scheduling. STOC 2004: 28-34 |
103 | EE | Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Admission Control in Networks with Advance Reservations. Algorithmica 40(4): 293-304 (2004) |
102 | EE | Moses Charikar, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Resource optimization in QoS multicast routing of real-time multimedia. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(2): 340-348 (2004) |
101 | EE | Ari Freund, Joseph Naor: Approximating the Advertisement Placement Problem. J. Scheduling 7(5): 365-374 (2004) |
100 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor, Leonid Zosin: A Linear Programming Formulation and Approximation Algorithms for the Metric Labeling Problem. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 18(3): 608-625 (2004) |
2003 | ||
99 | EE | Joseph Naor, Hadas Shachnai, Tami Tamir: Real-Time Scheduling with a Budget. ICALP 2003: 1123-1137 |
98 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Sudipto Guha, Joseph Naor: Approximating Steiner k-Cuts. ICALP 2003: 189-199 |
97 | EE | Randeep Bhatia, Julia Chuzhoy, Ari Freund, Joseph Naor: Algorithmic Aspects of Bandwidth Trading. ICALP 2003: 751-766 |
96 | EE | Yigal Bejerano, Nicole Immorlica, Joseph Naor, Mark Smith: Efficient location area planning for personal communication systems. MOBICOM 2003: 109-121 |
95 | EE | Noga Alon, Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Niv Buchbinder, Joseph Naor: The online set cover problem. STOC 2003: 100-105 |
94 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Ari Freund, Shimon Landa, Joseph Naor: Competitive On-Line Switching Policies. Algorithmica 36(3): 225-247 (2003) |
93 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Sudipto Guha, Sanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor: Asymmetric k-center is log*n-hard to Approximate Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(038): (2003) |
92 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Pushing Dependent Data in Clients-Providers-Servers Systems. Wireless Networks 9(5): 421-430 (2003) |
2002 | ||
91 | EE | Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Routing and Admission Control in Networks with Advance Reservations. APPROX 2002: 215-228 |
90 | EE | Julia Chuzhoy, Joseph Naor: Covering Problems with Hard Capacities. FOCS 2002: 481-489 |
89 | EE | Sanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor, Danny Raz: Control Message Aggregation in Group Communication Protocols. ICALP 2002: 135-146 |
88 | EE | Juan A. Garay, Joseph Naor, Bülent Yener, Peng Zhao: On-line Admission Control and Packet Scheduling with Interleaving. INFOCOM 2002 |
87 | EE | Ari Freund, Joseph Naor: Approximating the Advertisement Placement Problem. IPCO 2002: 415-424 |
86 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Joseph Naor, Danny Raz: Building Edge-Failure Resilient Networks. IPCO 2002: 439-456 |
85 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Ari Freund, Shimon Landa, Joseph Naor: Competitive on-line switching policies. SODA 2002: 525-534 |
84 | EE | Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Magnús M. Halldórsson, Joseph Naor, Hadas Shachnai, Irina Shapira: Scheduling split intervals. SODA 2002: 732-741 |
83 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Sudipto Guha, Yoav Katz, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber, Hadas Shachnai: Throughput maximization of real-time scheduling with batching. SODA 2002: 742-751 |
82 | EE | Yigal Bejerano, Israel Cidon, Joseph Naor: Efficient handoff rerouting algorithms: a competitive on-line algorithmic approach. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(6): 749-760 (2002) |
81 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Randeep Bhatia, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Minimizing Service and Operation Costs of Periodic Scheduling. Math. Oper. Res. 27(3): 518-544 (2002) |
2001 | ||
80 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor, Leonid Zosin: Approximation algorithms for the metric labeling problem via a new linear programming formulation. SODA 2001: 109-118 |
79 | EE | Chandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor: A deterministic algorithm for the cost-distance problem. SODA 2001: 232-233 |
78 | EE | Joseph Naor, Yuval Rabani: Tree packing and approximating k-cuts. SODA 2001: 26-27 |
77 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Ari Freund, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: A unified approach to approximating resource allocation and scheduling. J. ACM 48(5): 1069-1090 (2001) |
76 | EE | Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Guy Even, Jon Feldman, Joseph Naor: Computing an Optimal Orientation of a Balanced Decomposition Tree for Linear Arrangement Problems. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 5(4): (2001) |
75 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Sudipto Guha, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Approximating the Throughput of Multiple Machines in Real-Time Scheduling. SIAM J. Comput. 31(2): 331-352 (2001) |
74 | EE | Joseph Naor, Leonid Zosin: A 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Directed Multiway Cut Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 31(2): 477-482 (2001) |
73 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Ari Freund, Joseph Naor: On-Line Load Balancing in a Hierarchical Server Topology. SIAM J. Comput. 31(2): 527-549 (2001) |
2000 | ||
72 | EE | Yigal Bejerano, Israel Cidon, Joseph Naor: Dynamic session management for static and mobile users: a competitive on-line algorithmic approach. DIAL-M 2000: 65-74 |
71 | EE | Moses Charikar, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Resource Optimization in QoS Multicast Routing of Real-Time Multimedia. INFOCOM 2000: 1518-1527 |
70 | EE | Yigal Bejerano, Israel Cidon, Joseph Naor: Efficient Handoff Rerouting Algorithms: A Competitive On-Line Algorithmic Approach. INFOCOM 2000: 198-207 |
69 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Pushing dependent data in clients-providers-servers systems. MOBICOM 2000: 222-230 |
68 | EE | Sanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor, F. Bruce Shepherd: Directed network design with orientation constraints. SODA 2000: 663-671 |
67 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Ari Freund, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: A unified approach to approximating resource allocation and scheduling. STOC 2000: 735-744 |
66 | Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda, Yael Petruschka: Dynamic storage allocation with known durations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 100(3): 203-213 (2000) | |
65 | EE | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Satish Rao, Baruch Schieber: Divide-and-conquer approximation algorithms via spreading metrics. J. ACM 47(4): 585-616 (2000) |
64 | Randeep Bhatia, Samir Khuller, Joseph Naor: The Loading Time Scheduling Problem. J. Algorithms 36(1): 1-33 (2000) | |
63 | Amotz Bar-Noy, Sudipto Guha, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Message Multicasting in Heterogeneous Networks. SIAM J. Comput. 30(2): 347-358 (2000) | |
62 | EE | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Leonid Zosin: An 8-Approximation Algorithm for the Subset Feedback Vertex Set Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 30(4): 1231-1252 (2000) |
61 | EE | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber, Leonid Zosin: Approximating Minimum Subset Feedback Sets in Undirected Graphs with Applications. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 13(2): 255-267 (2000) |
1999 | ||
60 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Ari Freund, Joseph Naor: On-Line Load Banancing in a Hierarchical Server Topology. ESA 1999: 77-88 |
59 | EE | Sudipto Guha, Anna Moss, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Efficient Recovery from Power Outage (Extended Abstract). STOC 1999: 574-582 |
58 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Sudipto Guha, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Approximating the Throughput of Multiple Machines Under Real-Time Scheduling. STOC 1999: 622-631 |
57 | EE | Samir Khuller, Anna Moss, Joseph Naor: The Budgeted Maximum Coverage Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 70(1): 39-45 (1999) |
56 | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Satish Rao, Baruch Schieber: Fast Approximate Graph Partitioning Algorithms. SIAM J. Comput. 28(6): 2187-2214 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
55 | Amotz Bar-Noy, Randeep Bhatia, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Minimizing Service and Operation Costs of Periodic Scheduling (Extended Abstract). SODA 1998: 11-20 | |
54 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Sudipto Guha, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Multicasting in Heterogeneous Networks. STOC 1998: 448-453 |
53 | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber, Madhu Sudan: Approximating Minimum Feedback Sets and Multicuts in Directed Graphs. Algorithmica 20(2): 151-174 (1998) | |
52 | EE | Yossi Azar, Rajeev Motwani, Joseph Naor: Approximating Probability Distributions Using Small Sample Spaces. Combinatorica 18(2): 151-171 (1998) |
51 | EE | Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda, Raphael Rom: Scheduled Hot-Potato Routing. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 2(2): (1998) |
50 | EE | Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Dan Geiger, Joseph Naor, Ron M. Roth: Approximation Algorithms for the Feedback Vertex Set Problem with Applications to Constraint Satisfaction and Bayesian Inference. SIAM J. Comput. 27(4): 942-959 (1998) |
1997 | ||
49 | Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda, Yael Petruschka: Dynamic Storage Allocation with Known Durations. ESA 1997: 378-387 | |
48 | EE | Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber: Improved Approximations for Shallow-Light Spanning Trees. FOCS 1997: 536-541 |
47 | EE | Joseph Naor, Leonid Zosin: A 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Directed Multiway Cut Problem. FOCS 1997: 548-553 |
46 | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Satish Rao, Baruch Schieber: Spreading Metric Based Graph Partitioning Algorithms. PPSC 1997 | |
45 | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Satish Rao, Baruch Schieber: Fast Approximate Graph Partitioning Algorithms. SODA 1997: 639-648 | |
1996 | ||
44 | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Leonid Zosin: An 8-Approximation Algorithm for the Subset Feedback Vertex Set Problem. FOCS 1996: 310-319 | |
43 | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber, Leonid Zosin: Approximating Minimum Subset Feedback Sets in Undirected Graphs with Applications. ISTCS 1996: 78-88 | |
42 | Yossi Azar, Joseph Naor, Raphael Rom: Routing Strategies for Fast Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(2): 165-173 (1996) | |
41 | Dorit S. Hochbaum, Joseph Naor: Approximation Algorithms for Network Design Problems on Bounded Subsets. J. Algorithms 21(2): 403-414 (1996) | |
40 | EE | Michael Luby, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Tight Bounds for Dynamic Storage Allocation. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(1): 155-166 (1996) |
1995 | ||
39 | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Satish Rao, Baruch Schieber: Divide-and-Conquer Approximation Algorithms via Spreading Metrics (Extended Abstract). FOCS 1995: 62-71 | |
38 | Randeep Bhatia, Samir Khuller, Joseph Naor: The Loading Time Scheduling Problem (Extended Abstract). FOCS 1995: 72-81 | |
37 | Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda, Raphael Rom: Scheduled Hot-Potato Routing. INFOCOM 1995: 579-586 | |
36 | Guy Even, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber, Madhu Sudan: Approximating Minimum Feedback Sets and Multi-Cuts in Directed Graphs. IPCO 1995: 14-28 | |
35 | Yossi Azar, Joseph Naor, Raphael Rom: The Competitiveness of On-Line Assignments. J. Algorithms 18(2): 221-237 (1995) | |
34 | Joseph Naor, Ron M. Roth: Constructions of Permutation Arrays for Certain Scheduling Cost Measures. Random Struct. Algorithms 6(1): 39-50 (1995) | |
33 | Gary L. Miller, Joseph Naor: Flow in Planar Graphs with Multiple Sources and Sinks. SIAM J. Comput. 24(5): 1002-1017 (1995) | |
1994 | ||
32 | Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Dan Geiger, Joseph Naor, Ron M. Roth: Approximation Algorithms for the Vertex Feedback Set Problem with Applications to Constraint Satisfaction and Bayesian Inference. SODA 1994: 344-354 | |
31 | Michael Luby, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Tight Bounds for Dynamic Storage Allocation. SODA 1994: 724-732 | |
30 | Samir Khuller, Joseph Naor: Flow in Planar Graphs with Vertex Capacities. Algorithmica 11(3): 200-225 (1994) | |
29 | Rajeev Motwani, Joseph Naor, Moni Naor: The Probabilistic Method Yields Deterministic Parallel Algorithms. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(3): 478-516 (1994) | |
28 | Dorit S. Hochbaum, Joseph Naor: Simple and Fast Algorithms for Linear and Integer Programs With Two Variables per Inequality. SIAM J. Comput. 23(6): 1179-1192 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
27 | Dorit S. Hochbaum, Nimrod Megiddo, Joseph Naor, Arie Tamir: Tight bounds and 2-approximation algorithms for integer programs with two variables per inequality. Math. Program. 62: 69-83 (1993) | |
26 | Joseph Naor, Moni Naor: Small-Bias Probability Spaces: Efficient Constructions and Applications. SIAM J. Comput. 22(4): 838-856 (1993) | |
25 | Samir Khuller, Joseph Naor, Philip N. Klein: The Lattice Structure of Flow in Planar Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 6(3): 477-490 (1993) | |
1992 | ||
24 | Yossi Azar, Joseph Naor, Raphael Rom: Routing Strategies for Fast Networks. INFOCOM 1992: 170-179 | |
23 | Dorit S. Hochbaum, Joseph Naor: Simple and Fast Algorithms for Linear and Integer Programs with Two Variables Per Inequality. IPCO 1992: 44-59 | |
22 | EE | Yossi Azar, Joseph Naor, Raphael Rom: The Competitiveness of On-Line Assignments. SODA 1992: 203-210 |
21 | Noga Alon, Jehoshua Bruck, Joseph Naor, Moni Naor, Ron M. Roth: Construction of asymptotically good low-rate error-correcting codes through pseudo-random graphs. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(2): 509- (1992) | |
20 | Amotz Bar-Noy, Rajeev Motwani, Joseph Naor: The Greedy Algorithm is Optimal for On-Line Edge Coloring. Inf. Process. Lett. 44(5): 251-253 (1992) | |
19 | Amotz Bar-Noy, Rajeev Motwani, Joseph Naor: A Linear Time Approach to the Set Maxima Problem. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(1): 1-9 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
18 | Marek Chrobak, Joseph Naor: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Computing a Large Independent Set in Planar Graph. Algorithmica 6(6): 801-815 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
17 | Samir Khuller, Joseph Naor: Flow in Planar Graphs with Vertex Capacities. IPCO 1990: 367-384 | |
16 | Joseph Naor, Moni Naor: Small-bias Probability Spaces: Efficient Constructions and Applications STOC 1990: 213-223 | |
15 | Amotz Bar-Noy, Joseph Naor, Moni Naor: One-Bit Algorithms. Distributed Computing 4: 3-8 (1990) | |
14 | Joseph Naor, Mark B. Novick: An Efficient Reconstruction of a Graph from its Line Graph in Parallel. J. Algorithms 11(1): 132-143 (1990) | |
13 | Amotz Bar-Noy, Joseph Naor: Sorting, Minimal Feedback Sets, and Hamilton Paths in Tournaments. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3(1): 7-20 (1990) | |
1989 | ||
12 | Gary L. Miller, Joseph Naor: Flow in Planar Graphs with Multiple Sources and Sinks (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1989: 112-117 | |
11 | Rajeev Motwani, Joseph Naor, Moni Naor: The Probabilistic Method Yields Deterministic Parallel Algorithms FOCS 1989: 8-13 | |
10 | EE | Marek Chrobak, Joseph Naor: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Computing a Large Independent Set in a Plan Graph. SPAA 1989: 379-387 |
9 | Marek Chrobak, Joseph Naor, Mark B. Novick: Using Bounded Degree Spanning Trees in the Design of Efficient Algorihtms on Claw-Free Graphs. WADS 1989: 147-162 | |
8 | Joseph Naor, Moni Naor, Alejandro A. Schäffer: Fast Parallel Algorithms for Chordal Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 18(2): 327-349 (1989) | |
7 | Eli Gafni, Joseph Naor, Prabhakar Ragde: On Separating the Erew and Crew Pram Models. Theor. Comput. Sci. 68(3): 343-346 (1989) | |
1988 | ||
6 | Joseph Naor: Computing a Perfect Matching in a Line Graph. AWOC 1988: 139-148 | |
5 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy, Joseph Naor, Moni Naor: One Bit Algorithms. PODC 1988: 66-76 |
4 | Mauricio Karchmer, Joseph Naor: A Fast Parallel Algorithm to Color a Graph with Delta Colors. J. Algorithms 9(1): 83-91 (1988) | |
1987 | ||
3 | Joseph Naor, Moni Naor, Alejandro A. Schäffer: Fast Parallel Algorithms for Chordal Graphs (Extended Abstract) STOC 1987: 355-364 | |
2 | Joseph Naor: A Fast Parallel Coloring of Planar Graphs with Five Colors. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(1): 51-53 (1987) | |
1983 | ||
1 | Joseph Naor, Shmuel Peleg: Image Compression and Filtering Using Pyramid Data Structures. IJCAI 1983: 1086-1088 |