
Werner Dilger

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28EEDaniel Voigt, Henry Wirth, Werner Dilger: A Computational Model for the Cognitive Immune System Theory Based on Learning Classifier Systems. ICARIS 2007: 264-275
27EEStefan Schadwinkel, Werner Dilger: A dynamic approach to artificial immune systems utilizing neural networks. GECCO 2006: 131-132
26EEWerner Dilger, Steve Strangfeld: Properties of the bersini experiment on self-assertion. GECCO 2006: 95-102
25EEWerner Dilger: Structural Properties of Shape-Spaces. ICARIS 2006: 178-192
24EEMartin Lehmann, Werner Dilger: Controlling the Heating System of an Intelligent Home with an Artificial Immune System. ICARIS 2006: 335-348
23EEMichael Krautmacher, Werner Dilger: AIS Based Robot Navigation in a Rescue Scenario. ICARIS 2004: 106-118
22EEWerner Dilger: Artificial Immune Systems. KI 18(1): 50- (2004)
21 Werner Dilger: ICARIS 2003 Konferenzbericht: 2nd International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems. KI 18(1): 73- (2004)
20EEJörg Wellner, Werner Dilger: Job Shop Scheduling with Multiagents. PuK 1999
19 Rolf Rossius, Gérard Zenker, Andreas Ittner, Werner Dilger: A Short Note About the Application of Polynomial Kernels with Fractional Degree in Support Vector Learning. ECML 1998: 143-148
18 Werner Dilger, Stephan Kassel: A Distributed AI System for Job Shop Control. DEXA 1993: 577-582
17 Wolfgang Womann, Peter Bals, Werner Dilger: Transferring Knowledge Bases Among Hybrid Knowledge Representation Systems. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (Vol. 2) 1990: 590-598
16 Werner Dilger, Hans Voß: Sorts in Qualitative Reasoning. Sorts and Types in Artificial Intelligence 1989: 190-207
15 Werner Dilger, Andreas Espen, Felix Schuk: Process Modelling and Simulation with PEPS. Expertensysteme 1987: 435-449
14 Hans-Albert Schneider, Werner Dilger: Information Processing with Associative Processors. CONPAR 1986: 222-229
13 Werner Dilger, Agnes Janson: Intelligent Backtracking in Deduction Systems by Means of Extended Unification Graphs. J. Autom. Reasoning 2(1): 44-62 (1986)
12 Werner Dilger, Hans-Albert Schneider: ASSIP-T A Theorem-Proving Machine. IJCAI 1985: 1194-1200
11 Werner Dilger, Jörg Kippe: COMODEL: A Language for the Representation of Technical Knowledge. IJCAI 1985: 353-358
10 Werner Dilger, Wolfgang Womann: The METANET. A knowledge representation tool based on abstract data types. Mathematical Methods of Specification and Synthesis of Software Systems 1985: 156-161
9 Werner Dilger, Hans-Albert Schneider: ASSIP-T: A Theorem Proving Machine. FGCS 1984: 497-506
8 Werner Dilger, Wolfgang Womann: The METANET: A Means for the Specification of Semantic Networks as Abstract Data Types. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 21(6): 463-492 (1984)
7 Werner Dilger, Agnes Janson: Unifikationsgraphen für intelligentes Backtracking in Deduktionssystemen. GWAI 1983: 189-196
6 Werner Dilger, Wolfgang Womann: Semantic Networks as Abstract Data Types. IJCAI 1983: 321-324
5EEWerner Dilger: Tree Directed Grammars. COLING 1982: 77-82
4 Werner Dilger: Context Directed Translation. GWAI 1981: 124-134
3EEWerner Dilger: Automatic Translation With Attribute Grammars. COLING 1980: 397-404
2 Werner Dilger, Gisela Zifonun: The Predicate Calculus-Language KS as a Query Language. Logic and Data Bases 1977: 377-408
1 Werner Dilger, Peter Raulefs: Monadic Program Schemes Under Restricted Classes of Free Interpretations. ICALP 1974: 547-561

Coauthor Index

1Peter Bals [17]
2Andreas Espen [15]
3Andreas Ittner [19]
4Agnes Janson [7] [13]
5Stephan Kassel [18]
6Jörg Kippe [11]
7Michael Krautmacher [23]
8Martin Lehmann [24]
9Peter Raulefs [1]
10Rolf Rossius [19]
11Stefan Schadwinkel [27]
12Hans-Albert Schneider [9] [12] [14]
13Felix Schuk [15]
14Steve Strangfeld [26]
15Daniel Voigt [28]
16Hans Voß [16]
17Jörg Wellner [20]
18Henry Wirth [28]
19Wolfgang Womann [6] [8] [10] [17]
20Gérard Zenker [19]
21Gisela Zifonun [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)