
B. Chandrasekaran

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran

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81EESailesh Kumar, Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, Jonathan S. Turner, George Varghese: Curing regular expressions matching algorithms from insomnia, amnesia, and acalculia. ANCS 2007: 155-164
80EEBonny Banerjee, B. Chandrasekaran: Representations and Strategies for Solving Spatial Problems with Diagrams. VL/HCC 2007: 183-188
79 B. Chandrasekaran: Multimodal Cognitive Architecture: Making Perception More Central to Intelligent Behavior. AAAI 2006
78EEBonny Banerjee, B. Chandrasekaran: Synthesizing Visual and Action Routines Using Constraint Programming. Diagrams 2006: 196-198
77EEB. Chandrasekaran: Diagrams as Physical Models. Diagrams 2006: 204-217
76EEB. Chandrasekaran, Unmesh Kurup, Bonny Banerjee, John R. Josephson, Robert Winkler: An Architecture for Problem Solving with Diagrams. Diagrams 2004: 151-165
75EEBonny Banerjee, B. Chandrasekaran: Constructing Diagrams Representing Group Motions. Diagrams 2004: 376-378
74EEJiuxing Liu, B. Chandrasekaran, Weikuan Yu, Jiesheng Wu, Darius Buntinas, Sushmitha P. Kini, Dhabaleswar K. Panda, Pete Wyckoff: Microbenchmark Performance Comparison of High-Speed Cluster Interconnects. IEEE Micro 24(1): 42-51 (2004)
73EEB. Chandrasekaran, Pete Wyckoff, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: MIBA: A Micro-Benchmark Suite for Evaluating InfiniBand Architecture Implementations. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2003: 29-46
72EES. Senapathi, B. Chandrasekaran, D. Stredney, H. Shen, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: QoS-Aware Middleware for Cluster-Based Servers to support Interactive and Resource-Adaptive Applications. HPDC 2003: 205-215
71EEJiuxing Liu, B. Chandrasekaran, Jiesheng Wu, Weihang Jiang, Sushmitha P. Kini, Weikuan Yu, Darius Buntinas, Pete Wyckoff, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: Performance Comparison of MPI Implementations over InfiniBand, Myrinet and Quadrics. SC 2003: 58
70EEB. Chandrasekaran: What Does It Mean for a Computer to Do Diagrammatic Reasoning? A Functional Characterization of Diagrammatic Reasoning and Its Implications. Diagrams 2002: 1-2
69 B. Chandrasekaran: Multimodal Representations as Basis for Cognitive Architecture. Intelligent Information Processing 2002: 13-16
68 B. Chandrasekaran: Reach Exceeds Grasp: Comments on Frawley's "Control and Cross-Domain Mental Computation: Evidence from Language Breakdown". Computational Intelligence 18(1): 43-46 (2002)
67 B. Chandrasekaran: A Message to Readers. AI Magazine 21(1): 102 (2000)
66 B. Chandrasekaran: Review of Intelligent Systems for Engineering: A Knowledge-Based Approach. AI Magazine 21(4): 123-124 (2000)
65EEB. Chandrasekaran, John R. Josephson: Function in Device Representation. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 16(3-4): 162-177 (2000)
64EEB. Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Mittal: Deep versus compiled knowledge approaches to diagnostic problem-solving. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 51(2): 357-368 (1999)
63 John R. Josephson, B. Chandrasekaran, Mark Carroll, Naresh Iyer, Bryon Wasacz, Giorgio Rizzoni, Qingyuam Li, David A. Erb: An Architecture for Exploring Large Design Spaces. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 143-150
62 Yumi Iwasaki, Marcos Vescovi, Richard Fikes, B. Chandrasekaran: Causal functional representation language with behavior-based semantics. Applied Artificial Intelligence 9(1): 5-31 (1995)
61 B. Chandrasekaran: Causal Understanding in Reasoning About the World. ISMIS 1994: 13-26
60 B. Chandrasekaran: Functional Representation and Causal Processes. Advances in Computers 38: 73-143 (1994)
59 B. Chandrasekaran: Functional representation: A brief historical perspective. Applied Artificial Intelligence 8(2): 173-197 (1994)
58EEB. Chandrasekaran: Responses to Elkan (B. Chandrasekaran). IEEE Expert 9(4): 10-13 (1994)
57EEB. Chandrasekaran: AI, Knowledge, and the Quest for Smart Systems. IEEE Expert 9(6): 2-5 (1994)
56 Marcos Vescovi, Yumi Iwasaki, Richard Fikes, B. Chandrasekaran: CFRL: A Language for Specifying the Causal Functionality of Engineered Devices. AAAI 1993: 626-633
55 Yumi Iwasaki, Richard Fikes, Marcos Vescovi, B. Chandrasekaran: How Things are Intended to Work: Capturing Functional Knowledge in Device Design. IJCAI 1993: 1516-1522
54 B. Chandrasekaran, N. Hari Narayanan, Yumi Iwasaki: Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations: A Report on the Spring Symposium. AI Magazine 14(2): 49-56 (1993)
53 B. Chandrasekaran, Ashok K. Goel, Yumi Iwasaki: Functional Representation as Design Rationale. IEEE Computer 26(1): 48-56 (1993)
52 B. Chandrasekaran, Todd R. Johnson, Jack W. Smith: Task-Structure Analysis for Knowledge Modeling. AIFIPP 1992: 3-21
51 B. Chandrasekaran, Todd R. Johnson, Jack W. Smith: Task-Structure Analysis for Knowledge Modeling. Commun. ACM 35(9): 124-137 (1992)
50 B. Chandrasekaran: QP is more than SPQR and Dynamical Systems Theory: Response to Sacks and Doyle. Computational Intelligence 8: 215-222 (1992)
49 N. Hari Narayanan, B. Chandrasekaran: Reasoning Visually about Spatial Interactions. IJCAI 1991: 360-365
48 Dean Allemang, B. Chandrasekaran: Functional Representation and Program Debugging. KBSE 1991: 136-143
47 B. Chandrasekaran, R. Bhatnager, D. D. Sharma: Real-Time Disturbance Control. Commun. ACM 34(8): 32-47 (1991)
46EEAshok K. Goel, Tom Bylander, B. Chandrasekaran, Thomas G. Dietterich, Richard M. Keller, Chris Tong: Knowledge Compilation: A Symposium. IEEE Expert 6(2): 71-93 (1991)
45EEB. Chandrasekaran, William R. Swartout: Explanations in Knowledge Systems: the Role of Explicit Representation of Design Knowledge. IEEE Expert 6(3): 47-49 (1991)
44EEB. Chandrasekaran: What we're doing, where we're going. IEEE Expert 6(4): 3- (1991)
43 B. Chandrasekaran, N. Hari Narayanan: Towards a Theory of Commonsense Visual Reasoning. FSTTCS 1990: 388-409
42EERajiv Bhatnagar, Don W. Miller, Brian K. Hajek, B. Chandrasekaran: DPRL: A Language for Representation of Operation and Safety Maintenance Procedures of Nuclear Power Plants. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1990: 593-600
41 B. Chandrasekaran: Design Problem Solving: A Task Analysis. AI Magazine 11(4): 59-71 (1990)
40EEB. Chandrasekaran: Expert Editorial. IEEE Expert 5(1): 7- (1990)
39EEB. Chandrasekaran, Frank P. Coyle: AAAI '90. IEEE Expert 5(5): 10-12 (1990)
38 B. Chandrasekaran: Tutorial: High Level Tools for Knowledge Systems Design. GWAI 1989: 474
37 Ashok K. Goel, B. Chandrasekaran: Functional Representation of Designs and Redesign Problem Solving. IJCAI 1989: 1388-1394
36 Jon Sticklen, B. Chandrasekaran: Integrating classification-based complied level reasoning with function-based deep level reasoning. Applied Artificial Intelligence 3(2-3): 275-304 (1989)
35 B. Chandrasekaran, Michael C. Tanner, John R. Josephson: Explaining Control Strategies in Problem Solving. IEEE Expert 4(1): 9-24 (1989)
34 B. Chandrasekaran, John R. Josephson, Anne Keuneke, David Herman: Building Routine Planning Systems and Explaining Their Behaviour. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 30(4): 377-398 (1989)
33 B. Chandrasekaran: Task-Structures, Knowledge Acquisition and Learning. Machine Learning 4: 339-345 (1989)
32 B. Chandrasekaran, Ashok K. Goel, Dean Allemang: Connectionism and Information Processing Abstractions. AI Magazine 9(4): 24-34 (1988)
31 James A. Hendler, B. Chandrasekaran, Beth Adelson, Richard Alterman, Tom Bylander, Michael Dyer: Theoretical Issues in Conceptual Information Processing. AI Magazine 9(4): 71-76 (1988)
30 Ashok K. Goel, Neelam Soundararajan, B. Chandrasekaran: Complexity in Classificatory Reasoning. AAAI 1987: 421-425
29 B. Chandrasekaran, William F. Punch III: Data Validation during Diagnosis: A Step beyond Traditional Sensor Validation. AAAI 1987: 778-782
28 Tom Bylander, B. Chandrasekaran, John R. Josephson: The Generic Task Toolset. HCI (2) 1987: 507-514
27 B. Chandrasekaran: Towards a Functional Architecture for Intelligence Based on Generic Information Processing Tasks. IJCAI 1987: 1183-
26 B. Chandrasekaran: What Kind of Information Processing is Intelligence? A Perspective on AI Paradigms and a Proposal. ISMIS 1987: 43-44
25 Tom Bylander, B. Chandrasekaran: Generic Tasks for Knowledge-Based Reasoning: The "Right" Level of Abstraction for Knowledge Acquisition. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 26(2): 231-243 (1987)
24 David C. Brown, B. Chandrasekaran: Knowledge and Control for a Mechanical Design Expert System. IEEE Computer 19(7): 92-100 (1986)
23 Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran: Generic Tasks in Knowledge-Based Reasoning: Characterizing and Designing Expert Systems at the 'Right' Level of Abstraction. CAIA 1985: 294-301
22 Jon Sticklen, B. Chandrasekaran, John R. Josephson: Control Issues in Classificatory Diagnosis. IJCAI 1985: 300-306
21 Tom Bylander, B. Chandrasekaran: Understanding Behavior Using Consolidation. IJCAI 1985: 450-454
20EEB. Chandrasekaran, Michael C. Tanner: Uncertainty Handling in Expert Systems: Uniform vs. Task-Specific Formalisms. UAI 1985: 35-46
19 B. Chandrasekaran, Tom Bylander: Artificial Intelligence Research at The Ohio State University. AI Magazine 6(2): 74-79 (1985)
18 B. Chandrasekaran, Jack W. Smith: Tenth Annual Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: An Overview. AI Magazine 6(2): 84-90 (1985)
17 Drew V. McDermott, M. Mitchell Waldrop, B. Chandrasekaran, John P. McDermott, Roger C. Schank: The Dark Ages of AI: A Panel Discussion at AAAI-84. AI Magazine 6(3): 122-134 (1985)
16 B. Chandrasekaran, Jack W. Smith: Differing Methodological Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence. AI Magazine 6(3): 166-178 (1985)
15 Sanjay Mittal, B. Chandrasekaran, Jon Sticklen: Patrec: A Knowledge-Directed Database for a Diagnostic Expert System. IEEE Computer 17(9): 51-58 (1984)
14 Tom Bylander, Sanjay Mittal, B. Chandrasekaran: CSRL: A Language for Expert Systems for Diagnosis. IJCAI 1983: 218-221
13 B. Chandrasekaran: Towards a Taxonomy of Problem Solving Types. AI Magazine 4(1): 9-17 (1983)
12 B. Chandrasekaran: On Evaluating Artificial Intelligence Systems for Medical Diagnosis. AI Magazine 4(2): 34-37, 48 (1983)
11 B. Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Mittal: Conceptual Representation of Medical Knowledge for Diagnosis by Computer: MDX and Related Systems. Advances in Computers 22: 217-293 (1983)
10 B. Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Mittal: Deep versus Compiled Knowledge Approaches to Diagnostic Problem-Solving. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 19(5): 425-436 (1983)
9 B. Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Mittal: Deep Versus Compiled Knowledge Approaches to Diagnostic Problem-Solving. AAAI 1982: 349-354
8 B. Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Mittal, Jack W. Smith: MDX and Related Medical Decision-Making Systems. IJCAI 1981: 1055
7 Bruce E. Flinchbaugh, B. Chandrasekaran: A Theory of Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Vision. Artif. Intell. 17(1-3): 387-407 (1981)
6 B. Chandrasekaran: Guest Editorial: Special Collection on Program Testing. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 6(3): 233-235 (1980)
5EEDavid C. Brown, Stanley C. Kwasny, B. Chandrasekaran, Norman K. Sondheimer: An experimental graphics system with natural language input. Computers & Graphics 4(1): 13-22 (1979)
4 K. B. Lakshmanan, B. Chandrasekaran: Compound Hypothesis Testing with Finite Memory Information and Control 40(2): 223-233 (1979)
3 David C. Brown, Stanley C. Kwasny, H. William Buttelmann, B. Chandrasekaran, Norman K. Sondheimer: NLG - Natural Language Graphics. IJCAI 1977: 916
2 B. Chandrasekaran: Artificial Intelligence - The Past Decade. Advances in Computers 13: 169-232 (1975)
1EELaveen N. Kanal, B. Chandrasekaran: On dimensionality and sample size in statistical pattern classification. Pattern Recognition 3(3): 225-234 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1Beth Adelson [31]
2Dean Allemang [32] [48]
3Richard Alterman [31]
4Bonny Banerjee [75] [76] [78] [80]
5Rajiv Bhatnagar [42]
6R. Bhatnager [47]
7David C. Brown [3] [5] [24]
8Darius Buntinas [71] [74]
9H. William Buttelmann [3]
10Tom Bylander [14] [19] [21] [25] [28] [31] [46]
11Mark Carroll [63]
12Frank P. Coyle [39]
13Thomas G. Dietterich [46]
14Michael Dyer [31]
15David A. Erb [63]
16Richard Fikes [55] [56] [62]
17Bruce E. Flinchbaugh [7]
18Ashok K. Goel [30] [32] [37] [46] [53]
19Brian K. Hajek [42]
20James A. Hendler (Jim Hendler) [31]
21David Herman [34]
22Yumi Iwasaki [53] [54] [55] [56] [62]
23Naresh Iyer [63]
24Weihang Jiang [71]
25Todd R. Johnson [51] [52]
26John R. Josephson [22] [28] [34] [35] [63] [65] [76]
27Laveen N. Kanal [1]
28Richard M. Keller [46]
29Anne Keuneke [34]
30Sushmitha P. Kini [71] [74]
31Sailesh Kumar [81]
32Unmesh Kurup [76]
33Stanley C. Kwasny [3] [5]
34K. B. Lakshmanan (Kadathur B. Lakshmanan) [4]
35Qingyuam Li [63]
36Jiuxing Liu [71] [74]
37Drew V. McDermott [17]
38John P. McDermott [17]
39Don W. Miller [42]
40Sanjay Mittal [8] [9] [10] [11] [14] [15] [64]
41N. Hari Narayanan [43] [49] [54]
42Dhabaleswar K. Panda [71] [72] [73] [74]
43William F. Punch (William F. Punch III) [29]
44Giorgio Rizzoni [63]
45Roger C. Schank [17]
46S. Senapathi [72]
47D. D. Sharma [47]
48H. Shen [72]
49Jack W. Smith [8] [16] [18] [51] [52]
50Norman K. Sondheimer [3] [5]
51Neelam Soundararajan [30]
52Jon Sticklen [15] [22] [36]
53D. Stredney [72]
54William R. Swartout [45]
55Michael C. Tanner [20] [35]
56Chris Tong [46]
57Jonathan S. Turner [81]
58George Varghese [81]
59Marcos Vescovi [55] [56] [62]
60M. Mitchell Waldrop [17]
61Bryon Wasacz [63]
62Robert Winkler [76]
63Jiesheng Wu [71] [74]
64Pete Wyckoff [71] [73] [74]
65Weikuan Yu [71] [74]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)