
Lynne E. Parker

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32EEYifan Tang, Lynne E. Parker: Towards schema-based, constructivist robot learning: Validating an evolutionary search algorithm for schema chunking. ICRA 2008: 2837-2844
31EEYuanYuan Li, Lynne E. Parker: A spatial-temporal imputation technique for classification with missing data in a wireless sensor network. IROS 2008: 3272-3279
30EEYuanYuan Li, Lynne E. Parker: Detecting and monitoring time-related abnormal events using a wireless sensor network and mobile robot. IROS 2008: 3292-3298
29EELynne E. Parker: Multiple Mobile Robot Systems. Springer Handbook of Robotics 2008: 921-941
28EEXingyan Li, Lynne E. Parker: Sensor Analysis for Fault Detection in Tightly-Coupled Multi-Robot Team Tasks. ICRA 2007: 3269-3276
27EEFang Tang, Lynne E. Parker: A Complete Methodology for Generating Multi-Robot Task Solutions using ASyMTRe-D and Market-Based Task Allocation. ICRA 2007: 3351-3358
26EEBalajee Kannan, Lynne E. Parker: Metrics for quantifying system performance in intelligent, fault-tolerant multi-robot teams. IROS 2007: 951-958
25EEJindong Liu, Lynne E. Parker, Raj Madhavan: Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robotic Fish. Mobile Robots 2007: 121-135
24EEYi Guo, Lynne E. Parker, Raj Madhavan: Collaborative Robots for Infrastructure Security Applications. Mobile Robots 2007: 185-200
23EELynne E. Parker, Balajee Kannan: Adaptive Causal Models for Fault Diagnosis and Recovery in Multi-Robot Teams. IROS 2006: 2703-2710
22EEAndrew Howard, Lynne E. Parker, Gaurav S. Sukhatme: Experiments with a Large Heterogeneous Mobile Robot Team: Exploration, Mapping, Deployment and Detection. I. J. Robotic Res. 25(5-6): 431-447 (2006)
21 Fang Tang, Lynne E. Parker: ASyMTRe: Automated Synthesis of Multi-Robot Task Solutions through Software Reconfiguration. ICRA 2005: 1501-1508
20EEFernando Fernández, Daniel Borrajo, Lynne E. Parker: A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm in Cooperative Multi-Robot Domains. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 43(2-4): 161-174 (2005)
19EEYifan Tang, Ben Birch, Lynne E. Parker: Planning Mobile Sensor Net Deployment for Navigationally-challenged Sensor Nodes. ICRA 2004: 172-179
18EEAndrew Howard, Lynne E. Parker, Gaurav S. Sukhatme: The SDR Experience: Experiments with a Large-Scale Heterogeneous Mobile Robot Team. ISER 2004: 121-130
17EERaj Madhavan, Kingsley Fregene, Lynne E. Parker: Distributed Cooperative Outdoor Multirobot Localization and Mapping. Auton. Robots 17(1): 23-39 (2004)
16 Kingsley Fregene, Raj Madhavan, Lynne E. Parker: Incremental Multiagent Robotic Mapping of Outdoor Terrains. ICRA 2002: 1339-1346
15 Yi Guo, Lynne E. Parker: A Distributed and Optimal Motion Planning Approach for Multiple Mobile Robots. ICRA 2002: 2612-2619
14 Stefano Carpin, Lynne E. Parker: Cooperative Leader Following in a Distributed Multi-Robot System. ICRA 2002: 2994-3001
13 Raj Madhavan, Kingsley Fregene, Lynne E. Parker: Distributed Heterogeneous Outdoor Multi-Robot Localization. ICRA 2002: 374-381
12 Lynne E. Parker: Distributed Algorithms for Multi-Robot Observation of Multiple Moving Targets. Auton. Robots 12(3): 231-255 (2002)
11 Lynne E. Parker: Evaluating success in autonomous multi-robot teams: experiences from ALLIANCE architecture implementations. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 13(2): 95-98 (2001)
10 Lynne E. Parker, George A. Bekey, Jacob Barhen: Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 4, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, DARS 2000, October 4-6, 2000, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA Springer 2000
9 Lynne E. Parker: Current State of the Art in Distributed Autnomous Mobile Robotics. DARS 2000: 3-14
8 Lynne E. Parker, Claude F. Touzet: Multi-Robot Learning in a Cooperative Observation Task. DARS 2000: 391-402
7 Tucker R. Balch, Lynne E. Parker: Guest Editorial. Auton. Robots 8(3): 207-208 (2000)
6 Lynne E. Parker: Lifelong Adaptation in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teams: Response to Continual Variation in Individual Robot Performance. Auton. Robots 8(3): 239-267 (2000)
5EELynne E. Parker: Adaptive heterogeneous multi-robot teams. Neurocomputing 28(1-3): 75-92 (1999)
4 Lynne E. Parker: Behavior-Based Cooperative Robotics Applied to Multi-Target Observation. Intelligent Robots 1996: 356-373
3 Lynne E. Parker: Designing Control Laws for Cooperative Agent Teams. ICRA (3) 1993: 582-587
2EEFrançois G. Pin, Lynne E. Parker, Fred W. DePiero: On the design and development of a human-robot synergistic system. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 10(2-3): 161-184 (1992)
1 Lynne E. Parker, François G. Pin: A Methodology for Dynamic Task Allocation in a Man-Machine System. ISMIS 1987: 488-495

Coauthor Index

1Tucker R. Balch [7]
2Jacob Barhen [10]
3George A. Bekey [10]
4Ben Birch [19]
5Daniel Borrajo [20]
6Stefano Carpin [14]
7Fred W. DePiero [2]
8Fernando Fernández [20]
9Kingsley Fregene [13] [16] [17]
10Yi Guo [15] [24]
11Andrew Howard [18] [22]
12Balajee Kannan [23] [26]
13Xingyan Li [28]
14YuanYuan Li [30] [31]
15Jindong Liu [25]
16Raj Madhavan [13] [16] [17] [24] [25]
17François G. Pin [1] [2]
18Gaurav S. Sukhatme (Gaurav Sukhatme) [18] [22]
19Fang Tang [21] [27]
20Yifan Tang [19] [32]
21Claude F. Touzet [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)