
Robin R. Murphy

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68EECindy L. Bethel, Christine Bringes, Robin R. Murphy: Non-facial and non-verbal affective expression in appearance-constrained robots for use in victim management: robots to the rescue! HRI 2009: 191-192
67EEMaarten van Zomeren, Joshua M. Peschel, Timothy Mann, Gabe Knezek, James Doebbler, Jeremy J. Davis, Tracy Anne Hammond, Augustinus H. J. Oomes, Robin R. Murphy: Human-robot interaction observations from a proto-study using SUAVs for structural inspection. HRI 2009: 235-236
66EECindy L. Bethel, Kristen Salomon, Robin R. Murphy: Preliminary results: humans find emotive non-anthropomorphic robots more calming. HRI 2009: 291-292
65EERobin R. Murphy, Kevin S. Pratt, Jennifer L. Burke: Crew roles and operational protocols for rotary-wing micro-uavs in close urban environments. HRI 2008: 73-80
64EERobin R. Murphy, Jeffery Kravitz, Ken Peligren, James Milward, Jeff Stanway: Preliminary report: Rescue robot at Crandall Canyon, Utah, mine disaster. ICRA 2008: 2205-2206
63EERobin R. Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro, Daniele Nardi, Adam Jacoff, Paolo Fiorini, Howie Choset, Aydan M. Erkmen: Search and Rescue Robotics. Springer Handbook of Robotics 2008: 1151-1173
62EECindy L. Bethel, Robin R. Murphy: Survey of Non-facial/Non-verbal Affective Expressions for Appearance-Constrained Robots. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 38(1): 83-92 (2008)
61EERobin R. Murphy, Sam Stover: Rescue robots for mudslides: A descriptive study of the 2005 La Conchita mudslide response. J. Field Robotics 25(1-2): 3-16 (2008)
60EERobin R. Murphy, Eric Steimle, Chandler Griffin, Charlie Cullins, Mike Hall, Kevin S. Pratt: Cooperative use of unmanned sea surface and micro aerial vehicles at Hurricane Wilma. J. Field Robotics 25(3): 164-180 (2008)
59EECindy L. Bethel, Robin R. Murphy: Non-facial/non-verbal methods of affective expression as applied to robot-assisted victim assessment. HRI 2007: 287-294
58EECarolina Chang, Robin R. Murphy: Towards Robot-Assisted Mass-Casualty Triage. ICNSC 2007: 267-272
57EEMatthew T. Long, Robin R. Murphy, James Hicinbothom: Social roles for taskability in robot teams. IROS 2007: 2338-2344
56 Jennifer Carlson, Robin R. Murphy: Use of Dempster-Shafer Conflict Metric to Adapt Sensor Allocation to Unknown Environments. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 866-867
55EECindy L. Bethel, Robin R. Murphy: Affective expression in appearance constrained robots. HRI 2006: 327-328
54EERobin R. Murphy, Sam Stover, Kevin S. Pratt, Chandler Griffin: Cooperative Damage Inspection with Unmanned Surface Vehicle and Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at Hurricane Wilma. IROS 2006
53 Jennifer Carlson, Robin R. Murphy, Svetlana Chistopher, Jennifer Casper: Conflict Metric as a Measure of Sensing Quality. ICRA 2005: 2032-2039
52 Matthew T. Long, Aaron Gage, Robin R. Murphy, Kimon P. Valavanis: Application of the Distributed Field Robot Architecture to a Simulated Demining Task. ICRA 2005: 3193-3200
51EEJennifer Carlson, Robin R. Murphy: Use of Dempster-Shafer Conflict Metric to Detect Interpretation Inconsistency. UAI 2005: 94-103
50EERobin R. Murphy: Humans, robots, rubble, and research. Interactions 12(2): 37-39 (2005)
49 Aaron Gage, Robin R. Murphy: Affective Recruitment of Distributed Heterogeneous Agents. AAAI 2004: 14-19
48EEBrian C. Zimmel, Matthew T. Long, Jennifer Carlson, Robin R. Murphy: Distributed Error Handling and HRI. ICRA 2004: 1874-1881
47EEJennifer Carlson, Robin R. Murphy, Andrew L. Nelson: Follow-up Analysis of Mobile Robot Failures. ICRA 2004: 4987-4994
46 Robin R. Murphy: National Science Foundation Summer Field Institute for Rescue Robots for Research and Response (R4). AI Magazine 25(2): 133-136 (2004)
45EERobin R. Murphy: Rescue robotics for homeland security. Commun. ACM 47(3): 66-68 (2004)
44 Jennifer Carlson, Robin R. Murphy: Reliability Analysis of Mobile Robots. ICRA 2003: 274-281
43 Jennifer Casper, Robin R. Murphy: Human-robot interactions during the robot-assisted urban search and rescue response at the World Trade Center. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(3): 367-385 (2003)
42 Jennifer Casper, Robin R. Murphy: Workflow Study on Human-Robot Interaction in USAR. ICRA 2002: 1997-2003
41 Robin R. Murphy, John Blitch, Jennifer Casper: AAAI/RoboCup-2001 Urban Search and Rescue Events. AI Magazine 23(1): 37-42 (2002)
40EERobin R. Murphy: Rats, Robots, and Rescue. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(5): 7-9 (2002)
39EEJennifer Casper, Mark Micire, Jeff Hyams, Robin R. Murphy: A Case Study of How Mobile Robot Competitions Promote Future Research. RoboCup 2001: 123-132
38 B. W. Minten, Robin R. Murphy, Jeff Hyams, Mark Micire: A Communication-Free Behavior for Docking Mobile Robots. DARS 2000: 357-370
37EEDaniel Majchrzak, Sudeep Sarkar, Barry Sheppard, Robin R. Murphy: Motion Detection from Temporally Integrated Images. ICPR 2000: 3844-3847
36EERobin R. Murphy, Jennifer Casper, Mark Micire: Potential Tasks and Research Issues for Mobile Robots in RoboCup Rescue. RoboCup 2000: 339-344
35 Robin R. Murphy: Using Robot Competitions to Promote Intellectual Development. AI Magazine 21(1): 77-90 (2000)
34 Jeff Hyams, Mark W. Powell, Robin R. Murphy: Cooperative Navigation of Micro-Rovers Using Color Segmentation. Auton. Robots 9(1): 7-16 (2000)
33EERobin R. Murphy: Marsupial and Shape-Shifting Robots for Urban Search and Rescue. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15(2): 14-19 (2000)
32EERobin R. Murphy: Guest Editor's Introduction: Robots and Education. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15(6): 14-15 (2000)
31EERobin R. Murphy, Michelle Ausmus, Magdalena D. Bugajska, Tanya Ellis, Tonia Johnson, Nia Kelley, Jodi Kiefer, Lisa Pollock: Marsupial-Like Mobile Robot Societies. Agents 1999: 364-365
30EERobin R. Murphy, David Hershberger: Handling Sensing Failures in Autonomous Mobile Robots. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(4): 382-400 (1999)
29 Robin R. Murphy: Case studies of applying Gibson's ecological approach to mobile robots. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 29(1): 105-111 (1999)
28EERobin R. Murphy: FIRA (MiroSot) 98 Robotics Competition Corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 26(1): 43 (1999)
27EERobin R. Murphy: Upcoming competitions for 1999 robotics competition corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 26(2-3): 233-234 (1999)
26EERobin R. Murphy, Ken Hughes, Alisa Marzilli, Eva Noll: Integrating explicit path planning with reactive control of mobile robots using Trulla. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 27(4): 225-245 (1999)
25 Robin R. Murphy: Sensor and Information Fusion for Improved Vision-Based Vehicle Guidance. IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(6): 49-56 (1998)
24 Robin R. Murphy: Teaching Image Computation in an Upper Level Elective on Robotics. IJPRAI 12(8): 1081-1093 (1998)
23EERobin R. Murphy: Upcoming Competitions for 1998 Robotics Competition Corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 23(1-2): (1998)
22EERobin R. Murphy: MICROSOT 97 Robotics competition corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 23(3): 201-202 (1998)
21 Robin R. Murphy: BEAM International Robot Games Robotics Competition Corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 23(4): 301-302 (1998)
20EERobin R. Murphy: 1998 International Ground Robotics Vehicle Competition Robotics Competition Corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 24(1-2): 81-83 (1998)
19 Robin R. Murphy: RoboCup 98 Robotics competition corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 24(3-4): 197-198 (1998)
18EERobin R. Murphy: 1998 AAAI Mobile Robot Competition Robotics Competition Corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 25(1-2): 129-131 (1998)
17EERobin R. Murphy: 1997 Khepera Contest Robotics Competition Corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 25(3-4): 265-266 (1998)
16 Robin R. Murphy: Intelligent Sensor Fusion for the 1997 AAAI Mobile Robot Competition. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 795-796
15 Erika Rogers, Robin R. Murphy, Barb Ericson: Agent-Based Expert Assistance for Visual Problem Solving. Agents 1997: 156-163
14 Robin R. Murphy, Dale K. Hawkins, Marcel Schoppers: Reactive Combination of Belief Over Time Using Direct Perception. IJCAI 1997: 1353-1359
13 Henry Hexmoor, Lisa Meeden, Robin R. Murphy: Robot Learning a New Subfield? The Robolearn-96 Workshop. AI Magazine 18(4): 149-152 (1997)
12 Robin R. Murphy, Amol Dattatraya Mali: Lessons learned in integrating sensing into autonomous mobile robot architectures. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 9(2-3): 191-209 (1997)
11 Robin R. Murphy: AAAI Mobile Robot Competitions 1992-1996 Robotics Competition Corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 20(2-4): (1997)
10 Robin R. Murphy: 1997 international ground robotics vehicle competition robotics competition corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 21(1): (1997)
9EERobin R. Murphy: 1997 AAAI Mobile Robot Competition Robotics Competition Corner. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 22(1): (1997)
8EERobin R. Murphy, David Hershberger, Glenn Blauvelt: Learning landmark triples by experimentation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 22(3-4): 377-392 (1997)
7 Robin R. Murphy: Clementine: Colorado School of Mines - The Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Robotics Team. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2 1996: 1355
6 Robin R. Murphy, David Hershberger: Classifying and Recovering from Sensing Failures in Autonomous Mobile Robots. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2 1996: 922-929
5 Robin R. Murphy, David Hershberger: Handling Sensing Failures with Partial Causal Models. Intelligent Robots 1996: 96-108
4 Robin R. Murphy, Erika Rogers: Cooperative Assistance for Remote Robot Supervision. Presence 5(2): 224-240 (1996)
3 Robin R. Murphy, William Hoff, John Blitch, Val Gough, Dale K. Hawkins, James C. Hoffman, Ramon Krosley, Torsten Lyons, Amol Dattatraya Mali, James MacMillan, Steven Warshawsky: Colorado School of Mines behavioral approach to the 1995 UGR competition. Mobile Robots 1995: 220-227
2 Robin R. Murphy, John Lindner, Brent C. Taylor: Sensor Fusion and Learning for Environmental Modelling. Modelling and Planning for Sensor Based Intelligent Robot Systems 1994: 191-206
1 Robin R. Murphy: Robust Sensor Fusion for Teleoperations. ICRA (2) 1993: 572-577

Coauthor Index

1Michelle Ausmus [31]
2Cindy L. Bethel [55] [59] [62] [66] [68]
3Glenn Blauvelt [8]
4John Blitch [3] [41]
5Christine Bringes [68]
6Magdalena D. Bugajska [31]
7Jennifer L. Burke [65]
8Jennifer Carlson [44] [47] [48] [51] [53] [56]
9Jennifer Casper [36] [39] [41] [42] [43] [53]
10Carolina Chang [58]
11Svetlana Chistopher [53]
12Howie Choset [63]
13Charlie Cullins [60]
14Jeremy J. Davis [67]
15James Doebbler [67]
16Tanya Ellis [31]
17Barb Ericson [15]
18Aydan M. Erkmen [63]
19Paolo Fiorini [63]
20Aaron Gage [49] [52]
21Val Gough [3]
22Chandler Griffin [54] [60]
23Mike Hall [60]
24Tracy Anne Hammond [67]
25Dale K. Hawkins [3] [14]
26David Hershberger [5] [6] [8] [30]
27Henry Hexmoor [13]
28James Hicinbothom [57]
29William Hoff [3]
30James C. Hoffman [3]
31Ken Hughes [26]
32Jeff Hyams [34] [38] [39]
33Adam Jacoff [63]
34Tonia Johnson [31]
35Nia Kelley [31]
36Jodi Kiefer [31]
37Gabe Knezek [67]
38Jeffery Kravitz [64]
39Ramon Krosley [3]
40John Lindner [2]
41Matthew T. Long [48] [52] [57]
42Torsten Lyons [3]
43James MacMillan [3]
44Daniel Majchrzak [37]
45Amol Dattatraya Mali [3] [12]
46Timothy Mann [67]
47Alisa Marzilli [26]
48Lisa Meeden [13]
49Mark Micire [36] [38] [39]
50James Milward [64]
51B. W. Minten [38]
52Daniele Nardi [63]
53Andrew L. Nelson [47]
54Eva Noll [26]
55Augustinus H. J. Oomes [67]
56Ken Peligren [64]
57Joshua M. Peschel [67]
58Lisa Pollock [31]
59Mark W. Powell [34]
60Kevin S. Pratt [54] [60] [65]
61Erika Rogers [4] [15]
62Kristen Salomon [66]
63Sudeep Sarkar [37]
64Marcel Schoppers [14]
65Barry Sheppard [37]
66Jeff Stanway [64]
67Eric Steimle [60]
68Sam Stover [54] [61]
69Satoshi Tadokoro [63]
70Brent C. Taylor [2]
71Kimon P. Valavanis [52]
72Steven Warshawsky [3]
73Brian C. Zimmel [48]
74Maarten van Zomeren [67]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)