
Alcherio Martinoli

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41EEThomas Lochmatter, Xavier Raemy, Loïc Matthey, Saurabh Indra, Alcherio Martinoli: A comparison of casting and spiraling algorithms for odor source localization in laminar flow. ICRA 2008: 1138-1143
40EEChristopher M. Cianci, Jim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: Exploration of an incremental suite of microscopic models for acoustic event monitoring using a robotic sensor network. ICRA 2008: 3290-3295
39EEThomas Lochmatter, Pierre Roduit, Christopher M. Cianci, Nikolaus Correll, Jacques Jacot, Alcherio Martinoli: SwisTrack - a flexible open source tracking software for multi-agent systems. IROS 2008: 4004-4010
38EEThomas Lochmatter, Alcherio Martinoli: Tracking Odor Plumes in a Laminar Wind Field with Bio-inspired Algorithms. ISER 2008: 473-482
37EEJim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: Distributed Adaptation in Multi-robot Search Using Particle Swarm Optimization. SAB 2008: 393-402
36EEAlan F. T. Winfield, Wenguo Liu, Julien Nembrini, Alcherio Martinoli: Modelling a wireless connected swarm of mobile robots. Swarm Intelligence 2(2-4): 241-266 (2008)
35EENikolaus Correll, Alcherio Martinoli: Robust Distributed Coverage using a Swarm of Miniature Robots. ICRA 2007: 379-384
34EEJim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: The Cost of Reality: Effects of Real-World Factors on Multi-Robot Search. ICRA 2007: 397-404
33EEJim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: Parallel learning in heterogeneous multi-robot swarms. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 3839-3846
32EEPierre Roduit, Alcherio Martinoli, Jacques Jacot: A quantitative method for comparing trajectories of mobile robots using point distribution models. IROS 2007: 2441-2448
31EEChristopher M. Cianci, Thomas Lochmatter, Jim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: Toward multi-level modeling of robotic sensor networks: a case study in acoustic event monitoring. ROBOCOMM 2007: 12
30 Marco Dorigo, Luca Maria Gambardella, Mauro Birattari, Alcherio Martinoli, Riccardo Poli, Thomas Stützle: Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, 5th International Workshop, ANTS 2006, Brussels, Belgium, September 4-7, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
29EEJim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: Multi-robot learning with particle swarm optimization. AAMAS 2006: 441-448
28EEJim Pugh, Loïc Segapelli, Alcherio Martinoli: Applying Aspects of Multi-robot Search to Particle Swarm Optimization. ANTS Workshop 2006: 506-507
27 Jim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: Relative Localization and Communication Module for Small-scale Multi-robot Systems. ICRA 2006: 188-193
26EENikolaus Correll, Grégory Sempo, Yuri López de Meneses, José Halloy, J.-L. Denebourg, Alcherio Martinoli: SwisTrack: A Tracking Tool for Multi-Unit Robotic and Biological Systems. IROS 2006
25EENikolaus Correll, Grégory Sempo, Yuri López de Meneses, José Halloy, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Alcherio Martinoli: SwisTrack: A Tracking Tool for Multi-Unit Robotic and Biological Systems. IROS 2006: 2185-2191
24EEJim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: Small-Scale Robot Formation Movement Using a Simple On-Board Relative Positioning System. ISER 2006: 297-306
23EENikolaus Correll, Samuel Rutishauser, Alcherio Martinoli: Comparing Coordination Schemes for Miniature Robotic Swarms: A Case Study in Boundary Coverage of Regular Structures. ISER 2006: 471-480
22EEPierre Roduit, Alcherio Martinoli, Jacques Jacot: Behavioral Analysis of Mobile Robot Trajectories Using a Point Distribution Model. SAB 2006: 819-830
21EEChristopher M. Cianci, Xavier Raemy, Jim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli: Communication in a Swarm of Miniature Robots: The e-Puck as an Educational Tool for Swarm Robotics. Swarm Robotics 2006: 103-115
20 Nikolaus Correll, Alcherio Martinoli: Modeling and Analysis of Beaconless and Beacon-Based Policies for a Swarm-Intelligent Inspection System. ICRA 2005: 2477-2482
19EENikolaus Correll, Alcherio Martinoli: Collective Inspection of Regular Structures using a Swarm of Miniature Robots. ISER 2004: 375-386
18EEKristina Lerman, Alcherio Martinoli, Aram Galstyan: A Review of Probabilistic Macroscopic Models for Swarm Robotic Systems. Swarm Robotics 2004: 143-152
17EEYizhen Zhang, Erik K. Antonsson, Alcherio Martinoli: Evolving Neural Controllers for Collective Robotic Inspection. WSC 2004: 717-729
16EEWilliam Agassounon, Alcherio Martinoli, Kjerstin Easton: Macroscopic Modeling of Aggregation Experiments using Embodied Agents in Teams of Constant and Time-Varying Sizes. Auton. Robots 17(2-3): 163-192 (2004)
15EEAlcherio Martinoli, Kjerstin Easton, William Agassounon: Modeling Swarm Robotic Systems: a Case Study in Collaborative Distributed Manipulation. I. J. Robotic Res. 23(4-5): 415-436 (2004)
14EEAdam T. Hayes, Alcherio Martinoli, Rodney M. Goodman: Swarm robotic odor localization: Off-line optimization and validation with real robots. Robotica 21(4): 427-441 (2003)
13EEWilliam Agassounon, Alcherio Martinoli: Efficiency and robustness of threshold-based distributed allocation algorithms in multi-agent systems. AAMAS 2002: 1090-1097
12EELing Li, Alcherio Martinoli, Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa: Emergent Specialization in Swarm Systems. IDEAL 2002: 261-266
11EEAlcherio Martinoli, Kjerstin Easton: Modeling Swarm Robotic Systems. ISER 2002: 297-306
10 Alcherio Martinoli: Collective Complexity out of Individual Simplicity: A Review of Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems, by Eric Bonabeau, Marco Dorigo, and Guy Theraulaz. Artificial Life 7(3): 315-319 (2001)
9 Kristina Lerman, Aram Galstyan, Alcherio Martinoli, Auke Jan Ijspeert: A Macroscopic Analytical Model of Collaboration in Distributed Robotic Systems. Artificial Life 7(4): 375-393 (2001)
8 Auke Jan Ijspeert, Alcherio Martinoli, Aude Billard, Luca Maria Gambardella: Collaboration Through the Exploitation of Local Interactions in Autonomous Collective Robotics: The Stick Pulling Experiment. Auton. Robots 11(2): 149-171 (2001)
7 Adam T. Hayes, Alcherio Martinoli, Rodney M. Goodman: Comparing Distributed Exploration Strategies with Simulated and Autonomous Robots. DARS 2000: 261-272
6 Alcherio Martinoli, Auke Jan Ijspeert, Luca Maria Gambardella: A Probabilistic Model for Understanding and Comparing Collective Aggregation Mechansims. ECAL 1999: 575-584
5 Aude Billard, Auke Jan Ijspeert, Alcherio Martinoli: Adaptive Exploration of a Dynamic Environment by a Group of Communicating Robots. ECAL 1999: 596-605
4EEAude Billard, Auke Jan Ijspeert, Alcherio Martinoli: A Multi-robot System for Adaptive Exploration of a Fast-changing Environment: Probabilistic Modeling and Experimental Study. Connect. Sci. 11(3-4): 359-379 (1999)
3EEAlcherio Martinoli, Auke Jan Ijspeert, Francesco Mondada: Understanding collective aggregation mechanisms: From probabilistic modelling to experiments with real robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 29(1): 51-63 (1999)
2 Alcherio Martinoli, E. Franzi, O. Matthey: Towards a Reliable Set-Up for Bio-Inspired Collective Experiments with Real Robots. ISER 1997: 597-608
1 Alcherio Martinoli, Francesco Mondada: Collective and Cooperative Group Behaviors: Biologically Inspired Experiments in Robotics. ISER 1995: 3-10

Coauthor Index

1Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa [12]
2William Agassounon [13] [15] [16]
3Erik K. Antonsson [17]
4Aude Billard [4] [5] [8]
5Mauro Birattari [30]
6Christopher M. Cianci [21] [31] [39] [40]
7Nikolaus Correll [19] [20] [23] [25] [26] [35] [39]
8J.-L. Denebourg [26]
9Jean-Louis Deneubourg [25]
10Marco Dorigo [30]
11Kjerstin Easton [11] [15] [16]
12E. Franzi [2]
13Aram Galstyan [9] [18]
14Luca Maria Gambardella [6] [8] [30]
15Rodney M. Goodman [7] [14]
16José Halloy [25] [26]
17Adam T. Hayes [7] [14]
18Auke Jan Ijspeert [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
19Saurabh Indra [41]
20Jacques Jacot [22] [32] [39]
21Kristina Lerman [9] [18]
22Ling Li [12]
23Wenguo Liu [36]
24Thomas Lochmatter [31] [38] [39] [41]
25Loïc Matthey [41]
26O. Matthey [2]
27Yuri López de Meneses [25] [26]
28Francesco Mondada [1] [3]
29Julien Nembrini [36]
30Riccardo Poli [30]
31Jim Pugh [21] [24] [27] [28] [29] [31] [33] [34] [37] [40]
32Xavier Raemy [21] [41]
33Pierre Roduit [22] [32] [39]
34Samuel Rutishauser [23]
35Loïc Segapelli [28]
36Grégory Sempo [25] [26]
37Thomas Stützle [30]
38Alan F. T. Winfield [36]
39Yizhen Zhang [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)