2009 |
389 | EE | Mo Liu,
Ming Li,
Denis Golovnya,
Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Kajal T. Claypool:
Sequence Pattern Query Processing over Out-of-Order Event Streams.
ICDE 2009: 784-795 |
388 | EE | Ming Li,
Yantao Zheng,
Shouxun Lin,
Yong-Dong Zhang,
Tat-Seng Chua:
Multimedia Evidence Fusion for Video Concept Detection via OWA Operator.
MMM 2009: 208-216 |
387 | EE | Hui Li,
Ming Li,
B. Prabhakaran:
On Supporting High-Quality 3D Geometry Multicasting over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers 58(4): 558-571 (2009) |
386 | EE | Min Chen,
Shiwen Mao,
Yang Xiao,
Ming Li,
Victor C. M. Leung:
IPSA: a novel architecture design for integrating IP and sensor networks.
IJSNET 5(1): 48-57 (2009) |
385 | EE | Yuan Jiang,
Ming Li,
Zhi-Hua Zhou:
Mining extremely small data sets with application to software reuse.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 39(4): 423-440 (2009) |
2008 |
384 | EE | Wenjiang J. Fu,
Ming Li,
Lin Wan,
Minghua Deng,
Minping Qian:
On Design of Oligonucleotide SNP Arrays and Methods for Genotype Calling.
BMEI (1) 2008: 453-458 |
383 | EE | Jia-yang Peng,
Lu-ming Yang,
Jian-xin Wang,
Zheng Liu,
Ming Li:
An Efficient Algorithm for Detecting Closed Frequent Subgraphs in Biological Networks.
BMEI (1) 2008: 677-681 |
382 | EE | Chong Long,
Xiaoyan Zhu,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma:
Information shared by many objects.
CIKM 2008: 1213-1220 |
381 | EE | Shuai Cheng Li,
Dongbo Bu,
Jinbo Xu,
Ming Li:
Finding Largest Well-Predicted Subset of Protein Structure Models.
CPM 2008: 44-55 |
380 | EE | Limin Wang,
Xuming Han,
Ming Li,
Guojun Chen,
Chijun Zhang,
Huimin Zhang:
An Immune Algorithm-Based Atmospheric Quality Assessment Model and Its Applications.
CSSE (1) 2008: 1219-1222 |
379 | EE | Ming Li,
David Kotz:
Event dissemination via group-aware stream filtering.
DEBS 2008: 59-70 |
378 | EE | Andrew B. Goldberg,
Ming Li,
Xiaojin Zhu:
Online Manifold Regularization: A New Learning Setting and Empirical Study.
ECML/PKDD (1) 2008: 393-407 |
377 | EE | Ming Li,
Murali Mani,
Elke A. Rundensteiner:
Constraint-Aware XSLT Evaluation.
ER 2008: 524-525 |
376 | EE | Ming Li,
Ruiling Luo,
Yujuan Xing:
A Novel Multi-reduced SVM Approach for Speaker Recognition.
FSKD (4) 2008: 462-466 |
375 | EE | Xiaoling Hao,
Ming Li:
Application of Improved Algorithm of Data Reduction to Knowledge Discovery of Information Security Management.
FSKD (5) 2008: 526-530 |
374 | EE | Frank C. Langbein,
Ming Li,
Ralph R. Martin:
A Comment on "Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models".
GMP 2008: 603 |
373 | EE | Ming Li,
Yang Xiao,
Hua Zhu,
Imrich Chlamtac,
Balakrishnan Prabhakaran:
QOAR: Adaptive QoS Scheme in Multi-Rate Wireless LANs.
ICC 2008: 2900-2904 |
372 | EE | Hua Zhu,
Kejie Lu,
Ming Li:
Distributed Topology Control in Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Mesh Networks.
ICC 2008: 2958-2962 |
371 | EE | Yang Xiao,
Frank Haizhon Li,
Ming Li,
Jingyuan Zhang,
Bo Li,
Fei Hu:
Dynamic Budget Partition Scheme for Integrated Voice/Video/Data Traffic in the IEEE 802.11e WLANs.
ICC 2008: 3085-3089 |
370 | EE | Feng Liu,
Ming Li,
Run Zhang,
He Zhang,
Zhen Xu:
Remaining Delivery Time Estimation Based Routing for Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks.
ICDCS Workshops 2008: 222-227 |
369 | EE | Ming Li,
Yantao Zheng,
Shi-Yong Neo,
Xiangdong Wang,
Sheng Tang,
Shouxun Lin:
Personalized event-based news video retrieval with dynamic user-log.
ICME 2008: 1157-1160 |
368 | EE | Yong Wang,
Ming Li,
Eamonn Dillon,
Lingguo Cui,
Jing-jing Hu,
Lejian Liao:
A Context-aware Computational Trust Model for Multi-agent Systems.
ICNSC 2008: 1119-1124 |
367 | EE | Yu Cao,
Sung Baang,
Shih-Hsi Liu,
Ming Li,
Sanqing Hu:
Audio-visual event classification via spatial-temporal-audio words.
ICPR 2008: 1-5 |
366 | EE | Ming Li,
Murali Mani,
Elke A. Rundensteiner:
ELF: A Constraint-Aware XQuery Engine for Processing XML Streams with Minimized Memory Footprint.
ICSC 2008: 494-495 |
365 | EE | Ming Li,
Murali Mani,
Elke A. Rundensteiner:
Efficiently loading and processing XML streams.
IDEAS 2008: 59-67 |
364 | EE | Ming Li,
Hua Zhu,
Yang Xiao,
Imrich Chlamtac,
Balakrishnan Prabhakaran:
Adaptive Frame Concatenation Mechanisms for QoS in Multi-Rate Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
INFOCOM 2008: 1112-1120 |
363 | EE | Ming Li,
Dong Dai,
Xikui Ma,
Herbert H. C. Iu:
Fast-scale period-doubling bifurcation in voltage-mode controlled full-bridge inverter.
ISCAS 2008: 2829-2832 |
362 | EE | Yu Cao,
Shih-Hsi Liu,
Ming Li,
Sung Baang,
Sanqing Hu:
Medical Video Event Classification Using Shared Features.
ISM 2008: 266-273 |
361 | EE | Shih-Hsi Liu,
Yu Cao,
Ming Li,
Pranay Kilaru,
Thell Smith,
Shaen Toner:
A Semantics- and Data-Driven SOA for Biomedical Multimedia Systems.
ISM 2008: 533-538 |
360 | EE | Shuai Cheng Li,
Dongbo Bu,
Xin Gao,
Jinbo Xu,
Ming Li:
Designing succinct structural alphabets.
ISMB 2008: 182-189 |
359 | EE | Ming Li,
Dumitru Mazilu,
Keith A. Horvath:
Robotic System for Transapical Aortic Valve Replacement with MRI Guidance.
MICCAI (2) 2008: 476-484 |
358 | EE | Ming Li,
Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang,
Zhi-Hua Zhou:
Mining Bulletin Board Systems Using Community Generation.
PAKDD 2008: 209-221 |
357 | EE | Zhiyong Shen,
Jun Sun,
Yi-Dong Shen,
Ming Li:
R-Map: Mapping Categorical Data for Clustering and Visualization Based on Reference Sets.
PAKDD 2008: 992-998 |
356 | EE | Ming Li,
Yang Liu,
Yong-Dong Zhang,
Shouxun Lin:
Synopsis Alignment: Importing External Text Information for Multi-model Movie Analysis.
PCM 2008: 287-295 |
355 | EE | Jing Zhang,
Xin Gao,
Jinbo Xu,
Ming Li:
Rapid and Accurate Protein Side Chain Prediction with Local Backbone Information.
RECOMB 2008: 285-299 |
354 | EE | M. Benjamin Dias,
Dominique Locher,
Ming Li,
Wael El-Deredy,
Paulo J. G. Lisboa:
The value of personalised recommender systems to e-business: a case study.
RecSys 2008: 291-294 |
353 | EE | Min Chen,
Victor C. M. Leung,
Shiwen Mao,
Ming Li:
Cross-Layer and Path Priority Scheduling Based Real-Time Video Communications over Wireless Sensor Networks.
VTC Spring 2008: 2873-2877 |
352 | EE | Yang Xiao,
Frank Haizhon Li,
Ming Li,
Jingyuan Zhang,
Bo Li,
Fei Hu:
Dynamic Bandwidth Partition with Finer-Tune (DP-FT) Scheme for Multimedia IEEE 802.11e WLANs.
WCNC 2008: 3202-3207 |
351 | EE | Bhaskar DasGupta,
Xin He,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Louxin Zhang:
Nearest Neighbor Interchange and Related Distances.
Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
350 | EE | Hao Lin,
Zefeng Zhang,
Michael Q. Zhang,
Bin Ma,
Ming Li:
ZOOM! Zillions of oligos mapped.
Bioinformatics 24(21): 2431-2437 (2008) |
349 | EE | Paul M. B. Vitányi,
Frank J. Balbach,
Rudi Cilibrasi,
Ming Li:
Normalized Information Distance
CoRR abs/0809.2553: (2008) |
348 | EE | Ming Li,
Frank C. Langbein,
Ralph R. Martin:
Detecting approximate symmetries of discrete point subsets.
Computer-Aided Design 40(1): 76-93 (2008) |
347 | EE | Mingzhu Wei,
Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Murali Mani,
Ming Li:
Processing recursive XQuery over XML streams: The Raindrop approach.
Data Knowl. Eng. 65(2): 243-265 (2008) |
346 | EE | Hongbin Suo,
Ming Li,
Ping Lu,
Yonghong Yan:
Automatic Language Identification with Discriminative Language Characterization Based on SVM.
IEICE Transactions 91-D(3): 567-575 (2008) |
345 | EE | Xiao Wu,
Ming Li,
Hongbin Suo,
Yonghong Yan:
Melody Track Selection Using Discriminative Language Model.
IEICE Transactions 91-D(6): 1838-1840 (2008) |
344 | EE | Ming Li,
David Kotz:
Group-aware stream filtering for bandwidth-efficient data dissemination.
IJPEDS 23(6): 429-446 (2008) |
343 | EE | Baodong Qin,
Ming Li,
Fanyu Kong:
Cryptanalysis of a Type of CRT-Based RSA Algorithms.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 23(2): 214-221 (2008) |
342 | EE | Xian Zhang,
Yu Hao,
Xiaoyan Zhu,
Ming Li:
New Information Distance Measure and Its Application in Question Answering System.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 23(4): 557-572 (2008) |
341 | EE | Ming Li,
Yuanhong Hao:
Accelerated Kernel CCA plus SVDD: A Three-stage Process for Improving Face Recognition.
JCP 3(10): 94-100 (2008) |
340 | EE | Guanling Chen,
Ming Li,
David Kotz:
Data-centric middleware for context-aware pervasive computing.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4(2): 216-253 (2008) |
2007 |
339 | EE | Ming Li:
Cross-layer Resource Control to Improve TCP Performance over Wireless Network.
ACIS-ICIS 2007: 706-711 |
338 | EE | Hui Li,
Ming Li,
B. Prabhakaran:
On supporting high quality 3D geometry multicasting over IEEE 802.11 wireless networks.
BROADNETS 2007: 762-768 |
337 | EE | Jianping Qian,
Ming Li,
Xinting Yang,
Xuexin Liu,
Jihua Wang:
Towards Developing a Web-based Gap Management Information System for Cucumber in China.
CCTA 2007: 1205-1212 |
336 | EE | Ming Li,
Yan'an Wang,
Lihui Wang,
Zhiqiang Yan,
Qingyan Yu:
Expert System of Non-pollution Feicheng Peach Production in China.
CCTA 2007: 1371-1374 |
335 | EE | Ming Li,
Chunjiang Zhao,
Daoliang Li,
Xinting Yang,
Chuanheng Sun,
Yan'an Wang:
Towards Developing an Early Warning System for Cucumber Diseases for Greenhouse in China.
CCTA 2007: 1375-1378 |
334 | EE | Ming Li:
Information Distance from a Question to an Answer.
COCOON 2007: 3 |
333 | EE | Jia Chen,
Yue Wu,
Ming Li,
Bei Hui:
Multi-Agent System-based Hierarchy Grid Middleware.
COMPSAC (2) 2007: 141-146 |
332 | EE | Jianbo Qian,
Shuai Cheng Li,
Dongbo Bu,
Ming Li,
Jinbo Xu:
Finding Compact Structural Motifs.
CPM 2007: 142-149 |
331 | EE | Jing Zhang,
Xi Chen,
Ming Li:
Computing Exact p-Value for Structured Motif.
CPM 2007: 162-172 |
330 | | Carmen M. Sordo-Garcia,
M. Benjamin Dias,
Ming Li,
Wael El-Deredy,
Paulo J. G. Lisboa:
Evaluating Retail Recommender Systems via Retrospective Data: Lessons Learnt from a Live-Intervention Study.
DMIN 2007: 197-206 |
329 | EE | Ming Li:
Information Distance and Applications.
Developments in Language Theory 2007: 28 |
328 | EE | Chibing Gong,
Yan Li,
Ming Li,
Jun Luo,
Hong Cao,
Min Long:
B-cell Epitope Mapping of Helicobacter pylori Neutrophil-Activating Protein.
FBIT 2007: 261-264 |
327 | EE | Ming Li,
Yan Wu,
Shunjun Wu:
SAR Image Segmentation Based on Mixture Context and Wavelet Hidden-Class-Label Markov Random Field.
FSKD (3) 2007: 360-365 |
326 | EE | Ming Li,
Xueyan Liu:
Speaker Identification Based on Multi-reduced SVM.
FSKD (3) 2007: 371-375 |
325 | EE | Wenhua Jiao,
Pin Jiang,
Ruoju Liu,
Ming Li:
Centralized Scheduling Tree Construction Under Multi-Channel IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks.
GLOBECOM 2007: 4764-4768 |
324 | EE | Hui Wang,
Nian Cai,
Ming Li,
Jie Yang:
A Local-Information-Based Blind Image Restoration Algorithm Using a MLP.
ICANNGA (2) 2007: 582-589 |
323 | EE | Ming Li,
David Kotz:
Group-aware Stream Filtering.
ICDCS Workshops 2007: 14 |
322 | EE | Ming Li,
Mo Liu,
Luping Ding,
Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Murali Mani:
Event Stream Processing with Out-of-Order Data Arrival.
ICDCS Workshops 2007: 67 |
321 | EE | Ming Li:
Invited Talk: Modern Homology Search.
ISBRA 2007: 145 |
320 | EE | Xuefeng Cui,
Tomás Vinar,
Brona Brejová,
Dennis Shasha,
Ming Li:
Homology search for genes.
ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2007: 97-103 |
319 | EE | Ming Li,
S. C. Lim,
Huamin Feng:
Generating Traffic Time Series Based on Generalized Cauchy Process.
International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 374-381 |
318 | EE | Ming Li,
S. C. Lim,
Bai-Jiong Hu,
Huamin Feng:
Towards Describing Multi-fractality of Traffic Using Local Hurst Function.
International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 1012-1020 |
317 | EE | Ming Li,
S. C. Lim,
Huamin Feng:
A Novel Description of Multifractal Phenomenon of Network Traffic Based on Generalized Cauchy Process.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2007: 1-9 |
316 | EE | Zheng-Hong Wu,
Ming Li,
Huamin Feng:
A Question Understanding Model Based on Knowledge Points for Chinese Question Answering Service in E-Learning.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2007: 493-500 |
315 | EE | Xian Zhang,
Yu Hao,
Xiaoyan Zhu,
Ming Li,
David R. Cheriton:
Information distance from a question to an answer.
KDD 2007: 874-883 |
314 | EE | Yan Wang,
Ming Li:
Classification Rule Acquisition Based on Extended Concept Lattice.
LSMS (1) 2007: 571-578 |
313 | EE | Xianghui Liu,
Jing Ning,
Jun Li,
Jianping Yin,
Ming Li:
Model for Survivability of Wireless Sensor Network.
MSN 2007: 705-714 |
312 | EE | Ming Li,
De-San Yang:
Application of Discrimination Degree for Attributes Reduction in Concept Lattice.
PAKDD 2007: 648-655 |
311 | EE | Ming Li,
Anthony Alvarez,
Francesco De Pellegrini,
B. Prabhakaran,
Imrich Chlamtac:
ROBOTRAK: a centralized real-time monitoring, control, and coordination system for robot swarms.
ROBOCOMM 2007: 37 |
310 | EE | Ming Li,
M. Benjamin Dias,
Wael El-Deredy,
Paulo J. G. Lisboa:
A probabilistic model for item-based recommender systems.
RecSys 2007: 129-132 |
309 | EE | Ming Li,
Baodong Qin,
Fanyu Kong,
Daxing Li:
Wide-w-NAF Method for Scalar Multiplication on Köblitz Curves.
SNPD (2) 2007: 143-148 |
308 | EE | Baodong Qin,
Ming Li,
Fanyu Kong,
Daxing Li:
Security Analysis of wrNAF and SPA Resistant Scalar Multiplication.
SNPD (3) 2007: 279-284 |
307 | EE | Fanyu Kong,
Jia Yu,
Baodong Qin,
Ming Li,
Daxing Li:
Security Analysis and Improvement of a ($t, n$) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme.
SNPD (3) 2007: 923-926 |
306 | EE | Ming Li,
Tingxin Yan,
Deepak Ganesan,
Eric Lyons,
Prashant J. Shenoy,
Arun Venkataramani,
Michael Zink:
Multi-user data sharing in radar sensor networks.
SenSys 2007: 247-260 |
305 | EE | Ming Li,
Tingxin Yan,
Deepak Ganesan,
Eric Lyons,
Prashant J. Shenoy,
Arun Venkataramani,
Michael Zink:
Multi-user data sharing in radar sensor networks.
SenSys 2007: 377-378 |
304 | EE | Ming Li,
Frank C. Langbein,
Ralph R. Martin:
Detecting approximate incomplete symmetries in discrete point sets.
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2007: 335-340 |
303 | EE | Yan Wu,
Ming Li,
Guisheng Liao:
Multiple features data fusion method in color texture analysis.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 185(2): 784-797 (2007) |
302 | EE | Feng Ding,
Huibo Chen,
Ming Li:
Multi-innovation least squares identification methods based on the auxiliary model for MISO systems.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 187(2): 658-668 (2007) |
301 | EE | Jing Zhang,
Bo Jiang,
Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Xuegong Zhang,
Michael Q. Zhang:
Computing exact P-values for DNA motifs.
Bioinformatics 23(5): 531-537 (2007) |
300 | EE | Ming Li,
Zhong-Can Ou-Yang:
DNA as active polymer: long-range allosteric effect and chromatin loop structure.
Computer Physics Communications 177(1-2): 176-179 (2007) |
299 | EE | Zhi-Hua Zhou,
Ming Li:
Semisupervised Regression with Cotraining-Style Algorithms.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(11): 1479-1493 (2007) |
298 | EE | Ming Li,
M. Ishii,
Russell H. Taylor:
Spatial Motion Constraints Using Virtual Fixtures Generated by Anatomy.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(1): 4-19 (2007) |
297 | EE | Ming Li,
Zhi-Hua Zhou:
Improve Computer-Aided Diagnosis With Machine Learning Techniques Using Undiagnosed Samples.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 37(6): 1088-1098 (2007) |
296 | EE | Brendan Lucier,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
Average-case analysis of QuickSort and Binary Insertion Tree height using incompressibility.
Inf. Process. Lett. 103(2): 45-51 (2007) |
295 | EE | Ming Li:
Information Distance and its Applications.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 18(4): 669-681 (2007) |
294 | EE | Bin Ma,
Lusheng Wang,
Ming Li:
Near optimal multiple alignment within a band in polynomial time.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(6): 997-1011 (2007) |
293 | EE | Richard M. Karp,
Ming Li,
Pavel A. Pevzner,
Ron Shamir:
Special issue on computational molecular biology.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(7): 1023 (2007) |
292 | EE | Bin Ma,
Ming Li:
On the complexity of the spaced seeds.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(7): 1024-1034 (2007) |
291 | EE | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Applications of algorithmic information theory.
Scholarpedia 2(5): 2658 (2007) |
2006 |
290 | EE | Minlie Huang,
Xiaoyan Zhu,
Shilin Ding,
Hao Yu,
Ming Li:
ONBRIRES: Ontology-Based Biological Relation Extraction System.
APBC 2006: 327-336 |
289 | EE | Ming Li,
Shengquan Wang,
Wei Zhao:
A Real-Time and Reliable Approach to Detecting Traffic Variations at Abnormally High and Low Rates.
ATC 2006: 541-550 |
288 | EE | Yuan Jiang,
Ming Li,
Zhi-Hua Zhou:
Generation of Comprehensible Hypotheses from Gene Expression Data.
BioDM 2006: 116-123 |
287 | EE | Ming Li:
Information Distance and Its Applications.
CIAA 2006: 1-9 |
286 | EE | Ming Li,
Qing-An Zeng,
Wen-Ben Jone:
DyXY: a proximity congestion-aware deadlock-free dynamic routing method for network on chip.
DAC 2006: 849-852 |
285 | EE | Ming Li,
Frank C. Langbein,
Ralph R. Martin:
Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models.
GMP 2006: 267-286 |
284 | EE | Zheng-Hong Wu,
Yu-Jun Liu,
Maiga Chang,
Alex Chang,
Ming Li:
Developing Personalized Knowledge Navigation Service for Students Self-Learning based on Interpretive Structural Modeling.
ICALT 2006: 427-428 |
283 | EE | Mingzhu Wei,
Ming Li,
Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Murali Mani:
Processing Recursive XQuery over XML Streams: The Raindrop Approach.
ICDE Workshops 2006: 85 |
282 | EE | Ming Li,
Huamin Feng:
Chaotically Masking Traffic Pattern to Prevent Traffic Pattern Analysis Attacks for Mission Critical Applications in Computer Communication Networks.
ICNC (2) 2006: 448-451 |
281 | EE | Zhiguang Yang,
Ming Li,
Haizhou Ai:
An Experimental Study on Automatic Face Gender Classification.
ICPR (3) 2006: 1099-1102 |
280 | | Ankur Kapoor,
Ming Li,
Russell H. Taylor:
Constrained Control for Surgical Assistant Robots.
ICRA 2006: 231-236 |
279 | EE | Ming Li,
Yun Lei,
Jian Liu,
Yonghong Yan:
A Novel Audio Watermarking in Wavelet Domain.
IIH-MSP 2006: 27-32 |
278 | EE | Dongfeng Han,
Wenhui Li,
Xiaosuo Lu,
Yi Wang,
Ming Li:
Representation Interest Point Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Independent Components Analysis.
ISMIS 2006: 350-358 |
277 | EE | Ming Li,
Wen-Ben Jone,
Qing-An Zeng:
An Efficient Wrapper Scan Chain Configuration Method for Network-on-Chip Testing.
ISVLSI 2006: 147-152 |
276 | EE | Limin Wang,
Yanchun Liang,
Xiaohu Shi,
Ming Li,
Xuming Han:
An Improved OIF Elman Neural Network and Its Applications to Stock Market.
KES (1) 2006: 21-28 |
275 | EE | Ming Li:
From Three Ideas in TCS to Three Applications in Bioinformatics.
MFCS 2006: 84-85 |
274 | EE | Ming Li,
Deepak Ganesan,
Prashant J. Shenoy:
PRESTO: Feedback-driven Data Management in Sensor Networks.
NSDI 2006 |
273 | EE | Ming Li,
Yanong Zhu:
Image Classification Via LZ78 Based String Kernel: A Comparative Study.
PAKDD 2006: 704-712 |
272 | EE | Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Louxin Zhang:
Superiority and complexity of the spaced seeds.
SODA 2006: 444-453 |
271 | EE | Song Wang,
Hong Su,
Ming Li,
Mingzhu Wei,
Shoushen Yang,
Drew Ditto,
Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Murali Mani:
R-SOX: Runtime Semantic Query Optimization over XML Streams.
VLDB 2006: 1207-1210 |
270 | EE | Shuai Cheng Li,
Ming Li:
On the Complexity of the Crossing Contact Map Pattern Matching Problem.
WABI 2006: 231-241 |
269 | EE | Shengqiang Tang,
Ming Li:
Bifurcations of travelling wave solutions in a class of generalized KdV equation.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 177(2): 589-596 (2006) |
268 | EE | Ming Li:
Change trend of averaged Hurst parameter of traffic under DDOS flood attacks.
Computers & Security 25(3): 213-220 (2006) |
267 | EE | Jian Liu,
Bin Ma,
Ming Li:
Prima: Peptide Robust Identification from Ms/ms Spectra.
J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 4(1): 125-138 (2006) |
266 | EE | Jinbo Xu,
Daniel G. Brown,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma:
Optimizing Multiple Spaced Seeds for Homology Search.
Journal of Computational Biology 13(7): 1355-1368 (2006) |
265 | EE | Hui Li,
Ming Li,
B. Prabhakaran:
Middleware for streaming 3D progressive meshes over lossy networks.
TOMCCAP 2(4): 282-317 (2006) |
264 | EE | Ming Li,
Xiao-Shan Gao,
Shang-Ching Chou:
Quadratic approximation to plane parametric curves and its application in approximate implicitization.
The Visual Computer 22(9-11): 906-917 (2006) |
263 | EE | Ming Li,
Hua Zhu,
Imrich Chlamtac,
B. Prabhakaran:
End-to-end QoS framework for heterogeneous wired-cum-wireless networks.
Wireless Networks 12(4): 439-450 (2006) |
2005 |
262 | EE | Ming Li,
Bao-wei Zhang,
Tong Wang,
Li Zhao:
Approximation of Class Unions Based on Dominance-Matrix Within Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach.
ACII 2005: 795-802 |
261 | EE | Ming Li,
Ronan Sleep:
An LZ78 Based String Kernel.
ADMA 2005: 678-689 |
260 | EE | Jian Liu,
Bin Ma,
Ming Li:
PRIME: Peptide robust identification from MS/MS spectra.
APBC 2005: 181-190 |
259 | EE | Jinbo Xu,
Libo Yu,
Ming Li:
Consensus fold recognition by predicted model quality.
APBC 2005: 73-83 |
258 | EE | Ming Li,
Xicheng Lu,
Wei Peng:
Dynamic Delaunay Triangulation for Wireless Ad Hoc Network.
APPT 2005: 382-389 |
257 | EE | Ming Li,
Baozong Yuan,
Xiaofang Tang:
Gabor Feature Based Classification Using 2D Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition.
AVBPA 2005: 929-936 |
256 | EE | Ming Li,
Wei Zhao:
A Statistical Model for Detecting Abnormality in Static-Priority Scheduling Networks with Differentiated Services.
CIS (2) 2005: 267-272 |
255 | EE | Yadong Liu,
Guohua Zang,
Fayi Liu,
Lirong Yan,
Ming Li,
Zongtan Zhou,
Dewen Hu:
Spatial and Temporal Analysis for Optical Imaging Data Using CWT and tICA.
CVBIA 2005: 508-516 |
254 | EE | Ming Li,
Tong Wang,
Bao-wei Zhang,
Bi-Cheng Ye:
A Novel Method of Image Retrieval Based on Combination of Semantic and Visual Features.
FSKD (1) 2005: 619-628 |
253 | EE | Ming Li:
Derivations of Error Bound on Recording Traffic Time Series with Long-Range Dependence.
ICIC (1) 2005: 360-369 |
252 | EE | Haitao Zhang,
Zonghai Chen,
Ming Li,
Wei Xiang,
Ting Qin:
A Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control Algorithm Based on OFS Model.
ICIC (2) 2005: 502-511 |
251 | EE | Guiyu Feng,
Dewen Hu,
Ming Li,
Zongtan Zhou:
A Novel LDA Approach for High-Dimensional Data.
ICNC (1) 2005: 209-212 |
250 | EE | Guiyu Feng,
Dewen Hu,
Ming Li,
Zongtan Zhou:
Palmprint Recognition Based on Unsupervised Subspace Analysis.
ICNC (1) 2005: 675-678 |
249 | EE | Jinfeng Hu,
Ming Li,
Hongliang Yu,
Haitao Dong,
Weimin Zheng:
PeerWindow: An Efficient, Heterogeneous, and Autonomic Node Collection Protocol.
ICPP 2005: 511-520 |
248 | | Ming Li,
Russell H. Taylor:
Performance of Surgical Robots with Automatically Generated Spatial Virtual Fixtures.
ICRA 2005: 217-222 |
247 | EE | Ming Li,
Ronan Sleep:
A Robust Approach to Sequence Classification.
ICTAI 2005: 197-201 |
246 | EE | Zhi-Hua Zhou,
Ming Li:
Semi-Supervised Regression with Co-Training.
IJCAI 2005: 908-916 |
245 | EE | Jin-San Cheng,
Xiao-Shan Gao,
Ming Li:
Determining the Topology of Real Algebraic Surfaces.
IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2005: 121-146 |
244 | EE | Brona Brejová,
Daniel G. Brown,
Ming Li,
Tomás Vinar:
ExonHunter: a comprehensive approach to gene finding.
ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 57-65 |
243 | EE | Ming Li,
Ronan Sleep:
Genre Classification via an LZ78-Based String Kernel.
ISMIR 2005: 252-259 |
242 | EE | Bing Huang,
Xiaojun Li,
Ming Li,
Joseph B. Bernstein,
Carol Smidts:
Study of the Impact of Hardware Fault on Software Reliability.
ISSRE 2005: 63-72 |
241 | EE | Yu Hao,
Xiaoyan Zhu,
Ming Li:
A New Algorithm for Pattern Optimization in Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction System.
IbPRIA (2) 2005: 397-404 |
240 | EE | Ankur Kapoor,
Ming Li,
Russell H. Taylor:
Spatial Motion Constraints for Robot Assisted Suturing Using Virtual Fixtures.
MICCAI (2) 2005: 89-96 |
239 | EE | Ming Li,
Zhi-Hua Zhou:
SETRED: Self-training with Editing.
PAKDD 2005: 611-621 |
238 | EE | Jianghu Yang,
Ming Li,
Changlai Huang,
Chuanshan Gao:
WGMDS: A WSRF-Compliant Information Service on Wireless Grids.
PDCAT 2005: 103-105 |
237 | EE | Ming Li,
Tong Wang:
An Approach to Image Retrieval Based on Concept Lattices and Rough Set Theory.
PDCAT 2005: 845-849 |
236 | | Zhenjiang Miao,
Yunda Sun,
Ming Li,
Baozong Yuan:
Pervasive Computing Engineering Concept, Method and Application to SmartLab System.
PSC 2005: 161-164 |
235 | EE | Thomas Tang,
Jinbo Xu,
Ming Li:
Discovering Sequence-Structure Motifs from Protein Segments and Two Applications.
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2005 |
234 | EE | Zhi-Hua Zhou,
Kai Jiang,
Ming Li:
Multi-Instance Learning Based Web Mining.
Appl. Intell. 22(2): 135-147 (2005) |
233 | EE | Hao Yu,
Xiaoyan Zhu,
Minlie Huang,
Ming Li:
Discovering patterns to extract protein-protein interactions from the literature: Part II.
Bioinformatics 21(15): 3294-3300 (2005) |
232 | EE | Derek Kisman,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Li Wang:
tPatternHunter: gapped, fast and sensitive translated homology search .
Bioinformatics 21(4): 542-544 (2005) |
231 | EE | Ming Li,
Doan B. Hoang,
Andrew James Simmonds:
Fair intelligent admission control over resource-feedback DiffServ network.
Computer Communications 28(15): 1770-1777 (2005) |
230 | EE | Ming Li,
Doan B. Hoang:
FIAC: a resource discovery-based two-level admission control for differentiated service networks.
Computer Communications 28(18): 2094-2104 (2005) |
229 | EE | Danica Kragic,
Panadda Marayong,
Ming Li,
Allison M. Okamura,
Gregory D. Hager:
Human-Machine Collaborative Systems for Microsurgical Applications.
I. J. Robotic Res. 24(9): 731-741 (2005) |
228 | EE | Zhi-Hua Zhou,
Ming Li:
Tri-Training: Exploiting Unlabeled Data Using Three Classifiers.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(11): 1529-1541 (2005) |
227 | EE | Ming Li,
Xiao-Shan Gao,
Jin-San Cheng:
Generating Symbolic Interpolants for Scattered Data with Normal Vectors.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(6): 861-874 (2005) |
226 | EE | Richard M. Karp,
Ming Li,
Pavel A. Pevzner,
Ron Shamir:
Guest Editors' foreword.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 70(3): 283- (2005) |
225 | EE | Jian Liu,
Ming Li:
Finding Cancer Biomarkers from Mass Spectrometry Data by Decision Lists.
Journal of Computational Biology 12(7): 971-979 (2005) |
224 | EE | Ming Li,
Balakrishnan Prabhakaran:
MAC Layer Admission Control and Priority Re-allocation for Handling QoS Guarantees in Non-cooperative Wireless LANs.
MONET 10(6): 947-959 (2005) |
223 | EE | Ming Li,
Baozong Yuan:
2D-LDA: A statistical linear discriminant analysis for image matrix.
Pattern Recognition Letters 26(5): 527-532 (2005) |
222 | EE | Darius Burschka,
Jason J. Corso,
Maneesh Dewan,
William W. Lau,
Ming Li,
Henry Lin,
Panadda Marayong,
Nicholas A. Ramey,
Gregory D. Hager,
Brian Hoffman,
David Larkin,
Christopher J. Hasser:
Navigating inner space: 3-D assistance for minimally invasive surgery.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 52(1): 5-26 (2005) |
2004 |
221 | EE | Daming Yao,
Jingbo Wang,
Yanmei Lu,
Nathan Noble,
Huandong Sun,
Xiaoyan Zhu,
Nan Lin,
Donald G. Payan,
Ming Li,
Kunbin Qu:
PathwayFinder: Paving the Way Towards Automatic Pathway Extraction.
APBC 2004: 53-62 |
220 | EE | Ming Li,
Chi-Hung Chi,
Dongyang Long:
Fractional Gaussian Noise: A Tool of Characterizing Traffic for Detection Purpose.
AWCC 2004: 94-103 |
219 | EE | Dongxi Liu,
Chi-Hung Chi,
Ming Li:
Normalizing Traffic Pattern with Anonymity for Mission Critical Applications.
Annual Simulation Symposium 2004: 293- |
218 | EE | Yishan Jiao,
Jingyi Xu,
Ming Li:
On the k-Closest Substring and k-Consensus Pattern Problems.
CPM 2004: 130-144 |
217 | EE | Jinbo Xu,
Daniel G. Brown,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma:
Optimizing Multiple Spaced Seeds for Homology Search.
CPM 2004: 47-58 |
216 | EE | Jian Liu,
Ming Li:
Finding Cancer Biomarkers from Mass Spectrometry Data by Decision Lists.
CSB 2004: 654-655 |
215 | EE | Xiao-Shan Gao,
Ming Li:
Rational quadratic approximation to real algebraic curves.
Computer Aided Geometric Design 2004: 805-828 |
214 | EE | Ming Li,
Jinfeng Hu,
Haitao Dong,
Dongsheng Wang,
Weimin Zheng:
Gemini: Probabilistic Routing Algorithm in Structured P2P Overlay.
GCC 2004: 519-526 |
213 | EE | Xiao-Shan Gao,
Ming Li:
Rational Quadratic Approximation to Real Plane Algebraic Curves.
GMP 2004: 93-102 |
212 | | Ming Li,
Marcus A. Magnor,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
A Hybrid Hardware-Accelerated Algorithm for High Quality Rendering of Visual Hulls.
Graphics Interface 2004: 41-48 |
211 | EE | Ming Li,
Russell H. Taylor:
Spatial Motion Constraints in Medical Robot using Virtual Fixtures Generated by Anatomy.
ICRA 2004: 1270-1275 |
210 | EE | Jinfeng Hu,
Ming Li,
Weimin Zheng,
Dongsheng Wang,
Ning Ning,
Haitao Dong:
SmartBoa: Constructing p2p Overlay Network in the Heterogeneous Internet Using Irregular Routing Tables.
IPTPS 2004: 278-287 |
209 | | Ming Li,
Yuval Tamir:
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Using Fewer than 3f+1 Active Replicas.
ISCA PDCS 2004: 241-247 |
208 | EE | Ming Li,
Ronan Sleep:
Improving Melody Classification by Discriminant Feature Extraction and Fusion.
ISMIR 2004 |
207 | EE | Ming Li,
Y. Wei,
Dejan Desovski,
Hamed Nejad,
Sushmita Ghose,
Bojan Cukic,
Carol Smidts:
Validation of a Methodology for Assessing Software Reliability.
ISSRE 2004: 66-76 |
206 | EE | Jinfeng Hu,
Haitao Dong,
Weimin Zheng,
Dongsheng Wang,
Ming Li:
Twins: 2-hop Structured Overlay with High Scalability.
International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 174-183 |
205 | EE | Darius Burschka,
Ming Li,
Russell H. Taylor,
Gregory D. Hager:
Scale-Invariant Registration of Monocular Endoscopic Images to CT-Scans for Sinus Surgery.
MICCAI (2) 2004: 413-421 |
204 | EE | Guanling Chen,
Ming Li,
David Kotz:
Design and Implementation of a Large-Scale Context Fusion Network.
MobiQuitous 2004: 246-255 |
203 | EE | Ming Li,
Marion Blount:
Adaptive Portal Aggregation for Pervasive Client Devices.
Mobile HCI 2004: 366-372 |
202 | EE | Ming Li,
Jingao Liu,
Dongyang Long:
An Empirical Autocorrelation Form for Modeling LRD Traffic Series.
NPC 2004: 399-402 |
201 | EE | Ming Li:
Statistical Error Analysis on Recording LRD Traffic Time Series.
NPC 2004: 403-406 |
200 | EE | Chi-Hung Chi,
Ming Li,
Dongxi Liu:
A Method to Obtain Signatures from Honeypots Data.
NPC 2004: 435-442 |
199 | EE | Ming Li,
Jingao Liu,
Dongyang Long:
Probability Principle of a Reliable Approach to Detect Signs of DDOS Flood Attacks.
PDCAT 2004: 596-599 |
198 | | Yinghui Wu,
Ming Li,
Weimin Zheng:
ONSP: Parallel Overlay Network Simulation Platform.
PDPTA 2004: 1147-1153 |
197 | EE | Ming Li,
Hua Zhu,
Sathish Sathyamurthy,
Imrich Chlamtac,
Balakrishnan Prabhakaran:
End-to-End Framework for QoS Guarantee in Heterogeneous Wired-cum-Wireless Networks.
QSHINE 2004: 140-147 |
196 | EE | Minlie Huang,
Xiaoyan Zhu,
Hao Yu,
Donald G. Payan,
Kunbin Qu,
Ming Li:
Discovering patterns to extract protein-protein interactions from full texts.
Bioinformatics 20(18): 3604-3612 (2004) |
195 | EE | Ming Li,
Marcus A. Magnor,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
Hardware-Accelerated Rendering of Photo Hulls.
Comput. Graph. Forum 23(3): 635-642 (2004) |
194 | EE | Ming Li:
An approach to reliably identifying signs of DDOS flood attacks based on LRD traffic pattern recognition.
Computers & Security 23(7): 549-558 (2004) |
193 | EE | Uri Keich,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
John Tromp:
On spaced seeds for similarity search.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 138(3): 253-263 (2004) |
192 | EE | Ming Li,
Xin Chen,
Xin Li,
Bin Ma,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The similarity metric.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(12): 3250-3264 (2004) |
191 | | Xin Chen,
Brent Francia,
Ming Li,
Brian McKinnon,
Amit Seker:
Shared information and program plagiarism detection.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(7): 1545-1551 (2004) |
190 | EE | Dongyang Long,
Weijia Jia,
Ming Li:
Optimal synchronous coding.
Int. J. Comput. Math. 81(8): 931-941 (2004) |
189 | EE | Jonathan H. Badger,
Paul E. Kearney,
Ming Li,
John Tsang,
Tao Jiang:
Selecting the branches for an evolutionary tree.: A polynomial time approximation scheme.
J. Algorithms 51(1): 1-14 (2004) |
188 | EE | Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Derek Kisman,
John Tromp:
Patternhunter Ii: Highly Sensitive and Fast Homology Search.
J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2(3): 417-440 (2004) |
187 | EE | Daniel G. Brown,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma:
A Tutorial of Recent Developments in the Seeding of Local Alignment.
J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2(4): 819-842 (2004) |
186 | EE | Jinbo Xu,
Ming Li,
Ying Xu:
Protein Threading by Linear Programming: Theoretical Analysis and Computational Results.
J. Comb. Optim. 8(4): 403-418 (2004) |
185 | EE | Hao Lin,
Zefeng Zhang,
Qiang-Feng Zhang,
Dong-Bo Bu,
Ming Li:
A Note on the Single Genotype Resolution Problem.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 19(2): 254- (2004) |
184 | EE | Wei Dong,
Xindong Zhang,
Caixia Liu,
Ming Li,
Baokun Xu,
Weiyou Chen:
Mechanism for convex corner undercutting of (110) silicon in KOH.
Microelectronics Journal 35(5): 417-419 (2004) |
183 | | Ting Qin,
Zonghai Chen,
Haitao Zhang,
Sifu Li,
Wei Xiang,
Ming Li:
A Learning Algorithm of CMAC Based on RLS.
Neural Processing Letters 19(1): 49-61 (2004) |
2003 |
182 | EE | Zhimao Guo,
Zhengchuan Xu,
Shuigeng Zhou,
Aoying Zhou,
Ming Li:
Index Selection for Efficient XML Path Expression Processing.
ER (Workshops) 2003: 261-272 |
181 | EE | Jinfeng Hu,
Yinghui Wu,
Ming Li,
Weimin Zheng:
Improvement of Routing Structure in P2P Overlay Networks.
GCC (1) 2003: 292-299 |
180 | | Ming Li,
Marcus A. Magnor,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
Hardware-Accelerated Visual Hull Reconstruction and Rendering.
Graphics Interface 2003: 65-72 |
179 | EE | Ming Li,
Allison M. Okamura:
Recognition of Operator Motions for Real-Time Assistance Using Virtual Fixtures.
HAPTICS 2003: 125-131 |
178 | EE | Ming Li,
Doan B. Hoang,
Andrew James Simmonds:
Class-Based Fair Intelligent Admission Control over an Enhanced Differentiated Service Network.
ICOIN 2003: 543-552 |
177 | | Panadda Marayong,
Ming Li,
Allison M. Okamura,
Gregory D. Hager:
Spatial motion constraints: theory and demonstrations for robot guidance using virtual fixtures.
ICRA 2003: 1954-1959 |
176 | EE | Danica Kragic,
Panadda Marayong,
Ming Li,
Allison M. Okamura,
Gregory D. Hager:
Human-Machine Collaborative Systems for Microsurgical Applications.
ISRR 2003: 162-171 |
175 | EE | Bin Li,
Ming Li,
Susmita Ghose,
Carol Smidts:
Integrating Software into PRA.
ISSRE 2003: 457-467 |
174 | | Ming Li,
Chi-Hung Chi:
Abstract Analysis of Detection Probability for Statistically Detecting DDoS Attacks.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 607-608 |
173 | EE | Ming Li,
Russell H. Taylor:
Optimum Robot Control for 3D Virtual Fixture in Constrained ENT Surgery.
MICCAI (1) 2003: 165-172 |
172 | EE | Ming Li,
B. Prabhakaran,
Sathish Sathyamurthy:
On flow reservation and admission control for distributed scheduling strategies in IEEE802.11 wireless LAN.
MSWiM 2003: 108-115 |
171 | EE | Jinbo Xu,
Ming Li,
Guo-Hui Lin,
Dongsup Kim,
Ying Xu:
Protein Threading by Linear Programming.
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2003: 264-275 |
170 | | Ming Li,
Doan B. Hoang:
Achieving Flow Fairness in DiffServ Class: Per-flow Fair Admission Control over Differentiated Service Network.
SNPD 2003: 55-61 |
169 | EE | Ming Li,
Xin Chen,
Xin Li,
Bin Ma,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The similarity metric.
SODA 2003: 863-872 |
168 | | Ming Li,
Marcus A. Magnor,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
Improved Hardware-Accelerated Visual Hull Rendering.
VMV 2003: 151-158 |
167 | | Christian Theobalt,
Ming Li,
Marcus A. Magnor,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
A Flexible and Versatile Studio for SynchronizedMulti-View Video Recording.
VVG 2003: 9-16 |
166 | EE | Ming Li,
Marcus A. Magnor,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
Online Accelerated Rendering of Visual Hulls in Real Scenes.
WSCG 2003 |
165 | EE | Huandong Sun,
Ming Li,
Ying Xu:
MOLVIE: an interactive visualization environment for molecular structures.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 71(1): 85-90 (2003) |
164 | EE | Ming Li,
Carol Smidts:
A Ranking of Software Engineering Measures Based on Expert Opinion.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(9): 811-824 (2003) |
163 | EE | J. Kevin Lanctot,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Shaojiu Wang,
Louxin Zhang:
Distinguishing string selection problems.
Inf. Comput. 185(1): 41-55 (2003) |
162 | EE | Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Sharpening Occam's razor.
Inf. Process. Lett. 85(5): 267-274 (2003) |
161 | EE | Dongyang Long,
Weijia Jia,
Ming Li:
Optimal Prefix Codes and Huffman Codes.
Int. J. Comput. Math. 80(6): 727-742 (2003) |
160 | EE | Ming Li,
Chi-Hung Chi,
Weijia Jia,
Wei Zhao,
Wanlei Zhou,
Jiannong Cao,
Dongyang Long,
Qiang Meng:
Decision Analysis of Statistically Detecting Distributed Denial-of-Service Flooding Attacks.
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 2(3): 397-405 (2003) |
159 | EE | Jinbo Xu,
Ming Li,
Dongsup Kim,
Ying Xu:
Raptor: Optimal Protein Threading by Linear Programming.
J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 1(1): 95-118 (2003) |
2002 |
158 | EE | Ming Li,
Wenchao Tao,
Daniel Goldberg,
Israel Hsu,
Yuval Tamir:
Design and Validation of Portable Communication Infrastructure for Fault-Tolerant Cluster Middleware.
CLUSTER 2002: 266-274 |
157 | EE | Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Sharpening Occam's Razor.
COCOON 2002: 411-419 |
156 | EE | Xiao-Shan Gao,
Ming Li:
Construct Piecewise Hermite Interpolation Surface with Blending Methods.
GMP 2002: 53-59 |
155 | | Hartmut Schirmacher,
Ming Li,
Marcus A. Magnor,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
Combining stereo and visual hull information for on-line reconstruction and rendering of dynamic scenes.
IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing 2002: 9-12 |
154 | | Doan B. Hoang,
Qing Yu,
Ming Li,
David Dagan Feng:
Fair Intelligent Congestion Control Resource Discovery Protocol on TCP based Network.
INTERWORKING 2002: 145-159 |
153 | EE | Dongyang Long,
Weijia Jia,
Ming Li:
On Synchronous Coding.
ITCC 2002: 390-395 |
152 | | Qing Yu,
Ming Li,
Doan B. Hoang,
David Dagan Feng:
Fair Intelligent Feedback Mechanism on TCP Based Network.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2002: 1009-1015 |
151 | | Xin Chen,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
John Tromp:
DNACompress: fast and effective DNA sequence compression.
Bioinformatics 18(12): 1696-1698 (2002) |
150 | | Bin Ma,
John Tromp,
Ming Li:
PatternHunter: faster and more sensitive homology search.
Bioinformatics 18(3): 440-445 (2002) |
149 | EE | Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Sharpening Occam's Razor
CoRR cs.LG/0201005: (2002) |
148 | | Huaguang Zhang,
Ming Li,
Lilong Cai:
Fuzzy Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Processes with Feedforward Compensator and its Application.
Cybernetics and Systems 33(2): 171-187 (2002) |
147 | | Ming Li,
Jose B. Cruz Jr.,
Marwan A. Simaan:
An approach to discrete-time incentive feedback Stackelberg games.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(4): 472-481 (2002) |
146 | EE | Dongyang Long,
Weijia Jia,
Pui-on Au,
Ming Li:
Improving Chinese Storing Text Retrieval Systems' Security via a Novel Maximal Prefix Coding.
Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 15(4): 379-393 (2002) |
145 | EE | Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Lusheng Wang:
On the closest string and substring problems.
J. ACM 49(2): 157-171 (2002) |
144 | EE | Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Lusheng Wang:
Finding Similar Regions in Many Sequences.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 65(1): 73-96 (2002) |
143 | EE | Ming Li,
Pavel A. Pevzner,
Ron Shamir:
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 65(3): 441 (2002) |
142 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The average-case area of Heilbronn-type triangles.
Random Struct. Algorithms 20(2): 206-219 (2002) |
2001 |
141 | | Ming Li,
Huaguang Zhang:
Nonlinear System Input Structure Identification Based on Rough Set Data Analysis.
FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 300-303 |
140 | | Ming Li,
Jonathan H. Badger,
Xin Chen,
Sam Kwong,
Paul E. Kearney,
Haoyong Zhang:
An information-based sequence distance and its application to whole mitochondrial genome phylogeny.
Bioinformatics 17(1): 149-154 (2001) |
139 | EE | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
A New Approach to Formal Language Theory by Kolmogorov Complexity
CoRR cs.CC/0110040: (2001) |
138 | EE | Ming Li,
Xin Chen,
Xin Li,
Bin Ma,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The similarity metric
CoRR cs.CC/0111054: (2001) |
137 | | Hartmut Schirmacher,
Ming Li,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
On-the-Fly Processing of Generalized Lumigraphs.
Comput. Graph. Forum 20(3): (2001) |
136 | EE | Ming Li,
Hon-Yuen Tam:
Hybrid Evolutionary Search Method Based on Clusters.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(8): 786-799 (2001) |
135 | EE | Ming Li,
Tao Tang:
A Compact Fourth-Order Finite Difference Scheme for Unsteady Viscous Incompressible Flows.
J. Sci. Comput. 16(1): 29-45 (2001) |
134 | | Ming Li,
Weijia Jia,
Wei Zhao:
Simulation of Long-Range Dependent Traffic and a Simulator of TCP Arrival Traffic.
Journal of Interconnection Networks 2(3): 305-315 (2001) |
133 | EE | Ming Li:
Selected papers from ALT 1997 - Foreword.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 261(1): 1 (2001) |
2000 |
132 | EE | Ming Li,
Carol Smidts,
R. W. Brill:
Ranking Software Engineering Measures Related to Reliability Using Expert Opinion.
ISSRE 2000: 246-258 |
131 | EE | Xin Chen,
Sam Kwong,
Ming Li:
A compression algorithm for DNA sequences and its applications in genome comparison.
RECOMB 2000: 107 |
130 | EE | David Bryant,
John Tsang,
Paul E. Kearney,
Ming Li:
Computing the quartet distance between evolutionary trees.
SODA 2000: 285-286 |
129 | EE | Vincent Berry,
David Bryant,
Tao Jiang,
Paul E. Kearney,
Ming Li,
Todd Wareham,
Haoyong Zhang:
A practical algorithm for recovering the best supported edges of an evolutionary tree (extended abstract).
SODA 2000: 287-296 |
128 | EE | J. Kevin Lanctot,
Ming Li,
En-Hui Yang:
Estimating DNA sequence entropy.
SODA 2000: 409-418 |
127 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The Incompressibility Method.
SOFSEM 2000: 36-53 |
126 | EE | Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Lusheng Wang:
Near optimal multiple alignment within a band in polynomial time.
STOC 2000: 425-434 |
125 | | Ming Li,
Weijia Jia,
Wei Zhao:
A Whole Correlation Structure of Asymptotically Self-Similar Traffic in Communication Networks.
WISE 2000: 480-485 |
124 | EE | Qiong Gao,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Applying MDL to learn best model granularity.
Artif. Intell. 121(1-2): 1-29 (2000) |
123 | EE | Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Lusheng Wang:
On The Closest String and Substring Problems
CoRR cs.CE/0002012: (2000) |
122 | EE | Qiong Gao,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Applying MDL to Learning Best Model Granularity
CoRR physics/0005062: (2000) |
121 | | Lusheng Wang,
Bin Ma,
Ming Li:
Fixed topology alignment with recombination.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 104(1-3): 281-300 (2000) |
120 | | Paul M. B. Vitányi,
Ming Li:
Minimum description length induction, Bayesianism, and Kolmogorov complexity.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(2): 446-464 (2000) |
119 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
A lower bound on the average-case complexity of shellsort.
J. ACM 47(5): 905-911 (2000) |
118 | | Tao Jiang,
Paul E. Kearney,
Ming Li:
Some Open Problems in Computational Molecular Biology.
J. Algorithms 34(1): 194-201 (2000) |
117 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Average-Case Analysis of Algorithms Using Kolmogorov Complexity.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 15(5): 402-408 (2000) |
116 | EE | Bin Ma,
Ming Li,
Louxin Zhang:
From Gene Trees to Species Trees.
SIAM J. Comput. 30(3): 729-752 (2000) |
115 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Paul E. Kearney,
Ming Li:
A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Inferring Evolutionary Trees from Quartet Topologies and Its Application.
SIAM J. Comput. 30(6): 1942-1961 (2000) |
114 | EE | Harry Buhrman,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
New applications of the incompressibility method: Part II.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 235(1): 59-70 (2000) |
1999 |
113 | EE | Vincent Berry,
Tao Jiang,
Paul E. Kearney,
Ming Li,
Todd Wareham:
Quartet Cleaning: Improved Algorithms and Simulations.
ESA 1999: 313-324 |
112 | EE | Harry Buhrman,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
New Applications of the Incompressibility Method.
ICALP 1999: 220-229 |
111 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Average-Case Complexity of Shellsort.
ICALP 1999: 453-462 |
110 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The Expected Size of Heilbronn's Triangles.
IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1999: 105-113 |
109 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Some Examples of Average-case Analysis by the Imcompressibility Method.
Jewels are Forever 1999: 250-261 |
108 | EE | Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Kajal T. Claypool,
Ming Li,
Li Chen,
Xin Zhang,
Chandrakant Natarajan,
Jing Jin,
Stacia De Lima,
S. Weiner:
SERF: ODMG-Based Generic Re-structuring Facility.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 568-570 |
107 | EE | Paul E. Kearney,
Ming Li,
John Tsang,
Tao Jiang:
Recovering Branches on the Tree of Life: An Approximation Algorithm.
SODA 1999: 537-546 |
106 | EE | J. Kevin Lanctot,
Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Shaojiu Wang,
Louxin Zhang:
Distinguishing String Selection Problems.
SODA 1999: 633-642 |
105 | EE | Ming Li,
Bin Ma,
Lusheng Wang:
Finding Similar Regions in Many Strings.
STOC 1999: 473-482 |
104 | EE | Bhaskar DasGupta,
Xin He,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
John Tromp:
On the Linear-Cost Subtree-Transfer Distance between Phylogenetic Trees.
Algorithmica 25(2-3): 176-195 (1999) |
103 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Average-Case Complexity of Shellsort (Preliminary version)
CoRR cs.CC/9906008: (1999) |
102 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Average-Case Complexity of Shellsort
CoRR cs.DS/9901010: (1999) |
101 | EE | Paul M. B. Vitányi,
Ming Li:
Minimum Description Length Induction, Bayesianism, and Kolmogorov Complexity
CoRR cs.LG/9901014: (1999) |
100 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The Average-Case Area of Heilbronn-Type Triangles
CoRR math.CO/9902043: (1999) |
99 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
New Applications of the Incompressibility Method.
Comput. J. 42(4): 287-293 (1999) |
98 | | Ming Li,
Louxin Zhang:
Twist-Rotation Transformations of Binary Trees and Arithmetic Expressions.
J. Algorithms 32(2): 155-166 (1999) |
97 | | Moses Charikar,
Chandra Chekuri,
To-Yat Cheung,
Zuo Dai,
Ashish Goel,
Sudipto Guha,
Ming Li:
Approximation Algorithms for Directed Steiner Problems.
J. Algorithms 33(1): 73-91 (1999) |
96 | EE | Paul S. Wu,
Ming Li:
Supervised and unsupervised fuzzy-adaptive Hamming net.
Pattern Recognition 32(10): 1801-1816 (1999) |
95 | | Harry Buhrman,
Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Kolmogorov Random Graphs and the Incompressibility Method.
SIAM J. Comput. 29(2): 590-599 (1999) |
1998 |
94 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Average-Case Analysis Using Kolgomorov Complexity (Abstract).
CATS 1998: 1-4 |
93 | EE | Ming Li,
Louxin Zhang:
Better Approximation of Diagonal-Flip Transformation and Rotation Transformation.
COCOON 1998: 85-94 |
92 | | Bin Ma,
Lusheng Wang,
Ming Li:
Fixed Topology Alignment with Recombination.
CPM 1998: 174-188 |
91 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Paul E. Kearney,
Ming Li:
Orchestrating Quartets: Approximation and Data Correction.
FOCS 1998: 416-425 |
90 | EE | Bin Ma,
Ming Li,
Louxin Zhang:
On reconstructing species trees from gene trees in term of duplications and losses.
RECOMB 1998: 182-191 |
89 | | Moses Charikar,
Chandra Chekuri,
To-Yat Cheung,
Zuo Dai,
Ashish Goel,
Sudipto Guha,
Ming Li:
Approximation Algorithms for Directed Steiner Problems.
SODA 1998: 192-200 |
88 | EE | Harry Buhrman,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
New Applications of the Incompressibility Method: Part II
CoRR cs.CC/9809060: (1998) |
87 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
New Applications of the Incompressibility Method: Part I
CoRR cs.CC/9809061: (1998) |
86 | EE | Bhaskar DasGupta,
Tao Jiang,
Sampath Kannan,
Ming Li,
Elizabeth Sweedyk:
On the Complexity and Approximation of Syntenic Distance.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 88(1-3): 59-82 (1998) |
85 | | Charles H. Bennett,
Péter Gács,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi,
Wojciech H. Zurek:
Information Distance.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(4): 1407-1423 (1998) |
84 | EE | Richard Beigel,
William I. Gasarch,
Ming Li,
Louxin Zhang:
Addition in log2n + O(1) Steps on Average: A Simple Analysis.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 191(1-2): 245-248 (1998) |
1997 |
83 | | Ming Li,
Akira Maruoka:
Algorithmic Learning Theory, 8th International Conference, ALT '97, Sendai, Japan, October 6-8, 1997, Proceedings
Springer 1997 |
82 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Average-Case Analysis Using Kolmogorov Complexity.
Advances in Algorithms, Languages, and Complexity 1997: 157-169 |
81 | | Paul M. B. Vitányi,
Ming Li:
On Prediction by Data Compression.
ECML 1997: 14-30 |
80 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Average-Case Analysis via Incompressibility.
FCT 1997: 38-50 |
79 | EE | Bhaskar DasGupta,
Tao Jiang,
Sampath Kannan,
Ming Li,
Z. Sweedyk:
On the complexity and approximation of syntenic distance.
RECOMB 1997: 99-108 |
78 | | Bhaskar DasGupta,
Xin He,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Louxin Zhang:
On Distances between Phylogenetic Trees (Extended Abstract).
SODA 1997: 427-436 |
77 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Bala Ravikumar:
Formal Models and Computability.
The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook 1997: 31-63 |
76 | EE | Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Reversible Simulation of Irreversible Computation by Pebble Games
CoRR quant-ph/9703009: (1997) |
75 | EE | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Reversibility and Adiabatic Computation: Trading Time and Space for Energy
CoRR quant-ph/9703022: (1997) |
74 | EE | Paul S. Wu,
Ming Li:
Pyramid edge detection based on stack filter.
Pattern Recognition Letters 18(3): 239-248 (1997) |
73 | EE | Ding-Zhu Du,
Ming Li:
Foreword (COCOON'95).
Theor. Comput. Sci. 181(2): 227 (1997) |
72 | EE | John D. Kececioglu,
Ming Li,
John Tromp:
Inferring a DNA Sequence from Erroneous Copies.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 185(1): 3-13 (1997) |
1996 |
71 | | Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Louxin Zhang:
Some Notes on the Nearest Neighbour Interchange Distance.
COCOON 1996: 343-351 |
70 | EE | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Reversible Simulation of Irreversible Computation.
IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1996: 301-306 |
69 | EE | Richard Beigel,
William I. Gasarch,
Ming Li,
Louxin Zhang:
Addition in log2n + O(1) Steps on Average: A Simple Analysis
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 3(51): (1996) |
68 | | Thomas R. Hancock,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
John Tromp:
Lower Bounds on Learning Decision Lists and Trees.
Inf. Comput. 126(2): 114-122 (1996) |
67 | EE | Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
How to Share Concurrent Wait-Free Variables.
J. ACM 43(4): 723-746 (1996) |
66 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
K One-Way Heads Cannot Do String-Matching.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 53(3): 513-524 (1996) |
65 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
DNA Sequencing and String Learning.
Mathematical Systems Theory 29(4): 387-405 (1996) |
64 | EE | June-Ho Yi,
Bir Bhanu,
Ming Li:
Target indexing in SAR images using scattering centers and the Hausdorff distance.
Pattern Recognition Letters 17(11): 1191-1198 (1996) |
63 | EE | Jia-Huai You,
Robert Cartwright,
Ming Li:
Iterative Belief Revision in Extended Logic Programming.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 170(1-2): 383-406 (1996) |
1995 |
62 | | Ding-Zhu Du,
Ming Li:
Computing and Combinatorics, First Annual International Conference, COCOON '95, Xi'an, China, August 24-26, 1995, Proceedings
Springer 1995 |
61 | | John D. Kececioglu,
Ming Li,
John Tromp:
Inferring a DNA Sequence from Erroneous Copies (Abstract).
ALT 1995: 151-152 |
60 | | Thomas R. Hancock,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
John Tromp:
Lower Bounds on Learning Decision Lists and Trees (Extended Abstract).
STACS 1995: 527-538 |
59 | | Paul M. B. Vitányi,
Ming Li:
Algorithmic Arguments in Physics of Computation.
WADS 1995: 315-333 |
58 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Computational Machine Learning in Theory and Praxis.
Computer Science Today 1995: 518-535 |
57 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
A New Approach to Formal Language Theory by Kolmogorov Complexity.
SIAM J. Comput. 24(2): 398-410 (1995) |
56 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
On the Approximation of Shortest Common Supersequences and Longest Common Subsequences.
SIAM J. Comput. 24(5): 1122-1139 (1995) |
1994 |
55 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
On the Approximation of Shortest Common Supersequences and Longest Common Subsequences.
ICALP 1994: 191-202 |
54 | EE | Avrim Blum,
Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
Linear Approximation of Shortest Superstrings.
J. ACM 41(4): 630-647 (1994) |
53 | EE | Michael J. Kearns,
Ming Li,
Leslie G. Valiant:
Learning Boolean Formulas.
J. ACM 41(6): 1298-1328 (1994) |
52 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Kolmogorov Complexity Arguments in Combinatorics.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 66(2): 226-236 (1994) |
51 | | Mihály Geréb-Graus,
Ming Li:
Three One-Way Heads Cannot Do String Matching.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 48(1): 1-8 (1994) |
50 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Statistical Properties of Finite Sequences with High Kolmogorov Complexity.
Mathematical Systems Theory 27(4): 365-376 (1994) |
49 | | Benny Chor,
Amos Israeli,
Ming Li:
Wait-Free Consensus Using Asynchronous Hardware.
SIAM J. Comput. 23(4): 701-712 (1994) |
48 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
Approximating Shortest Superstrings with Constraints.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 134(2): 473-491 (1994) |
1993 |
47 | EE | Charles H. Bennett,
Péter Gács,
Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi,
Wojciech H. Zurek:
Thermodynamics of computation and information distance.
STOC 1993: 21-30 |
46 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
k one-way heads cannot do string-matching.
STOC 1993: 62-70 |
45 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
Approximating Shortest Superstrings with Constraints (Extended Abstract).
WADS 1993: 385-396 |
44 | | Amos Israeli,
Ming Li:
Bonded Time-Stamps.
Distributed Computing 6(4): 205-209 (1993) |
43 | | Michael J. Kearns,
Ming Li:
Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors.
SIAM J. Comput. 22(4): 807-837 (1993) |
42 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
On the Complexity of Learning Strings and Sequences.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 119(2): 363-371 (1993) |
1992 |
41 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Philosophical Issues in Kolmogorov Complexity.
ICALP 1992: 1-15 |
40 | | David E. Foulser,
Ming Li,
Qiang Yang:
Theory and Algorithms for Plan Merging.
Artif. Intell. 57(2-3): 143-181 (1992) |
39 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Average Case Complexity Under the Universal Distribution Equals Worst-Case Complexity.
Inf. Process. Lett. 42(3): 145-149 (1992) |
38 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Optimality of Wait-Free Atomic Multiwriter Variables.
Inf. Process. Lett. 43(2): 107-112 (1992) |
37 | | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
Ding-Zhu Du:
A Note on Shortest Superstrings with Flipping.
Inf. Process. Lett. 44(4): 195-199 (1992) |
36 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Inductive Reasoning and Kolmogorov Complexity.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 44(2): 343-384 (1992) |
35 | | Ming Li,
Luc Longpré,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The Power of the Queue.
SIAM J. Comput. 21(4): 697-712 (1992) |
1991 |
34 | | David E. Foulser,
Ming Li,
Qiang Yang:
A Quantitative Theory for Plan Merging.
AAAI 1991: 673-678 |
33 | EE | Tao Jiang,
Ming Li:
On the Complexity of Learning Strings and Sequences.
COLT 1991: 367-371 |
32 | | Avrim Blum,
Tao Jiang,
Ming Li,
John Tromp,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
Linear Approximation of Shortest Superstrings
STOC 1991: 328-336 |
31 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Combinatorics and Kolmogorov Complexity.
Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1991: 154-163 |
30 | | Ming Li,
Yaacov Yesha:
Resource Bounds for Parallel Computation of Threshold and Symmetric Functions.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 42(1): 119-137 (1991) |
29 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Learning Simple Concept Under Simple Distributions.
SIAM J. Comput. 20(5): 911-935 (1991) |
1990 |
28 | | Ming Li:
Towards a DNA Sequencing Theory (Learning a String) (Preliminary Version)
FOCS 1990: 125-134 |
27 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Kolmogorov Complexity and its Applications.
Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume A: Algorithms and Complexity (A) 1990: 187-254 |
1989 |
26 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
A Theory of Learning Simple Concepts Under Simple Distributions and Average Case Complexity for the Universal Distribution (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1989: 34-39 |
25 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
How to Share Concurrent Asynchronous Wait-Free Varaibles (Preliminary Version).
ICALP 1989: 488-505 |
24 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
A New Approach to Formal Language Theory by Kolmogorov Complexity (Preliminary Version).
ICALP 1989: 506-520 |
23 | | Qiong Gao,
Ming Li:
The Minimum Description Length Principle and Its Application to Online Learning of Handprinted Characters.
IJCAI 1989: 843-848 |
22 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Inductive Reasoning and Komogorov Complexity.
Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1989: 165-185 |
21 | | Chandrajit L. Bajaj,
Ming Li:
Geometric Optimization and Dp - Completeness.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 4: 3-13 (1989) |
20 | | Faith E. Fich,
Ming Li,
Prabhakar Ragde,
Yaacov Yesha:
On the Power of Concurrent-Write PRAMs With Read-Only Memory
Inf. Comput. 83(2): 234-244 (1989) |
19 | EE | Ming Li,
Yaacov Yesha:
New lower bounds for parallel computation.
J. ACM 36(3): 671-680 (1989) |
1988 |
18 | EE | Ming Li,
Umesh V. Vazirani:
On the Learnability of Finite Automata.
COLT 1988: 359-370 |
17 | | Michael J. Kearns,
Ming Li:
Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1988: 267-280 |
16 | | Ming Li,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Tape versus Queue and Stacks: The Lower Bounds
Inf. Comput. 78(1): 56-85 (1988) |
15 | | Ming Li:
A Separator Theorem for One-Dimensional Graphs Under Linear Mapping.
Inf. Process. Lett. 27(1): 9-11 (1988) |
14 | | Ming Li:
Simulating Two Pushdown Stores by One Tape in O(n^1.5 sqrt(log n)) Time.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 37(1): 101-116 (1988) |
13 | | Marek Chrobak,
Ming Li:
k+1 Heads Are Better than k for PDAs.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 37(2): 144-155 (1988) |
1987 |
12 | | Amos Israeli,
Ming Li:
Bounded Time-Stamps (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1987: 371-382 |
11 | | Ming Li,
Yaacov Yesha:
The Probabilistic and Deterministic Parallel Complexity of Symmetric Functions.
ICALP 1987: 326-335 |
10 | | Benny Chor,
Amos Israeli,
Ming Li:
On Processor Coordination Using Asynchronous Hardware.
PODC 1987: 86-97 |
9 | | Michael J. Kearns,
Ming Li,
Leonard Pitt,
Leslie G. Valiant:
On the Learnability of Boolean Formulae
STOC 1987: 285-295 |
8 | | Ming Li,
Yaacov Yesha:
Separation and Lower Bounds for ROM and Nondeterministic Models of Parallel Computation
Inf. Comput. 73(2): 102-128 (1987) |
1986 |
7 | | Marek Chrobak,
Ming Li:
k+1 Heads Are Better than k for PDA's
FOCS 1986: 361-367 |
6 | | Juris Hartmanis,
Ming Li,
Yaacov Yesha:
Containment, Separation, Complete Sets, and Immunity of Complexity Classes.
ICALP 1986: 136-145 |
5 | | Ming Li,
Yaacov Yesha:
New Lower Bounds for Parallel Computation
STOC 1986: 177-187 |
4 | | Ming Li,
Luc Longpré,
Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The Power of the Queue.
Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1986: 218-233 |
3 | | Ming Li,
Yaacov Yesha:
String-Matching Cannot be Done by a Two-Head One-Way Deterministic Finite Automation.
Inf. Process. Lett. 22(5): 231-235 (1986) |
1985 |
2 | | Ming Li:
Simulating Two Pushdown Stores by One Tape in O(n^1.5 sqrt(log n)) Time
FOCS 1985: 56-64 |
1 | | Ming Li:
Lower Bounds by Kolmogorov-Complexity (Extended Abstract).
ICALP 1985: 383-393 |