Volume 104,
Number 1-3,
August 2000
- Sorin Istrail, Pavel A. Pevzner, Ron Shamir:
1-2 BibTeX
- Richa Agarwala, Leslie G. Biesecker, Alejandro A. Schäffer:
Inverse inbreeding coefficient problems with an application to linkage analysis of recessive diseases in inbred populations.
3-44 BibTeX
- Tatsuya Akutsu:
Dynamic programming algorithms for RNA secondary structure prediction with pseudoknots.
45-62 BibTeX
- Richard Arratia, Béla Bollobás, Don Coppersmith, Gregory B. Sorkin:
Euler circuits and DNA sequencing by hybridization.
63-96 BibTeX
- Bonnie Berger, Jonathan A. King, Russell Schwartz, Peter W. Shor:
Local rule mechanism for selecting icosahedral shell geometry.
97-111 BibTeX
- Ralf Bundschuh, Terence Hwa:
An analytic study of the phase transition line in local sequence alignment with gaps.
113-142 BibTeX
- John D. Kececioglu, Hans-Peter Lenhof, Kurt Mehlhorn, Petra Mutzel, Knut Reinert, Martin Vingron:
A polyhedral approach to sequence alignment problems.
143-186 BibTeX
- Brendan Mumey:
Probe location in the presence of errors: a problem from DNA mapping.
187-201 BibTeX
- Laxmi Parida, Bud Mishra:
Partitioning single-molecule maps into multiple populations: algorithms and probabilistic analysis.
203-227 BibTeX
- Manuela S. Pereira, Lucio Andrade, Sameh El Difrawy, Barry L. Karger, Elias S. Manolakos:
Statistical learning formulation of the DNA base-calling problem and its solution in a Bayesian EM framework.
229-258 BibTeX
- Mireille Régnier:
A unified approach to word occurrence probabilities.
259-280 BibTeX
- Lusheng Wang, Bin Ma, Ming Li:
Fixed topology alignment with recombination.
281-300 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:55:14 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)