
Darius Burschka

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22EEHermann Georg Mayer, Darius Burschka, Alois Knoll, Eva U. Braun, Rüdiger Lange, Robert Bauernschmitt: Human-machine skill transfer extended by a scaffolding framework. ICRA 2008: 2866-2871
21EEDarius Burschka, Elmar Mair: Direct Pose Estimation with a Monocular Camera. RobVis 2008: 440-453
20EEDarius Burschka: Robust Feature Correspondences for Vision-Based Navigation with Slow Frame-Rate Cameras. IROS 2006: 947-952
19 Darius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager: Vision-Based 3D Scene Analysis for Driver Assistance. ICRA 2005: 812-818
18EEJoshua Leven, Darius Burschka, Rajesh Kumar, Gary Zhang, Steve Blumenkranz, Xiangtian (Donald) Dai, Michael Awad, Gregory D. Hager, Mike Marohn, Michael A. Choti, Christopher J. Hasser, Russell H. Taylor: DaVinci Canvas: A Telerobotic Surgical System with Integrated, Robot-Assisted, Laparoscopic Ultrasound Capability. MICCAI 2005: 811-818
17EEDarius Burschka, Jason J. Corso, Maneesh Dewan, William W. Lau, Ming Li, Henry Lin, Panadda Marayong, Nicholas A. Ramey, Gregory D. Hager, Brian Hoffman, David Larkin, Christopher J. Hasser: Navigating inner space: 3-D assistance for minimally invasive surgery. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 52(1): 5-26 (2005)
16EEDarius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager: V-GPS(SLAM): Vision-based Inertial System for Mobile Robots. ICRA 2004: 409-415
15EEDarius Burschka, Ming Li, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager: Scale-Invariant Registration of Monocular Endoscopic Images to CT-Scans for Sinus Surgery. MICCAI (2) 2004: 413-421
14EEGuangqi Ye, Jason J. Corso, Darius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager: VICs: A modular HCI framework using spatiotemporal dynamics. Mach. Vis. Appl. 16(1): 13-20 (2004)
13 Darius Burschka, Jeremy Geiman, Gregory D. Hager: Optimal landmark configuration for vision-based control of mobile robots. ICRA 2003: 3917-3922
12 Jason J. Corso, Darius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager: Direct plane tracking in stereo images for mobile navigation. ICRA 2003: 875-880
11EEGuangqi Ye, Jason J. Corso, Darius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager: VICs: A Modular Vision-Based HCI Framework. ICVS 2003: 257-267
10EEDarius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager, Zachary Dodds, Martin Jägersand, Dana Cobzas, Keith Yerex: Recent Methods for Image-Based Modeling and Rendering. VR 2003: 299
9EEMyron Z. Brown, Darius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager: Advances in Computational Stereo. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(8): 993-1008 (2003)
8EEDarius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager: Scene Classification from Dense Disparity Maps in Indoor Environments. ICPR (3) 2002: 708-712
7 Darius Burschka, Stephen Lee, Gregory D. Hager: Stereo-Based Obstacle Avoidance in Indoor Environments with Active Sensor Re-Calibration. ICRA 2002: 2066-2072
6 Darius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager: Vision Based Control of Mobile Robots. ICRA 2001: 1707-1713
5 Peter Leven, Seth Hutchinson, Darius Burschka, Georg Färber: Perception-Based Motion Planning for Indoor Exploration. ICRA 1999: 695-
4 Darius Burschka, Stefan A. Blum: Identification of 3D Reference Structures for Video-Based Localization. ACCV (1) 1998: 128-135
3 Stefan A. Blum, Darius Burschka, Christof Eberst, Tobias Einsele, Alexa Hauck, Norbert O. Stöffler, Georg Färber: Autonome Exploration von Innenräumen mit der Multisensorik-Plattform MARVIN. AMS 1998: 138-147
2 Darius Burschka, Christof Eberst, Alexa Hauck, Norbert O. Stöffler: Hierarchische Umgebungsmodellierung für Lokalisation, Exploration und Objektidentifikation. AMS 1995: 132-141
1EEGunter Magin, Achim Ruß, Darius Burschka, Georg Färber: A dynamic 3D environmental model with real-time access functions for use in autonomous mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 14(2-3): 119-131 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Awad [18]
2Robert Bauernschmitt [22]
3Stefan A. Blum [3] [4]
4Steve Blumenkranz [18]
5Eva U. Braun [22]
6Myron Z. Brown [9]
7Michael A. Choti [18]
8Dana Cobzas [10]
9Jason J. Corso [11] [12] [14] [17]
10Xiangtian (Donald) Dai [18]
11Maneesh Dewan [17]
12Zachary Dodds [10]
13Christof Eberst [2] [3]
14Tobias Einsele [3]
15Georg Färber [1] [3] [5]
16Jeremy Geiman [13]
17Gregory D. Hager [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
18Christopher J. Hasser [17] [18]
19Alexa Hauck [2] [3]
20Brian Hoffman [17]
21Seth Hutchinson [5]
22Martin Jägersand [10]
23Alois Knoll [22]
24Rajesh Kumar [18]
25Rüdiger Lange [22]
26David Larkin [17]
27William W. Lau [17]
28Stephen Lee [7]
29Joshua Leven [18]
30Peter Leven [5]
31Ming Li [15] [17]
32Henry Lin [17]
33Gunter Magin [1]
34Elmar Mair [21]
35Panadda Marayong [17]
36Mike Marohn [18]
37Hermann Georg Mayer [22]
38Nicholas A. Ramey [17]
39Achim Ruß [1]
40Norbert O. Stöffler [2] [3]
41Russell H. Taylor [15] [18]
42Guangqi Ye [11] [14]
43Keith Yerex [10]
44Gary Zhang [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)