1. WISE 2000:
Hong Kong,
Qing Li, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Roland Wagner, Yahiko Kambayashi, Yanchun Zhang (Eds.):
WISE 2000, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Volume I (Main Program), Hong Kong, China, June 19-21, 2000.
IEEE Computer Society 2000, ISBN 0-7695-0577-5 BibTeX
editor = {Qing Li and
Z. Meral {\"O}zsoyoglu and
Roland Wagner and
Yahiko Kambayashi and
Yanchun Zhang},
title = {WISE 2000, Proceedings of the First International Conference
on Web Information Systems Engineering, Volume I (Main Program),
Hong Kong, China, June 19-21, 2000},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
year = {2000},
isbn = {0-7695-0577-5},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Keynote Address
Keynote Address
Databases and the Web
- Klaudia Hergula, Theo Härder:
A Middleware Approach for Combining Heterogeneous Data Sources-Integration of Generic Query and Predefined Function Access.
26-33 BibTeX
- Sang Kyun Cha, Ki Hong Kim, Changbin Song, Yong Sik Kwon, Sangyong Hwang:
Efficient Web-Based Access to Multiple Geographic Databases Through Automatically Generated Wrappers.
34-41 BibTeX
- Kai Cheng, Yahiko Kambayashi:
Multicache-Based Content Management for Web Caching.
42-49 BibTeX
- Henrik Loeser:
Shift it to the Server!-Let the Database Server Update Your Websites.
50-54 BibTeX
- Xiaohua Jia, Deying Li, Xiao-Dong Hu, Hejiao Huang, Ding-Zhu Du:
Optimal Placement of Proxies of Replicated Web Servers in the Internet.
55-61 BibTeX
XML and Semi-Structured Data
- Evangelos Kotsakis, Klemens Böhm:
XML Schema Directory: A Data Structure for XML Data Processing.
62-69 BibTeX
- Budi Surjanto, Norbert Ritter, Henrik Loeser:
XML Content Management Based on Object-Relational Database Technology.
70-79 BibTeX
- Hongen Lu, Leon Sterling:
Interoperability and Semi-Structured Data in an Open Web-Based Agent Information System.
80-86 BibTeX
- Kimio Kuramitsu, Ken Sakamura:
Distributed Object-Oriented Schema for XML-Based Electronic Catalog Sharing Semantics among Businesses.
87-96 BibTeX
- Timothy Arnold-Moore, Michael Fuller, Alan J. Kent, Ron Sacks-Davis, Neil Sharman:
Architecture of a Content Management Server for XML Document Applications.
97-108 BibTeX
- T. Vuorimaa, C. Sancho:
XML based Text TV.
109-115 BibTeX
Web Documents and Security/Control Issues
- William Wei Song, David Wai-Lok Cheung, C. Tan:
A Semantic Similarity Approach to Electronic Document Modeling and Integration.
116-124 BibTeX
- Fiona Lee, Stéphane Bressan, Beng Chin Ooi:
Global Atlas: Calibrating and Indexing Documents from the Internet in the Cartographic Paradigm.
125-132 BibTeX
- Nahur Fonseca, Rodolfo F. Resende, Wagner Meira Jr.:
Dynamic Aspects of Documents of the Brazilian Web.
133-137 BibTeX
- H. He, R. Wong:
A Role-Based Access Control Model for XML Repositories.
138-145 BibTeX
- Andreas Heuer, Frank Losemann, Christoph Meinel:
Logging and Signing Document-Transfers on the WWW-A Trusted Third Party Gateway.
146-152 BibTeX
- V. Tam, R. Gupta:
Using Class Decompilers to Facilitate the Security of Java Applications!
153-158 BibTeX
- D. Long, Weijia Jia:
The Most Efficient Uniquely Decipherable Encoding Schemes.
159-165 BibTeX
Transactions and Workflows
- H. Hong, B. Lee, Kwang-Hoon Kim, Su-Ki Paik:
A Web-Based Transactional Workflow Monitoring System.
166-173 BibTeX
- Dickson K. W. Chiu, Qing Li, Kamalakar Karlapalem:
Web Interface-Driven Cooperative Exeption Handling in ADOME Workflow Management System.
174-182 BibTeX
- Z. Hai, H. Pung, To-Yat Cheung:
Timed Workflow: Concept, Model, and Method.
183-189 BibTeX
- K. Lee, H. Kim:
Consistency Preserving in Transaction Processing on the Web.
190-195 BibTeX
- C. Park, S. Park:
A Transaction Management Scheme with Mark in Decision Supporting Environments.
196-205 BibTeX
Searching and Querying on the Web
- Zhixiang Chen, Xiannong Meng, Binhai Zhu, Richard H. Fowler:
WebSail: From On-Line Learning to Web Search.
206-213 BibTeX
- Z. Su, Q. Yang, Y. Lu, H. Zhang:
WhatNext: A Prediction System for Web Request Using N-gram Sequence Models.
214-221 BibTeX
- Joseph D. Yates, Xiaofang Zhou:
Searching the Web Using a Map.
222-229 BibTeX
- Yasushi Kiyoki, Xing Chen, Takashi Kitagawa:
A Semantic Associative Search Method for WWW Information Resources.
230-237 BibTeX
- John Cardiff, Tiziana Catarci, M. Passeri, Giuseppe Santucci:
Querying Multiple Databases Dynamically on the World Wide Web.
238-245 BibTeX
- Abdelhak Seriai, Chabane Oussalah:
QUERYAID: A Query Formulation Model for and by Reuse.
246-253 BibTeX
- Sylvie Cazalens, Emmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin, Philippe Lamarre:
A Web Site Indexing Process for an Internet Information Retrieval Agent System.
254-259 BibTeX
Modeling and Meta-Data Issues
- Roelof van Zwol, Peter M. G. Apers:
Modelling the Webspace of an Intranet.
260-269 BibTeX
- Jan L. G. Dietz, Han Schouten:
Modeling Business Processes for Web-based Information System Development.
270-282 BibTeX
- Wenxian Wang, Weiyi Meng, Clement T. Yu:
Concept Hierarchical based Text Database Categorization in a Metasearch Engine Environment.
283-290 BibTeX
- Haifeng Liu, Wee Keong Ng, Ee-Peng Lim:
Model and Research Issues for Refreshing a Very Large Website.
291-295 BibTeX
- Bogdan D. Czejdo, John Dinsmore, C. Hwang, Ruth Miller, Marek Rusinkiewicz:
Automatic Generation of Ontology based Annotations in XML and Their Use in Retrieval Systems.
296-301 BibTeX
Information Visualization
- Robert P. Biuk-Aghai:
Visualization of Web-based Workspace Structures.
302-309 BibTeX
- Sônia Fernandes Silva, Tiziana Catarci:
Visualization of Linear Time-Oriented Data: A Survey.
310-319 BibTeX
- Nathalie Farenc, F. Sidler, A. Ferrando, Daniel Thalmann:
Database and Modelling Strategy: A Compliant Way for Display Optimisation.
320-327 BibTeX
- Serafino Cicerone, Daniele Frigioni, Laura Tarantino:
Supporting a Focus+Context Interaction Style for Spatial Databases.
328-335 BibTeX
- Madoka Yuriyama, Akihiro Hatanaka, Hiroyuki Tarumi, Yahiko Kambayashi:
Visualization and Control Functions for Distributed Database Systems.
336-343 BibTeX
- Jingyu Hou, Yanchun Zhang, Jinli Cao, Wei Lai:
Visual Support for Text Information Retrieval based on Matrix's Singular Value Decomposition.
344-351 BibTeX
- Ratvinder Singh Grewal, Mike Jackson, Peter Burden, Jon Wallis:
A Visual Representation of Search-Engine Queries and Their Results.
352-357 BibTeX
Data Mining,
Data Warehousing/OLAP
Handling New Media/Multimedia Information
New Services,
Applications and Development Techniques
- Jian Yang:
Advertising Services in the Internet Marketplace.
426-433 BibTeX
- Heiko Schuldt, Andrei Popovici, Hans-Jörg Schek:
Automatic Genration of Reliable E-Commerce Payment Processes.
434-441 BibTeX
- Nikola B. Serbedzija:
Developing Web-Aware Systems.
442-449 BibTeX
- V. Tam, W. Foo, R. Gupta:
A Fast and Flexible Framework of Scripting for Web Application Development: A Preliminary Experience Report.
450-455 BibTeX
- Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Luis M. Camarinha-Matos:
Future Smart-Organizations: A Virtual Tourism Enterprise.
456-461 BibTeX
- Thomas Feyer, Odej Kao, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Bernhard Thalheim:
Design of Data-Intesive Web-based Information Services.
462-467 BibTeX
- M. Jung, D. Kim, K. Park, M. Jin, W. Kim, S. Lee, J. Kang:
A Static Java Classifier Analyzer.
468-472 BibTeX
- C. Jiang, Jian Ma:
Internet EDI Implementation to Support Multiple Document Standards for R&D Project Management.
473-479 BibTeX
Communications and Mobile Computing
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:48:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)