
Hao Lin

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9EEHao Lin, Pierre Siohan, Philippe Tanguy, Jean-Philippe Javaudin: An Analysis of the EIC Method for OFDM/OQAM Systems. JCM 4(1): 52-60 (2009)
8EEHao Lin, Pierre Siohan: OFDM/OQAM with Hermitian Symmetry: Design and Performance forBaseband Communication. ICC 2008: 652-656
7EEHao Lin, Zefeng Zhang, Michael Q. Zhang, Bin Ma, Ming Li: ZOOM! Zillions of oligos mapped. Bioinformatics 24(21): 2431-2437 (2008)
6EEHao Lin, Qian-Zhong Li: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein structural class: Approached by incorporating 400 dipeptide components. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(9): 1463-1466 (2007)
5 Xizhi Li, Hao Lin: A Proposal of Evaluation Framework for Higher Education. AIED 2005: 965
4EEHao Lin, Zefeng Zhang, Qiang-Feng Zhang, Dong-Bo Bu, Ming Li: A Note on the Single Genotype Resolution Problem. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 19(2): 254- (2004)
3EEYong Ren, Hao Lin, Zhengxin Ma, Xiuming Shan: Performance Analysis in General Cyclic ADCS. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 13(8): 2369-2376 (2003)
2EEHao Lin, Zhibiao Zhao, Hongchen Li, Zhiguo Chen: A Novel Graph Reduction Algorithm to Identify Structural Conflicts. HICSS 2002: 289
1EEXiuming Shan, Yulong Liu, Hao Lin, Yong Ren: Performance analysis in chaotic-iteration-based ADCs. ISCAS (1) 2002: 393-396

Coauthor Index

1Dong-Bo Bu [4]
2Zhiguo Chen [2]
3Jean-Philippe Javaudin [9]
4Hongchen Li [2]
5Ming Li [4] [7]
6Qian-Zhong Li [6]
7Xizhi Li [5]
8Yulong Liu [1]
9Bin Ma [7]
10Zhengxin Ma [3]
11Yong Ren [1] [3]
12Xiuming Shan [1] [3]
13Pierre Siohan [8] [9]
14Philippe Tanguy [9]
15Michael Q. Zhang [7]
16Qiang-Feng Zhang [4]
17Zefeng Zhang [4] [7]
18Zhibiao Zhao [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)