
David R. Cheriton

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81EEDavid Pariag, Tim Brecht, Ashif S. Harji, Peter A. Buhr, Amol Shukla, David R. Cheriton: Comparing the performance of web server architectures. EuroSys 2007: 231-243
80EEXian Zhang, Yu Hao, Xiaoyan Zhu, Ming Li, David R. Cheriton: Information distance from a question to an answer. KDD 2007: 874-883
79EEStefan Büttcher, Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack, Thomas R. Lynam, David R. Cheriton: MultiText Legal Experiments at TREC 2007. TREC 2007
78EEAthina Markopoulou, David R. Cheriton: The Case for Redundant Arrays of Internet Links (RAIL) CoRR abs/cs/0701133: (2007)
77EEThomas R. Lynam, Gordon V. Cormack, David R. Cheriton: On-line spam filter fusion. SIGIR 2006: 123-130
76EEDaniel B. Faria, David R. Cheriton: Detecting identity-based attacks in wireless networks using signalprints. Workshop on Wireless Security 2006: 43-52
75EEKaterina J. Argyraki, David R. Cheriton: Active Internet Traffic Filtering: Real-Time Response to Denial-of-Service Attacks. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2005: 135-148
74EEEvan P. Greenberg, David R. Cheriton: Enforcing Bulk Mail Classification CoRR abs/cs/0501027: (2005)
73EETassos Argyros, David R. Cheriton: A Scalable Stream-Oriented Framework for Cluster Applications CoRR abs/cs/0504051: (2005)
72EEKaterina J. Argyraki, David R. Cheriton: Protecting Public-Access Sites Against Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks CoRR cs.NI/0403042: (2004)
71EEKaterina J. Argyraki, David R. Cheriton: Active Internet Traffic Filtering: Real-time Response to Denial of Service Attacks CoRR cs.NI/0309054: (2003)
70EEDapeng Zhu, Mark Gritter, David R. Cheriton: Feedback based routing. Computer Communication Review 33(1): 71-76 (2003)
69EEDaniel B. Faria, David R. Cheriton: MobiCom poster: public-key-based secure Internet access. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 7(1): 44-46 (2003)
68EESam Liang, David R. Cheriton: TCP-SMO: Extending TCP to Support Medium-Scale Multicast Applications. INFOCOM 2002
67 Vincent P. Laviano, David R. Cheriton: A Name-Based Architecture for Source-Specific Multicast Service. Networked Group Communication 2002: 81-86
66EEDaniel B. Faria, David R. Cheriton: DoS and authentication in wireless public access networks. Workshop on Wireless Security 2002: 47-56
65EEFusun Ertemalp, David R. Cheriton, Andreas Bechtolsheim: Using Dynamic Buffer Limiting to Protect against Belligerent Flows in High-Speed Networks. ICNP 2001: 230-240
64EEMark Gritter, David R. Cheriton: An Architecture for Content Routing Support in the Internet. USITS 2001: 37-48
63EEDan Li, David R. Cheriton: Evaluating the Utility of FEC with Reliable Multicast. ICNP 1999: 97-105
62EEHugh W. Holbrook, David R. Cheriton: IP Multicast Channels: EXPRESS Support for Large-scale Single-source Applications. SIGCOMM 1999: 65-78
61EEKenneth J. Duda, David R. Cheriton: Borrowed-virtual-time (BVT) scheduling: supporting latency-sensitive threads in a general-purpose schedular. SOSP 1999: 261-276
60EEDan Li, David R. Cheriton: Scalable Web Caching of Frequently Updated Objects Using Reliable Multicast. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 1999
59EEDan Li, David R. Cheriton: OTERS: (On-Tree Efficient Recovery using Subcasting): A Reliable Multicast Protocol. ICNP 1998: 237-245
58 Matthew J. Zelesko, David R. Cheriton: Specializing Object-Oriented RPC for Performance and Functionality. ICDCS 1996: 175-187
57 Sandeep K. Singhal, David R. Cheriton: Using Projection Aggregations to Support Scalability to Distributed Simulation. ICDCS 1996: 196-206
56 Michael Greenwald, David R. Cheriton: The Synergy Between Non-Blocking Synchronization and Operating System Structure. OSDI 1996: 123-136
55 David R. Cheriton, Robert A. Kutter: Optimized Memory-Based Messaging: Leveraging the Memory System for High-Performance Communication. Computing Systems 9(3): 179-215 (1996)
54EEHugh W. Holbrook, Sandeep K. Singhal, David R. Cheriton: Log-Based Receiver-Reliable Multicast for Distributed Interactive Simulation. SIGCOMM 1995: 328-341
53 David R. Cheriton, Kenneth J. Duda: Logged Virtual Memory. SOSP 1995: 26-39
52 David R. Cheriton, Kenneth J. Duda: A Caching Model of Operating System Kernel Functionality. Operating Systems Review 29(1): 83-86 (1995)
51 Sandeep K. Singhal, David R. Cheriton: Exploring Position History for Efficient Remote Rendering in Networked Virtual Reality. Presence 4(2): 169-193 (1995)
50 David R. Cheriton, Kenneth J. Duda: A Caching Model of Operating System Kernel Functionalities. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1994: 88-91
49 David R. Cheriton, Kenneth J. Duda: A Caching Model of Operating System Kernel Functionality. OSDI 1994: 179-193
48 David R. Cheriton: Low and High Risk Operating System Architectures (Panel Statement). OSDI 1994: 197
47EEHendrik A. Goosen, Anna R. Karlin, David R. Cheriton, Dieter Polzin: Chiron parallel program performance visualization system. Computer-Aided Design 26(12): 899-906 (1994)
46 David R. Cheriton, Dale Skeen: Comments on the Respones by Birman, van Renesse and Cooper. Operating Systems Review 28(1): 32 (1994)
45 David R. Cheriton, Dale Skeen: Understanding the Limitations of Causally and Totally Ordered Communication. SOSP 1993: 44-57
44EEDavid R. Cheriton: Problem-oriented shared memory revisited. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1992
43 Kieran Harty, David R. Cheriton: Application-Controlled Physical Memory using External Page-Cache Management. ASPLOS 1992: 187-197
42 Kieran Harty, David R. Cheriton: Application-Controlled Physical Memory using External Page-Cache Management (Abstract). Operating Systems Review 26(2): 19 (1992)
41EECarey L. Williamson, David R. Cheriton: Loss-Load Curves: Support for Rate-Based Congestion Control in High-Speed Datagram Networks. SIGCOMM 1991: 17-28
40 David R. Cheriton, Hendrik A. Goosen, Patrick D. Boyle: Paradigm: A Highly Scalable Shared-Memory Multicomputer Architecture. IEEE Computer 24(2): 33-46 (1991)
39 Joseph Boykin, David R. Cheriton: Operating Systems: A Vision of the Year 2000. IEEE Computer 24(9): 108-110 (1991)
38 David R. Cheriton, Gregory R. Whitehead, Edward W. Sznyter: Binary Emulation of UNIX Using the V Kernel. USENIX Summer 1990: 73-86
37EEStephen E. Deering, David R. Cheriton: Multicast Routing in Datagram Internetworks and Extended LANs. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 8(2): 85-110 (1990)
36EEDavid R. Cheriton, Hendrik A. Goosen, Patrick D. Boyle: Multi-level Shared Caching Techniques for Scalability in VMP-M/C. ISCA 1989: 16-24
35EEDavid R. Cheriton: Sirpent: A High-Performance Internetworking Approach. SIGCOMM 1989: 158-169
34 Cary G. Gray, David R. Cheriton: Leases: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Distributed File Cache Consistency. SOSP 1989: 202-210
33EEDavid R. Cheriton, Timothy P. Mann: Decentralizing a Global Naming Service for Improved Performance and Fault Tolerance. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 7(2): 147-183 (1989)
32EEDavid R. Cheriton: The role of domains in large-scale distributed systems. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1988
31 David R. Cheriton, Anoop Gupta, Patrick D. Boyle, Hendrik A. Goosen: The VMP Multiprocessor: Initial Experience, Refinements and Performance Evlauation. ISCA 1988: 410-421
30EEHemant Kanakia, David R. Cheriton: The VMP network adapter board (NAB): high-performance network communication for multiprocessors. SIGCOMM 1988: 175-187
29EEDavid R. Cheriton: Exploiting recursion to simplify RPC communication architectures. SIGCOMM 1988: 76-87
28 David R. Cheriton: The V Distributed System. Commun. ACM 31(3): 314-333 (1988)
27 David R. Cheriton, Michael E. Wolf: Extensions for Multi-Module Records in Conventional Programming Languages. POPL 1987: 296-306
26EEDavid R. Cheriton, Carey L. Williamson: Network Measurement of the VMTP Request-Response Protocol in the V Distributed System. SIGMETRICS 1987: 216-225
25 Ross S. Finlayson, David R. Cheriton: Log Files: An Extended File Service Exploiting Write-Once Storage. SOSP 1987: 139-148
24EEDavid R. Cheriton: UIO: A Uniform I/O System Interface for Distributed Systems. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 5(1): 12-46 (1987)
23EEZygmunt J. Haas, David R. Cheriton: A case for packet switching in high-performance wide-area networks. Computer Communication Review 17(5): 402-409 (1987)
22EEDavid R. Cheriton: The V distributed operating system: principles and principal experiences. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1986
21 David R. Cheriton: Problem-oriented Shared Memory: A Decentralized Approach to Distributed System Design. ICDCS 1986: 190-197
20 David R. Cheriton: Making Exceptions Simplify the Rule (and Justify their Handling). IFIP Congress 1986: 27-34
19 David R. Cheriton, Gert Slavenburg, Patrick D. Boyle: Software-Controlled Caches in the VMP Multiprocessor. ISCA 1986: 366-374
18 David R. Cheriton: Request- Response and Multicast Interprocess Communication in the V Kernel. Networking in Open Systems 1986: 296-312
17EEDavid R. Cheriton: VMTP: a transport protocol for the next generation of communication systems. SIGCOMM 1986: 406-415
16EEEdward D. Lazowska, John Zahorjan, David R. Cheriton, Willy Zwaenepoel: File Access Performance of Diskless Workstations. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 4(3): 238-268 (1986)
15EEDavid R. Cheriton, Paul Roy: Performance of the V storage server: a preliminary report. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1985: 302-308
14EEDavid R. Cheriton, Stephen E. Deering: Host groups: a multicast extension for datagram internetworks. SIGCOMM 1985: 172-179
13 Marvin Theimer, Keith A. Lantz, David R. Cheriton: Preemptable Remote Execution Facilities for the V-System. SOSP 1985: 2-12
12EEDavid R. Cheriton, Willy Zwaenepoel: Distributed Process Groups in the V Kernel ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 3(2): 77-107 (1985)
11 David R. Cheriton, Andrew Birrell: Report of the Program Committee for the 10th SOSP. Operating Systems Review 19(4): 2-4 (1985)
10 David R. Cheriton: Preliminary Thoughts on Problem-oriented Shared Memory: A Decentralized Approach to Distributed Systems. Operating Systems Review 19(4): 26-33 (1985)
9 Eric J. Berglund, David R. Cheriton: Amaze: A Distributed Multi-Player Game Program using the Distributed V Kernel. ICDCS 1984: 248-253
8 David R. Cheriton, Timothy P. Mann: Uniform Access to Distributed Name Interpretation in the V-System. ICDCS 1984: 290-297
7EEDavid R. Cheriton, Willy Zwaenepoel: One-to-many interprocess communication in the V-system. Computer Communication Review 14(2): 64 (1984)
6 David R. Cheriton: The V Kernel: A Software Base for Distributed Systems. IEEE Software 1(2): 19-42 (1984)
5 David R. Cheriton: An Experiment using Registers for Fast Message-Based Interprocess Communication. Operating Systems Review 18(4): 12-20 (1984)
4 David R. Cheriton, Willy Zwaenepoel: The Distributed V Kernel and its Performance for Diskless Workstations. SOSP 1983: 129-140
3 David R. Cheriton, Michael A. Malcolm, Lawrence S. Melen, Gary R. Sager: Thoth, a Portable Real-Time Operating System. Commun. ACM 22(2): 105-115 (1979)
2 David R. Cheriton, Michael A. Malcolm, Lawrence S. Melen, Gary R. Sager: Thoth, a Portable Real-Time Operating System (Extended Abstract). SOSP 1977: 171
1 David R. Cheriton, Robert Endre Tarjan: Finding Minimum Spanning Trees. SIAM J. Comput. 5(4): 724-742 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Katerina J. Argyraki [71] [72] [75]
2Tassos Argyros [73]
3Andreas Bechtolsheim [65]
4Eric J. Berglund [9]
5Andrew Birrell [11]
6Joseph Boykin [39]
7Patrick D. Boyle [19] [31] [36] [40]
8Tim Brecht [81]
9Peter A. Buhr [81]
10Stefan Büttcher [79]
11Charles L. A. Clarke [79]
12Gordon V. Cormack [77] [79]
13Stephen E. Deering [14] [37]
14Kenneth J. Duda [49] [50] [52] [53] [61]
15Fusun Ertemalp [65]
16Daniel B. Faria [66] [69] [76]
17Ross S. Finlayson [25]
18Hendrik A. Goosen [31] [36] [40] [47]
19Cary G. Gray [34]
20Evan P. Greenberg [74]
21Michael B. Greenwald (Michael Greenwald) [56]
22Mark Gritter [64] [70]
23Anoop Gupta [31]
24Zygmunt J. Haas [23]
25Yu Hao [80]
26Ashif S. Harji [81]
27Kieran Harty [42] [43]
28Hugh W. Holbrook [54] [62]
29Hemant Kanakia [30]
30Anna R. Karlin [47]
31Robert A. Kutter [55]
32Keith A. Lantz [13]
33Vincent P. Laviano [67]
34Edward D. Lazowska [16]
35Dan Li [59] [60] [63]
36Ming Li [80]
37Sam Liang [68]
38Thomas R. Lynam [77] [79]
39Michael A. Malcolm [2] [3]
40Timothy P. Mann [8] [33]
41Athina Markopoulou [78]
42Lawrence S. Melen [2] [3]
43David Pariag [81]
44Dieter Polzin [47]
45Paul Roy [15]
46Gary R. Sager [2] [3]
47Amol Shukla [81]
48Sandeep K. Singhal [51] [54] [57]
49Dale Skeen [45] [46]
50Gert Slavenburg [19]
51Edward W. Sznyter [38]
52Robert Endre Tarjan [1]
53Marvin Theimer [13]
54Gregory R. Whitehead [38]
55Carey L. Williamson [26] [41]
56Michael E. Wolf [27]
57John Zahorjan [16]
58Matthew J. Zelesko [58]
59Xian Zhang [80]
60Dapeng Zhu [70]
61Xiaoyan Zhu [80]
62Willy Zwaenepoel [4] [7] [12] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)