13. ICALP 1986:
Laurent Kott (Ed.):
Automata, Languages and Programming, 13th International Colloquium, ICALP86, Rennes, France, July 15-19, 1986, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 226 Springer 1986, ISBN 3-540-16761-7 BibTeX
editor = {Laurent Kott},
title = {Automata, Languages and Programming, 13th International Colloquium,
ICALP86, Rennes, France, July 15-19, 1986, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ICALP},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {226},
year = {1986},
isbn = {3-540-16761-7},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Eric Allender:
Characterizations on PUNC and Precomputation (Extended Abstract).
1-10 BibTeX
- Didier Arquès, Jean Françon, M. T. Guichet, P. Guichet:
Comparison of Algorithms Controlling Concurrent Access to a Database: A Combinatorial Approach.
11-20 BibTeX
- Franz Aurenhammer:
A New Duality Result Concerning Voronoi Diagrams.
21-30 BibTeX
- Amir Averbuch, Shmuel Winograd, Zvi Galil:
Classification of all the Minimal Bilinear Algorithms for Computing the Coefficients of the Product of Two Polynomials Modulo a Polynomial.
31-39 BibTeX
- Ronald V. Book, Pekka Orponen, David A. Russo, Osamu Watanabe:
On Exponential Lowness.
40-49 BibTeX
- Allan Borodin, Faith E. Fich, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Eli Upfal, Avi Wigderson:
A Tradeoff Between Search and Update Time for the Implicit Dictionary Problem.
50-59 BibTeX
- Franz-Josef Brandenburg:
Intersections of Some Families of Languages.
60-68 BibTeX
- Janusz A. Brzozowski, Carl-Johan H. Seger:
Correspondence between Ternary Simulation and Binary Race Analysis in Gate Networks (Extended Summary).
69-78 BibTeX
- Christian Choffrut, Marcel Paul Schützenberger:
Counting with Rational Functions.
79-88 BibTeX
- Clelia de Felice:
Finite Biprefix Sets of Path in a Graph.
89-94 BibTeX
- Patrick W. Dymond, Walter L. Ruzzo:
Parallel RAMs with Owned Global Memory and Deterministic Context-Free Language Recognition (Extended Abstract).
95-104 BibTeX
- Laurent Fribourg:
A Strong Restriction of the Inductive Completion Procedure.
105-115 BibTeX
- Pavel Goralcik, Václav Koubek:
On Discerning Words by Automata.
116-122 BibTeX
- Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra:
Complexity Classes Without Machines: On Complete Languages for UP.
123-135 BibTeX
- Juris Hartmanis, Ming Li, Yaacov Yesha:
Containment, Separation, Complete Sets, and Immunity of Complexity Classes.
136-145 BibTeX
- Miki Hermann, Igor Prívara:
On Nontermination of Knuth-Bendix Algorithm.
146-156 BibTeX
- Juraj Hromkovic:
Tradeoffs for Language Recognition on Parallel Computing Models.
157-166 BibTeX
- J. Howard Johnson:
Rational Equivalence Relations.
167-176 BibTeX
- Peter Kirschenhofer, Helmut Prodinger:
Some Further Results on Digital Search Trees.
177-185 BibTeX
- Sarit Kraus, Daniel J. Lehmann:
Knowledge, Belief and Time.
186-195 BibTeX
- Ten-Hwang Lai:
A Termination Detector for Static and Dynamic Distributed Systems with Asynchronous Non-first-in-first-out Communication (Extended Abstract).
196-205 BibTeX
- Klaus-Jörn Lange:
Decompositions of Nondeterministic Reductions (Extended Abstract).
206-214 BibTeX
- Thomas Lengauer:
Hierarchical Planary Testing Algorithms.
215-225 BibTeX
- Björn Lisper:
Synthesis and Equivalence of Concurrent Systems.
226-235 BibTeX
- Heikki Mannila, Esko Ukkonen:
The Set Union Problem with Backtracking.
236-243 BibTeX
- Jean-Paul Mascle:
Torsion Matrix Semigroups and Recognizable Transductions.
244-253 BibTeX
- Yves Métivier:
On Recognizable Subsets of Free Partially Commutative Monoids.
254-264 BibTeX
- Burkhard Monien, Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Min Cut is NP-Complete for Edge Weigthed Trees.
265-274 BibTeX
- David E. Muller, Ahmed Saoudi, Paul E. Schupp:
Alternating Automata. The Weak Monadic Theory of the Tree, and its Complexity.
275-283 BibTeX
- Norbert Th. Müller:
Subpolynomial Complexity Classes of Real Functions and Real Numbers.
284-293 BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre Pécuchet:
Etude Syntaxique des Parties Reconnaissables de Mots Infinis.
294-303 BibTeX
- Iain Phillips:
Refusal Testing.
304-313 BibTeX
- George M. Reed, A. W. Roscoe:
A Timed Model for Communicating Sequential Processes.
314-323 BibTeX
- Kenneth W. Regan:
A Uniform Reduction Theorem - Extending a Result of J. Grollmann and A. Selman.
324-333 BibTeX
- Louis E. Rosier, Hsu-Chun Yen:
On The Complexity of Deciding Fair Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Finite-State Programs.
334-343 BibTeX
- Nir Shavit, Nissim Francez:
A New Approach to Detection of Locally Indicative Stability.
344-358 BibTeX
- Claus-Peter Schnorr:
A More Efficient Algorithm for Lattice Basis Reduction (Extended Abstract).
359-369 BibTeX
- Uwe Schöning:
Lower Bounds by Recursion Theoretic Arguments (Extended Abstract).
370-375 BibTeX
- Klaus Simon:
An Improved Algorithm for Transitive Closure on Acyclic Digraphs.
376-386 BibTeX
- Jean-Claude Spehner:
Un Algorithme Determinant les Melanges de Deux Mots.
387-396 BibTeX
- Paul G. Spirakis, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis:
A Very Fast, Practical Algorithm for Finding a Negative Cycle in a Digraph.
397-406 BibTeX
- Colin Stirling:
A Compositional Reformulation of Owicki-Gries's Partial Correctness Logic for a Concurrent While Language.
407-415 BibTeX
- Howard Straubing:
Semigroups and Languages of Dot-Depth 2.
416-423 BibTeX
- Peter J. Varman, Kshitij Doshi:
A Parallel Vertex Insertion Algorithm For Minimum Spanning Trees.
424-433 BibTeX
- Klaus W. Wagner:
More Complicated Questions About Maxima and Minima, and Some Closures of NP.
434-443 BibTeX
- Dan E. Willard:
Lower Bounds for Dynamic Range Query Problems That Permit Subtraction (Extended Abstract).
444-453 BibTeX
- Jia-Huai You, P. A. Subrahmanyam:
E-Unification Algorithms for a Class of Confluent Term Rewriting Systems.
454-463 BibTeX
- Damian Niwinski:
On Fixed-Point Clones (Extended Abstract).
464-473 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:05 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)