
Bala Ravikumar

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43 Oscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar: Implementation and Applications of Automata, 13th International Conference, CIAA 2008, San Francisco, California, USA, July 21-24, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
42EEBala Ravikumar: The Benford-Newcomb Distribution and Unambiguous Context-Free Languages. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(3): 717-727 (2008)
41EECagdas Evren Gerede, Oscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar, Jianwen Su: Minimum-cost delegation in service composition. Theor. Comput. Sci. 409(3): 417-431 (2008)
40EEBala Ravikumar, Nicolae Santean: Deterministic Simulation of a NFA with k -Symbol Lookahead. SOFSEM (1) 2007: 488-497
39EEBala Ravikumar, Nicolae Santean: On the Existence of Lookahead Delegators for NFA. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 18(5): 949-973 (2007)
38EEBala Ravikumar: On some variations of two-way probabilistic finite automata models. Theor. Comput. Sci. 376(1-2): 127-136 (2007)
37EEBala Ravikumar: On Some Variations of Two-Way Probabilistic Finite Automata Models. Developments in Language Theory 2006: 443-454
36 Oscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar, Cagdas Evren Gerede: Quality-Aware Service Delegation in Automated Web Service Composition: An Automata-Theoretic Approach. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 11(2): 169-188 (2006)
35EEOscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar: On partially blind multihead finite automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 356(1-2): 190-199 (2006)
34EEGerry Eisman, Bala Ravikumar: Approximate Recognition of Non-regular Languages by Finite Automata. ACSC 2005: 219-228
33 Bala Ravikumar, Greg Cooper: Fibonacci Search Algorithm for Finding Extremum Using Unary Predicates. FCS 2005: 59-63
32EECagdas Evren Gerede, Oscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar, Jianwen Su: Online and Minimum-Cost Ad Hoc Delegation in e-Service Composition. IEEE SCC 2005: 103-112
31EEBala Ravikumar: Peg-solitaire, string rewriting systems and finite automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 321(2-3): 383-394 (2004)
30EEBala Ravikumar, Gerry Eisman: Weak minimization of DFA - an algorithm and applications. Theor. Comput. Sci. 328(1-2): 113-133 (2004)
29EEBala Ravikumar: Weak Minimization of DFA - An Algorithm and Applications. CIAA 2003: 226-238
28EEBala Ravikumar: A Fault-Tolerant Merge Sorting Algorithm. COCOON 2002: 440-447
27 Bala Ravikumar: Parallel Algorithms for Finite Automata Problems. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 373
26EEVenkatesh Raman, Bala Ravikumar, S. Srinivasa Rao: A Simplified NP-Complete MAXSAT Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 65(1): 1-6 (1998)
25 Bala Ravikumar: Peg-Solitaire, String Rewriting Systems and Finite Automata. ISAAC 1997: 233-242
24 Tao Jiang, Ming Li, Bala Ravikumar: Formal Models and Computability. The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook 1997: 31-63
23 Bala Ravikumar, X. Xiong: Randomized Parallel Algorithms for the Homing Sequence Problem. ICPP, Vol. 2 1996: 82-89
22EEBala Ravikumar, X. Xiong: A Parallel Algorithm for Minimization of Finite Automata. IPPS 1996: 187-191
21 Bala Ravikumar, X. Xiong: Implementing Sequential and Parallel Programs for the Homing Sequence Problem. Workshop on Implementing Automata 1996: 120-131
20 Tao Jiang, Bala Ravikumar: Minimal NFA Problems are Hard. SIAM J. Comput. 22(6): 1117-1141 (1993)
19 Bala Ravikumar: Some Observations on 2-way Probabilistic Finite Automata. FSTTCS 1992: 392-403
18 Tao Jiang, Edward McDowell, Bala Ravikumar: The Structure and Complexity of Minimal NFA's over a Unary Alphabet. FSTTCS 1991: 152-171
17 Tao Jiang, Bala Ravikumar: Minimal NFA Problems Are Hard. ICALP 1991: 629-640
16 K. B. Lakshmanan, Bala Ravikumar, K. Ganesan: Coping with Erroneous Information while Sorting. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(9): 1081-1084 (1991)
15 Oscar H. Ibarra, Tao Jiang, Jik H. Chang, Bala Ravikumar: Some Classes of Languages in NC¹ Inf. Comput. 90(1): 86-106 (1991)
14 Tao Jiang, Bala Ravikumar: A Note on the Space Complexity of Some Decision Problems for Finite Automata. Inf. Process. Lett. 40(1): 25-31 (1991)
13 Tao Jiang, Edward McDowell, Bala Ravikumar: The Structure and Complexity of Minimal NFA's over a Unary Alphabet. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 2(2): 163-182 (1991)
12 Moon-Jung Chung, Bala Ravikumar: Strong Nondeterministic Turing Reduction - A Technique for Proving Intractability. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 39(1): 2-20 (1989)
11 Bala Ravikumar, Oscar H. Ibarra: Relating the Type of Ambiguity of Finite Automata to the Succinctness of Their Representation. SIAM J. Comput. 18(6): 1263-1282 (1989)
10 Oscar H. Ibarra, Tao Jiang, Bala Ravikumar, Jik H. Chang: On Some Languages in NC. AWOC 1988: 64-73
9 Oscar H. Ibarra, Tao Jiang, Bala Ravikumar: Some Subclasses of Context-Free Languages In NC1. Inf. Process. Lett. 29(3): 111-117 (1988)
8 Oscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar: Sublogarithmic-Space Turing Machines, Nonuniform Space Complexity, and Closure Properties. Mathematical Systems Theory 21(1): 1-17 (1988)
7 Oscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar: Relating the Degree of Ambiguity of Finite Automata to the Succinctness of their Representation. FSTTCS 1987: 26-43
6 Moon-Jung Chung, Bala Ravikumar: Bounds on the Size of Test Sets for Sorting and Related Networks. ICPP 1987: 745-751
5 Bala Ravikumar, K. Ganesan, K. B. Lakshmanan: On Selecting the Largest Element in Spite of Erroneous Information. STACS 1987: 88-99
4 Jik H. Chang, Oscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar, Leonard Berman: Some Observations Concerning Alternating Turing Machines Using Small Space. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(1): 1-9 (1987)
3 Oscar H. Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar: On Sparseness, Ambiguity and other Decision Problems for Acceptors and Transducers. STACS 1986: 171-179
2 Jik H. Chang, Oscar H. Ibarra, Michael A. Palis, Bala Ravikumar: On Pebble Automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 44: 111-121 (1986)
1 Bala Ravikumar, K. B. Lakshmanan: Coping with Known Patterns of Lies in a Search Game. Theor. Comput. Sci. 33: 85-94 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Leonard Berman [4]
2Jik H. Chang [2] [4] [10] [15]
3Moon-Jung Chung [6] [12]
4Greg Cooper [33]
5Gerry Eisman [30] [34]
6K. Ganesan [5] [16]
7Cagdas Evren Gerede (Cagdas E. Gerede) [32] [36] [41]
8Oscar H. Ibarra [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [15] [32] [35] [36] [41] [43]
9Tao Jiang [9] [10] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [20] [24]
10K. B. Lakshmanan (Kadathur B. Lakshmanan) [1] [5] [16]
11Ming Li [24]
12Edward McDowell [13] [18]
13Michael A. Palis [2]
14Venkatesh Raman [26]
15S. Srinivasa Rao (Srinivasa Rao Satti) [26]
16Nicolae Santean [39] [40]
17Jianwen Su [32] [41]
18X. Xiong [21] [22] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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