
M. Ishii

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5EEMing Li, M. Ishii, Russell H. Taylor: Spatial Motion Constraints Using Virtual Fixtures Generated by Anatomy. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(1): 4-19 (2007)
4EEX. G. Wang, Z. Tang, H. Tamura, M. Ishii: A modified error function for the backpropagation algorithm. Neurocomputing 57: 477-484 (2004)
3EEM. Ishii, T. Fukui, Y. Furukawa, T. Nakatani, T. Ohata, R. Tanaka: Upgrade of Spring-8 Beamline Network with Vlan Technology Over Gigabit Ethernet CoRR cs.NI/0111027: (2001)
2 Hironori Nakajo, M. Ishii, T. Kudo, Hideharu Amano: Coherence Protocol for Home Proxy Cache on RHiNET. PDPTA 2000
1EEM. Ishii, T. Nagata: Feature extraction of three-dimensional objects and visual processing in a hand-eye system using laser tracker. Pattern Recognition 8(4): 229-237 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Hideharu Amano [2]
2T. Fukui [3]
3Y. Furukawa [3]
4T. Kudo [2]
5Ming Li [5]
6T. Nagata [1]
7Hironori Nakajo [2]
8T. Nakatani [3]
9T. Ohata [3]
10H. Tamura [4]
11R. Tanaka [3]
12Z. Tang [4]
13Russell H. Taylor [5]
14X. G. Wang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)