
Juris Hartmanis

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110EEJuris Hartmanis: Separation of complexity classes. J. ACM 50(1): 58-62 (2003)
109EEJuris Hartmanis: Computational Complexity and Mathematical Proofs. Informatics 2001: 251-256
108 Juris Hartmanis: Undecidability and Incompleteness Results in Automata Theory. A Half-Century of Automata Theory 2000: 21-35
107EEJuris Hartmanis: Observations about the Nature and State of Computer Science (Keynote Address). ICALP 1999: 105
106 David D. Clark, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Donald P. Greenberg, Juris Hartmanis, Robert W. Lucky, Robert Metcalfe, Raj Reddy, Mary Shaw, William A. Wulf: Innovation and Obstacles: The Future of Computing. IEEE Computer 31: 29-38 (1998)
105 Juris Hartmanis: On the Computing Paradigm and Computational Complexity. MFCS 1995: 82-92
104 Juris Hartmanis: Response to the Essays "On Computational Complexity and the Nature of Computer Science". ACM Comput. Surv. 27(1): 59-61 (1995)
103 Juris Hartmanis: Turing Award Lecture: On Computational Complexity and the Nature of Computer Science. ACM Comput. Surv. 27(1): 7-16 (1995)
102 Juris Hartmanis: On the Weight of Computations. Bulletin of the EATCS 55: (1995)
101 Juris Hartmanis, Suresh Chari: On the Intellectual Terrain Around NP. CIAC 1994: 1-11
100 Juris Hartmanis: The Structure of the Complexity of Computations: A Guided Tour Through Complexity Classes. IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 213-220
99 Juris Hartmanis: About the Nature of the Computer Science. Bulletin of the EATCS 53: 170-190 (1994)
98 Juris Hartmanis: Turing Award Lecture: On Computational Complexity and the Nature of Computer Science. Commun. ACM 37(10): 37-43 (1994)
97 Richard Chang, Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Juris Hartmanis, Johan Håstad, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: The Random Oracle Hypothesis Is False. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(1): 24-39 (1994)
96 Jin-yi Cai, Juris Hartmanis: On Hausdorff and Topological Dimensions of the Kolmogorov Complexity of the Real Line. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(3): 605-619 (1994)
95EEHerbert S. Lin, Juris Hartmanis, John R. Rice, Morton Lowengrub: Computing the Future: Whither Computer Science and Engineering? ACM Conference on Computer Science 1993: 530
94 Juris Hartmanis: Some Observations About the Nature of Computer Science. FSTTCS 1993: 1-12
93 Juris Hartmanis: A Broader Research Agenda for Theory. Bulletin of the EATCS 49: 125-129 (1993)
92 Juris Hartmanis: Computing the Future - Comittee to Assess the Scope and Direction of Computer Science and Technology of the National Research Council. Commun. ACM 35(11): 30-40 (1992)
91 Desh Ranjan, Richard Chang, Juris Hartmanis: Space Bounded Computations: Review and New Separation Results. Theor. Comput. Sci. 80(2): 289-302 (1991)
90 Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra: One-Way Functions and the Nonisomorphism of NP-Complete Sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 81(1): 155-163 (1991)
89 Juris Hartmanis, Richard Chang, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: Structural Complexity Theory: recent Surprises. SWAT 1990: 1-12
88 Juris Hartmanis, Richard Chang, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: On Unique Staisfiability and Randomized Reductions. Bulletin of the EATCS 41: 166-174 (1990)
87 Juris Hartmanis: New Developments in Structural Complexity Theory. Theor. Comput. Sci. 71(1): 79-93 (1990)
86 Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra: Robust Machines Accept Easy Sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 74(2): 217-225 (1990)
85 Juris Hartmanis, Desh Ranjan: Space Bounded Computations: Review And New Separation Results. MFCS 1989: 49-66
84 Jin-yi Cai, Juris Hartmanis: The Complexity Of The Real Line Is A Fractal. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1989: 138-146
83 Juris Hartmanis: The Structural Complexity Column. Bulletin of the EATCS 37: 117-126 (1989)
82 Juris Hartmanis: The Structural Complexity Column. Bulletin of the EATCS 38: 101-106 (1989)
81 Ted Eisenberg, David Gries, Juris Hartmanis, Don Holcomb, M. Stuart Lynn, Thomas Santoro: The Cornell Commission: On Morris and the Worm. Commun. ACM 32(6): 706-709 (1989)
80 Jin-yi Cai, Thomas Gundermann, Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra, Vivian Sewelson, Klaus W. Wagner, Gerd Wechsung: The Boolean Hierarchy II: Applications. SIAM J. Comput. 18(1): 95-111 (1989)
79 Juris Hartmanis: New Developments in Structural Complexity Theory. ICALP 1988: 271-286
78 Juris Hartmanis: The Structural Complexity Column. Bulletin of the EATCS 35: 82-91 (1988)
77 Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra: On Sparse Oracles Separating Feasible Complexity Classes. Inf. Process. Lett. 28(6): 291-295 (1988)
76 Jin-yi Cai, Thomas Gundermann, Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra, Vivian Sewelson, Klaus W. Wagner, Gerd Wechsung: The Boolean Hierarchy I: Structural Properties. SIAM J. Comput. 17(6): 1232-1252 (1988)
75 Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra: Complexity Classes without Machines: On Complete Languages for UP. Theor. Comput. Sci. 58: 129-142 (1988)
74 Juris Hartmanis: Some Observations of NP Complete Sets. FCT 1987: 185-196
73 Juris Hartmanis: Structural Complexity Columns in Sparse complete sets for NP and the optimal collpase of the polynomial hierarchy. Bulletin of the EATCS 32: 73-81 (1987)
72 Juris Hartmanis: The Structural Complexity Column. Bulletin of the EATCS 33: 26-39 (1987)
71 Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra: Complexity Classes Without Machines: On Complete Languages for UP. ICALP 1986: 123-135
70 Juris Hartmanis, Ming Li, Yaacov Yesha: Containment, Separation, Complete Sets, and Immunity of Complexity Classes. ICALP 1986: 136-145
69 Juris Hartmanis: Pragmatic Aspects of Complexity Theory (Panel). IFIP Congress 1986: 3-4
68 Juris Hartmanis, Lane A. Hemachandra: On Sparse Oracles Separating Feasible Complexity Classes. STACS 1986: 321-333
67 Juris Hartmanis, Neil Immerman: On Complete Problems for NP$\cap$CoNP. ICALP 1985: 250-259
66 Juris Hartmanis: Solvable problems with conflicting relativizations. Bulletin of the EATCS 27: 40-48 (1985)
65 Juris Hartmanis: Independence Results About Context-Free Languages and Lower Bounds. Inf. Process. Lett. 20(5): 241-248 (1985)
64 Juris Hartmanis, Neil Immerman, Vivian Sewelson: Sparse Sets in NP-P: EXPTIME versus NEXPTIME Information and Control 65(2/3): 158-181 (1985)
63 Juris Hartmanis: On non-isomorphic NP complete sets. Bulletin of the EATCS 24: 73-77 (1984)
62 Juris Hartmanis, Yaacov Yesha: Computation Times of NP Sets of Different Densities. Theor. Comput. Sci. 34: 17-32 (1984)
61 Juris Hartmanis: Generalized Kolmogorov Complexity and the Structure of Feasible Computations (Preliminary Report) FOCS 1983: 439-445
60 Juris Hartmanis, Juris Hartmanis, Yaacov Yesha: Computation Times of NP Sets of Different Densities. ICALP 1983: 319-330
59 Juris Hartmanis, Juris Hartmanis, Yaacov Yesha: Computation Times of NP Sets of Different Densities. ICALP 1983: 319-330
58 Juris Hartmanis, Vivian Sewelson, Neil Immerman: Sparse Sets in NP-P: EXPTIME versus NEXPTIME STOC 1983: 382-391
57 Juris Hartmanis: On Sparse Sets in NP - P. Inf. Process. Lett. 16(2): 55-60 (1983)
56 Juris Hartmanis: On Gödel Speed-Up and Succinctness of Language Representations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 26: 335-342 (1983)
55 Juris Hartmanis: A Note on Natural Complete Sets and Gödel Numberings. Theor. Comput. Sci. 17: 75-89 (1982)
54 Juris Hartmanis, Stephen R. Mahaney: Languages Simultaneously Complete for One-Way and Two-Way Log-Tape Automata. SIAM J. Comput. 10(2): 383-390 (1981)
53 Juris Hartmanis, Stephen R. Mahaney: An Eassay about Research on Sparse NP Complete Sets. MFCS 1980: 40-57
52 Juris Hartmanis: On the Succinctness of Different Representations of Languages. SIAM J. Comput. 9(1): 114-120 (1980)
51 Juris Hartmanis: Observations about the Development of Theoretical Computer Science FOCS 1979: 224-233
50 Theodore P. Baker, Juris Hartmanis: Succinctness, Verifiability and Determinism in Representations of Polynomial-Time Languages FOCS 1979: 392-396
49 Juris Hartmanis: On the Succintness of Different Representations of Languages. ICALP 1979: 282-288
48 Juris Hartmanis, Theodore P. Baker: Relative Succinctness of Representations of Languages and Separation of Complexity Classes. MFCS 1979: 70-88
47 Juris Hartmanis: Relations Between Diagonalization, Proof Systems, and Complexity Gaps. Theor. Comput. Sci. 8: 239-253 (1979)
46 Juris Hartmanis, Neil Immerman, Stephen R. Mahaney: One-Way Log-Tape Reductions FOCS 1978: 65-72
45 Juris Hartmanis, Leonard Berman: On Polynomial Time Isomorphisms of Some New Complete Sets. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 16(3): 418-422 (1978)
44 Juris Hartmanis: On Log-Tape Isomorphisms of Complete Sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 7: 273-286 (1978)
43 Juris Hartmanis: Relations Between Diagonalization, Proof Systems, and Complexity Gaps (Preliminary Version) STOC 1977: 223-227
42 Leonard Berman, Juris Hartmanis: On polynomial time isomorphisms of complete sets. Theoretical Computer Science 1977: 1-16
41 Leonard Berman, Juris Hartmanis: On Isomorphisms and Density of NP and Other Complete Sets. SIAM J. Comput. 6(2): 305-322 (1977)
40 Juris Hartmanis, Leonard Berman: On Isomorphisms and Density of NP and Other Complete Sets STOC 1976: 30-40
39 Juris Hartmanis, Janos Simon: On the Structure of Feasible Computations. Advances in Computers 14: 1-43 (1976)
38 Juris Hartmanis: On Effective Speed-Up and Long Proofs of Trivial Theorems in Formal Theories. ITA 10(1): 29-38 (1976)
37 Juris Hartmanis, Leonard Berman: On Tape Bounds for Single Letter Alphabet Language Processing. Theor. Comput. Sci. 3(2): 213-224 (1976)
36 Juris Hartmanis, Leonard Berman: A Note on Tape Bounds for SLA Language Processing FOCS 1975: 65-70
35 Juris Hartmanis: Computational Complexity of Formal Translations. Mathematical Systems Theory 8(2): 156-167 (1975)
34 Juris Hartmanis, Theodore P. Baker: On Simple Gödel Numberings and Translations. SIAM J. Comput. 4(1): 1-11 (1975)
33 Juris Hartmanis, Janos Simon: On the Power of Multiplication in Random Access Machines FOCS 1974: 13-23
32 Juris Hartmanis, Janos Simon: On the Structure of Feasible Computation. GI Jahrestagung 1974: 3-51
31 Juris Hartmanis, Theodore P. Baker: On Simple Goedel Numberings and Translations. ICALP 1974: 301-316
30 Juris Hartmanis: On the Problem of Finding Natural Computational Complexity Measures. MFCS 1973: 95-103
29 Juris Hartmanis, H. Walter: Group Theoretic Characterization of Linear Permutation Automata. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 7(2): 168-188 (1973)
28 Juris Hartmanis: On Non-Determinancy in Simple Computing Devices Acta Inf. 1: 336-344 (1972)
27 Robert L. Constable, Juris Hartmanis: Complexity of Formal Translations and Speed-Up Results STOC 1971: 244-250
26EEJuris Hartmanis, John E. Hopcroft: An Overview of the Theory of Computational Complexity. J. ACM 18(2): 444-475 (1971)
25 Juris Hartmanis, Forbes D. Lewis: The use of Lists in the Study of Undecidable Problems in Automata Theory. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 5(1): 54-66 (1971)
24 Juris Hartmanis: Computational Complexity of Random Acess Stored Program Machines. Mathematical Systems Theory 5(3): 232-245 (1971)
23 Juris Hartmanis, John E. Hopcroft: What makes Some Language Theory Problems Undecidable. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 4(4): 368-376 (1970)
22 Juris Hartmanis: A Note on One-Way and Two-Way Automata. Mathematical Systems Theory 4(1): 24-28 (1970)
21EEJuris Hartmanis: On the Complexity of Undecidable Problems in Automata Theory. J. ACM 16(1): 160-167 (1969)
20 Juris Hartmanis, H. Shank: Two Memory Bounds for the Recognition of Primes by Automata. Mathematical Systems Theory 3(2): 125-129 (1969)
19 Juris Hartmanis, John E. Hopcroft: Structure of Undecidable Problems in Automata Theory FOCS 1968: 327-333
18 Patrick C. Fischer, Juris Hartmanis, Manuel Blum: Tape Reversal Complexity Hierarchies FOCS 1968: 373-382
17EEJuris Hartmanis: Computational Complexity of One-Tape Turing Machine Computations. J. ACM 15(2): 325-339 (1968)
16EEJuris Hartmanis, H. Shank: On the Recognition of Primes by Automata. J. ACM 15(3): 382-389 (1968)
15 Juris Hartmanis: Tape-Reversal Bounded Turing Machine Computations. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2(2): 117-135 (1968)
14 Juris Hartmanis: On the Complexity of Undecidable Problems in Automata Theory FOCS 1967: 112-116
13EEJuris Hartmanis: On Memory Requirements for Context-Free Language Recognition. J. ACM 14(4): 663-665 (1967)
12 Juris Hartmanis, Wayne A. Davis: Homomorphic Images of Linear Sequential Machines. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 1(2): 155-165 (1967)
11 Richard Edwin Stearns, Juris Hartmanis, Philip M. Lewis II: Hierarchies of memory limited computations FOCS 1965: 179-190
10 Philip M. Lewis II, Richard Edwin Stearns, Juris Hartmanis: Memory bounds for recognition of context-free and context-sensitive languages FOCS 1965: 191-202
9 Richard Edwin Stearns, Juris Hartmanis: On the application of pair algebra to automata theory FOCS 1964: 192-196
8 Juris Hartmanis, Richard Edwin Stearns: Computational complexity of recursive sequences FOCS 1964: 82-90
7 Juris Hartmanis, Richard Edwin Stearns: Pair Algebra and Its Application to Automata Theory Information and Control 7(4): 485-507 (1964)
6 Richard Edwin Stearns, Juris Hartmanis: Regularity Preserving Modifications of Regular Expressions Information and Control 6(1): 55-69 (1963)
5EEJuris Hartmanis: Further Results on the Structure of Sequential Machines. J. ACM 10(1): 78-88 (1963)
4 Juris Hartmanis: Loop-Free Structure of Sequential Machines Information and Control 5(1): 25-43 (1962)
3 Juris Hartmanis, Richard Edwin Stearns: Some Dangers in State Reduction of Sequential Machines Information and Control 5(3): 252-260 (1962)
2 Juris Hartmanis: Symbolic Analysis of a Decomposition of Information Processing Machines Information and Control 3(2): 154-178 (1960)
1 Juris Hartmanis: The Applications of Some Basic Inequalities for Entropy Information and Control 2(3): 199-213 (1959)

Coauthor Index

1Theodore P. Baker [31] [34] [48] [50]
2Leonard Berman [36] [37] [40] [41] [42] [45]
3Manuel Blum [18]
4Jin-yi Cai [76] [80] [84] [96]
5Richard Chang [88] [89] [91] [97]
6Suresh Chari [101]
7Benny Chor [97]
8David D. Clark [106]
9Robert L. Constable [27]
10Wayne A. Davis [12]
11Ted Eisenberg [81]
12Edward A. Feigenbaum [106]
13Patrick C. Fischer [18]
14Oded Goldreich [97]
15Donald P. Greenberg [106]
16David Gries [81]
17Thomas Gundermann [76] [80]
18Johan Håstad [97]
19Lane A. Hemaspaandra (Lane A. Hemachandra) [68] [71] [75] [76] [77] [80] [86] [90]
20Don Holcomb [81]
21John E. Hopcroft [19] [23] [26]
22Neil Immerman [46] [58] [64] [67]
23Forbes D. Lewis [25]
24Philip M. Lewis (Philip M. Lewis II) [10] [11]
25Ming Li [70]
26Herbert S. Lin [95]
27Morton Lowengrub [95]
28Robert W. Lucky [106]
29M. Stuart Lynn [81]
30Stephen R. Mahaney [46] [53] [54]
31Robert Metcalfe [106]
32Desh Ranjan [85] [88] [89] [91] [97]
33Raj Reddy [106]
34John R. Rice [95]
35Pankaj Rohatgi [88] [89] [97]
36Thomas Santoro [81]
37Vivian Sewelson [58] [64] [76] [80]
38H. Shank [16] [20]
39Mary Shaw [106]
40Janos Simon [32] [33] [39]
41Richard Edwin Stearns [3] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
42Klaus W. Wagner [76] [80]
43H. Walter [29]
44Gerd Wechsung [76] [80]
45William A. Wulf [106]
46Yaacov Yesha [60] [62] [70]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)