
Martin Buss

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65EERaphaela Groten, Jens Hölldampf, Angelika Peer, Martin Buss: Predictability of a Human Partner in a Pursuit Tracking Task without Haptic Feedback. ACHI 2009: 63-68
64EEMichael Strolz, Martin Buss: Haptic Rendering of Actuated Mechanisms by Active Admittance Control. EuroHaptics 2008: 712-717
63EEUlrich Unterhinninghofen, Franziska K. B. Freyberger, Martin Buss: Study on Computer Assistance for Telepresent Reaching Movements. EuroHaptics 2008: 745-754
62EEHelena Pongrac, Angelika Peer, Berthold Färber, Martin Buss: Effects of Varied Human Movement Control on Task Performance and Feeling of Telepresence. EuroHaptics 2008: 755-765
61EERaphaela Groten, Jens Hölldampf, Massimiliano Di Luca, Marc O. Ernst, Martin Buss: Motion Primitives of Dancing. EuroHaptics 2008: 838-843
60EEQuirin Muhlbauer, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss: Fusing laser and vision data with a genetic ICP algorithm. ICARCV 2008: 1844-1849
59EETingting Xu, Quirin Muhlbauer, Stefan Sosnowski, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss: Looking at the surprise: Bottom-up attentional control of an active camera system. ICARCV 2008: 637-642
58EETingting Xu, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss: Information-based gaze control adaptation to scene context for mobile robots. ICPR 2008: 1-4
57EEUlrich Unterhinninghofen, Thomas Schauss, Martin Buss: Control of a mobile haptic interface. ICRA 2008: 2085-2090
56EETianguang Zhang, Haiyan Wu, Alexander Borst, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss: An FPGA implementation of insect-inspired motion detector for high-speed vision systems. ICRA 2008: 335-340
55EEKlaas Klasing, Dirk Wollherr, Martin Buss: A clustering method for efficient segmentation of 3D laser data. ICRA 2008: 4043-4048
54EEGeorgios Lidoris, Dirk Wollherr, Martin Buss: Bayesian state estimation and behavior selection for autonomous robotic exploration in dynamic environments. IROS 2008: 1299-1306
53EEAngelika Peer, Martin Buss: Robust stability analysis of a bilateral teleoperation system using the parameter space approach. IROS 2008: 2350-2356
52EEFlorian Rohrmuller, Matthias Althoff, Dirk Wollherr, Martin Buss: Probabilistic mapping of dynamic obstacles using Markov chains for replanning in dynamic environments. IROS 2008: 2504-2510
51EEAngelika Peer, Sandra Hirche, Carolina Weber, Inga Krause, Martin Buss, Sylvain Miossec, Paul Evrard, Olivier Stasse, Ee Sian Neo, Abderrahmane Kheddar, Kazuhito Yokoi: Intercontinental cooperative telemanipulation between Germany and Japan. IROS 2008: 2715-2716
50EEYuta Komoguchi, Ken'ichi Yano, Angelika Peer, Martin Buss: Redundancy resolution of a 7 DOF haptic interface considering collision and singularity avoidance. IROS 2008: 3513-3518
49EEAngelika Peer, Sandra Hirche, Carolina Weber, Inga Krause, Martin Buss, Sylvain Miossec, Paul Evrard, Olivier Stasse, Ee Sian Neo, Abderrahmane Kheddar, Kazuhito Yokoi: Intercontinental multimodal tele-cooperation using a humanoid robot. IROS 2008: 405-411
48EEMartin Buss, Angelika Peer, Thomas Schauss, Nikolay Stefanov, Ulrich Unterhinninghofen, Stephan Behrendt, Georg Färber, Jan Leupold, Klaus Diepold, Fakheredine Keyrouz, Michel Sarkis, Peter Hinterseer, Eckehard G. Steinbach, Berthold Färber, Helena Pongrac: Multi-modal multi-user telepresence and teleaction system. IROS 2008: 4137-4138
47EEPeter Hinterseer, Sandra Hirche, Subhasis Chaudhuri, Eckehard G. Steinbach, Martin Buss: Perception-Based Data Reduction and Transmission of Haptic Data in Telepresence and Teleaction Systems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56(2): 588-597 (2008)
46EEMartin Kuschel, Franziska K. B. Freyberger, Berthold Färber, Martin Buss: Visual-haptic perception of compliant objects in artificially generated environments. The Visual Computer 24(10): 923-931 (2008)
45EEChristian Liefhold, Moritz Grosse-Wentrup, Klaus Gramann, Martin Buss: Comparison of Adaptive Spatial Filters with Heuristic and Optimized Region of Interest for EEG Based Brain-Computer-Interfaces. DAGM-Symposium 2007: 274-283
44EEAnsgar Bittermann, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss: On the Evaluation of Emotion Expressing Robots. ICRA 2007: 2138-2143
43EEGeorgios Lidoris, Kolja Kühnlenz, Dirk Wollherr, Martin Buss: Combined Trajectory Planning and Gaze Direction Control for Robotic Exploration. ICRA 2007: 4044-4049
42EEKwang-Kyu Lee, Martin Buss: Obstacle avoidance for redundant robots using Jacobian transpose method. IROS 2007: 3509-3514
41EEHeike Vallery, Ralf Ekkelenkamp, Herman van der Kooij, Martin Buss: Passive and accurate torque control of series elastic actuators. IROS 2007: 3534-3538
40EEAngelika Peer, Yuta Komoguchi, Martin Buss: Towards a mobile haptic interface for bimanual manipulations. IROS 2007: 384-391
39EEGeorgios Lidoris, Klaas Klasing, Andrea Maria Bauer, Tingting Xu, Kolja Kühnlenz, Dirk Wollherr, Martin Buss: The autonomous city explorer project: aims and system overview. IROS 2007: 560-565
38EEMichael Beetz, Martin Buss, Dirk Wollherr: Cognitive Technical Systems - What Is the Role of Artificial Intelligence? KI 2007: 19-42
37EEFranziska K. B. Freyberger, Martin Kuschel, Berthold Färber, Martin Buss, Roberta L. Klatzky: Tilt Perception by Constant Tactile and Constant Proprioceptive Feedback through a Human System Interface. WHC 2007: 342-347
36EESandra Hirche, Peter Hinterseer, Eckehard G. Steinbach, Martin Buss: Transparent Data Reduction in Networked Telepresence and Teleaction Systems. Part I: Communication without Time Delay. Presence 16(5): 523-531 (2007)
35EESandra Hirche, Martin Buss: Transparent Data Reduction in Networked Telepresence and Teleaction Systems. Part II: Time-Delayed Communication. Presence 16(5): 532-542 (2007)
34EEMoritz Grosse-Wentrup, Martin Buss: Overcomplete Independent Component Analysis via Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Spatial Filtering. VLSI Signal Processing 48(1-2): 161-171 (2007)
33EEGisbert Lawitzky, Martin Buss: Service Roboter (Service Robots). it - Information Technology 49(4): 211- (2007)
32EEThomas Buschmann, Sebastian Lohmeier, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss, Heinz Ulbrich, Friedrich Pfeiffer: LOLA - a Performance Enhanced Humanoid Robot (LOLA - ein leistungsgesteigerter humanoider Roboter). it - Information Technology 49(4): 218- (2007)
31EEPeter Breun, Moritz Grosse-Wentrup, Wolfgang Utschick, Martin Buss: Robust MEG Source Localization of Event Related Potentials: Identifying Relevant Sources by Non-Gaussianity. DAGM-Symposium 2006: 394-403
30EEGeorgios Lidoris, Martin Buss: A Multi-agent System Architecture for Modular Robotic Mobility Aids. EUROS 2006: 15-26
29 Kolja Kühnlenz, Mathias Bachmayer, Martin Buss: A Multi-focal High-performance Vision System. ICRA 2006: 150-155
28 Martin Kuschel, Philipp Kremer, Sandra Hirche, Martin Buss: Lossy Data Reduction Methods for Haptic Telepresence Systems. ICRA 2006: 2933-2938
27EEStefan Sosnowski, Ansgar Bittermann, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss: Design and Evaluation of Emotion-Display EDDIE. IROS 2006: 3113-3118
26EEKolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss: A Multi-Camera View Stabilization Strategy. IROS 2006: 5303-5308
25EEStefan Sosnowski, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss: EDDIE - An Emotion Display with Dynamic Intuitive Expressions. IROS 2006
24EEKwang-Kyu Lee, Martin Buss: Redundancy Resolution With Multiple Criteria. IROS 2006: 598-603
23EEAngelika Peer, Bartlomiej Stanczyk, Ulrich Unterhinninghofen, Martin Buss: Tele-assembly in Wide Remote Environments. IROS 2006
22EEMoritz Grosse-Wentrup, Klaus Gramann, Martin Buss: Adaptive Spatial Filters with predefined Region of Interest for EEG based Brain-Computer-Interfaces. NIPS 2006: 537-544
21EEBartlomiej Stanczyk, Angelika Peer, Martin Buss: Development of a high-performance haptic telemanipulation system with dissimilar kinematics. Advanced Robotics 20(11): 1303-1320 (2006)
20EEKnut Drewing, Michael Fritschi, Regine Zopf, Marc O. Ernst, Martin Buss: First evaluation of a novel tactile display exerting shear force via lateral displacement. TAP 2(2): 118-131 (2005)
19EEMarc Ueberle, Nico Mock, Martin Buss: ViSHaRD10, A Novel Hyper-Redundant Haptic Interface. HAPTICS 2004: 58-65
18EEMarc Ueberle, Martin Buss: Design and Control of a Hyper-Redundant Haptic Interface. ISER 2004: 523-532
17 Martin Buss: Guest Editor's Introduction. Presence 13(1): (2004)
16 Michael Hardt, Oskar von Stryk, Dirk Wollherr, Martin Buss: Development and control of autonomous, biped locomotion using efficient modeling, simulation, and optimization techniques. ICRA 2003: 1356-1361
15EEHubert Baier, Martin Buss, Franz Freyberger, Günther Schmidt: Interactive stereo vision telepresence for correct communication of spatial geometry. Advanced Robotics 17(3): 219-233 (2003)
14EEDirk Wollherr, Martin Buss: Cost-oriented virtual reality and real-time control system architecture. Robotica 21(3): 289-294 (2003)
13 Thomas Schlegl, Martin Buss, Toru Omata, Günther Schmidt: Fast Dextrous Regrasping with Optimal Contact Forces and Contact Sensor-Based Impedance Control. ICRA 2001: 103-108
12 Martin Buss, Thomas Schlegl: A Discrete-Continuous Control Approach to Dextrous Manipulation. ICRA 2000: 276-281
11 Oliver Lorch, Martin Buss, Franz Freyberger, Günther Schmidt: Aspekte der bildverarbeitungsgestützten Lokomotion humanoider Laufmaschinen. AMS 1999: 22-32
10EEHubert Baier, Martin Buss, Franz Freyberger, Jens Hoogen, Peter Kammermeier, Günther Schmidt: Distributed PC-Based Haptic, Visual and Acoustic Telepresence System - Experiments in Virtual and Remote Environments. VR 1999: 118-125
9 Jörg Mareczek, Martin Buss, Günther Schmidt: Robust Global Stabilization of the Underactuated 2-DOf Manipulator R2D1. ICRA 1998: 2640-2645
8 Thomas Schlegl, Martin Buss: Hybrid Closed-Loop Control of Robotic Hand Regrasping. ICRA 1998: 3026-3031
7 Martin Buss, Hideki Hashimoto, John B. Moore: Grasping Force Optimization for Multi-Fingered Robot Hands. ICRA 1995: 1034-1039
6 Martin Buss, Hideki Hashimoto: Dextrous Robot Hand Experiments. ICRA 1995: 1680-1686
5 Hideki Hashimoto, Martin Buss, Yasuharu Kunii, Fumio Harashima: Intelligent Cooperative Manipulation System Using Dynamic Force Simulator. ICRA 1994: 2598-2603
4 Martin Buss, Hideki Hashimoto: Manipulation Skill Modeling for Dexterous Hands. ICRA 1994: 3403-3408
3 Hideki Hashimoto, Yasuharu Kunii, Martin Buss, Fumio Harashima: Dynamic Force Simulator for Force Feedback Human-Machine Interaction. VR 1993: 209-215
2EEToshio Fukuda, Martin Buss, Hidemi Hosokai, Yoshio Kawauchi: Cell Structured robotic system CEBOT: Control, planning and communication methods. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 7(2-3): 239-248 (1991)
1 Toshio Fukuda, Martin Buss, Hidemi Hosokai, Yoshio Kawauchi: Cell Structured Robotic System CEBOT - Control, Planning and Communication Methods. IAS 1989: 661-671

Coauthor Index

1Matthias Althoff [52]
2Mathias Bachmayer [29]
3Hubert Baier [10] [15]
4Andrea Maria Bauer [39]
5Michael Beetz [38]
6Stephan Behrendt [48]
7Ansgar Bittermann [27] [44]
8Alexander Borst [56]
9Peter Breun [31]
10Thomas Buschmann [32]
11Subhasis Chaudhuri [47]
12Klaus Diepold [48]
13Knut Drewing [20]
14Ralf Ekkelenkamp [41]
15Marc O. Ernst [20] [61]
16Paul Evrard [49] [51]
17Berthold Färber [37] [46] [48] [62]
18Georg Färber [48]
19Franz Freyberger [10] [11] [15]
20Franziska K. B. Freyberger [37] [46] [63]
21Michael Fritschi [20]
22Toshio Fukuda [1] [2]
23Klaus Gramann [22] [45]
24Moritz Grosse-Wentrup [22] [31] [34] [45]
25Raphaela Groten [61] [65]
26Fumio Harashima [3] [5]
27Michael Hardt [16]
28Hideki Hashimoto [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
29Peter Hinterseer [36] [47] [48]
30Sandra Hirche [28] [35] [36] [47] [49] [51]
31Jens Hölldampf [61] [65]
32Jens Hoogen [10]
33Hidemi Hosokai [1] [2]
34Peter Kammermeier [10]
35Yoshio Kawauchi [1] [2]
36Fakheredine Keyrouz [48]
37Abderrahmane Kheddar [49] [51]
38Klaas Klasing [39] [55]
39Roberta L. Klatzky [37]
40Yuta Komoguchi [40] [50]
41Herman van der Kooij [41]
42Inga Krause [49] [51]
43Philipp Kremer [28]
44Kolja Kühnlenz [25] [26] [27] [29] [32] [39] [43] [44] [56] [58] [59] [60]
45Yasuharu Kunii [3] [5]
46Martin Kuschel [28] [37] [46]
47Gisbert Lawitzky [33]
48Kwang-Kyu Lee [24] [42]
49Jan Leupold [48]
50Georgios Lidoris [30] [39] [43] [54]
51Christian Liefhold [45]
52Sebastian Lohmeier [32]
53Oliver Lorch [11]
54Massimiliano Di Luca [61]
55Jörg Mareczek [9]
56Sylvain Miossec [49] [51]
57Nico Mock [19]
58John B. Moore [7]
59Quirin Muhlbauer [59] [60]
60Ee Sian Neo [49] [51]
61Toru Omata [13]
62Angelika Peer [21] [23] [40] [48] [49] [50] [51] [53] [62] [65]
63Friedrich Pfeiffer [32]
64Helena Pongrac [48] [62]
65Florian Rohrmuller [52]
66Michel Sarkis [48]
67Thomas Schauss [48] [57]
68Thomas Schlegl [8] [12] [13]
69Günther Schmidt [9] [10] [11] [13] [15]
70Stefan Sosnowski [25] [27] [59]
71Bartlomiej Stanczyk [21] [23]
72Olivier Stasse [49] [51]
73Nikolay Stefanov [48]
74Eckehard G. Steinbach [36] [47] [48]
75Michael Strolz [64]
76Oskar von Stryk [16]
77Marc Ueberle [18] [19]
78Heinz Ulbrich [32]
79Ulrich Unterhinninghofen [23] [48] [57] [63]
80Wolfgang Utschick [31]
81Heike Vallery [41]
82Carolina Weber [49] [51]
83Dirk Wollherr [14] [16] [38] [39] [43] [52] [54] [55]
84Haiyan Wu [56]
85Tingting Xu [39] [58] [59]
86Ken'ichi Yano [50]
87Kazuhito Yokoi [49] [51]
88Tianguang Zhang [56]
89Regine Zopf [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)