
Friedrich Pfeiffer

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30EEThomas Buschmann, Sebastian Lohmeier, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss, Heinz Ulbrich, Friedrich Pfeiffer: LOLA - a Performance Enhanced Humanoid Robot (LOLA - ein leistungsgesteigerter humanoider Roboter). it - Information Technology 49(4): 218- (2007)
29 Thomas Buschmann, Sebastian Lohmeier, Heinz Ulbrich, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Dynamics Simulation for a Biped Robot: Modeling and Experimental Verification. ICRA 2006: 2673-2678
28 Sebastian Lohmeier, Thomas Buschmann, Heinz Ulbrich, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Modular Joint Design for Performance Enhanced Humanoid Robot LOLA. ICRA 2006: 88-93
27 Sebastian Lohmeier, Klaus Löffler, Michael Gienger, Heinz Ulbrich, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Computer System and Control of Biped "Johnnie". ICRA 2004: 4222-4227
26 Andreas Zagler, Friedrich Pfeiffer: "Moritz" a pipe crawler for tube junctions. ICRA 2003: 2954-2959
25 Markus Weber, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Therapy of hemiparetic walking by FES. ICRA 2003: 4002-4007
24 Klaus Löffler, Michael Gienger, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Sensor and control design of a dynamically stable biped robot. ICRA 2003: 484-490
23 Klaus Löffler, Michael Gienger, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Sensors and Control Concept of Walking 'Johnnie'. I. J. Robotic Res. 22(3-4): 229-240 (2003)
22 Friedrich Pfeiffer, Klaus Löffler, Michael Gienger: The Concept of Jogging JOHNNIE. ICRA 2002: 3129-3135
21EEMichael Gienger, Klaus Löffler, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Practical Aspects of Biped Locomotion. ISER 2002: 95-104
20 Michael Gienger, Klaus Löffler, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Towards the Design of a Biped Jogging Robot. ICRA 2001: 4140-4145
19 Andreas Zagler, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Weiterentwicklung einer Laufmaschine für Rohre. AMS 2000: 239-248
18 Friedrich Pfeiffer, Thomas Roßmann: About Friction in Walking Machines. ICRA 2000: 2165-2172
17 Alexander Schlotter, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Modeling, Control and Optimization of a New Tele Robot. ICRA 2000: 2659-2664
16 Michael Gienger, Klaus Löffler, Friedrich Pfeiffer: A Biped Robot that Jogs. ICRA 2000: 3334-3339
15 J. Steuer, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Regelstruktur einer Laufmaschine für autonomes Laufen in unebenem Gelände. AMS 1997: 13-23
14 Thomas Roßmann, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Control of an Eight Legged Pipe Crawling Robot. ISER 1997: 335-346
13EEFriedrich Pfeiffer: Assembly processes with robotic systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 19(2): 151-166 (1996)
12 Thomas Roßmann, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Simulation und Regelung eines Rohrkrabblers. AMS 1995: 80-89
11 Friedrich Pfeiffer, J. Hölzl: Parameter Identification for Industrial Robots. ICRA 1995: 1468-1476
10 Joachim Steinle, H. Wapenhans, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Planning and Sensitivity Analysis of Automated Assembly Processes with Robots. ICRA 1995: 2003-2008
9EEFriedrich Pfeiffer, Jürgen Eltze, Hans-Jürgen Weidemann: Six-legged technical walking considering biological principles. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 14(2-3): 223-232 (1995)
8 Th. Meitinger, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Automated Assembly with Compliant Mating Parts. ICRA 1994: 1462-1467
7 Hans-Jürgen Weidemann, G. Mayr, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Regelung einer sechsbeinigen Laufmaschine. KI 8(3): 8-12 (1994)
6 H. Wapenhans, W. Seyfferth, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Robotic Force Control for Flexible Assembly. ICRA (1) 1993: 225-231
5 Friedrich Pfeiffer, Hans-Jürgen Weidemann, Jürgen Eltze: Leg Design Based on Biological Principles. ICRA (3) 1993: 352-358
4 Friedrich Pfeiffer, K. Richter, M. Kovacsne-Bende: Augmented flexible link manipulator trajectory control for moving a filled glass. Robotersysteme 8: 74-78 (1992)
3 Friedrich Pfeiffer, K. Richter, H. Wapenhans: Elastic Robot Trajectory Planning with Force Control. Modelling the Innovation 1990: 201-212
2EEFriedrich Pfeiffer, K. Richter: Optimal path planning including forces at the gripper. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 3(3): 251-258 (1990)
1 R. Johanni, Friedrich Pfeiffer: Optimale Bahnplanung für Industrieroboter. Robotersysteme 3: 29-36 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Buschmann [28] [29] [30]
2Martin Buss [30]
3Jürgen Eltze [5] [9]
4Michael Gienger [16] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [27]
5J. Hölzl [11]
6R. Johanni [1]
7M. Kovacsne-Bende [4]
8Kolja Kühnlenz [30]
9Klaus Löffler [16] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [27]
10Sebastian Lohmeier [27] [28] [29] [30]
11G. Mayr [7]
12Th. Meitinger [8]
13K. Richter [2] [3] [4]
14Thomas Roßmann [12] [14] [18]
15Alexander Schlotter [17]
16W. Seyfferth [6]
17Joachim Steinle [10]
18J. Steuer [15]
19Heinz Ulbrich [27] [28] [29] [30]
20H. Wapenhans [3] [6] [10]
21Markus Weber [25]
22Hans-Jürgen Weidemann [5] [7] [9]
23Andreas Zagler [19] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)